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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Aloprim; Apo-Allopurinol; Purinol; Zyloprim)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  200
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597843260
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with allopurinol is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Aloprim; Apo-Allopurinol; Purinol; Zyloprim




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to allopurinol. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to allopurinol. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Allopurinol


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Allopurinol

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Allopurinol


Finding Nutrition Studies on Allopurinol

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Allopurinol


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Allopurinol


Dissertations on Allopurinol

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Allopurinol


Recent Trials on Allopurinol

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Allopurinol


Patents on Allopurinol

Patent Applications on Allopurinol

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Allopurinol


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Allopurinol

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Allopurinol


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Allopurinol

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on allopurinol will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on allopurinol.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

6 Epithelial Cells Norepinephrine
6-Mercaptopurine Epithelium Nuclear
A Erection Nucleic acid
Abdomen Erythema Nucleus
Abdominal Erythema Infectiosum O
Abdominal Pain Erythema Multiforme Ointments
Acatalasia Erythrocytes Oliguria
Acceptor Esophageal Omentum
Acetylcholine Esophagus Oocytes
Acetylcysteine Ethanol Opacity
Acidosis Exanthema Organ Preservation
Acremonium Excrete Organ Preservation Solutions
Acute renal Exercise Test Organ Transplantation
Acute tubular Exercise Tolerance Organelles
Adenine Exhaustion Ornithine
Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase Exocrine Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase
Adenosine Exogenous Osmolarity
Adenosine Kinase Expectorant Osteoporosis
Adhesions Extracellular Overactive bladder
Adjuvant Extracellular Space Overdosage
Adrenergic Extracorporeal Oxalate
Adverse Effect Extraction Oxalic Acid
Affinity Extrapyramidal Oxidation
Age of Onset F Oxidative Stress
Agonist Family Planning Oxygen Consumption
AK Fat Oxygenator
Alanine Fatigue Oxypurinol
Albumin Fatty acids P
Aldehydes Femoral Pachymeningitis
Alertness Femoral Artery Palate
Algorithms Fibrin Palliative
Alkaline Fibrinogen Pancreas
Alkalinization Fibrinolysis Pancreatic
Alkaloid Fibrosis Pancreatitis
Alleles Fistula Parasite
Allergen Flatus Parasitic
Allograft Fluorouracil Parietal
Alternative medicine Flush Parotid
Aluminum Fold Particle
Aluminum Hydroxide Folic Acid Pathogenesis
Ameliorating Follicles Pathologic
Amino Acid Sequence Folliculitis Pathologic Processes
Amino Acids Foot Ulcer Patient Education
Ammonia Forearm Penicillamine
Amphetamines Fractionation Penicillin
Ampulla Free Radical Scavengers Penis
Anal Fungi Pentamidine
Analgesic Fungus Pentoxifylline
Analog G Pepsin
Analogous Gallbladder Pepsin A
Anastomosis Ganglia Peptide
Anatomical Gas Percutaneous
Anemia Gastric Perfusion
Anesthesia Gastric Acid Pericardium
Aneurysm Gastrin Peripheral blood
Angina Gastroduodenal Peripheral Neuropathy
Anginal Gastrointestinal Peritoneal
Angioplasty Gastrointestinal tract Peritoneum
Angiotensinogen Gelatin Pest Control
Animal model Gene Pharmaceutical Preparations
Anions Gene Expression Pharmaceutical Solutions
Anomalies Genetics Pharmacodynamic
Anoxia Genotype Pharmacokinetic
Antagonism Germ Cells Pharmacologic
Antibacterial Giant Cells Phenotype
Antibiotics Gland Pheromones
Antibodies Glomerular Phosphates
Antibody Glomerular Filtration Rate Phosphodiesterase
Antidote Glomerulus Phospholipids
Antiemetic Glucocorticoid Phosphorus
Antifungal Glucose Physical Examination
Antigen Glucose Intolerance Physiologic
Anti-infective Glucuronic Acid Pilot study
Anti-inflammatory Glutathione Peroxidase Piperonyl Butoxide
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glycine Plant Growth Regulators
Antimetabolite Glycols Plants
Antimony Glycoprotein Plasma cells
Antineoplastic Governing Board Plasminogen
Antioxidant Grade Platelet Aggregation
Antipyretic Graft Platelets
Antispasmodic Graft Rejection Platinum
Antiviral Grafting Poisoning
Anus Graft-versus-host disease Polypeptide
Aorta Granulocytes Polyposis
Aplasia Granulomas Polysaccharide
Apolipoproteins Growth Posterior
Apoptosis Growth Inhibitors Postmenopausal
Aqueous Guanylate Cyclase Postoperative
Arachidonic Acid H Potassium
Arginine Habitual Potassium Channels
Arrhythmia Hair follicles Potassium Citrate
Arterial Headache Potentiates
Arteries Heart attack Practice Guidelines
Arterioles Heart failure Precursor
Aseptic Heart Transplantation Prednisolone
Aspergillosis Hematologist Prednisone
Asphyxia Heme Pregnatrienes
Aspirin Hemodialysis Preload
Assay Hemodynamics Prevalence
Asymptomatic Hemoglobin Priapism
Atmospheric Pressure Hemolytic Probe
Atresia Hemorrhage Probenecid
Atrial Heparin Progression
Atrium Hepatic Progressive
Atropine Hepatic Artery Proline
Atypical Hepatoma Propantheline
Autacoids Hepatotoxicity Prophase
Autodigestion Hereditary Prophylaxis
Autonomic Heredity Prostaglandin
Axonal Herpes Prostaglandins A
Azauridine Herpes virus Prostate
B Herpes Zoster Prostate gland
Babesiosis Heterotrophic Prostatitis
Bacteremia Heterozygotes Protease
Bacteria Histamine Protective Agents
Bactericidal Homologous Protein C
Base Hormone Protein S
Benign Host Proteins
Benzbromarone Hydration Protons
Bile Hydrochlorothiazide Protozoa
Biliary Hydrogen Psychic
Biliary Tract Hydrogen Peroxide Public Policy
Bioavailability Hydrolysis Publishing
Biochemical Hydrophobic Pulmonary
Biosynthesis Hydroxides Pulmonary Artery
Biotechnology Hydroxyl Radical Pulse
Bladder Hydroxylysine Purines
Blastomycosis Hydroxyproline Purulent
Blood Coagulation Hydroxyurea Pustular
Blood Glucose Hyperbaric Pyrazinamide
Blood pressure Hyperbaric oxygen Q
Body Fluids Hyperoxaluria Quinine
Bone Marrow Hypersensitivity R
Bowel Hypertension Radiation
Bowel Movement Hypertrophy Radiation therapy
Bradykinin Hyperuricaemia Radioactive
Branch Hyperuricemia Radioactivity
Breakdown Hypoplasia Raffinose
Broad-spectrum Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Randomized
Bronchioles Hypouricaemia Randomized clinical trial
Bronchiolitis Hypoxanthine Reabsorption
Bronchitis Hypoxia Reactivation
Buccal I Reactive Oxygen Species
Burns Id Reagent
Burns, Electric Idiopathic Receptor
Bypass Ileal Recombinant
C Ileum Rectum
Caffeine Immune system Recurrence
Calcium Immunity Refer
Calcium channel blocker Immunization Refractory
Calcium Channel Blockers Immunochemistry Regimen
Calcium Chloride Immunofluorescence Reliability
Calcium Oxalate Immunologic Remission
Calculi Immunosuppressant Renal failure
Capillary Immunosuppressive Renal pelvis
Capsules Immunosuppressive therapy Renal tubular
Carbohydrates Immunotherapy Renin
Carcinoma Impairment Reperfusion
Cardiac arrest Implantation Reperfusion Injury
Cardiac Output In vitro Replantation
Cardiomyopathy In vivo Resolving
Cardiopulmonary Incision Respiration
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Incontinence Restoration
Cardiotonic Indicative Resuscitation
Cardiovascular Indinavir Retina
Cardiovascular System Indomethacin Retreatment
Carnitine Infancy Retrospective
Case report Infantile Rheology
Case series Infarction Rhinitis
Catabolism Infection Ribonuclease
Catalase Infertility Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase
Cataract Infusion Ribose
Catecholamine Ingestion Risk factor
Catheterization Inlay Ritonavir
Cathode Inorganic Rotenone
Cations Inotropic S
Causal Inpatients Salicylate
Celiac Artery Insect Control Salivary
Cell Adhesion Insecticides Salivary glands
Cell Cycle Insight Saphenous
Cell Death Insufflation Saphenous Vein
Cell membrane Insulin Sarcoidosis
Cellobiose Interleukin-1 Schizoid
Cellulose Interleukin-2 Schizophrenia
Central Nervous System Interstitial Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Centrifugation Intestinal Sclera
Cephalosporins Intestinal Obstruction Screening
Cerebral Intestine Secretion
Cerebral Arteries Intoxication Seizures
Cerebrovascular Intracellular Selenium
Cerebrum Intravenous Senile
Cervix Inulin Sepsis
Character Invasive Septic
Chemotherapy Involuntary Serous
Cholesterol Ions Serum
Cholesterol Esters Ischemia Shock
Chromatin Isoenzyme Side effect
Chromosome Itraconazole Skeletal
Chronic Disease J Skeleton
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Joint Small intestine
Chronic prostatitis K Smooth muscle
Chylomicrons Kb Sodium
Cimetidine Ketoconazole Sodium Bicarbonate
Cinchona Kidney Disease Solid tumor
Cisplatin Kidney Failure Solvent
Clinical study Kidney stone Somatic
Clinical trial Kinetics Sorbitol
Cloning L Specialist
Coca Labile Species
Cocaine Large Intestine Specificity
Cockroaches Lavage Spectrum
Cofactor Laxative Sperm
Colchicine Leishmaniasis Spinal cord
Colitis Lens Spleen
Collagen Leprosy Stavudine
Colorectal Lesion Steel
Colorectal Cancer Lethal Sterile
Complement Leucocyte Sterility
Complementary and alternative medicine Leucovorin Steroids
Complementary medicine Leukaemia Stimulant
Computational Biology Leukemia Stimulus
Concretion Leukocytes Stomach
Cone Leukopenia Stomatitis
Congenita Library Services Stool
Congestion Life cycle Streptococci
Congestive heart failure Ligaments Streptokinase
Conjugated Ligands Stress
Connective Tissue Linkages Stroke
Consciousness Lipase Stroke Volume
Constriction Lipid Structure-Activity Relationship
Consumption Lipid Peroxidation Subacute
Continuous infusion Lipoprotein Subclinical
Contractility Liposomal Subcutaneous
Contraindications, ii Lithiasis Subspecies
Controlled study Lithium Substance P
Conventional therapy Lithotripsy Substrate
Conventional treatment Liver Cirrhosis Sulfinpyrazone
Cornea Liver metastases Sulfur
Coronary Localized Superoxide
Coronary Artery Bypass Low-density lipoprotein Superoxide Dismutase
Coronary Thrombosis Lung Transplantation Supplementation
Cortex Lymph Suppositories
Cortical Lymph node Suppression
Corticosteroid Lymphatic Survival Rate
Cortisone Lymphatic system Sympathomimetic
Cranial Lymphocyte Symptomatic
Cranial Irradiation Lymphoid Synergist
Creatine Lymphokines Synovial
Creatine Kinase Lymphoma Synovial Fluid
Creatinine Lymphoproliferative Synovial Membrane
Curative Lymphosarcoma Systemic
Cutaneous Lysine Systolic
Cyanide Lytic T
Cyclic M Tachycardia
Cyclosporine Macrophage Tachypnea
Cysteine Macrophage Activation Tacrolimus
Cystine Magnesium Hydroxide Terminator
Cystinuria Magnesium Oxide Theophylline
Cytochrome Malaria Therapeutics
Cytokine Malaria, Falciparum Thioacetamide
Cytomegalovirus Malaria, Vivax Threshold
Cytoplasm Malignant Thrombin
Cytotoxic Malignant tumor Thromboembolism
Cytotoxicity Malondialdehyde Thrombolytic
D Mammary Thrombolytic Therapy
Databases, Bibliographic Mania Thrombosis
De novo Manic Thrombus
Deamination Mannitol Thymus
Deferoxamine Mediate Tiazofurin
Deletion Mediator Tin
Dementia Medicament Tissue Preservation
Density MEDLINE Topical
Dentifrices Meglumine Torsion
Depressive Disorder Melarsoprol Toxic, iv
Deprivation Membrane Toxicity
Dermal Membrane Glycoproteins Toxicology
Desensitisation Memory Toxins
Desensitization Meninges Transcriptase
Deuterium Meningitis Transfection
Developed Countries Mental Disorders Translocation
Diabetes Insipidus Mentors Transmitter
Diabetes Mellitus Mesentery Transplantation
Diagnostic procedure Metabolic disorder Trauma
Dialyzer Metabolite Triamterene
Diastole Metastasis Trypanosomiasis
Diastolic Metastatic Tryptophan
Dicyclomine Methionine Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Didanosine Metoclopramide Tumor Necrosis Factor
Dideoxyadenosine MI Tungsten
Dietary Fats Micelle Type 2 diabetes
Diflunisal Microbe Tyrosine
Digestion Microbiology U
Digestive system Microcirculation Ulcerative colitis
Dilatation Microdialysis Unconscious
Dilatation, Pathologic Microorganism Univalent
Dilated cardiomyopathy Micro-organism Uracil
Dilation Microscopy Uraemia
Dilator Microsomal Urea
Direct, iii Microspheres Uremia
Discrimination Migration Ureter
Disease Vectors Mitochondrial Swelling Urethra
Disinfectant Mitosis Uric
Distal Mitral Valve Uricosuric
Diuresis Modeling Uridine Monophosphate
Diuretic Modification Urinary tract
Dobutamine Molecular Urinary tract infection
Dopamine Molecule Urine
Dorsal Monitor Uterus
Dosage Forms Monocytes Uvea
Dose-dependent Mononuclear Uveitis
Drug Design Monophosphate V
Drug Interactions Monotherapy Vaccines
Drug Resistance Morphological Vagina
Drug Tolerance Morphology Vaginal
Duct Motility Vaginitis
Duodenum Mucocutaneous Valine
Dura mater Mucolytic Valves
Dystrophy Mucosa Vascular
E Mucositis Vasculitis
Echocardiography Mucus Vasoconstriction
Edema Muscular Dystrophies Vasodilation
Effector Mutagenesis Vasodilator
Efficacy Mutagens Vein
Ejection fraction Mycophenolate mofetil Venous
Elastin Myocardial infarction Ventricle
Elective Myocardial Reperfusion Ventricular
Electrolysis Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Ventricular Dysfunction
Electrolyte Myocardium Ventricular Pressure
Electrons Myotonia Venules
Embolus N Verapamil
Emphysema Nausea Vesicular
Encapsulated NCI Veterinary Medicine
Encephalitis Necrosis Viral
Encephalitis, Viral Need Virulence
Encephalopathy Neoplasms Virus
Endemic Neoplastic Visceral
Endoscope Nephrectomy Viscosity
Endoscopic Nephritis Vitro
Endothelial cell Nephrolithiasis Vivo
Endothelium Nephropathy W
Endothelium, Lymphatic Nerve White blood cell
Endothelium, Vascular Nervous System Withdrawal
Endothelium-derived Neuromuscular X
Endotoxin Neuromuscular Junction Xanthine Dehydrogenase
Energetic Neurons Xanthine Oxidase
Enterocolitis Neuropathy Xenograft
Environmental Health Neurotransmitters Y
Enzymatic Neutrophil Yeasts
Enzyme Inhibitors Nifedipine Z
Epidermis Nitric Oxide Zalcitabine
Epigastric Nitrogen Zidovudine
Epilepticus Nitrogen Dioxide
Epinephrine Nitroglycerin
Epithelial Nitroprusside









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