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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  312
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597837651
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with beef is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to beef. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to beef. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Beef


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Beef

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Beef


Finding Nutrition Studies on Beef

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Beef


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Beef


Dissertations on Beef

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Beef


Patents on Beef

Patent Applications on Beef

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Beef


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Beef

Chapter 7. Multimedia on Beef


Video Recordings

Bibliography: Multimedia on Beef

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Beef


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Beef

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on beef will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on beef.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Endotoxic Overweight
3-dimensional Endotoxins Ovum
A Enhancer Ownership
Abdomen Enteric Nervous System Oxalate
Abdominal Environmental Health Oxalic Acid
Acatalasia Enzymatic Oxaloacetate
Acceptor Epidemic Oxidants
Acrylonitrile Epidemiological Oxidation
Actin Epigastric Oxidation-Reduction
Activities of Daily Living Epinephrine Oxidative Stress
Acute renal Epithelial Oximetry
Acyl Epithelial Cells Oxygen Consumption
Adaptability Epitope P
Adaptation Ergot P53 gene
Adduct Erythema Palliative
Adenine Erythrocytes Pancreas
Adenosine Esophagitis Papain
Adenylate Cyclase Esophagus Parasite
Adhesives Esterification Parasitic
Adipocytes Estrogen Parasitism
Adipose Tissue Ethanol Particle
Adjustment Ether Parturition
Adrenal Cortex Ethionine Pathogen
Adrenal Medulla Ethoxyquin Pathogenesis
Adverse Effect Eukaryotic Cells Patient Education
Aerobic Evoke Pelvic
Aerosol Exocrine Penicillin
Affinity Exogenous Pentosan polysulfate
Afterload Exotoxin Peptide
Agar External-beam radiation Perception
Age Groups Extracellular Perforation
Aged Extraction Perfusion
Aggressiveness Exudate Peripheral Nervous System
Albumin F Peritoneal
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Faecal Peritoneal Cavity
Aldehydes Family Planning Pernicious
Alfalfa Fatty acids Pernicious anemia
Algorithms Fatty Acids, Omega-3 Peroxide
Alimentary Feces Pesticides
Alkaline Fermentation Petrolatum
Alkaloid Ferritin PH
Allergen Fertilizers Phagocyte
Allylamine Fetus Phagocytosis
Alpha Particles Filtration Phallic
Alternative medicine Fish Oils Pharmaceutical Preparations
Aluminum Fish Products Pharmacokinetic
Alveoli Fixation Pharmacologic
Amine Flatus Pharynx
Amino Acid Sequence Flavoring Agents Phenolphthalein
Amino Acids Fluorescence Phenotype
Aminoethyl Fold Phosphates
Ammonia Food Chain Phospholipids
Amplification Food Labeling Phosphorus
Ampulla Forearm Photocoagulation
Amylase Fovea Physiologic
Anaerobic Frameshift Physiology
Anal Frameshift Mutation Pigment
Analgesic Fructose Placenta
Analog Fungi Plant Proteins
Analogous Fungus Plasma
Anaphylatoxins G Plasma cells
Anaphylaxis Gamma irradiation Plasma protein
Anatomical Gamma Rays Plastids
Anemia Ganglia Platelet Adhesiveness
Anesthesia Gangrenous Platelet Count
Angina Gas Platinum
Animal Husbandry Gas exchange Poisoning
Animal model Gastric Polyethylene
Anions Gastrin Polymerase
Annealing Gastroenteritis Polymerase Chain Reaction
Anthelmintic Gastrointestinal Polymers
Antibacterial Gastrointestinal tract Polymorphism
Antibiotic Gene Polypeptide
Antibodies Gene Expression Polysaccharide
Anticoagulant Genetic Code Polyunsaturated fat
Anticonvulsant Genetic testing Posterior
Antidote Genetics Postprandial
Antigen Genotype Potassium
Antigen-Antibody Complex Germ Cells Poultry Products
Anti-infective Gestation Practice Guidelines
Antimetabolite Giardiasis Precancerous
Antimicrobial Ginger Precipitating Factors
Antioxidant Gland Precipitation
Antiviral Glucose Precursor
Antiviral Agents Glucuronic Acid Prenatal
Anus Glucuronides Presumptive
Anxiety Glutathione Peroxidase Prevalence
Apolipoproteins Gluten Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Apoptosis Glycerol Prion
Approximate Glycerophospholipids Probe
Aqueous Glycosidic Progeny
Arachidonic Acid Goats Progression
Arginase Gonadotropin Progressive
Arginine Gossypol Proinsulin
Aromatic Gout Projection
Arterial Governing Board Proline
Arteries Grade Promoter
Arterioles Grading Prophase
Ascites Graft Prophylaxis
Ascitic Fluid Grafting Prostaglandins
Ascorbic Acid Gram-negative Prostate
Aseptic Granulocytes Protease
Aspartate Growth factors Protective Agents
Aspiration H Protein C
Assay Habitual Proteolytic
Atopic Hair follicles Protocol
Atrial Haploid Protons
Atrophy Haptens Protozoa
Atypical Headache Proximal
Autologous Heart Ventricle Proxy
Autologous bone marrow transplantation Heme Pruritic
Autonomic Hemin Pseudomonas
Autosuggestion Hemoglobin Psychiatry
B Hemolytic Puberty
Bacteremia Heparin Public Health
Bacterial Physiology Hepatic Public Policy
Bactericide Hepatitis Publishing
Bacteriophage Hepatocytes Pulmonary
Bacterium Hepatomegaly Pulmonary Artery
Basal Ganglia Herbicides Pulmonary Edema
Base Heredity Pulse
Beer Herpes Purified Insulins
Benign Herpes Zoster Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
Beta-sheet Heterogeneity Q
Bile Histamine Quinacrine
Bile Acids Histidine Quinoxaline
Bile Ducts Homogeneous R
Bilirubin Homologous Race
Binding agent Hormonal Radiation
Binding Sites Host Radiation therapy
Bioassay Human growth hormone Radioactive
Bioavailability Humoral Radioisotope
Biochemical Humour Radiolabeled
Biological therapy Hybrid Radiotherapy
Biomarkers Hybridization Randomized
Biosynthesis Hydrofluoric Acid Reagent
Biotechnology Hydrogen Receptor
Biotin Hydrogen Bonding Recombinant
Biotransformation Hydrogen Peroxide Recombination
Biotype Hydrolysis Rectum
Bladder Hydrophilic Red blood cells
Blastocyst Hydrophobic Reductase
Bleeding Time Hydroxylation Refer
Blood Cell Count Hydroxylysine Refraction
Blood Coagulation Hydroxyproline Regimen
Blood Glucose Hyperlipidemia Renal pelvis
Blood Platelets Hypersensitivity Respiration
Blood pressure Hypnotic Respiratory Physiology
Blood vessel Hypodermic Retina
Blot Hypothalamic Retinoids
Body Fluids Hypothalamus Retinol
Body Mass Index I Reversion
Bone Marrow Iatrogenic Rheumatoid
Bone Marrow Purging Ice Cream Rhinitis
Bowel Id Ribonucleic acid
Brachytherapy Ileal Ribose
Brain Diseases Ileum Rigidity
Branch Imaging procedures Rigor Mortis
Breakdown Imidazole Risk factor
Breeding Immune function Ristocetin
Bronchodilator Immune response Rod
Buffers Immune system Rodenticides
Butyric Acid Immunity Rubber
Bypass Immunodeficiency Rye
C Immunodiffusion S
Cadaver Immunoelectrophoresis Salmonella
Cadmium Immunogenic Salmonellosis
Cadmium Poisoning Immunoglobulin Sanitation
Calcium Immunohistochemistry Sarcomere
Calcium Chloride Immunologic Satellite
Calcium Oxalate Immunology Saturated fat
Calculi Immunomagnetic Separation Screening
Caloric intake Implant radiation Seafood
Capillary Implantation Sebaceous
Capsules In vitro Secretion
Carbohydrate In vivo Sedative
Carbon Dioxide Incision Segregation
Carcinogen Incubated Selenium
Carcinogenesis Indicative Self Care
Carcinogenic Infant, Newborn Semen
Carcinoma Infarction Sensor
Cardiac Infectious Mononucleosis Septic
Cardiology Inflammation Septicaemia
Cardiotonic Influenza Sequencing
Carotene Infusion Serologic
Case report Ingestion Serotypes
Case series Inhalation Serous
Caspase Initiation Serum Albumin
Catalase In-line Sex Characteristics
Catfish Inner ear Shock
Cations Inorganic Side effect
Causality Insecticides Sil
Celiac Disease Insight Silage
Cell Division Insulin Silicon
Cell membrane Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Silicon Dioxide
Cell Respiration Insulin-like Skeleton
Cell Survival Internal Medicine Sludge
Cellobiose Internal radiation Small intestine
Cellulose Interstitial Smooth muscle
Central Nervous System Intervertebral Soaps
Centrifugation Intervertebral Disk Displacement Sodium Bicarbonate
Cerebellum Intestinal Sodium Lactate
Cerebral Intestine Solvent
Character Intracellular Soma
Chemopreventive Intracellular Membranes Somatic
Chemotactic Factors Intramuscular Somatotropin
Chest Pain Intravenous Soybean Oil
Chlorine Intrinsic Specialist
Cholera Invasive Specificity
Cholesterol Esters Iodine Spectrum
Chromatin Ionization Sperm
Chromium Ionizing Spices
Chromosomal Ionophores Spinal cord
Chromosome Ions Spirochete
Chronic Irradiation Splenomegaly
Chylomicrons K Sporadic
Chymopapain Kb Sprains and Strains
CIS Keratoconjunctivitis Stabilization
Citrus Kidney Disease Sterile
Claviceps Kidney stone Steroid
Clear cell carcinoma Kinetic Stimulus
Clenbuterol L Stomach
Clinical Medicine Labile Strand
Clinical study Lactation Streptococci
Clinical trial Large Intestine Streptomycin
Cloning Latent Stress
Coagulation Lavage Stringency
Cobalt Laxative Styrene
Cod Liver Oil Lectin Subacute
Coenzyme Leishmaniasis Subclinical
Cofactor Lens Subcutaneous
Cognition Lesion Submitochondrial Particles
Colchicine Lethal Subspecies
Colitis Leucine Substance P
Collagen Leukemia Substrate
Collapse Leukocytes Suction
Colloidal Leukotrienes Sulfotransferases
Combinatorial Library Services Sulfur
Complement Lice Sulfur Compounds
Complementary and alternative medicine Life cycle Superoxide
Complementary medicine Ligament Superoxide Dismutase
Complementation Linkage Surfactant
Computational Biology Lipid A Suspensions
Conception Lipid Peroxidation Sympathomimetic
Concomitant Lipolysis Symphysis
Condiments Lipopolysaccharides Symptomatic
Conjugated Lipoprotein Synchrony
Conjugation Liver Syphilis
Conjunctiva Liver Neoplasms Systemic
Connective Tissue Lobe Systole
Conscious Sedation Localization T
Consciousness Localized Talc
Consolidation Locomotion Tartar
Constriction Loop Teratogenic
Consumer Satisfaction Lorazepam Testicular
Contamination Low Back Pain Testis
Contraceptive Low-density lipoprotein Testosterone
Contraindications, ii Lower Esophageal Sphincter Thalamus
Corn Oil Lumbar Therapeutics
Cornea Lymph Thermal
Coronary Lymphadenopathy Thigh
Coronary Thrombosis Lymphatic Threshold
Cortex Lymphoid Thrombin
Corticosteroids Lysine Thrombocytopenia
Cortisol Lytic Thrombomodulin
Cottonseed Oil M Thrombosis
Counterpulsation Magnesium Hydroxide Thromboxanes
Criterion Magnesium Oxide Thyroid
Crossing-over Malabsorption Thyroid Gland
Culture Media Malate Dehydrogenase Thyroid Hormones
Cultured cells Malignant Thyrotoxicosis
Curative Malnutrition Thyroxine
Cutaneous Mastitis Tissue Culture
Cyclic Meat Products Tolerance
Cysteine Medical Staff Tooth Preparation
Cystine MEDLINE Topical
Cytochrome Membrane Toxic, iv
Cytochrome b Membrane Proteins Toxicity
Cytogenetics Memory Toxicokinetics
Cytoplasm Meninges Toxicology
Cytotoxins Mental Health, iv Toxins
D Metabolite Trace element
Dairy Products Methionine Tracer
Data Collection Metmyoglobin Trachea
Databases, Bibliographic MI Transfection
De novo Microbe Translating
Deamination Microbiological Transmitter
Decarboxylation Microorganism Transplantation
Decidua Microscopy Trauma
Degenerative Microsomal Trees
Dehydration Microspheres Triglyceride
Dementia Microvilli Trihalomethanes
Denaturation Mitochondria Tryptophan
Density Mitosis Tuberculosis
Dentures Mode of Transmission Tubulin
Deoxyribonucleic Modeling Tumor marker
Deoxyribonucleic acid Modification Tumor suppressor gene
Dermatitis Modulator Tylosin
DES Molasses TYPHI
Detergents Molecule Typhimurium
Detoxification Monensin Typhoid fever
Deuterium Monitor U
Diagnostic procedure Monoclonal Unconscious
Diarrhea Monocomponent Uncoupling Agents
Diarrhoea Mononuclear Unsaturated Fats
Diastolic Morphological Urea
Dietary Fiber Morphology Ureters
Digestion Motion Pictures Urethra
Digitalis Mucocutaneous Uridine Diphosphate
Dihydrotestosterone Mucosa Uridine Diphosphate Glucuronic Acid
Dilatation Muscle Fibers Urinary
Dilator Mustard Gas Urine
Dimethyl Mutagen Urticaria
Dioxins Mutagenesis V
Diphtheria Mutagenic Vaccine
Diphtheria Toxin Mutagenicity Vacuoles
Diploid Mutate Vagina
Direct, iii Myalgia Vancomycin
Disease Outbreaks Myocarditis Vascular
Disease Transmission Myocardium Vector
Disease Transmission, Horizontal Myoglobin Vegetable Proteins
Disease Transmission, Vertical N Vein
Disease Vectors Nasal Mucosa Venereal
Disinfectant NCI Venoms
Disinfection Necrosis Venous
Disposition Neonatal Venous blood
Dissociation Neoplasia Ventilation
Distal Neoplasms Ventricle
Diuretic Nephropathy Ventricular
Domesticated Nerve Venules
Dorsal Nervous System Vesicular
Dorsum Neural Veterinary Medicine
Double-blinded Neurodegenerative Diseases Vibrio
Drip Neuroendocrine Vibrio cholerae
Drug Design Neurology Villous
Drug Interactions Neutrons Vinblastine
Drug Residues Neutrophils Vincristine
Duodenum Nidation Viral
Dura mater Nisin Virulence
Dyes Nitrates Virus
E Nitric acid Virus Diseases
Echocardiography Nitrogen Viscera
Eczema Nitroglycerin Visceral
Effector Norepinephrine Vitro
Efficacy Nuclear Vivo
Elastin Nuclei Vulgaris
Electrocoagulation Nucleic acid W
Electrolyte Nucleic Acid Hybridization War
Electrons Nucleus Weight Gain
Electrophoresis Nutritive Value White blood cell
Embryo O Windpipe
Embryo Transfer Odour X
Empirical Omega-3 fatty acid Xenobiotics
Emulsion Omega-6 Fatty Acids Xenograft
Encephalitis Oncology X-ray
Encephalitis, Viral Oocytes X-ray therapy
Encephalopathy Opacity Y
Endemic Ophthalmology Yeasts
Endocarditis Organ Culture Z
Endocardium Organ Transplantation Zoonoses
Endocrine System Organelles Zygote
Endocrinology Organoleptic Zymogen
Endoscope Osmotic
Endoscopic Overexpress









Paperback Book

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