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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(arterial blood gas analysis)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  188
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497001500
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with blood gases is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

arterial blood gas analysis




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to blood gases. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to blood gases. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Blood Gases


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Blood Gases

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Blood Gases


Finding Nutrition Studies on Blood Gases

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Blood Gases


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Blood Gases


Patents on Blood Gases

Patent Applications on Blood Gases

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Blood Gases


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Blood Gases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on blood gases will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on blood gases.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Endothelium-derived Outpatient
Abdomen Endotoxin Ovary
Abdominal Energy balance Ovum
Abdominal Pain Enterocolitis Oxidation
Abscess Environmental Health Oximetry
Acceptor Enzymatic Oxygen Consumption
Acetylcholine Enzyme Oxygenation
Acidosis Enzyme Inhibitors Oxygenator
Acrylonitrile Ependyma P
Actin Epilepticus Paediatric
Acute renal Epinephrine Pancreas
Adenine Epithelial Pancreatic
Adenosine Epithelial Cells Pancreatitis
Adipocytes Epithelium Paraffin
Adjustment Erythrocyte Volume Paralysis
Adrenal Cortex Erythrocytes Paraparesis
Adrenal Medulla Erythropoietin Paresis
Adrenergic Esophageal Parietal
Aerobic Esophagus Partial remission
Aerobic Exercise Eukaryotic Cells Particle
Aerosol Eustachian tube Patch
Afferent Excipients Pathologic
Affinity Excitation Pathologic Processes
Agar Exercise Test Pathologies
Agarose Exogenous Pathophysiology
Age of Onset Expiration Patient Education
Agonist Expiratory Patient Simulation
Airway Extracellular Peak flow
Airway Obstruction Extracellular Matrix Pentamidine
Albumin Extracellular Matrix Proteins Peptide
Albuterol Extracellular Space Percutaneous
Algorithms Extracorporeal Perfusion
Alkaline Extracorporeal Circulation Periodontal disease
Alkaloid Extraction Peripheral Nervous System
Almitrine Extravasation Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
Alpha Particles Extremity Peritoneum
Alternative medicine F Peritonitis
Alveoli Family Planning Perspiration
Amino Acid Sequence Fasciculation Petroleum
Amino Acid Substitution Fat Pharmaceutic Aids
Amino Acids Fatigue Pharmacist
Amlodipine Fatty acids Pharmacokinetic
Ammonia Femoral Pharmacologic
Amnestic Femoral Artery Phenotype
Amniotic Fluid Femur Phenyl
Amputation Fentanyl Phospholipids
Anaesthesia Fertilizers Phosphorus
Anal Fetal Blood Photocoagulation
Analgesic Fetal Heart Physical Examination
Analogous Fetus Physiologic
Analytes Fibrin Physiology
Anaphylatoxins Fibrinogen Pigment
Anemia Fibrosis Pilocarpine
Anesthesia Flatus Placenta
Anesthetics Flavoring Agents Plants
Angina Fluorescence Plaque
Angina Pectoris Fold Plasma
Angiography Food Additives Plasma cells
Angiotensinogen Food Coloring Agents Plasma protein
Animal model Food Preservatives Plasma Volume
Anions Forearm Plasticity
Anode Fumigation Platelet Aggregation
Anomalies G Platelet Count
Antagonism Gallbladder Platelets
Anti-Anxiety Agents Gallium Plethysmograph
Antiarrhythmic Gangrene Pleura
Antibacterial Gas exchange Pleural
Antibiotic Gastrin Plexus
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Gastrointestinal Pneumoconiosis
Antibodies Gastrointestinal tract Pneumonia
Antibody Gels Pneumothorax
Anticonvulsants Gene Poisoning
Antiemetic Gene Expression Pollen
Antigen Genital Polychromatic
Antigen-Antibody Complex Genotype Polydipsia
Antihypertensive Gestation Polymerase
Anti-infective Gestational Polyphagia
Anti-Infective Agents Gestational Age Polysaccharide
Anti-inflammatory Gland Polyuria
Antioxidants Glomerular Port
Anxiety Glomerular Filtration Rate Port-a-cath
Anxiolytic Glomerulus Portal Hypertension
Aorta Glucose Portal Pressure
Aortic Valve Glucose Intolerance Portal Vein
Apnea Glucose tolerance Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
Apolipoproteins Glucose Tolerance Test Postmenopausal
Apoptosis Glucuronic Acid Postnatal
Aqueous Glutamic Acid Postoperative
Arachidonic Acid Glycerol Postural
Arcuate Nucleus Glycerophospholipids Potassium
Arginine Goats Potassium Chloride
Arteries Governing Board Practice Guidelines
Arterioles Grafting Precipitating Factors
Arteriosus Gram-positive Pregnancy Tests
Arteriovenous Granule Premedication
Arteriovenous Fistula Granulocytes Prenatal
Artery Growth factors Preoperative
Asphyxia Guanylate Cyclase Prevalence
Aspiration H Probe
Astrocytes Habitat Progression
Asymptomatic Haptens Progressive
Atresia Heart Arrest Prone
Atrial Heart failure Prone Position
Atrium Hematocrit Propofol
Atrophy Hematology Prostaglandin
Atropine Hematoma Prostaglandins A
Autodigestion Hemodialysis Protein C
Autosuggestion Hemodynamics Protein S
Axilla Hemoglobin Proteolytic
B Hemoglobin A Protons
Bacteria Hemoglobin C Protozoa
Bacterium Hemoglobin M Protozoal
Bacteriuria Hemorrhage Proximal
Barbiturate Heparin Pruritus
Barotrauma Hepatic Psychiatry
Base Hereditary Psychic
Bilateral Heredity Psychoactive
Bile Hernia Public Policy
Bile Pigments Heterogeneity Publishing
Biliary Histamine Pulmonary
Biliary Tract Histology Pulmonary Alveoli
Bilirubin Homeostasis Pulmonary Artery
Biochemical Hormonal Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity
Biological therapy Hormone Pulmonary Edema
Biological Transport Hydrogen Pulmonary Ventilation
Biopsy Hydrolysis Pulse
Biotechnology Hydrophobic Pupil
Biotransformation Hydroxyzine Putrefaction
Bladder Hypercapnia Pyloric Stenosis
Blood Cell Count Hypercarbia R
Blood Coagulation Hyperglycemia Race
Blood Flow Velocity Hyperpnea Racemic
Blood Gas Analysis Hyperreflexia Radiation
Blood Glucose Hypertension Radioactive
Blood pressure Hypertrophy Radioactive iodine
Blood Pressure Monitors Hyperventilation Radiography
Blood urea Hypnotic Radiological
Blood Volume Hypodermic Radiology
Blood-Brain Barrier Hypoglycemia Randomized
Body Fluids Hypoplasia Reactive Oxygen Species
Body Mass Index Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Receptor
Bolus Hypothalamic Rectum
Bolus infusion Hypothalamus Red blood cells
Bone Marrow Hypothermia Refer
Bowel Hypoventilation Reflex
Bowel Movement Hypoxemia Refraction
Brachial Hypoxia Regimen
Brachial Plexus Hypoxic Remission
Bradykinin Hysterotomy Renin
Bronchi I Resection
Bronchial Iatrogenic Respiration
Bronchitis Ibotenic Acid Respirator
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Immune response Respiratory distress syndrome
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Immune system Respiratory failure
Bronchodilator Immunodeficiency Respiratory Mechanics
Bronchopulmonary Immunoglobulins Respiratory Physiology
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Immunologic Respiratory System
Bronchoscopy Immunology Resuscitation
Bypass Immunosuppressive Rhinitis
C Impaction Ribose
Caesarean section In situ Risk factor
Calcium In Situ Hybridization Rubber
Calibration In vitro S
Cannula In vivo Saline
Capillary Incision Saliva
Capsules Infancy Salivary
Carbohydrate Infarction Salivary glands
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Inflammation Saphenous
Cardiac Output Infusion Saphenous Vein
Cardiopulmonary Ingestion Sarcoma
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Inhalation Satellite
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Innervation Schizoid
Cardiorespiratory Inorganic Schizophrenia
Cardiovascular Insight Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cardiovascular System Insomnia Screening
Carotid Body Insulin Secobarbital
Carrier Proteins Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Secondary tumor
Case report Intensive Care Secretion
Case series Intensive Care Units Sedative
Caspase Intermittent Sediment
Catecholamines Internal Medicine Seizures
Catheter Interstitial Sensibility
Catheterization Intestinal Sensor
Cathode Intestinal Mucosa Sepsis
Cations Intestine Septal
Cause of Death Intoxication Septic
Cell Intracellular Septum
Cell Death Intrahepatic Serous
Cell Division Intravascular Serum
Cell membrane Intravenous Shock
Cell Respiration Intrinsic Shunt
Cell Survival Intubation Side effect
Central Nervous System Inulin Signs and Symptoms
Centrifugation Invasive Skeletal
Cerebral Iodine Skeleton
Cerebral Angiography Ion Channels Sleep apnea
Cerebral Palsy Ions Small intestine
Cerebrospinal Ion-Selective Electrodes Smooth muscle
Cerebrospinal fluid Ipratropium Sodium
Cerebrovascular Ischemia Solid tumor
Cerebrum Isoflurane Solvent
Cervical K Spasm
Cesarean Section Kb Specialist
Cetirizine Keto Species
Chemokines Ketone Bodies Specificity
Chemoreceptor Ketosis Spectrometer
Chemotactic Factors Kidney stone Spectroscopic
Chemotaxis Kinetic Spectrum
Chest Pain L Sperm
Chest wall Labile Spinal cord
Cholecystectomy Laceration Spirometry
Cholesterol Lactates Spleen
Cholesterol Esters Large Intestine Sputum
Cholinergic Leishmaniasis Status Epilepticus
Chromatin Leptin Steady state
Chromatography, Gas Lesion Stem Cells
Chromosomal Lethal Stenosis
Chromosome Leukocytosis Sterile
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Ligaments Steroid
Chylomicrons Ligation Stimulant
Cirrhosis Limbic Stimulus
Clinical study Linkages Stomach
Clinical trial Lipid Strand
Cloning Lipid Peroxides Stress
Coagulation Lipoprotein Stroke
Cofactor Liquid Ventilation Stroke Volume
Collagen Liver Stupor
Collapse Liver Transplantation Styrene
Colloidal Lobe Subacute
Complement Localized Subclinical
Complementary and alternative medicine Loop Subcutaneous
Complementary medicine Low-density lipoprotein Substance P
Complete remission Lubricants Substrate
Compliance Lung volume Surfactant
Compress Lymph Survival Rate
Computational Biology Lymphadenitis Sweat
Computed tomography Lymphatic Sympathomimetic
Computerized axial tomography Lymphatic system Symptomatic
Computerized tomography Lymphocytes Systemic
Conception Lymphoid Systolic
Concomitant Lymphokines T
Confusion Lymphoma Tachypnea
Connective Tissue Lysine Telangiectasia
Consciousness M Terbutaline
Consolidation Macrophage Tetani
Constipation Macrophage Activation Tetanic
Constriction Magnetic Resonance Angiography Tetanus
Constriction, Pathologic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tetralogy of Fallot
Contamination Malformation Theophylline
Contraceptive Malignant Thigh
Contraindications, ii Malnutrition Third Ventricle
Contrast Media Mammary Thoracic
Contrast medium Matrix metalloproteinase Thoracotomy
Control group Mechanical ventilation Threshold
Controlled study Mechanoreceptors Thrombocytes
Conus Meconium Thrombosis
Cordocentesis Meconium Aspiration Thrush
Coronary Median Nerve Thyroid
Coronary Artery Bypass Medicament Thyroxine
Coronary Thrombosis MEDLINE Tidal Volume
Cortical Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tolerance
Cortisol Membrane Lipids Tomography
Cranial Memory Tone
Creatine Meninges Tonic
Creatinine Menopause Tonometer
Critical Care Mental, iv Tonus
Cutaneous Meperidine Topical
Cyanide Metabolic acidosis Tourniquet
Cyanosis Metabolite Toxic, iv
Cyclic Metastasis Toxicokinetics
Cysteine Microdialysis Toxicology
Cytogenetics Microglia Toxin
Cytokine Micro-organism Trace element
Cytomegalovirus Microscopy Trachea
Cytoplasm Microspheres Transaminases
D Midazolam Transcutaneous
Dairy Products Migration Transdermal
Decarboxylation Miotic Transfection
Decompression Mitochondrial Swelling Transfusion
Dehydration Mitosis Transmitter
Deletion Mitral Valve Transportation of Patients
Demyelinating Diseases Molecular Trauma
Dendrites Molecule Trees
Dental Polishing Monitor Triazolam
Dental Prophylaxis Morphine Trypanosomiasis
Dental Scaling Morphology Tuberculosis
Dental Technicians Mucilaginous Tungsten
Dermatitis Mucins Tunica
Dermis Mucolytic Type 2 diabetes
Deuterium Mucosa Tyrosine
Developed Countries Mucus U
Diabetes Insipidus Multivariate Analysis Ultrasonography
Diabetes Mellitus Muscimol Umbilical Arteries
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Muscle Hypertonia Umbilical Cord
Diagnostic procedure Mycobacteriosis Umbilical cord blood
Dialyzer Mycobacterium Unconscious
Diaphragm Mycobacterium avium Uraemia
Diastole Mycobacterium avium Complex Urea
Diastolic Mydriatic Uremia
Diffusion Myelin Urethra
Digestion Myocardial infarction Uric
Digestive system Myocardium Urinalysis
Dilation N Urinary
Dilator Narcosis Urine
Direct, iii Narcotic Urticaria
Discrete Nausea V
Dissociation Necrosis Vaccines
Distal Neonatal Vagina
Diuresis Neonatal period Vaginal
Diving Neoplasm Valves
Double-blind Nerve Fibers Vascular
Drive, ii, vi Nervous System Vascular Resistance
Duct Neural Vasculitis
E Neuromuscular Vasoactive
Echocardiography Neuromuscular Diseases Vasoconstriction
Edema Neuronal Vasodilators
Effector Neurons Vein
Efficacy Neuropeptide Venous
Elastic Neurosyphilis Venous blood
Electric shock Neurotransmitter Venous Pressure
Electrocardiogram Neutrons Ventilation
Electrocoagulation Neutrophil Ventral
Electrode Neutrophil Activation Ventricle
Electrolyte Nitric Oxide Ventricular
Electrons Nitrogen Venules
Electrophoresis Nitroglycerin Veterinary Medicine
Embryo Normotensive Virulence
Embryology Nosocomial Virus
Emergency Medicine Nuclear Vitro
Emergency Treatment Nuclei Vivo
Emphysema Nucleic acid W
Encephalopathy Nucleus Wakefulness
Endocarditis Nursing Care White blood cell
Endocardium Nutritive Value Windpipe
Endogenous O Withdrawal
Endonucleases Ocular Wound Healing
Endoscopic Ointments X
Endoscopy Opiate Xenograft
Endothelial cell Opium X-ray
Endothelium Osmolality Y
Endothelium, Lymphatic Osmoles Yeasts
Endothelium, Vascular Osmotic









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