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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Cafcit; Caffedrine; Dexitac stay alert stimulant; Enerjets; Neocaf; NoDoz; Pep-Back; Quick Pep; Snapback stimulant powders; Vivarin)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  404
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597842922
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with caffeine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Cafcit; Caffedrine; Dexitac stay alert stimulant; Enerjets; Neocaf; NoDoz; Pep-Back; Quick Pep; Snapback stimulant powders; Vivarin




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to caffeine. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to caffeine. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Caffeine


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Caffeine

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Caffeine


Finding Nutrition Studies on Caffeine

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Caffeine


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Caffeine


Dissertations on Caffeine

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Caffeine


Recent Trials on Caffeine

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Caffeine


Patents on Caffeine

Patent Applications on Caffeine

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Caffeine


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Caffeine

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Caffeine


Audio Recordings

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Caffeine


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletters on Caffeine

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Caffeine

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on caffeine will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on caffeine.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

5 Endothelium, Lymphatic Osteogenic sarcoma
5-Hydroxytryptophan Endothelium, Vascular Osteoporosis
A Endothelium-derived Osteosarcoma
Abdomen Endotoxin Otosclerosis
Abdominal End-stage renal Ovaries
Abdominal Pain Energy balance Ovary
Aberrant Enhancers Overdose
Acceptor Enteral Nutrition Overexpress
Acetaminophen Enteric-coated Overweight
Acetylcholine Enterotoxins Ovulation
Acetylgalactosamine Entorhinal Cortex Ovum
Acetylglucosamine Environmental Exposure Oxalate
Acoustic Environmental Health Oxidation-Reduction
Acriflavine Enzymatic Oxidative metabolism
Actin Eosinophils Oxidative Stress
Action Potentials Epidemic Oxycodone
Acute leukemia Epidermal Oxygen Consumption
Acute myeloid leukemia Epidermis Oxygenation
Adaptability Epigastric Oxygenator
Adaptation Epinephrine P
Adenine Epithelial P53 gene
Adenocarcinoma Epithelial carcinoma Paclitaxel
Adenoma Epithelial Cells Palate
Adenosine Epithelium Palliative
Adenovirus Ergot Pancreas
Adenylate Cyclase Ergotamine Pancreatic
Adipocytes Erythema Pancreatic cancer
Adipose Tissue Erythrocytes Pancreatic Juice
Adjustment Escalation Pancreatitis
Adjuvant Esophageal Panic
Adolescence Esophagitis Panic Disorder
Adolescent Nutrition Esophagus Papaverine
Adrenal Cortex Estradiol Papillomavirus
Adrenal Medulla Estrogen Paralysis
Adrenergic Estrogen Replacement Therapy Parasympathetic Nervous System
Adverse Effect Ethanol Parenteral
Aerobic Ether Parenteral Nutrition
Aerobic Metabolism Etoposide Parietal
Aerobic Respiration Eucalyptus Parietal Lobe
Aerosol Eukaryotic Cells Parkinsonism
Afferent Evacuation Paroxysmal
Affinity Evoke Particle
Agar Excipient Patch
Age Groups Excitability Pathogen
Aged Excitation Pathogenesis
Agoraphobia Excitatory Pathologic
Airway Excitotoxicity Pathologic Processes
Albumin Exhaustion Pathologies
Aldehydes Exocrine Pathophysiology
Alertness Exogenous Patient Education
Algorithms Expiration Peer Group
Alimentary Expiratory Pelvic
Alkaline External-beam radiation Penicillin
Alkaloid Extracellular Pepsin
Alleles Extracellular Matrix Pepsin A
Allergen Extracellular Space Peptic
Allopurinol Extraction Peptic Ulcer
Allylamine Extrapyramidal Peptide
Alpha Particles Eye Infections Perception
Alpha-1 F Percutaneous
Alpha-fetoprotein Facial Perforation
Alternative medicine Facial Nerve Perfusion
Alveoli Factor V Perilymph
Amantadine Family Planning Perinatal
Amenorrhea Fathers Periodicity
Amine Fatigue Peripheral blood
Amino Acid Sequence Fatty acids Peripheral Nervous System
Amino Acid Substitution Feces Peristalsis
Aminophylline Fenfluramine Peritoneal
Ammonia Fentanyl Peritoneum
Amnestic Fermentation Pesticides
Amniocentesis Fertilization in Vitro Petroleum
Amniotic Fluid Fetal Monitoring Pharmaceutical Preparations
Amphetamine Fetoprotein Pharmaceutical Solutions
Amsacrine Fetus Pharmacist
Amygdala Fibroblasts Pharmacodynamic
Amylase Fibrosis Pharmacokinetic
Amyloid Filler Pharmacologic
Anaerobic Filtration Pharynx
Anaesthesia Fissure Phenotype
Anal Fistula Phentermine
Analog Fixation Phenylalanine
Analogous Flatus Phenylephrine
Anaphylatoxins Flavoring Agents Phenylpropanolamine
Anaplasia Fleroxacin Phobia
Anastomosis Fluorescence Phobic Disorders
Anatomical Fluorouracil Phonation
Androgen-Binding Protein Fluvoxamine Phosphodiesterase
Anecdotal report Folate Phospholipases
Anemia Fold Phospholipids
Anesthesia Folic Acid Phosphorus
Anesthetics Follicles Phosphorylate
Angina Foramen Phosphorylated
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Forearm Phosphorylation
Animal model Forskolin Photophobia
Anions Fossa Photoreceptor
Annealing Fractionation Photosensitivity
Anomalies Frontal Lobe Physical Examination
Anorexia Fructose Physiologic
Anorexia Nervosa G Physiology
Antagonism GABA Pigment
Anthelmintic Gallate Piloerection
Anthracycline Gallbladder Pilot study
Antiarrhythmic Gallic Acid Pitch
Antibacterial Gallstones Pituitary Gland
Antibiotic Ganglia Placebos
Antibodies Ganglion Placenta
Antibody Ganglionic Blockers Plague
Anticholinergic Gas Plants
Anticoagulant Gas exchange Plasma cells
Anticonvulsant Gasoline Plasma protein
Antidepressant Gastrectomy Plasticity
Antidote Gastric Platelet Activation
Antiemetic Gastric Acid Platelet Aggregation
Antiepileptic Gastric Juices Platelets
Antifungal Gastric Mucosa Platinum
Antigen Gastrin Podophyllotoxin
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gastritis Point Mutation
Antihypertensive Gastroenteritis Poisoning
Anti-infective Gastroenterologist Pollen
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gastroenterostomy Polycystic
Antimicrobial Gastroesophageal Reflux Polymerase
Antineoplastic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antineoplastic Agents Gastrostomy Polymers
Antioxidant Gelatin Polymorphic
Antiproliferative Gene Expression Polymorphism
Antipruritic Genetic Code Polypeptide
Antipsychotic Genetic Engineering Polyposis
Antipyretic Genetic Markers Polysaccharide
Antiseptic Genetic testing Polyunsaturated fat
Antispasmodic Genetics Pontine
Antitussive Genistein Posterior
Antiviral Genital Postherpetic Neuralgia
Antiviral Agents Genotype Postmenopausal
Anus Germ Cells Postnatal
Anxiety Gestation Postoperative
Anxiolytic Gestational Postsynaptic
Aorta Gestational Age Post-translational
Apathy Giardiasis Post-traumatic
Aphasia Ginger Potassium
Apnea Ginseng Potentiates
Apnoea Gland Potentiating
Aponeurosis Glomerular Potentiation
Apoptosis Glossopharyngeal Nerve Practice Guidelines
Approximate Glucocorticoid Precancerous
Aqueous Glucose Preclinical
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Glucose Intolerance Precursor
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Glucose tolerance Predictive factor
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Glucose Tolerance Test Predisposition
Arachidonic Acid Glutamate Prefrontal Cortex
Arginine Glutamic Acid Pregnancy Outcome
Arnica Glutathione Peroxidase Pregnancy Tests
Aromatic Gluten Pregnenolone
Arrhythmia Glycerol Preload
Arterial Glycerophospholipids Premedication
Arteries Glycine Premenopausal
Arterioles Glycogen Prenatal
Arteriolosclerosis Glycols Presumptive
Arteriosclerosis Glycoprotein Presynaptic
Articular Glycosaminoglycan Prevalence
Ascorbic Acid Glycoside Primary Prevention
Aseptic Glycosidic Probe
Aspartame Goats Probenecid
Aspartate Gonad Procaine
Aspartic Gonadal Proctosigmoiditis
Aspartic Acid Gonadotropin Progesterone
Aspergillosis Gout Progression
Aspiration Governing Board Projection
Aspirin Grade Prolactin
Assay Grading Proline
Astringent Graft Promoter
Astrocytes Graft-versus-host disease Promyelocytic leukemia
Asymptomatic Gram-negative Prone
Ataxia Granulocytes Prophase
Atmospheric Pressure Granulosa Cells Prophylaxis
ATP Grasses Propoxyphene
Atresia Groin Propylene Glycol
Atrioventricular Growth factors Prospective study
Atrioventricular Node Guanylate Cyclase Prostaglandin
Atrium Gyrase Prostaglandins A
Atrophy H Prostate
Atropine Habitual Protease
Attenuated Habituation Protease Inhibitors
Atypical Haematemesis Protein C
Auditory Hair Cells Protein Conformation
Aura Half-Life Protein Kinases
Autacoids Hallucination Protein S
Autodigestion Hallucinogen Proteins
Autoimmune disease Haploid Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Autonomic Haplotypes Proteoglycan
Autonomic Nervous System Haptens Proteolytic
Autopsy Headache Disorders Protocol
Axons Heart attack Protons
Azoxymethane Heart failure Proto-Oncogene Proteins
B Heartbeat Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Babesiosis Heartburn Proximal
Baclofen Helicobacter Pruritus
Bacterial Physiology Helicobacter pylori Psoralen
Bactericidal Hematocrit Psoriasis
Bacteriophage Heme Psychiatric
Bacterium Hemodialysis Psychiatry
Barbiturate Hemodynamics Psychic
Basal cells Hemoglobin Psychomotor
Basal Ganglia Hemoglobin C Psychomotor Performance
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hemoglobin M Psychosis
Base Hemorrhage Psychotomimetic
Basophils Hemostasis Puberty
Bed Rest Hepatic Public Health
Benign Hepatitis Public Policy
Benzene Hepatitis C Publishing
Benzodiazepines Hepatobiliary Pulmonary
Benzoic Acid Hepatocellular Pulmonary Artery
Benzydamine Hepatocellular carcinoma Pulmonary Emphysema
Beta blocker Hepatocytes Pulse
Betahistine Hepatotoxicity Purines
Beta-pleated Herbicides Pyloric Sphincter
Bilateral Hereditary Pyloroplasty
Bile Heredity Pylorus
Bile Acids Heterogeneity Pyrazinamide
Bile Acids and Salts Heterotropic Pyridoxal
Bile Ducts Heterozygotes Pyridoxal Phosphate
Bile Pigments Hiatal Hernia Q
Biliary Hippocampus Quality of Life
Biliary Tract Histamine Quaternary
Bilirubin Histidine Quercetin
Binding Sites Histology Quinacrine
Bioavailability Homeostasis Quinacrine Mustard
Biological therapy Homogeneous Quinine
Biological Transport Homologous R
Biomarkers Homozygotes Race
Biomass Hormonal Radiation therapy
Biopsy Hormone Replacement Therapy Radioactive
Biosynthesis Host Radiography
Biotechnology Human Development Radiolabeled
Biotin Human papillomavirus Radiological
Biotransformation Humoral Radiosensitization
Bladder Humour Radiotherapy
Blastocyst Hybrid Radius
Blastomycosis Hydration Randomized
Bloating Hydrochloric Acid Reabsorption
Blood Cell Count Hydrogen Reaction Time
Blood Coagulation Hydrogen Peroxide Reactive Oxygen Species
Blood Flow Velocity Hydrolysis Reagent
Blood Glucose Hydrophilic Reality Testing
Blood Platelets Hydrophobic Receptors, Odorant
Blood-Brain Barrier Hydroxides Receptors, Serotonin
Blot Hydroxy Acids Recombinant
Blotting, Western Hydroxyl Radical Recombination
Body Composition Hydroxylation Rectum
Body Fluids Hydroxylysine Recur
Body Mass Index Hydroxyproline Recurrence
Bone Marrow Hyperalgesia Red Nucleus
Bone Resorption Hyperbaric Reductase
Boron Hyperbaric oxygen Refer
Bowel Hypercalciuria Reflective
Bowel Movement Hyperoxia Reflex
Brachytherapy Hypersensitivity Reflux
Bradykinin Hyperthermia Refraction
Brain Stem Hyperuricemia Regimen
Branch Hypnotic Regurgitation
Breakdown Hypoglycaemia Rehydration
Breast Feeding Hypoglycemia Relapse
Bromocriptine Hypoglycemic Relaxant
Bronchi Hypoglycemic Agents Reliability
Bronchial Hypokinesia Renal failure
Bronchioles Hypotension Renal pelvis
Bronchitis Hypothalamic Renal tubular
Bronchodilator Hypothalamus Renin
Buccal Hypothermia Renin-Angiotensin System
Buffers Hypothyroidism Reperfusion
Bupropion Hypoxanthine Reperfusion Injury
Burns Hypoxia Reproduction Techniques
Burns, Electric Hysterectomy Reproductive cells
Buspirone I Resection
Bypass Ibuprofen Respiration
C Ice Cream Respiratory Physiology
Cacao Id Restless legs
Calcification Idiopathic Restoration
Calcium Channels Ileal Resuscitation
Calcium Oxalate Ileostomy Retina
Calculi Ileum Retinal
Calendula Illusion Retinoblastoma
Calmodulin Imidazole Retinoids
Caloric intake Immune response Retinol
Calsequestrin Immune system Retrospective
Camphor Immunization Rhabdomyolysis
Camptothecin Immunoblotting Rheumatism
Cannabidiol Immunologic Rheumatoid
Cannabinoids Immunology Rheumatoid arthritis
Cannabinol Immunophilin Rhinitis
Cannabis Impairment Rhythm Method
Capillary Implant radiation Riboflavin
Capillary Fragility Implantation Ribose
Capsaicin Impotence Ribosome
Capsules In situ Rigidity
Carbachol In Situ Hybridization Risk factor
Carbamazepine In vitro Risperidone
Carbidopa In vivo Ritonavir
Carbohydrate Incision Rod
Carbon Dioxide Incompetence Rodenticides
Carboxy Incontinence Rutin
Carcinogen Incubation Ryanodine
Carcinogenesis Indicative S
Carcinogenic Indigestion Saccharin
Carcinoma Indomethacin Salicylate
Cardiorespiratory Induction Salicylic
Cardiotonic Infancy Salicylic Acids
Cardiotoxic Infant, Newborn Saline
Cardiotoxicity Infarction Saliva
Cardiovascular disease Infection Salivary
Cardiovascular System Infertility Salivary glands
Carnitine Infiltration Sapogenins
Carotene Inflammation Saponin
Carotenoids Inflammatory bowel disease Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Carotid Stenosis Influenza Schizoid
Case report Infuse Schizophrenia
Case-Control Studies Infusion Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Catalytic Domain Inguinal Sclerosis
Catechin Inhalation Scopolamine
Catechol Inhibin Screening
Catecholamine Initiation Second Messenger Systems
Catfish Inorganic Secretory
Cations Inositol Sedative
Cause of Death Inotropic Sedentary
Caveolae Insecticides Segmental
Caveolins Insight Segmentation
Cecum Insomnia Segregation
Celiac Disease Insulator Seizures
Cell Cycle Insulin Selenium
Cell Death Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Seminiferous tubule
Cell Differentiation Interindividual Semisynthetic
Cell Division Intermediate Filaments Senile
Cell membrane Internal radiation Senility
Cell Membrane Structures Interstitial Sensibility
Cell Physiology Intestinal Sensitization
Cell proliferation Intestine Sensor
Cell Respiration Intoxication Sequence Analysis
Cell Survival Intracranial Hypertension Sequence Homology
Cellobiose Intramuscular Sequencing
Cellulose Intraocular Serine
Central Nervous System Infections Intraocular pressure Serotonin
Centrifugation Intravenous Serous
Cerebellar Intrinsic Serum
Cerebellum Invasive Sessile
Cerebral Arteries Involuntary Sex Characteristics
Cerebral Palsy Iodine Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin
Cerebrospinal Ion Channels Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Cerebrospinal fluid Ionizing Shivering
Cerebrovascular Ions Shock
Cerebrum Irradiation Side effect
Chamomile Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sigmoid
Character Ischemia Sigmoid Colon
Chemoembolization Ischemic stroke Signal Transduction
Chemoprevention Isoflavones Signs and Symptoms
Chemopreventive Isozymes Single-agent
Chemotactic Factors Itraconazole Skeleton
Chemotherapy J Skull
Chest Pain Jejunostomy Sleep apnea
Chin Joint Sleep Deprivation
Chlorogenic Acid K Small intestine
Cholecystitis Karyotype Sneezing
Cholelithiasis Kava Social Behavior
Cholesterol Kb Social Environment
Choline Keratolytic Sodium
Cholinergic Kidney Disease Sodium Benzoate
Chondroitin sulfate Kidney stone Soft tissue
Chorda Tympani Nerve Kinetic Solar radiation
Choroid L Solid tumor
Chromatin Labile Solitary Nucleus
Chromium Labyrinth Solvent
Chromosomal Lactation Soma
Chromosome Lactose Intolerance Somatic
Chronic Disease Large Intestine Somatic cells
Chronic renal Laryngeal Somatosensory Cortex
Cinchona Larynx Somatostatin
Ciprofloxacin Latency Sound wave
Circadian Latent Soybean Oil
Circadian Rhythm Leptin Spastic
Circulatory system Lesion Spasticity
CIS Lethal Specialist
Cisplatin Lethargy Specificity
Citric Acid Leucocyte Spectrum
Citrus Leukemia Sperm
Clamp Leukocytes Sphincter
Clear cell carcinoma Leukotrienes Spinal cord
Cleave Levo Spinal Nerves
Clenbuterol Levodopa Spinal tap
Clinical Medicine Levorphanol Spiral Lamina
Clinical study Library Services Spontaneous Abortion
Clinical trial Lidocaine Sporadic
Clonazepam Ligaments Staging
Clonic Ligands Statistically significant
Cloning Limbic Staurosporine
Clozapine Limbic System Steady state
Coal Linkage Steel
Coca Linkage Disequilibrium Sterility
Cocaine Lipase Sterilization
Cochlea Lipid Steroid
Cochlear Lipid Peroxidation Stillbirth
Cochlear Diseases Lipolysis Stimulus
Codeine Lipophilic Stool
Coenzyme Lipoxygenase Strand
Cofactor Liver Cirrhosis Striatum
Cognition Localization Stroke
Colitis Localized Stromal
Collagen Locomotion Stromal Cells
Collapse Locomotor Structure-Activity Relationship
Colloidal Long-Term Potentiation Stupor
Colorectal Loop Subacute
Colorectal Cancer Lower Esophageal Sphincter Subarachnoid
Combination Therapy Lubricants Subclinical
Comorbidity Lumbar Subcutaneous
Complement Lumbar puncture Subiculum
Complementary and alternative medicine Lumen Subspecies
Complementary medicine Lycopene Substance P
Computational Biology Lymph Substrate
Conception Lymphatic Suction
Concomitant Lymphocyte Sumatriptan
Cone Lymphoid Sunburn
Confounding Lysine Supplementation
Confusion M Suppression
Congenita Macrolides Supraspinal
Congestion Macronutrients Supraventricular
Conjugated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sweat
Conjugation Major Histocompatibility Complex Sweat Glands
Conjunctiva Malabsorption Sympathetic Nervous System
Connective Tissue Malignant Sympathomimetic
Consciousness Malignant Hyperthermia Symphysis
Constipation Malnutrition Symptomatic
Constriction Mandible Symptomatic treatment
Constriction, Pathologic Mania Synapses
Consultation Manic Synapsis
Contamination Manic-depressive psychosis Synaptic
Continence Man-made Synaptic Transmission
Contraceptive Meat Synephrine
Contractility Meat Products Synergistic
Contracture Mecamylamine Systemic
Contraindications, ii Meconium Systolic
Control group Medial T
Controlled clinical trial Mediate Tachycardia
Controlled study Mediator Talc
Convulsants Medicament Tardive
Convulsions MEDLINE Taste Buds
Coordination Medullary Taurine
Coronary Megacolon Telangiectasia
Coronary heart disease Megaloblastic Telencephalon
Coronary Thrombosis Meiosis Temperament
Cortex Melanin Temporal
Cortical Melanocytes Temporal Lobe
Corticosteroids Melanoma Teratogenic
Cortisol Membrane Proteins Testis
Cortisone Memory Testosterone
Cotinine Menarche Tetrahydrocannabinol
Coumarin Meninges Thalamic
Cranial Meningitis Thalamic Diseases
Craniocerebral Trauma Menopause Thalamus
Creatine Menstrual Cycle Theophylline
Creatinine Menstruation Therapeutics
Crossing-over Mental Disorders Thermal
Cruciferous vegetables Mental Fatigue Thermogenesis
Cues Mental Health, iv Thigh
Culture Media Mentors Thorax
Cultured cells Meperidine Threonine
Curare Mephenytoin Threshold
Curative Mescaline Thrombin
Curcumin Mesenteric Thrombolytic
Cutaneous Mesentery Thrombomodulin
Cyanosis Meta-Analysis Thrombosis
Cyclic Metabolic disorder Thromboxanes
Cyst Metabolite Thrombus
Cystitis Metastasis Thyroid
Cytochrome Methamphetamine Thyroid Gland
Cytoplasm Methylphenidate Thyroid Hormones
Cytostatic Mexiletine Thyrotropin
Cytotoxic MI Thyroxine
Cytotoxicity Microbe Tinnitus
D Microbiology Tolerance
Dairy Products Microcirculation Tonic
Dantrolene Microdialysis Tonicity
Dark-field microscope Micronutrients Tooth Preparation
Databases, Bibliographic Microorganism Topical
Daunorubicin Micro-organism Topotecan
Deamination Microscopy Toxic, iv
Decarboxylation Microtubule-Associated Proteins Toxicity
Decidua Microtubules Toxicology
Decongestant Midazolam Toxins
Degenerative Middle Cerebral Artery Trace element
Dehydration Migration Trachea
Deletion Miscarriage Traction
Delirium Mitochondria Transcription Factors
Delusions Mitosis Transcutaneous
Dementia Mitotic Transdermal
Demethylation Mitoxantrone Transduction
Denaturation Modeling Transfection
Dendrites Modification Transfusion
Density Molecular Structure Translation
Dental Caries Monitor Translocation
Dentate Gyrus Monoamine Transmitter
Deoxyribonucleic Monoamine Oxidase Trauma
Deoxyribonucleic acid Monoclonal Trees
Deoxyribonucleotides Monoclonal antibodies Tremor
Depolarization Monocytes Triazolam
Depressive Disorder Mononuclear Tricyclic
Deprivation Morphine Trimethaphan
DES Morphological Tropomyosin
Designer Drugs Motility Troponin
Detoxification Motion Sickness Tryptophan
Deuterium Motor Activity Tuberculosis
Dexamethasone Motor nerve Tumor marker
Dextroamphetamine Motor Skills Tumor suppressor gene
Dextromethorphan Movement Disorders Tumorigenic
Diabetes Mellitus Mucilaginous Tumour
Diagnostic procedure Mucinous Tympani
Dialyzer Mucins Tyramine
Diaphragm Mucosa Tyrosine
Diarrhea Mucus U
Diarrhoea Multiple sclerosis Ubiquitin
Diastole Multivariate Analysis Ulcer
Diastolic Muscle Contraction Ulceration
Diencephalon Muscle Fibers Ulcerative colitis
Dietary Fats Muscle relaxant Ultrasonography
Dietary Fiber Muscle Relaxation Unconscious
Dietetics Muscle tension Univalent
Dietitian Mutagen Uraemia
Diffusion Mutagenesis Urea
Digestion Mutagenic Uremia
Digestive system Mutagenicity Ureters
Digestive tract Myalgia Urethra
Dihydroergotamine Mydriatic Uric
Dihydrotestosterone Myelin Uricosuric
Dihydroxy Myelosuppression Urinary tract
Dilatation Myocardial infarction Urinary tract infection
Dilator Myocardial Reperfusion Urine
Diosgenin Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Uterus
Dioxins Myocardium V
Diphenhydramine Myofibrils Vaccine
Diploid Myosin Vagina
Dipyridamole Myotonia Vagotomy
Discrimination N Vanadium
Disinfectant Naive Vascular endothelial growth factor
Disorientation Naloxone Vascular Headaches
Disposition Naltrexone Vasculitis
Dissociation Narcolepsy Vasoactive
Distal Narcosis Vasoconstriction
Diuresis Narcotic Vasodilation
Diuretic Nasal Mucosa Vasodilator
Diurnal Nasogastric Vasomotor
Diverticula Natriuresis VE
Diverticulitis NCI Vector
Diverticulum Necrosis Vegetarianism
Dizziness Nelfinavir Vegetative
DNA Topoisomerase Neocortex Vein
Dominance Neomycin Venous
Dopa Neonatal Venous blood
Dopa Decarboxylase Neoplasia Ventilation
Dorsum Neoplasm Ventral
Dosage Forms Nephropathy Ventricle
Dose-rate Nerve Fibers Ventricular
Doxorubicin Neural Venules
Drive, ii, vi Neural Pathways Vertigo
Dronabinol Neural tube defects Vesicular
Drug Interactions Neurodegenerative Diseases Vestibular
Drug Monitoring Neuroendocrine Vestibular Nerve
Drug Tolerance Neurofibrillary Tangles Vestibule
Drug Toxicity Neurofilaments Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Dumping Syndrome Neuroleptic Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Duodenal Ulcer Neurologic Veterinary Medicine
Duodenum Neuromuscular Villous
Dyes Neuromuscular Junction Vinca Alkaloids
Dysgenic Neuronal Vincristine
Dyskinesia Neurosis Viral
Dyspareunia Neurotoxic Virulence
Dyspepsia Neurotoxicity Virus
Dysphagia Neurotransmitters Virus Diseases
Dysphoric Neutrons Viscera
Dystonia Neutrophil Visceral
E Niacin Visceral Afferents
Echocardiography Nitric Oxide Visual Cortex
Edema Nitrogen Vitamin A
Effector Nitroglycerin Vitiligo
Effector cell Nonulcer Dyspepsia Vitreous Body
Elasticity Norepinephrine Vitro
Elastin Normotensive Vivo
Elective Nuclear Vocal cord
Electrode Nuclei Voice Disorders
Electrolyte Nucleic acid Volition
Electrons Nutrition Assessment Voltage-gated
Electrophoresis Nutritional Status W
Electrophysiological O Wakefulness
Electroplating Occipital Lobe Warts
Embryo Odour Weight Gain
Embryo Transfer Odynophagia White blood cell
Emesis Ointments Windpipe
Emollient Olfactory Bulb Withdrawal
Empirical Olfactory Receptor Neurons Wound Healing
Enamel Oligosaccharides X
Encapsulated Oltipraz Xanthine
Encephalopathy Oncogene Xanthine Oxidase
Endemic Oophorectomy Xenobiotics
Endocrine System Opacity Xenograft
Endocytosis Opium Xerostomia
Endolymphatic Duct Opsin X-ray
Endolymphatic Sac Optic Nerve X-ray therapy
Endometrial Orderly Y
Endometriosis Organelles Yawning
Endometrium Osmotic Yeasts
Endopeptidases Ossicles Z
Endoscopic Osteoarthritis Zygote
Endoscopy Osteoblasts Zymogen
Endothelial cell Osteocalcin
Endothelium Osteodystrophy









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