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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  188
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597838151
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with cellulitis is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to cellulitis. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to cellulitis. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Cellulitis


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Cellulitis

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Cellulitis


Finding Nutrition Studies on Cellulitis

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Cellulitis


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Cellulitis


Dissertations on Cellulitis

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Cellulitis


Recent Trials on Cellulitis

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Cellulitis


Patents on Cellulitis

Patent Applications on Cellulitis

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Cellulitis


The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Cellulitis

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Cellulitis


Bibliography: Multimedia on Cellulitis

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on cellulitis will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on cellulitis.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Feces Peripheral blood
Abdomen Fetoprotein Peripheral Nerves
Abdominal Fetus Peripheral Neuropathy
Abscess Fibrin Peripheral Vascular Disease
Acetylcholine Fibrinogen Peritoneum
Acne Fibroblasts Petechia
Acne Keloid Fibrosarcoma Pharmacokinetic
Acne Vulgaris Fibrosis Pharmacologic
Acrocyanosis Filariasis Pharyngitis
Acute myelogenous leukemia Fine-needle aspiration Pharynx
Acute myeloid leukemia Fistula Phenotype
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Fluorine Phosphodiesterase
Acute renal Follicles Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
Adaptation Folliculitis Phospholipids
Adenine Foot Ulcer Phosphorus
Adenitis Forearm Physical Examination
Adenosine Forskolin Physiologic
Adenylate Cyclase Fosfomycin Physiology
Adipocytes Frontal Sinus Pigment
Adrenal Medulla Frontal Sinusitis Pigmentation
Adrenergic Fungi Pilot study
Adverse Effect Fungus Pink eye
Aerobic G Pituitary Gland
Affinity Gallbladder Plants
AFP Gamma Rays Plaque
Agar Gangrene Plasma
Agonist Gangrenous Plasma cells
Airway Gas Plasmin
Alertness Gastrointestinal Plasminogen
Algorithms Gels Plasminogen Activators
Alimentary Gene Platelet Aggregation
Alkaline Generator Platelets
Alkaloid Genistein Pleural
Allergic Rhinitis Genitourinary Pneumonitis
Alopecia Genotype Poisoning
Alpha Particles Geriatric Pollen
Alternative medicine Ginkgo biloba Polypeptide
Amber Gland Polysaccharide
Amino Acids Glomerulus Pons
Amphetamines Glucose Portal Vein
Amputation Glucose Intolerance Posterior
Anaerobic Glycoprotein Postoperative
Anaesthesia Glycoside Practice Guidelines
Anal Gonadal Precursor
Analog Governing Board Prevalence
Anatomical Graft Prickle
Androgenic Grafting Probenecid
Anemia Gram-negative Progesterone
Anesthesia Gram-positive Progressive
Anesthetics Groin Proline
Angina Growth Promoter
Anions Guanylate Cyclase Prophylaxis
Ankle H Prostate
Antagonism Haemophilus Protease
Antibacterial Haemophilus influenzae Protease Inhibitors
Antibiotic Hair follicles Protein C
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Half-Life Protein S
Antibodies Headache Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Antibody Hematology Proteinuria
Anticholinergic Hematoma Proteoglycans
Anticoagulant Hematopoiesis Proteolytic
Antiemetic Hemochromatosis Prothrombin
Antifungal Hemolytic Protons
Antigen Hemorrhage Proximal
Antihypertensive Heparin Pruritic
Anti-inflammatory Hepatic Pruritus
Antimetabolite Hereditary Psoriasis
Antimicrobial Heredity Psychiatric
Antineoplastic Herpes Psychiatry
Antioxidants Herpes Zoster Psychic
Antiplasmin Heterogenic Psychogenic
Antipsychotic Heterogenous Public Policy
Antiseptic Hiccup Publishing
Antiviral Hidradenitis Pulmonary
Anus Hidradenitis Suppurativa Purulent
Aorta Histamine Pustular
Apocrine Glands Histidine Putrefaction
Aqueous Histidine Decarboxylase Pyogenic
Arginine Homogeneous Pyridoxal
Arterial Hormone Pyridoxal Phosphate
Arteries Horny layer R
Arterioles Host Race
Arteriovenous Humidifier Radiation
Ascariasis Hyaluronidase Radiation therapy
Aseptic Hydroalcoholic Radioactive
Aspiration Hydrogen Radiography
Asymptomatic Hydrolysis Radioimmunotherapy
Atmospheric Pressure Hydroxylysine Radiolabeled
ATP Hydroxyproline Radiological
Atrium Hyperaemia Radiology
Auricular Hyperbaric Radiopharmaceutical
Axillary Hyperbaric oxygen Radiotherapy
B Hyperpigmentation Randomized
Bacteraemia Hypersensitivity Reabsorption
Bacteremia Hypertension Receptor
Bacterial Infections Hypogammaglobulinemia Rectum
Bacterial Proteins I Red blood cells
Bactericidal Id Refer
Bacteriophage Idiopathic Refraction
Bacterium Ileum Refractory
Base Immune response Regeneration
Benign Immune system Regimen
Bilateral Immunity Relaxant
Bile Immunocompromised Renal Dialysis
Biopsy Immunodeficiency Renal tubular
Biosynthesis Immunoelectrophoresis Restoration
Biotechnology Immunologic Reticular
Biotype Immunosuppressive Reticulate
Bladder Immunosuppressive Agents Retina
Blood Coagulation Impairment Retinal
Blood pressure Impetigo Retinal Artery
Body Fluids Implant radiation Retinal Artery Occlusion
Body Mass Index Implantation Retinoblastoma
Bone Marrow In situ Retinoids
Bowel In vitro Retinol
Bowel Movement In vivo Retrobulbar
Brachytherapy Incision Retrospective
Bradykinin Incisional Retrospective study
Branch Incompetence Rheology
Broad-spectrum Indicative Rheumatism
Bronchi Induction Rheumatoid
Bronchial Induration Rheumatoid arthritis
Bronchodilator Infarction Ribose
Bronchus Infection Risk factor
Buccal Influenza Ristocetin
Bullous Infusion Rod
Burns Ingestion Root Canal Therapy
Burns, Electric Inlay Rutin
Bypass Inner ear S
C Inorganic Salivary
Caffeine Insulin Salivary glands
Calcium Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Sanitation
Calcium Chloride Intensive Care Saphenous
Capillary Interleukin-5 Saphenous Vein
Capillary Fragility Internal Medicine Saponins
Carbohydrates Internal radiation Sarcoma
Carbon Dioxide Interstitial Scarlet Fever
Carbuncle Intestine Sclera
Carcinogenic Intracellular Scleritis
Carcinoma Intramuscular Scleroderma
Cardiac Intraocular Screening
Cardiotonic Intraocular pressure Sebaceous
Carotene Intravascular Sebaceous gland
Case report Intravenous Seborrhea
Cataract Intrinsic Sebum
Catecholamine Intubation Secondary tumor
Catheterization Invasive Secretion
Catheters Ionization Semen
Caudal Ionizing Semisynthetic
Cecostomy Ions Sensibility
Cecum Irradiation Sepsis
Cefazolin Irrigation Septal
Ceftriaxone Ischemia Septic
Cell Isoproterenol Septicemia
Cell Division Isotretinoin Serologic
Cell membrane J Serum
Cell Transplantation Joint Shedding
Central Nervous System K Shock
Central retinal artery Kb Shunt
Cephalexin Keratin Side effect
Cephaloridine Keratinocytes Signs and Symptoms
Cephalothin Keratolytic Sinusitis
Cerebral L Skeletal
Cerebrospinal Lacrimal Skeleton
Cerebrospinal fluid Large Intestine Skin Aging
Cervical Lens Skin graft
Cervix Leprosy Small intestine
Cetirizine Lesion Smooth muscle
Character Lethal Sneezing
Checkup Leucocyte Sodium
Chemotherapy Leukemia Sodium Fluoride
Chilblains Leukocytosis Soft tissue
Chlorpromazine Library Services Somatic
Cholesterol Ligament Specialist
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Linkages Specificity
Cicatricial Lip Spectrum
Cicatrix Lipid Spinal cord
CIS Lipophilic Spinal tap
Clear cell carcinoma Lipopolysaccharide Spinous
Climacteric Lipoprotein Spirochete
Clinical trial Liposomal Spleen
Cloning Liposomes Splenic Vein
Clot Retraction Liver Sporadic
Coagulation Liver cancer Squamous
Coca Localized Squamous cell carcinoma
Cocaine Lumbar Squamous cells
Cofactor Lumbar puncture Stanozolol
Colitis Lupus Staphylococcal Infections
Collagen Lymph Staphylococcus
Collagen disease Lymph node Staphylococcus aureus
Colloidal Lymphadenopathy Stem cell transplantation
Complement Lymphatic Stem Cells
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphatic system Steroid
Complementary medicine Lymphedema Stimulant
Computational Biology Lymphocyte Stomach
Conception Lymphocytic Streptococcal
Concomitant Lymphoid Streptococcal Infections
Cones Lymphoma Streptococci
Congestion Lytic Streptococcus
Conjugated M Streptococcus pneumoniae
Conjunctiva Macrolides Streptokinase
Conjunctivitis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stress
Connective Tissue Malignancy Stroke
Connective Tissue Cells Malignant Subacute
Contact dermatitis Malignant tumor Subclinical
Continuous infusion Mammary Subcutaneous
Contraindications, ii Mandible Sublingual
Cornea Masseter Muscle Submandibular
Corneum Maxillary Subspecies
Coronary Mediastinitis Suppurative
Coronary Artery Bypass Mediastinum Sweat
Coronary Thrombosis Medical Records Sweat Glands
Cortex Medicament Sympathomimetic
Corticosteroids MEDLINE Symphysis
Cryptococcosis Melanocytes Synergistic
Curative Melanoma Syphilis
Cutaneous Membrane Systemic
Cyanosis Membrane Proteins Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cyclic Meninges Systolic
Cyclosporine Meningitis T
Cytokine Menopause Tachycardia
Cytoplasm Menstruation Tachypnea
Cytotoxic Mental Disorders Technetium
D Mental Retardation Teichoic Acids
Databases, Bibliographic Mesenchymal Teratogenic
Decarboxylation Mesenteric Tetanus
Decompression Metastasis Tetracycline
Decompression Sickness MI Theophylline
Decubitus Microbiology Thermal
Decubitus Ulcer Microcirculation Thorax
Degenerative Microorganism Threshold
Density Micro-organism Thrombin
Dental Care Migration Thrombolytic
Dental Caries Minocycline Thrombolytic Therapy
Dental Hygienists Mitochondrial Swelling Thrombomodulin
Dental implant Mobility Thrombosis
Dentists Mobilization Thrombus
Deoxyglucose Modification Thymus
Dermal Molecular Thyroid
Dermatitis Molecule Tin
Dermatosis Monitor Tinea Pedis
DES Monoclonal Tinnitus
Diabetes Mellitus Mononuclear Tonsillitis
Diabetic Foot Morphology Toothache
Diagnostic procedure Mucociliary Topical
Diarrhea Mucosa Toxic, iv
Diarrhoea Multiple Myeloma Toxicology
Diastolic Myalgia Toxins
Diffusion Mycosis Trace element
Digestion Mycosis Fungoides Trachea
Digestive system Myelogenous Tracheostomy
Digestive tract Myocardial infarction Traction
Dihydroxy Myocardium Transcutaneous
Direct, iii Myositis Transdermal
Discoid N Transfection
Dissection Nasal Mucosa Translocation
Dissociation Nasopharynx Trauma
Distal NCI Triad
Diuresis Neck Muscles Trichophyton
DNA Topoisomerase Necrobiosis Lipoidica Trichotillomania
Dobutamine Necrosis Trismus
Dopamine Need Tropical Medicine
Dorsal Needle biopsy Truncal
Duct Neisseria Tryptophan
Dura mater Neisseria meningitidis Tubercle
E Neoplasm Tuberculosis
Ecchymosis Neoplastic Tumour
Eczema Nephritis U
Edema Nephrosis Ulcer
Efficacy Nephrotic Ulceration
Elasticity Nephrotic Syndrome Ulcus cruris
Elastin Nerve Ultraviolet radiation therapy
Electrolyte Nervous System Unconscious
Electrons Neurodermatitis Uranium
Electrophoresis Neurons Urethra
Ellagic Acid Neuropathy Uricosuric
Emboli Neutrons Urinary
Embryo Nitric Oxide Urinary tract
Empiric Norepinephrine Urine
Empirical Nuclear Urticaria
Enamel Nuclear Medicine Uterus
Encapsulated Nuclei Uvea
Endemic Nucleus V
Endocrine Glands O Vaccination
Endodontics Occult Vaccines
Endopeptidases Opacity Vagina
Endophthalmitis Ophthalmic Vaginal
Endoscopy Ophthalmic Artery Vagus Nerve
Endothelium Opsin Vancomycin
Endothelium-derived Optic Nerve Varicella
Environmental Health Oral Health Varicose
Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Vascular
Enzyme Orbit Vasculitis
Eosinophil Organ Culture Vasoconstriction
Eosinophilia Oropharynx Vasodilator
Eosinophilic Osteomyelitis Vein
Epidemic Otitis Venereal
Epidermal Otitis Media Venous
Epidermis Outpatient Venous Thrombosis
Epidermoid carcinoma Oxacillin Venules
Epidural Oxazolidinones Vertigo
Epinephrine Oxidation Vesicular
Epiphora P Veterinary Medicine
Episcleritis Pachymeningitis Viral
Erysipelas Palate Virulence
Erythema Palpation Virus
Escherichia Pancreas Viscera
Escherichia coli Panophthalmitis Viscosity
Escin Paranasal Sinuses Visual Acuity
Esophagus Parasitic Visual field
Exogenous Parenteral Vitro
Extensor Partial Thromboplastin Time Vivo
External-beam radiation Patch Vulgaris
Extracellular Pathogen W
Extracellular Matrix Pathogenesis Warts
Extraction Pathologic White blood cell
Extravasation Patient Education Windpipe
Extremity Pelvic Wound Healing
Exudate Penicillin Wound Infection
Eye Infections Penicillinase X
Eye Injuries Pentoxifylline Xanthine
Eye socket Peptide X-ray
F Percutaneous X-ray therapy
Facial Perianal Y
Faecal Pericardium Yeasts
Family Planning Perineum Z
Fasciitis Periodontal Abscess Zymogen
Fat Periodontitis
Fatigue Periorbital









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