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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  208
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497002590
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with cimetidine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to cimetidine. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to cimetidine. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Cimetidine


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Cimetidine

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Cimetidine


Finding Nutrition Studies on Cimetidine

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Cimetidine


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Cimetidine


Dissertations on Cimetidine

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Cimetidine


Patents on Cimetidine

Patent Applications on Cimetidine

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Cimetidine


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Cimetidine

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Cimetidine


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Cimetidine

Chapter 8. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on cimetidine will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on cimetidine.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Enterohepatic Circulation Omeprazole
Abdomen Environmental Health Oncology
Abdominal Enzymatic Ophthalmic
Acetaldehyde Enzyme Opiate
Acetaminophen Eosinophilic Opium
Acetylcholine Epidemic Opportunistic Infections
Acetylcysteine Epidermal Orthostatic
Acne Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis Overdose
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Epithelial Ovum
Acremonium Epithelial Cells Oxidation
Acyclovir Epithelium Oxygenator
Adaptation Epitope Oxytocic
Adenitis Erythema P
Adenocarcinoma Erythema Multiforme Painful bladder syndrome
Adenoma Erythrocytes Palliative
Adenosine Erythromycin Pancreas
Adjuvant Esophageal Pancreatic
Adolescence Esophagitis Pancreatic Insufficiency
Adrenal Cortex Esophagus Pancreatic Juice
Adrenergic Estrogen Pancreatitis
Adverse Effect Ethanol Pancytopenia
Aerosol Evacuation Panic
Aetiology Excipient Panic Disorder
Affinity Excitability Paralysis
Agonist Excitation Parenteral
Agoraphobia Excrete Parietal
Airway Exhaustion Parkinsonism
Akathisia Exocrine Parturition
Alcohol Dehydrogenase Extracellular Pathologic
Aldosterone Extraction Pathologic Processes
Alertness Extrapyramidal Pathologies
Algorithms F Patient Compliance
Alimentary Family Planning Patient Education
Alkaline Famotidine Pediatrics
Alkaloid Fat Penicillin
Allergic Rhinitis Fatty acids Pentosan polysulfate
Allopurinol Femoral Pepsin
Alpha Particles Femoral Artery Pepsin A
Alpha-1 Fermentation Peptic
Alternative medicine Fertilization in Vitro Peptic Ulcer
Aluminum Fetus Peptide
Aluminum Hydroxide Fibrosis Peptide Chain Elongation
Ambulatory Care Filtration Perfusion
Amebiasis Fistula Perhexiline
Amine Flatus Peripheral blood
Amino Acids Flavoring Agents Peripheral Nervous System
Aminoethyl Flounder Peritoneal
Amiodarone Flow Cytometry Peritoneal Cavity
Amitriptyline Fluorescence Peritoneum
Ammonia Fluorescent Dyes Perivascular
Ampulla Fluorouracil Petechiae
Anabolic Fluoxetine P-Glycoprotein
Anaesthesia Folate Pharmaceutical Solutions
Analgesic Fold Pharmacodynamic
Analog Folic Acid Pharmacokinetic
Anaphylaxis Free Radical Scavengers Pharmacologic
Anatomical Free Radicals Pharynx
Anemia Fungistatic Phenazopyridine
Anesthesia Fungus Phenobarbital
Anesthetics Furosemide Phenyl
Angina G Phenytoin
Angina Pectoris Galactorrhoea Phlebitis
Anginal Gallbladder Phosphorus
Anhydrous Ganglia Physiologic
Anions Gas Picric
Antagonism Gas exchange Pigment
Anthelmintic Gastric Acid Pirenzepine
Antianginal Gastric Emptying Placenta
Antiarrhythmic Gastric Juices Plants
Antibacterial Gastric Mucosa Plasma
Antibiotic Gastrin Platelet Aggregation
Antibodies Gastritis Platelets
Antibody Gastroduodenal Pneumonia
Anticholinergic Gastroesophageal Reflux Poisoning
Anticoagulant Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Polymerase
Anticonvulsant Gastrointestinal tract Polymorphic
Antidepressant Gastrooesophageal Polymorphism
Antidote Gene Polyp
Antiemetic Genital Polypeptide
Antifungal Germline mutation Polyposis
Antigen Gestation Polyproteins
Antigen-presenting cell Giardiasis Polysaccharide
Antihypertensive Gland Postoperative
Anti-infective Glomerular Postprandial
Anti-inflammatory Glomerular Filtration Rate Post-translational
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glomeruli Potassium
Antimetabolite Glomerulonephritis Potentiates
Antimicrobial Glomerulus Potentiating
Antineoplastic Glucocorticoids Practice Guidelines
Antineoplastic Agents Gluconeogenesis Praziquantel
Antipsychotic Glucose Precancerous
Antipyretic Glucose Intolerance Precipitation
Anti-Ulcer Agents Glutamate Precursor
Antiviral Glutamic Acid Pregnancy Maintenance
Antiviral Agents Glycine Pregnancy Outcome
Anxiety Glycogen Premalignant
Aorta Glycoprotein Preoperative
Apoptosis Glycosaminoglycan Prevalence
Aqueous Governing Board Primary endpoint
Arachidonic Acid Gram-negative Probe
Arginine Gram-positive Probenecid
Arterial Granisetron Procainamide
Arterial embolization Granule Procaine
Arteries Granulocytes Progesterone
Arterioles Grasses Progressive
Artery Guanethidine Projection
Aspergillosis Guanidine Prolactin
Aspiration Guanylate Cyclase Prophylaxis
Aspirin H Propranolol
Asymptomatic Haematoma Prostaglandin
Atrial Haemorrhage Prostaglandins A
Atrial Fibrillation Half-Life Prostate
Atrioventricular Haloperidol Protease
Atrium Hay Fever Protective Agents
Atropine Headache Protein S
Atypical Headache Disorders Proteolytic
Autacoids Heartburn Protocol
Autodigestion Hemodialysis Proton Pump
Autoimmune disease Hemorrhage Proton Pump Inhibitors
Autologous Hemostasis Protons
Autonomic Nervous System Hepatic Protozoa
B Hepatitis Protozoan
Babesiosis Hepatocellular Pruritus
Bacteria Hepatocellular carcinoma Psoriasis
Bacterial Infections Hepatocyte Psychic
Bactericidal Hereditary Psychoactive
Bacteriostatic Hereditary mutation Psychosis
Barbiturate Heredity Public Policy
Basal Ganglia Herpes Publishing
Base Histamine Agonists Pulmonary
Basophil Histamine Antagonists Pulmonary Embolism
Belladonna Histidine Pulmonary hypertension
Benign Hoarseness Pulse
Benzoic Acid Hormone Purpura
Bilateral Human papillomavirus Putrefaction
Bile Hydrogen Pyrithiamine
Bile Acids Hydrogen Peroxide Q
Bile Acids and Salts Hydrolysis Quinidine
Bile duct Hydrophobic Quinine
Biliary Hydroxyzine R
Biliary Tract Hypersecretion Race
Bioavailability Hypersensitivity Racemic
Biochemical Hypertension Radiation
Biological response modifier Hyperthermia Radiation therapy
Biological Transport Hyperthermic perfusion Radioactive
Biomarkers Hyperthyroidism Radiolabeled
Biosynthesis Hypertrophy Randomized
Biotechnology Hypnotic Randomized clinical trial
Bismuth Hypogammaglobulinemia Randomized Controlled Trials
Bladder Hypoglycemic Ranitidine Hydrochloride
Blastocyst Hypoglycemic Agents Reabsorption
Blastomycosis Hypotension Reagent
Bloating Hypothermia Receptors, Serotonin
Blood Coagulation Hypoxic Recombinant
Blood Glucose I Rectum
Blood Platelets Ibuprofen Recurrence
Blood pressure Idiopathic Red blood cells
Blood vessel Ileus Reductase
Blood-Brain Barrier Imidazole Refer
Blot Imipramine Reflex
Body Fluids Immersion Reflux
Bolus Immune response Refractory
Bolus infusion Immune Sera Regimen
Bone Marrow Immune system Regurgitation
Bowel Immunity Relapse
Bowel Movement Immunization Relaxant
Bradykinin Immunodeficiency Reliability
Brain Stem Immunodeficiency syndrome Remission
Broad-spectrum Immunologic Renal cell cancer
Bronchi Immunology Renal cell carcinoma
Bronchial Immunomodulator Renal failure
Bronchitis Immunosuppressant Renal Plasma Flow
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Immunosuppression Renal tubular
Buccal Immunosuppressive Reproductive cells
Bupropion Immunosuppressive Agents Respiration
Butorphanol Impairment Retinoids
C Impotence Retrovirus
Caffeine In vitro Rheumatoid
Calcium In vivo Rheumatoid arthritis
Calcium Carbonate Incision Rimantadine
Calcium Channel Blockers Incompetence Risperidone
Capillary Indigestion S
Capsules Indomethacin Salicylate
Carbamazepine Induction Saline
Carbenoxolone Infiltration Saliva
Carbohydrate Influenza Salivary
Carbon Dioxide Infusion Salivary glands
Carcinogen Ingestion Salivation
Carcinogenesis Inhalation Schistosome
Carcinogenic Initiation Schizophrenia
Carcinogenicity Inorganic Sclerosis
Carcinoma Insight Screening
Cardiac Insomnia Secondary tumor
Cardiopulmonary Insulator Secretory
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Insulin Sedative
Cardioselective Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Seizures
Cardiotoxicity Intensive Care Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Cardiovascular Interferon Self Care
Cardiovascular disease Interferon-alpha Semisynthetic
Carotene Interleukin-1 Sensibility
Carrier Proteins Interleukin-2 Sequence Homology
Case report Intermittent Sequencing
Cell Adhesion Interstitial Serotonin
Cell Adhesion Molecules Intestinal Serum
Cell Cycle Intestinal Mucosa Sex Characteristics
Cell Death Intestine Shock
Cell Division Intracellular Side effect
Cell membrane Intramuscular Signs and Symptoms
Cell proliferation Intraocular Skeletal
Cell Size Intraocular pressure Skeleton
Central Nervous System Infections Intraperitoneal Sludge
Cephalosporins Intravenous Small intestine
Cerebrospinal Intrinsic Smoking Cessation
Cerebrospinal fluid Inulin Smooth muscle
Cerebrovascular Invasive Social Security
Cetirizine Involuntary Sodium
Chemoprevention Ions Sodium Bicarbonate
Chemopreventive Ipecac Sodium Channels
Chemoreceptor Isoniazid Solvent
Chemotherapy Itraconazole Soma
Chlorpromazine K Somatic
Cholangitis Kb Specialist
Cholecystokinin Ketoconazole Species
Cholestasis Kinetics Spectrum
Cholesterol L Sperm
Cholinergic Labetalol Sphincter
Chondroitin sulfate Lactation Spinal cord
Chorea Large Intestine Spinal Nerves
Chromatin Leishmaniasis Spontaneous Abortion
Chromosomal Lesion Sporadic
Chromosome Lethal Stabilization
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Leucocyte Steady state
Chronic renal Leucovorin Sternum
Cinchona Leukemia Steroid
Ciprofloxacin Levamisole Stillbirth
Cirrhosis Levo Stimulant
Cisplatin Levodopa Stimulus
Citalopram Lidocaine Stomach Ulcer
Clarithromycin Ligands Strand
Clear cell carcinoma Lipid Stress
Clinical Medicine Lithium Stress Ulcer
Clinical study Liver cancer Structure-Activity Relationship
Clinical trial Liver Neoplasms Stupor
Clonic Localized Subacute
Cloning Locomotion Subarachnoid
Clozapine Locomotor Subclinical
Coagulation Loratadine Subcutaneous
Coenzyme Lovastatin Substance P
Collagen Low-density lipoprotein Substrate
Collapse Lower Esophageal Sphincter Sucralfate
Colloidal Lupus Suction
Colon Lupus Nephritis Sulfur
Colorectal Lutein Cells Sulindac
Colorectal Cancer Lymph Superoxide
Common Variable Immunodeficiency Lymph node Superoxide Dismutase
Complement Lymphatic Suppression
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphatic system Surfactant
Complementary medicine Lymphocyte Count Suspensions
Computational Biology Lymphocyte Depletion Sympathetic Nervous System
Conception Lymphocyte Subsets Symptomatic
Concomitant Lymphocytes Synapse
Congenita Lymphoid Synergistic
Congestion M Systemic
Conjugated Macrophage Systemic lupus erythematosus
Conjunctivitis Magnesium Hydroxide Systolic
Connective Tissue Maintenance therapy T
Consciousness Malabsorption Tachycardia
Constipation Malaria Tacrine
Constriction Malaria, Falciparum Tamoxifen
Contraindications, ii Malaria, Vivax Tardive
Control group Malignant Telophase
Controlled clinical trial Mammary Temazepam
Controlled study Manic Terfenadine
Convulsants Measles Virus Thalamus
Convulsions Mediate Theophylline
Coordination Mediator Therapeutics
Cor Medical Assistance Thermal
Cortical Medical Staff Thiamine
Corticosteroids MEDLINE Thiourea
Cortisol Megaloblastic Third Ventricle
Coumarin Meiosis Threshold
Cranial Melanocytes Thrombin
Craniocerebral Trauma Melanoma Thymus
Creatinine Membrane Thyroid
Creatinine clearance Membrane Proteins Timolol
Cromolyn Sodium Memory Tolerance
Cultured cells Meningitis Tolmetin
Curare Menopause Tone
Curative Mental, iv Tonic
Cutaneous Mercury Topical
Cyanamide Mesenteric Toxic, iv
Cyanide Mesentery Toxicity
Cyclic Mesolimbic Toxicology
Cyclosporine Meta-Analysis Toxin
Cystamine Metabolite Trachea
Cysteamine Metastasis Transcriptase
Cysteine Metastatic Transfection
Cystine Methotrexate Transfer Factor
Cystitis Methylene Blue Translation
Cytochrome Methylguanidine Translational
Cytokine Metoclopramide Translocation
Cytoplasm Metronidazole Transmitter
Cytotoxic Mexiletine Transplantation
Cytotoxicity Micronuclei Trauma
D Microorganism Tremor
Debrisoquin Microvillus Triazolam
Decarboxylation Migration Trichloroethylene
Decidua Misoprostol Trichomoniasis
Defense Mechanisms Mitochondrial Swelling Tricuspid Atresia
Degenerative Mitosis Tricyclic
Deletion Modification Trigger zone
Delirium Modulator Troglitazone
Dementia Molecular Tryptophan
Dendrites Molecule Tuberculosis
Dendritic Monitor Tuberculostatic
Dendritic cell Monocytes Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
Dentifrices Morbillivirus Tumor marker
Depressive Disorder Morphine Tumour
Dermatitis Motility Tunica
DES Motion Sickness U
Desensitization Motor nerve Ulcer
Diabetes Mellitus Movement Disorders Ulceration
Diagnostic procedure Mucocutaneous Unconscious
Diastolic Mucolytic Uraemia
Diffusion Mucosa Uremia
Digestion Mucosal Lining Urethra
Digestive system Mucus Uric
Digestive tract Multicenter study Uricosuric
Dimethyl Multidrug resistance Urinary
Direct, iii Multiple sclerosis Urinary tract
Disinfectant Muscle relaxant Urinary tract infection
Disposition Muscle Spindles Urine
Distal Muscle tension Urticaria
Diuresis Myasthenia V
Diuretic Myelin Vaccine
Diurnal Myocardial infarction Vagina
Dopa Myotonia Vagotomy
Dopamine N Valproic Acid
Dorsal Nadolol Vascular
Dosage Forms Narcosis Vascular Resistance
Double-blind Narcotic Vasculitis
Double-blinded Nausea Vasodilator
Drug Interactions Necrosis Vein
Drug Tolerance Neoplasia Venous
Duodenum Neoplasm Venous blood
Dyes Nephritis Venous Thrombosis
Dyskinesia Nephropathy Ventricle
Dyspepsia Nervous System Ventricular
Dystonia Neuroleptic Venules
E Neuromuscular Verapamil
Edema Neuronal Veterinary Medicine
Efficacy Neurons Vinca Alkaloids
Elastic Neuropathy Vinorelbine
Elective Neurosurgery Vinyl Chloride
Electrolyte Neurotransmitter Viral
Electrons Neutralization Viral Proteins
Electrophoresis Neutrons Virus
Emaciation Neutropenia Virus Diseases
Emboli Neutrophils Viscera
Embolism Niacin Visceral
Embolization Nifedipine Viscosity
Embryo Nimodipine Vitro
Embryo Transfer Nitrendipine Vivo
Emetic Nitric Oxide W
Emetine Nitroblue Tetrazolium Warfarin
Emphysema Nitrofurantoin Warts
Encephalopathy Nitrogen Wheezing
Endemic Nizatidine White blood cell
Endocrine Glands Norepinephrine Windpipe
Endoscope Nuclear Wound Healing
Endoscopic Nuclei X
Endoscopy Nucleus Xanthine
Endothelial cell O Xanthine Oxidase
Endothelium Ocular
Endothelium-derived Oesophagitis
Enterohepatic Ointments









Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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800-843-2665 (within USA)

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