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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Conjugated Linoleic Acid)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  192
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597838402
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with conjugated linoleic acid is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Conjugated Linoleic Acid




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to conjugated linoleic acid. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to conjugated linoleic acid. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Conjugated Linoleic Acid


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Conjugated Linoleic Acid


Finding Nutrition Studies on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Conjugated Linoleic Acid


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Conjugated Linoleic Acid


Dissertations on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Conjugated Linoleic Acid


Patents on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Patent Applications on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Conjugated Linoleic Acid


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Conjugated Linoleic Acid


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on conjugated linoleic acid will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on conjugated linoleic acid.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Endometrium Nitrogen
Abdomen Endothelial cell Nuclear
Abdominal Endotoxic Nuclei
Abdominal fat Endotoxin Nucleic acid
Aberrant End-stage renal Nucleus
Abrasion Energy balance Nutritional Status
Acceptor Enhancers O
Acetylcholine Environmental Health Odds Ratio
Acyl Enzymatic Ointments
Adaptability Eosinophils Omega-3 fatty acid
Adaptation Epidemiologic Studies Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Adduct Epidermis Optic disc
Adenocarcinoma Epithelial Optic Disk
Adipocytes Epithelial Cells Optic Nerve
Adipose Tissue Epithelium Optic Neuritis
Adverse Effect Erythema Orbital
Aerobic Erythrocytes Organelles
Aerobic Metabolism Esophagus Ovarian Follicle
Aerobic Respiration Esterification Ovary
Afferent Estrogen Overweight
Age of Onset Estrogen receptor Ovulation
Algorithms Ethanol Ovum
Alimentary Ethylene Glycol Oxidation
Alkaline Exocytosis Oxidative metabolism
Allantois Exogenous Oxidative Stress
Aloe Extensor Oxygen Consumption
Alpha Particles Extracellular P
Alpha-Linolenic Acid Extracellular Matrix Pachymeningitis
Alternative medicine Extracellular Matrix Proteins Palliative
Amino Acid Sequence Extraction Pancreas
Amino Acids F Pancreatic
Ammonia Family Planning Parasitic
Amnion Fatigue Particle
Amphetamine Fatty Liver Parturition
Amylase Fermentation Pathologic
Anabolic Fetal Membranes Pathologic Processes
Anaesthesia Fetus Pelvic
Anal Fibrin Pepsin
Analog Flatus Pepsin A
Anaphylactic Fluorouracil Peptic
Anaphylatoxins Folate Peptic Ulcer
Anaplasia Folic Acid Peptide
Anemia Fructose Pericardium
Angiogenesis Fungi Peripheral blood
Angiopathy G Petrolatum
Animal model Gallbladder PH
Anorexia Ganglia Pharmacologic
Antibiotics Gas Pharynx
Antibodies Gastric Phenolphthalein
Antibody Gastric Juices Phenotype
Anticarcinogenic Gastric Mucosa Phorbol
Anticarcinogenic Agents Gastrin Phospholipases
Anticoagulant Gastrointestinal Phospholipids
Antidote Gastrointestinal tract Phosphorus
Antigen Gene Phosphorylated
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gene Expression Phosphorylation
Anti-infective Genetics Physiologic
Anti-inflammatory Genotype Pigment
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gestation Pigmentation
Antimetabolite Gland Plants
Antineoplastic Glucose Plaque
Antineoplastic Agents Glucose Intolerance Plasma
Antioxidant Glucose tolerance Plasma cells
Antiproliferative Glucose Tolerance Test Plasticity
Apolipoproteins Glutamic Acid Platelet Activating Factor
Apoptosis Glutamine Platelet Activation
Aqueous Glutathione Peroxidase Platelet Aggregation
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Glycerol Platelets
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Glycerophospholipids Poisoning
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Glycogen Pollen
Arachidonic Acid Glycoprotein Polyethylene
Arginine Goats Polypeptide
Arterial Gonadotropin Polyposis
Arteries Governing Board Polyunsaturated fat
Arterioles Grade Posterior
Arteriolosclerosis Granulocytes Postmenopausal
Arteriosclerosis Granulomatous Disease, Chronic Postnatal
Ascorbic Acid Grasses Postprandial
Aspirin H Postsynaptic
Atherogenic Headache Potassium
Atopic Helminths Potassium hydroxide
Atrophy Hemoglobin Potentiate
Autoantibodies Hemoglobin A Potentiating
Autoantigens Hemostasis Potentiation
Autoimmune disease Hepatic Practice Guidelines
Autonomic Hepatitis Precancerous
Autonomic Nervous System Hepatitis A Preclinical
Axilla Hepatocytes Precursor
B Hepatoma Premalignant
Bacteria Hepatovirus Prevalence
Bacterial Infections Heredity Progeny
Bactericidal Hibernation Progression
Bacterium Hormone Progressive
Base Horny layer Proinsulin
Basement Membrane Host Proline
Basophils Housekeeping Prophylaxis
Benign Hydrogen Prostaglandin
Benzene Hydrogen Peroxide Prostaglandins A
Beta Rays Hydrolysis Prostaglandins D
Bile Hydrophobic Prostate
Bioavailable Hydroxylysine Protein C
Biochemical Hydroxyproline Protein S
Biomarkers Hypercholesterolemia Proteoglycans
Biosynthesis Hyperglycemia Proteolytic
Biotechnology Hyperlipidemia Protons
Biotin Hyperlipoproteinemia Protozoa
Bladder Hyperphagia Pruritic
Blood Coagulation Hyperpigmentation Psoriasis
Blood Coagulation Factors Hyperplasia Psychotomimetic
Blood Glucose Hypersensitivity Puberty
Blood Platelets Hypertension Public Policy
Blood pressure Hypertriglyceridemia Publishing
Blood vessel Hypertrophy Pupil
Body Composition Hypotension Purified Insulins
Body Fluids Hypothalamic R
Body Mass Index Hypothalamus Radiation
Bolus I Randomized
Bolus infusion Id Receptor
Bone Density Imidazole Receptors, Serotonin
Bone Marrow Immune function Recombination
Branch Immune response Rectum
Breakdown Immune system Recurrence
Breeding Immunity Refer
Bronchoconstriction Immunogenic Regimen
Brown Fat Immunoglobulin Relative risk
Buccal Immunologic Respiration
Burns Immunosuppressant Respiratory Burst
Burns, Electric In vitro Response rate
Bypass In vivo Resting metabolic rate
C Indicative Retina
Cachexia Induction Retinal
Calcification Infancy Retinoids
Calcium Infantile Retinol
Capillary Infarction Retrobulbar
Carbohydrate Infection Rheology
Carcinogen Infestation Rheumatism
Carcinogenesis Influenza Rheumatoid
Carcinogenic Infusion Rheumatoid arthritis
Carcinoma Ingestion Risk factor
Cardiac Initiation S
Cardiovascular Insight Saphenous
Carnitine Insulin Saphenous Vein
Caspase Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Saponification
Cathode Insulin-like Saturated fat
Causal Interleukin-1 Scleroderma
Caustic Interleukin-2 Sclerosis
Cecum Interleukins Screening
Cell Cycle Intestinal Seborrhea
Cell Death Intestine Sebum
Cell Degranulation Intoxication Secondary tumor
Cell Differentiation Intracellular Secretion
Cell Division Intramuscular Secretory
Cell membrane Intravenous Secretory Vesicles
Cell proliferation Intrinsic Sedentary
Cell Respiration Invasive Selenium
Central Nervous System Ionophores Semen
Centrifugation Ions Serotonin
Cerebral Isoflavones Serous
Cerebrum J Serum
Character Joint Sex Characteristics
Chelating Agents K Side effect
Chemoprevention Kb Signal Transduction
Chemopreventive Keto Skeletal
Chemoprotective Ketone Bodies Skeleton
Chemotactic Factors Ketosis Small intestine
Chemotherapy Kinetics Soaps
Chlorophyll L Sodium
Cholesterol Labile Solid tumor
Cholesterol Esters Lactation Solvent
Choline Laminin Soybean Oil
Chorion Large Intestine Specialist
Chromatin Latent Species
Chromium Latent period Specificity
Chromosome Leptin Spinal cord
Chronic Lesion Spinous
Chronic Disease Leucovorin Spleen
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Leukocytes Steatosis
Chronic renal Leukotrienes Steel
Chylomicrons Library Services Stimulant
Citrus Ligament Stomach
Clear cell carcinoma Lipase Stool
Clinical trial Lipid A Stress
Cloning Lipid Peroxidation Stromal
Cod Liver Oil Lipodystrophy Subacute
Coenzyme Lipolysis Subclinical
Cofactor Lipopolysaccharides Subcutaneous
Cohort Studies Lipoprotein Subspecies
Colitis Lipoprotein Lipase Substance P
Collagen Lipoxygenase Substrate
Colorectal Localized Sulfur
Colorectal Cancer Lolium Superoxide
Colostrum Low-density lipoprotein Suppression
Complement Lupus Suppressive
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymph Sweat
Complementary medicine Lymphatic Sweat Glands
Complementation Lymphatic system Sympathetic Nervous System
Computational Biology Lymphocyte Sympathomimetic
Concomitant Lymphoid Symphysis
Conjugation Lymphokines Synaptic
Conjunctiva M Synergistic
Connective Tissue Macrophage Systemic
Consumption Macrophage Activation Systemic lupus erythematosus
Contact dermatitis Macula Systolic
Contamination Macula Lutea T
Contraindications, ii Macular Degeneration Therapeutics
Contrast Sensitivity Malignant Thermal
Coordination Malnutrition Thorax
Corn Oil Mastitis Threshold
Cornea Matrix metalloproteinase Thrombin
Corneal Diseases Maturation-Promoting Factor Thrombocytes
Corneum Meat Thrombocytopenia
Coronary Medial Thrombomodulin
Coronary heart disease Mediate Thrombosis
Coronary Thrombosis Mediator Thromboxanes
Corpus MEDLINE Thrombus
Corpus Luteum Megaloblastic Ticks
Creatine Melanin Tolerance
Creatinine Melanocytes Tomography
Cross-Sectional Studies Melanoma Topical
Crystallization Melanosomes Toxic, iv
Curative Memory Toxicity
Cutaneous Meninges Toxicology
Cyclic Meningitis Toxins
Cyclins Menopause Trace element
Cysteine Menstruation Transcription Factors
Cytochrome Meta-Analysis Transduction
Cytochrome b Metabolic disorder Transfection
Cytokine Metabolite Transplantation
Cytoplasm Metastasis Triglyceride
Cytotoxic Methionine Tryptophan
D Metritis Tuberculosis
Dairy Products MI Tumor marker
Databases, Bibliographic Microbe Tumor Necrosis Factor
De novo Microorganism Type 2 diabetes
Degenerative Microscopy U
Deletion Microsomal Ulcer
Dendritic Migration Unconscious
Density Milligram Uncoupling Agents
Deoxyuridine Milliliter Unsaturated Fats
Depolarization Mitosis Urea
Dermatitis Modification Urethra
DES Molecular Urine
Dextroamphetamine Molecule Uterus
Diabetes Mellitus Monoamine V
Diabetic Retinopathy Monocytes Vaccination
Diagnostic procedure Mononuclear Vaccines
Diastolic Monounsaturated fat Vagina
Dietary Fats Morphogenesis Vanadium
Dietary Fiber Morphological Vascular
Dietetics Morphology Vein
Digestion Motility Venous
Digestive tract Mucosa Venules
Dihydroxy Multiple sclerosis Vesicular
Dimerization Muscle Fatigue Veterinary Medicine
Diploid Mutagenesis Viral
Direct, iii Mutagens Virulence
Disinfectant Myalgia Virus
Dopamine Myocardium Viscosity
Drug Interactions N Vitreous Hemorrhage
Duodenum Nasal Mucosa Vitro
Dura mater Nausea Vivo
Eczema Necrosis Weight Gain
Edema Need White blood cell
Effector Neoplasia Wound Healing
Efficacy Neoplasm X
Egg Yolk Neoplastic Xenograft
Elasticity Nerve X-ray
Elastin Nervous System Y
Electrolyte Neuritis Yeasts
Electrons Neurons Yolk Sac
Elementary Particles Neuropathy Z
Embryo Neutrons Zygote
Emodin Neutropenia Zymogen
Emollient Neutrophil
Emulsion Nickel









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