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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  288
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497003317
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with cytology is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to cytology. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to cytology. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Cytology


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Cytology

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Alternative Medicine and Cytology


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 3. Dissertations on Cytology


Dissertations on Cytology

Keeping Current

Chapter 4. Patents on Cytology


Patents on Cytology

Patent Applications on Cytology

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Cytology


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Cytology

Chapter 6. Multimedia on Cytology


Audio Recordings

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Cytology


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Cytology

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on cytology will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on cytology.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Extracellular Space Pancreatitis
3-dimensional Extraction Pap test
A Extremity Papilla
Abdomen Eye Infections Papillary
Abdominal Eye Movements Papilloma
Aberrant F Papillomavirus
Ablation Facial Papovaviridae
Abrasion Facial Nerve Paracoccidioidomycosis
Absolute risk Fallopian tube Paracrine Communication
Acetone Family Planning Paraffin
Acetylcholine Fat Parasite
Acetyltransferases Fatigue Parenchyma
Acidity Fetus Parietal
Acne Fibroblast Growth Factor Parotid
Acoustic Fibroblasts Parthenogenesis
Acrylonitrile Fibroma Particle
Actin Fibrosis Parturition
Acute leukemia Fissure Pathogenesis
Acute myelogenous leukemia Fixation Pathologic
Acute myeloid leukemia Fixatives Pathologic Processes
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Flow Cytometry Pathologies
Acute renal Fluorescence Pathologist
Adaptability Fluorescent Dyes Patient Education
Adaptation Fluoroscopy Patient Selection
Adenocarcinoma Fluorouracil Pelvic
Adenovirus Fold Pelvis
Adenylate Cyclase Foramen Peptide
Adjustment Fovea Perception
Adjuvant Fractionation Percutaneous
Adjuvant Therapy Frozen Sections Perforation
Adsorption Fungi Perfusion
Adsorptive Fungus Pericytes
Adverse Effect G Perioral
Affinity Gait Peripheral blood
Affinity Chromatography Gallbladder Peripheral Nervous System
Agar Gamma Rays Peritoneal
Age Groups Ganglia Peritoneal Cavity
Aged Gap Junctions Peritoneal Lavage
Agonists Gas Peritoneum
Agrin Gastric Pesticide Residues
Airway Gastrin Petroleum
Albumin Gastrointestinal PH
Algorithms Gastrointestinal tract Phallic
Alkaline Gene Expression Pharmacokinetic
Alleles Gene Expression Profiling Pharmacologic
Allergen Gene Therapy Phenotype
Allogeneic General practitioner Phosphorus
Allograft Genetic Code Photodynamic therapy
Alpha Particles Genetic Engineering Photosensitizer
Alternative medicine Genetic Techniques Physical Examination
Alveolar Process Genetic testing Physiologic
Ameloblastoma Genetics Physiology
Amino acid Genital Pigment
Amino Acid Sequence Genomics Pilot Projects
Amplification Genotype Pilot study
Ampulla Germ Cells Pipette
Amyloid Gestation Pituitary Gland
Anaerobic Gland Plague
Anaesthesia Glomerular Plants
Anal Glomeruli Plaque
Analog Glomerulonephritis Plasma
Analogous Glomerulus Plasma cells
Analytes Glucose Plasticity
Anaphase Glucose Intolerance Plastids
Anaphylatoxins Glutamate Platelet Aggregation
Anaplasia Glutamic Acid Platelets
Anaplastic Glycogen Platinum
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Glycolysis Pleura
Anatomical Glycoproteins Pleural
Anemia Glycosaminoglycan Plexus
Anesthesia Goiter Ploidy
Aneuploidy Gonadal Pneumonia
Angiogenesis Gonorrhea Point Mutation
Animal model Governing Board Polyethylene
Anions Grade Polymerase
Annealing Grading Polymerase Chain Reaction
Anoscopy Graft Polymorphic
Antibacterial Graft Rejection Polymorphism
Antibiotic Graft-versus-host disease Polyomavirus
Antibodies Gram-negative Polyposis
Antibody therapy Granule Polysaccharide
Anticoagulant Granuloma Port
Antifungals Granulosa Cell Tumor Port-a-cath
Antigen Growth factors Posterior
Antigen-Antibody Complex Guanylate Cyclase Postmenopausal
Antigen-presenting cell Gynaecological Postnatal
Anti-infective Gynecologic cancer Postsynaptic
Anti-inflammatory Gynecology Post-translational
Antimetabolite H Potassium
Antineoplastic Haematological Practice Guidelines
Antioxidant Haematology Precancerous
Antiseptic Haematuria Precursor
Antiviral Hamartoma Premalignant
Anus Haploid Prenatal
Apoptosis Haplotypes Preoperative
Applicability Haptens Presynaptic
Aqueous Hazardous Waste Presynaptic Terminals
Archaea Headache Prevalence
Arginine Heart attack Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Arterial Heartburn Primary tumor
Arteries Hematology Probe
Arterioles Hematopoiesis Prodrug
Artery Hematopoietic Stem Cells Progeny
Artifacts Hematoxylin Progesterone
Asbestos Hematuria Progression
Ascites Hemoglobin Progressive
Ascitic Fluid Hemoglobin A Projection
Aseptic Hemoglobinopathies Promoter
Assay Hemorrhoids Prophase
Asymptomatic Hemostasis Prophylaxis
Ataxia Hepatic Prospective study
Attenuated Hepatic Duct, Common Prostate
Atypical Hepatitis Prostate gland
Auditory Hepatocellular Prostatic Hyperplasia
Auditory nerve Hepatocellular carcinoma Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Autologous Hepatocyte Prostatitis
Autolysis Hepatoma Protease
Autonomic Hereditary Protease Inhibitors
Autoradiography Heredity Protein Binding
Axillary Herpes Protein C
Axillary lymph nodes Herpes Zoster Protein Kinases
Axons Heterogeneity Protein S
B Hippocampus Proteoglycans
Backcross Histiocytosis Proteolytic
Bacteriophage Histocompatibility Protocol
Bacteriuria Histology Protons
Basal cells Histones Proto-Oncogenes
Basal Ganglia Homeobox Protozoa
Basement Membrane Homeostasis Psoriasis
Basilar Artery Homologous Psychiatry
Basophils Hormonal Psychoactive
Benign Hormone Psychology
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Hormone Replacement Therapy Psychophysiology
Benign tumor Hormone therapy Public Health
Beta-pleated Human papillomavirus Public Policy
Beta-Thalassemia Humoral Puerperium
Bile Humour Pulmonary
Bile Acids Hybrid Pulmonary hypertension
Bile Acids and Salts Hydrocephalus Pulse
Bile duct Hydrogen Pupil
Biliary Hydrolysis Putamen
Biliary Stricture Hyperaemia Pyramidal Cells
Biliary Tract Hypercalciuria R
Bioavailability Hyperplasia Race
Biochemical Hypersensitivity Radiation oncologist
Bioengineering Hypertension Radiation therapy
Biological therapy Hypertrophy Radioactive
Biological Transport Hypoxia Radiography
Biomarkers Hysterectomy Radiolabeled
Biopolymers I Radiology
Biopsy specimen Image Cytometry Radiolucent
Biosynthesis Immaturity Radiopharmaceutical
Biotechnology Immersion Radiotherapy
Biotransformation Immune function Randomized
Bladder Neoplasms Immune response Reagent
Blastomyces Immune system Receptor
Blood Coagulation Immunochemistry Recombinant
Blood Glucose Immunodeficiency Recombination
Blood pressure Immunodeficiency syndrome Reconstitution
Blot Immunofluorescence Rectal
Blotting, Western Immunogenic Rectum
Body Fluids Immunoglobulin Recur
Bone Marrow Immunohistochemistry Recurrence
Bone Resorption Immunologic Refer
Bone scan Immunologic Factors Reference point
Bowel Immunology Reflex
Bowel Movement Immunophenotyping Reflux
Brachytherapy Immunosuppressant Refraction
Bradykinin Immunosuppression Regeneration
Brain Neoplasms Immunosuppressive Regimen
Breast Feeding Immunosuppressive Agents Regurgitation
Breeding Implant radiation Relapse
Broad-spectrum In situ Relative risk
Bronchi In Situ Hybridization Reliability
Bronchial In vitro Remission
Bronchoalveolar Lavage In vivo Renal cysts
Bronchus Incidental Renal pelvis
C Incision Replicon
Calcium Incisional Reproductive History
Calibration Incisional biopsy Reproductive system
Candidiasis Incontinence Resection
Candidosis Indinavir Residual disease
Cannabidiol Induction Resorption
Cannabinoids Infant, Newborn Respiration
Cannabinol Infarction Response rate
Cannabis Infertility Retina
Cannula Infiltration Retinal
Capillary Informed Consent Retinoids
Carbohydrate Infusion Retrograde
Carbon Dioxide Ingestion Retroperitoneal
Carcinogen Inhalation Retrospective
Carcinogenesis Initiation Retrospective study
Carcinogenic Inorganic Retroviral vector
Carcinoma in Situ Insertional Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Cardiac Insight Rhabdomyosarcoma
Cardiovascular Insulin Rheumatism
Cardiovascular disease Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rheumatoid
Carotene Intercellular Junctions Rheumatoid arthritis
Carotenoids Interferon Rheumatoid Nodule
Case report Interferon-alpha Ribosome
Catheter Interleukins Rickettsiae
Catheterization Intermittent Risk factor
Cations Internal radiation Rubber
Caudate Nucleus Interneurons S
Cell Adhesion Interspecific Saline
Cell Adhesion Molecules Interstitial Saliva
Cell Communication Intestinal Salivary
Cell Cycle Intestine Salivary glands
Cell Death Intoxication Saponins
Cell Differentiation Intracellular Sarcoma
Cell Division Intracellular Membranes Scans
Cell Lineage Intracranial Hemorrhages Scatter
Cell membrane Intracranial Hypertension Schizoid
Cell motility Intraepithelial Schizophrenia
Cell Physiology Intraperitoneal Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cell proliferation Intrathecal Secondary tumor
Cell Size Intrathecal chemotherapy Secretion
Cell Survival Intravenous Secretory
Cellular Structures Intravenous pyelogram Sediment
Cellulose Intrinsic Sedimentation
Central Nervous System Introgression Segmental
Central Nervous System Infections Intubation Segmentation
Centrifugation Invalidate Segregation
Centrioles Invasive Self Care
Cerebellar Invasive cervical cancer Semen
Cerebellum Iodine Seminiferous Epithelium
Cerebral Iodine-131 Seminiferous tubule
Cerebrospinal Ion Transport Senile
Cerebrospinal fluid Ions Sensor
Cerebrovascular Iris Sentinel lymph node
Cerebrum Irradiation Sequencing
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Ischemia Serology
Chemokines K Serous
Chemoprevention Kb Serum
Chemopreventive Keratoconus Sex Ratio
Chemotactic Factors Ketoacidosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chemotaxis Ketone Bodies Shedding
Chemotherapy Kidney Disease Shock
Chlamydia Kidney Failure Side effect
Chlorophyll Kidney Pelvis Signs and Symptoms
Cholangiography Kidney stone Skull
Cholera Kidney Transplantation Small cell lung cancer
Cholera Toxin Kinetic Small intestine
Cholesterol Kinetochores Smallpox
Chondrocytes L Smoking Cessation
Choroid Labile Smooth muscle
Chromatin Lag Sneezing
Chromium Laminin Sodium
Chromosomal Laparoscopy Sodium Iodide
Chromosome Large Intestine Soft tissue
Chromosome Segregation Laryngeal Solvent
Chronic Larynx Soma
Chronic Disease Latent Somatic
Chronic renal Lavage Somatic cells
Clavicle Lectin Space Flight
Clinical Medicine Lens Specialist
Clinical trial Lesion Specificity
Clone Lethal Spectrometer
Cloning Lethargy Spectroscopic
Coenzyme Leucocyte Spectrum
Cofactor Leukaemia Speculum
Collagen Leukemia Sperm
Colon Leukocytes Spermatogenesis
Colorectal Life cycle Spermatozoa
Colorectal Cancer Ligament Sphincter
Colposcopy Ligands Spinal cord
Combination chemotherapy Light microscope Spleen
Complement Linkage Spontaneous Abortion
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipid Spores
Complementary medicine Lipid A Sputum
Compliance Lipid Peroxidation Squamous
Computational Biology Lipopolysaccharides Squamous cell carcinoma
Computed tomography Lithotripsy Squamous cells
Computer Systems Liver Squamous Epithelium
Computerized axial tomography Liver metastases Squamous intraepithelial lesion
Computerized tomography Liver scan Stabilization
Conception Localization Staging
Cone Localized Standard therapy
Conjunctiva Locoregional Standardize
Conjunctivitis Longitudinal Studies Steel
Connective Tissue Long-Term Potentiation Stem Cells
Connexins Loop Stenosis
Consolidation Loss of Heterozygosity Stent
Constriction Luciferase Stereotactic
Consultation Lymph Sterility
Contamination Lymph node Steroid
Contraception Lymphadenopathy Stimulants
Contraceptive Lymphatic Stimulus
Contractility Lymphatic system Stomach
Contraindications, ii Lymphocyte Stool
Contrast Media Lymphocyte Depletion Strand
Contrast medium Lymphoid Stress
Controlled study Lymphoma Stria
Coordination M Striatum
Core biopsy Macrophage Stricture
Cornea Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stroke
Coronary Major Histocompatibility Complex Stroma
Coronary heart disease Malformation Stromal
Coronary Thrombosis Malignancy Styrene
Corpus Malignant mesothelioma Subacute
Corpus Striatum Malignant tumor Subclinical
Cortices Mammary Subcutaneous
Cotinine Mammogram Subiculum
Cowpox Mandible Subspecies
Cowpox Virus Manifest Substance P
Craniocerebral Trauma Mannans Substrate
Crossing-over Mastitis Suction
Cryostat Matrix metalloproteinase Suppression
Cues Meatus Supraclavicular
Cultured cells Mediate Supraclavicular lymph nodes
Curative Medical Errors Sweat
Curettage Medical Records Sweat Glands
Curette Medication Errors Symphysis
Cutaneous MEDLINE Synapse
Cyclic Meiosis Synaptic
Cyclosporine Melanocytes Synergistic
Cyst Melanoma Synovial
Cystectomy Membrane Proteins Synovial Fluid
Cysteine Memory Synovial Membrane
Cystitis Menarche Syringoma
Cystometrogram Meninges Systemic
Cystoscope Menopause T
Cystoscopy Menstruation Tacrolimus
Cytogenetics Mental, iv Technology Transfer
Cytokine Mental Health, iv Telecommunications
Cytomegalovirus Mercury Telencephalon
Cytoplasm Mesenchymal Telomerase
Cytosine Mesoderm Telophase
Cytoskeleton Mesothelioma Temporal
Cytotoxic Metabolite Tendon
D Metaphase Tetrahydrocannabinol
Decision Making Metaplasia Thalassemia
Degenerative Metastasis Therapeutics
Dehydration Metastatic Thermal
Deletion Methacrylate Thoracic
Denaturation Methanol Threshold
Dendrites MI Thrombin
Dendritic Microbe Thrombomodulin
Dendritic cell Microbiology Thrombosis
Density Microcalcifications Thrush
Dentate Gyrus Micromanipulators Thymus
Dentists Micronuclei Thyroid Gland
Depolarization Microorganism Thyroid Hormones
Dermal Microtubules Thyroid Neoplasms
Desensitization Migration Thyroid Nodule
Developing Countries Milliliter Thyrotropin
Developmental Biology Millimeter Thyroxine
Diabetes Mellitus Mitochondria Tissue Fixation
Diagnostic Equipment Mitochondrial Swelling Tolerance
Diagnostic Errors Mitosis Tomography
Diagnostic procedure Mitotic Tone
Diaphragm Mobilization Topical
Diffusion Modeling Toxic, iv
Digestion Modification Toxicity
Digestive system Molecular Evolution Toxicokinetics
Digestive tract Molecular Structure Toxicology
Digital photography Monitor Toxin
Dilate Monoclonal Trace element
Dilation Monoclonal antibodies Trachea
Diploid Monocyte Transcriptase
Direct, iii Monosomy Transcription Factors
Discrete Morphological Transduction
Dispenser Morphology Transfection
Disposition Motility Transgenes
Dissection Motor Activity Transitional cell carcinoma
Dissociation Mucinous Transitional cells
Distal Mucins Translation
Dominance Mucolytic Translational
Dosimetry Mucosa Transmitter
Drive, ii, vi Mucus Transplantation
Drug Combinations Multivariate Analysis Transurethral
Drug Interactions Muscle Fibers Transurethral resection
Drug Resistance Mutagenesis Trauma
Drug Tolerance Mutagens Trees
Duct Mycophenolate mofetil Triage
Duodenum Mycosis Trisomy
Dyes Mydriatic Tuberculosis
Dynein Myocardium Tuberous Sclerosis
Dysplasia Myosin Tubulin
Dysuria N Tumor marker
E Necrosis Tumor suppressor gene
Edema Needle biopsy Tumour
Effector Neonatal Tunica
Efficacy Neoplasia U
Effusion Neoplasm Ubiquitin
Ejaculation Neoplastic Ulcer
Elasticity Neostriatum Ulceration
Electrode Nephropathy Ulcerative colitis
Electrolyte Nerve Ultrasonography
Electromyography Nervous System Urban Population
Electron microscope Networks Ureter
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Neural Ureteroscope
Electrons Neuroblastoma Ureteroscopy
Electrophysiological Neuroectodermal tumor Urethra
Embryo Neuroendocrine Uric
Embryology Neurologic Urinalysis
Emulsion Neurology Urinary tract
Enamel Neuromuscular Urinate
Encapsulated Neuromuscular Junction Urine
Endemic Neuronal Urodynamic
Endocarditis Neurons Urogenital
Endocervical curettage Neuropeptides Urolithiasis
Endocrine System Neurophysiology Urology
Endocrinology Neuropsychology Urothelium
Endogenous Neurotoxicity Uterus
Endometrial Neurotransmitter V
Endometrium Neutralization Vaccination
Endopeptidases Neutrons Vaccines
Endoscope Neutrophils Vaccinia
Endoscopic Nipple discharge Vaccinia Virus
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Nitric Oxide Vacuoles
Endoscopy Nitrogen Vagina
Endothelial cell Non-small cell lung cancer Vaginal
Endothelium Nuclear Vaginal Discharge
Endothelium, Lymphatic Nuclear Matrix Vaginitis
Endothelium, Vascular Nuclear Pore Vaginosis
Endothelium-derived Nuclei Variola
Endotoxic Nucleic acid Vascular
Endotoxins Nucleolus Vasodilators
End-stage renal O Vector
Entorhinal Cortex Obstetrics Vein
Environmental Health Ocular Venous
Enzymatic Odds Ratio Ventricle
Enzyme Ointments Ventricular
Eosinophils Omentum Venules
Epidemic Oncogenes Vertebrae
Epidemiological Oncogenic Veterinary Medicine
Epidermis Oncogenic Viruses Vibrio
Epidermoid carcinoma Oncologist Villi
Epigastric On-line Viral
Epistasis Opacity Viral Load
Epithelial Cells Ophthalmology Virulence
Epithelium Opportunistic Infections Viscera
Epitope Optic Nerve Visceral
Epitope Mapping Oral Health Vitreous
Equipment and Supplies Oral Hygiene Vitreous Body
Erythrocytes Orbit Vitro
Escalation Orbital Vivo
Esophageal Orderly Void
Esophagectomy Organelles W
Esophagitis Orofacial Warts
Esophagus Osteoblasts White blood cell
Estrogen Osteocytes Windpipe
Eukaryotic Cells Osteoporosis Withdrawal
Evoke Outpatient Wound Healing
Excisional Ovaries X
Excisional biopsy Ovary Xenograft
Excitability Ovum X-ray
Excitation Oxidation X-ray therapy
Excitatory Oxidative Stress Y
Exocrine P Yeasts
Exogenous P53 gene Z
Expectorant Palliative Zebrafish
Expert Systems Pancreas Zygomycosis
External-beam radiation Pancreatic Zymogen
Extracellular Pancreatic cancer
Extracellular Matrix Pancreatic Ducts
Extracellular Matrix Proteins Pancreatic Juice









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