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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(lipids; monounsaturated fat; polyunsaturated fat; saturated fat)












Paperback Book

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Pages  :  392
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597838887
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with dietary fat is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

lipids; monounsaturated fat; polyunsaturated fat; saturated fat




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to dietary fat. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to dietary fat. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Dietary Fat


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Dietary Fat

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Dietary Fat


Finding Nutrition Studies on Dietary Fat

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Dietary Fat


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Dietary Fat


Dissertations on Dietary Fat

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Dietary Fat


Recent Trials on Dietary Fat

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Dietary Fat


Patents on Dietary Fat

Patent Applications on Dietary Fat

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Dietary Fat


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Dietary Fat

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Dietary Fat


Video Recordings

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Dietary Fat


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletters on Dietary Fat

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Dietary Fat

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Associations and Dietary Fat

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on dietary fat will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on dietary fat.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Epithelial Organelles
Abdomen Epithelial Cells Orlistat
Abdominal Epithelium Osmolality
Abdominal fat Erythrocytes Osmoles
Abdominal Pain Esophageal Osmotic
Aberrant Esophagitis Osteoblasts
Acanthosis Nigricans Esophagus Osteocalcin
Acceptor Esterification Osteoporosis
Acetone Estradiol Outpatient
Acetylcarnitine Estrogen Ovaries
Acetylcholine Estrogen receptor Ovary
Acne Estrogen Replacement Therapy Overall survival
Acyl Ethanol Overweight
Adaptation Ethylene Glycol Ovulation
Adduct Eukaryotic Cells Ovum
Adenocarcinoma Excitation Oxidative Stress
Adenosine Exocrine Oxides
Adipocytes Exogenous Oxygen Consumption
Adipose Tissue Expert Systems P
Adjustment Extensor Palliative
Adjuvant External-beam radiation Palmitic Acid
Adrenal Cortex Extracellular Pancreas
Adverse Effect Extracellular Matrix Pancreatic
Aerobic Extraction Pancreatic Juice
Aerobic Exercise Extravascular Pancreatin
Aerosol Extremity Paneth Cells
Afferent F Paraffin
Affinity Failure to Thrive Parasite
Agar Fallopian Tubes Parasitic
Age of Onset Family Planning Parenteral
Agonist Farnesyl Paroxysmal
Air Sacs Fatty Liver Partial remission
Airway Feces Particle
Albumin Feeding Behavior Parturition
Aldehydes Fenfluramine Parvovirus
Alertness Fermentation Patch
Algorithms Fertilizers Pathogen
Alimentary Fetal Development Pathogenesis
Alkaline Fetus Pathologic
Alkaline Phosphatase Fever of Unknown Origin Pathologic Processes
Alkaloid Fibrin Pathologies
Alleles Fibrinogen Patient Education
Allergen Fibrinolysis Pelvic
Allergic Rhinitis Fibrinolytic Penicillin
Allylamine Fibroblasts Peptide
Alpha Particles Fibrosis Perception
Alpha-Linolenic Acid Fish Oils Perfusion
Alternative medicine Fish Products Perimenopausal
Alum Fistula Perinatal
Aluminum Fixation Perineal
Alveoli Flatus Periodontitis
Ameliorating Foam Cells Peripheral blood
Amine Focus Groups Peripheral Nervous System
Amino Acid Sequence Folate Peripheral Vascular Disease
Amino Acids Fold Peritoneal
Ammonia Food Exchange Peritoneal Cavity
Ampulla Food Preferences Peritoneum
Amputation Foramen Petrolatum
Amylase Forearm Petroleum
Amyloid Fovea Phagocytosis
Amylopectin Fractionation Phallic
Amylose Free Radical Scavengers Pharmaceutical Preparations
Anabolic Frontal Lobe Pharmacokinetic
Anaesthesia Fructose Pharmacologic
Anal Fungi Pharmacotherapy
Analgesic G Pharynx
Analogous Gallbladder Phenolphthalein
Analytes Gallstones Phenotype
Anaphylatoxins Gamma irradiation Phenylalanine
Anaphylaxis Ganglia Phosphates
Anatomical Gangrene Phospholipases
Androgens Gas Phospholipids
Anesthesia Gas exchange Phosphorus
Aneurysm Gastric Phosphorylate
Angina Gastric Acid Phosphorylated
Angina Pectoris Gastrin Phosphorylation
Animal model Gastroesophageal Reflux Photocoagulation
Anionic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Photodynamic therapy
Anions Gastrointestinal Phototransduction
Anorexia Gastrointestinal tract Physical Examination
Antagonism Gelatin Physiologic
Anterior Cerebral Artery Gels Physiology
Anthracenes Gene Expression Pigment
Antiarrhythmic Genetic Code Pilot study
Antibacterial Genetic Counseling Pineal Body
Antibiotic Genetic Engineering Pineal gland
Antibodies Genetic Markers Placenta
Anticoagulant Genetic Screening Plant sterols
Antigen Genetics Plants
Antigen-Antibody Complex Genomics Plaque
Anti-inflammatory Genotype Plasma cells
Antimetabolite Germ Cells Plasma protein
Antimicrobial Germ Layers Plasmapheresis
Antioxidant Gestation Plasmid
Antiproliferative Ginseng Platelet Activation
Antiseptic Gland Plateletpheresis
Antithrombotic Glomerular Platelets
Anus Glomerular Filtration Rate Plethysmography
Aorta Glomerulus Policy Making
Aortic Aneurysm Glucose Intolerance Polioviruses
Apheresis Glucose tolerance Pollen
Apolipoproteins Glucose Tolerance Test Poly U
Apolipoproteins A Glucosinolates Polyethylene
Apoptosis Glutamate Polymers
Applicability Glycerol Polymorphism
Aqueous Glycerophospholipids Polyp
Arachidonic Acid Glycoprotein Polypeptide
Arcuate Nucleus Glycosidic Polyposis
Aromatase Goats Polysaccharide
Aromatic Goblet Cells Porphyrins
Arrhythmia Gonadal Portal System
Arterial Governing Board Posterior
Arteries Government Agencies Postmenopausal
Arterioles Gp120 Postnatal
Arteriolosclerosis GP41 Postoperative
Arteriosclerosis Graft Postprandial
Ascites Grafting Postprandial Blood Glucose
Ascorbic Acid Gram-negative Postsynaptic
Aspirate Gram-Negative Bacteria Potassium
Assay Granulocytes Potassium hydroxide
Atherogenic Growth factors Potentiation
Atopic Gynecologic cancer Practice Guidelines
Atrophy H Precancerous
Attenuated Habitual Precipitation
Auditory Haemodialysis Preclinical
Autoimmune disease Haploid Precursor
Autologous Haplotypes Predisposition
Azoxymethane Haptens Premalignant
B Headache Premenopausal
Bacteria Health Behavior Prenatal
Bacterial Physiology Health Education Prevalence
Bactericidal Health Status Primary Prevention
Bacteriophage Heart attack Probe
Bacterium Heme Progeny
Base Hemoglobin Progesterone
Benign Hemoglobin A Progression
Beta-pleated Hemorrhage Progressive
Bilateral Hemostasis Prolactin
Bile Hepatic Proline
Bile Acids Hepatitis Promoter
Bile Acids and Salts Hepatitis A Prone
Bile Ducts Hepatitis Antigens Prophylaxis
Biliary Hepatitis Viruses Proportional
Bilirubin Hepatocytes Propylene Glycol
Binomial Distribution Hepatovirus Prospective study
Bioassays Heredity Prostaglandin
Bioavailability Heterogeneity Prostaglandins A
Bioavailable Heterogenic Prostaglandins D
Biochemical Heterogenous Prostaglandins F
Biological response modifier High blood cholesterol Prostatectomy
Biological therapy Histology Prostate-Specific Antigen
Biological Transport Homeostasis Protease
Biomarkers Homogeneous Protease Inhibitors
Biopsy Homologous Protein Binding
Biosynthesis Hormonal Protein C
Biotechnology Horny layer Protein S
Bladder Host Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Bloating Humoral Proteoglycans
Blood Circulation Time Humour Proteolytic
Blood Coagulation Hybrid Prothrombin
Blood Coagulation Disorders Hybridomas Protocol
Blood Coagulation Factors Hydrogen Protons
Blood Glucose Hydrogen Peroxide Protozoa
Blood Platelet Disorders Hydrolysis Proximal
Blood Platelets Hydrophilic Psoriasis
Blood pressure Hydrophobic Psychiatric
Blood-Brain Barrier Hydroxylysine Psychiatry
Body Composition Hydroxyproline Psychic
Body Fluids Hygienic Psyllium
Body Mass Index Hypercholesterolemia Puberty
Bolus Hyperglycemia Public Policy
Bolus infusion Hyperlipidaemia Publishing
Bone Marrow Hyperlipoproteinemia Pulmonary
Bone Resorption Hyperphagia Pulmonary Artery
Bone scan Hypersensitivity Pulse
Bowel Hypertension Purines
Bowel Movement Hypertriglyceridemia Putrefaction
Brachytherapy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Pyrogenic
Bradykinin Hypobetalipoproteinemia Q
Brain Infarction Hypoglycemia Quality of Life
Brain Stem Hypoglycemic Quercetin
Brain Stem Infarctions Hypothalamic R
Branch Hypothalamus Race
Breakdown Hypoxanthine Radiation
Bronchi I Radiation therapy
Bronchial Ice Cream Radical prostatectomy
Bronchioles Id Radio Waves
Buccal Ileal Radioactive
Bupivacaine Ileum Radioisotope
C Imaging procedures Radiolabeled
Caffeine Immune adjuvant Radiology
Calcification Immune Complex Diseases Radiotherapy
Calcium Immune function Randomized clinical trial
Caloric intake Immune response Receptivity
Calorimeter Immune system Receptors, Serotonin
Camptothecin Immunity Recombinant
Cannula Immunization Recombination
Capillary Immunodeficiency Rectal
Capillary Fragility Immunogenic Rectum
Capsid Immunoglobulins Recurrence
Capsules Immunohistochemistry Reductase
Carbon Dioxide Immunologic Refer
Carcinogen Immunology Reflex
Carcinogenesis Immunotherapy Reflux
Carcinogenic Impairment Refraction
Carcinoma Implant radiation Refractory
Cardia Implantation Regeneration
Cardiac In vitro Regimen
Cardiomyopathy In vivo Regression Analysis
Cardiopulmonary Incision Regurgitation
Cardiorespiratory Incompetence Rehydration
Carnitine Incontinence Reliability
Carotene Indicative Remission
Carotenoids Induction Renal pelvis
Carrier Proteins Infant Food Reperfusion
Case report Infantile Reperfusion Injury
Case series Infarction Respiration
Case-Control Studies Infection Respiratory failure
Catabolism Infertility Resting metabolic rate
Cataracts Inflammatory bowel disease Restoration
Catecholamine Information Systems Retina
Cations Infusion Retinal
Caudal Ingestion Retinal Detachment
Causal Inhalation Retropubic
Cause of Death Initiation Retropubic prostatectomy
Cell Death Initiator Retrospective
Cell Differentiation Inlay Retrospective study
Cell Division Innervation Retroviral vector
Cell membrane Inorganic Rhinitis
Cell Physiology Inositol Ribonucleic acid
Cell proliferation Insight Ribonucleoproteins
Cell Respiration Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Ribose
Cell Size Interferon Ribosome
Cell Survival Interferon-alpha Rigidity
Cell Transplantation Interleukin-6 Rod
Cellulose Intermittent Rosiglitazone
Central Nervous System Internal Capsule Rutin
Centrifugation Internal Medicine S
Ceramide Internal radiation Saline
Cerebellum Interstitial Salivary
Cerebral Intervention Studies Salivary glands
Cerebral hemispheres Intestinal Saponins
Cerebral Infarction Intestine Scans
Cerebrospinal Intracellular Sclerosis
Cerebrospinal fluid Intramuscular Screening
Cerebrovascular Intraocular Seafood
Cerebrum Intravascular Sebaceous
Cervical Intravenous Sebaceous gland
Cervix Intrinsic Sebum
Character Inulin Second Messenger Systems
Chemokines Invasive Secondary tumor
Chemotactic Factors Involuntary Secretory
Chemotherapy Ionization Sedentary
Cholecystokinin Ionizing Seizures
Cholestenones Ions Semen
Cholesterol Esters Irinotecan Semisynthetic
Cholesterol, Dietary Irradiation Senile
Choline Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sensor
Chromatin Ischemia Sequencing
Chromosomal Ischemic stroke Serine
Chromosome Islet Serotonin
Chronic Disease Isoprenoids Serous
Chronic renal Isozymes Serum
Chylomicrons J Serum Albumin
CIS Jejunum Sex Characteristics
Citric Acid Joint Sharpness
Citrus K Shock
Clamp Kb Side effect
Clear cell carcinoma Keto Signal Transduction
Clinical Medicine Ketone Bodies Signs and Symptoms
Clinical Protocols Ketosteroids Silicon
Clinical study Kidney stone Silicon Dioxide
Clinical trial Kinetic Silicone Oils
Clone Kink Siloxanes
Cloning L Skeletal
Coagulation Labile Skeleton
Coagulation Protein Disorders Lactation Skin Care
Coal Large Intestine Skull
Coal Tar Larynx Small intestine
Cod Liver Oil Latent Smooth muscle
Coenzyme Least-Squares Analysis Soaps
Cofactor Leptin Social Environment
Cognitive restructuring Lesion Sodium
Cohort Studies Leukapheresis Soft tissue
Colitis Leukocytes Solid tumor
Collagen Leukotrienes Solvent
Collapse Libido Somatic
Colloidal Library Services Somatostatin
Colorectal Ligament Sonogram
Colorectal Cancer Ligands Sound wave
Combination Therapy Likelihood Functions Soybean Oil
Combinatorial Linear Models Specialist
Complement Linkage Specificity
Complementary and alternative medicine Linolenic Acids Spectrum
Complementary medicine Lipase Sperm
Complete remission Lipid Bilayers Sperm Count
Complete response Lipid Peroxidation Spinal cord
Computational Biology Lipid Peroxides Spinal tap
Computed tomography Lipodystrophy Spinous
Computerized axial tomography Lipolysis Spleen
Computerized tomography Lipophilic Squamous
Conception Lipopolysaccharide Squamous cell carcinoma
Concomitant Lipoprotein Lipase Squamous Epithelium
Confounding Liposomal Stabilization
Conjugated Liposome Stabilizer
Conjugation Liver cancer Staging
Connective Tissue Liver scan Steatorrhea
Consciousness Lobe Steatosis
Constriction Localization Steel
Consultation Localized Stem cell transplantation
Contamination Locomotion Stem Cells
Contraceptive Logistic Models Sterile
Contraindications, ii Long-Term Care Sterility
Control group Loss of Heterozygosity Sterilization
Controlled clinical trial Lovastatin Steroid
Corn Oil Low-calorie diet Stimulant
Corneum Low-density lipoprotein Stimulus
Coronary Circulation Lower Esophageal Sphincter Stomach
Coronary Disease Lubricants Stool
Coronary Thrombosis Lumbar Strand
Coronary Vessels Lumbar puncture Stress
Corpus Lumen Striate
Corpus Luteum Lutein Cells Stroke
Cortex Lycopene Structure-Activity Relationship
Cortical Lymph Subacute
Cortisol Lymph node Subclinical
Cranial Lymphatic Subcutaneous
Criterion Lymphatic system Subspecies
Cross-Sectional Studies Lymphocyte Substance P
Cues Lymphoid Substrate
Culture Media Lymphoma Substrate Specificity
Cultured cells Lymphoproliferative Suction
Curative M Sulfur
Cutaneous Macula Sulfur Compounds
Cyclic Macula Lutea Sulfuric acid
Cyst Macular Degeneration Sulindac
Cysteine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Supplementation
Cytochrome Major Histocompatibility Complex Suppression
Cytokine Malabsorption Surfactant
Cytomegalovirus Malabsorption syndrome Survival Rate
Cytoplasm Malignancy Symphysis
Cytotoxic Malignant Synaptic
Cytotoxicity Malnutrition Synergistic
D Mammary Systolic
Dairy Products Mammogram T
Data Collection Mammography Telecommunications
Databases, Bibliographic Manifest Temporal
Day Care Meat Testicles
De novo Meat Products Testicular
Deamination Meatus Testis
Decubitus Medial Testosterone
Decubitus Ulcer Mediate Therapeutics
Degenerative Mediator Thermal
Dehydroepiandrosterone Medical Records Thiamine
Deletion Medicament Thinness
Dementia MEDLINE Thiourea
Dendrites Megaloblastic Third Ventricle
Deoxyribonucleic Melanin Thorax
Deoxyribonucleic acid Melanocytes Threshold
Deoxyribonucleotides Melanoma Thrombin
Deoxyuridine Melanosis Thrombocytes
Depolarization Memory Thrombomodulin
Deprivation Meninges Thrombosis
Dermatitis Menopause Thromboxanes
Dermatologic Agents Menstrual Cycle Thrombus
DES Menstruation Thymidine
Desensitization Mental Disorders Thymus
Detergents Mental Health, iv Thyroid
Deuterium Mentors Thyroxine
Developing Countries Mesenchymal Tin
Dexfenfluramine Mesoderm Tissue Culture
DHEA Meta-Analysis Tissue Distribution
Diabetes Mellitus Metabolic disorder Tolerance
Diagnostic Imaging Metabolite Tomography
Diagnostic procedure Metaplasia Tooth Preparation
Diarrhea Metastasis Topical
Diastole Metastatic Topoisomerase inhibitors
Diastolic Methionine Toxic, iv
Diastolic blood pressure MI Toxicity
Diencephalon Mice Minute Virus Toxicokinetics
Dietary Fats Micelles Toxicology
Dietary Fiber Microbe Toxins
Dietitian Microbiological Trace element
Diffusion Microbiology Tracer
Digestion Micronutrients Trachea
Digestive system Microorganism Traction
Digestive tract Microscopy Transcription Factors
Digital rectal examination Microsomal Transdermal
Dihydrotestosterone Microsome Transduction
Dihydroxy Microspheres Transfection
Dilatation Microvilli Transgenes
Dilatation, Pathologic Microwaves Translation
Dilation Midaxillary line Translational
Dimethyl Migration Transmitter
Diploid Milliliter Transplantation
Direct, iii Millimeter Transrectal ultrasound
Discrimination Mitochondria Trauma
Disease-Free Survival Mitosis Triglyceride
Disinfectant Mitotic Triparanol
Disposition Modeling Truncal
Dissection Molecular Probes Tryptophan
Dissociation Molecular Structure Tuberculosis
Distal Monitor Tumor marker
Diuresis Monoclonal Tumor Necrosis Factor
Diverticulum Monocyte Tumor suppressor gene
Dopamine Mononuclear Type 2 diabetes
Dorsal Monounsaturated fat Tyrosine
Dorsum Morphological U
Drug Delivery Systems Morphology Ulcerative colitis
Drug Interactions Motility Unconditioned
Drug Tolerance Mucins Unconscious
Duct Mucosa Unsaturated Fats
Duodenum Mucositis Urea
Dyes Mucus Ureters
Dyslipidemia Mutagenesis Urethra
Dyspareunia Mutagenic Urinary
Dysplasia Mutagens Urine
Dysprosium Myocardial infarction Urticaria
E Myocardial Ischemia Uterus
Effector Myocardial Reperfusion V
Efficacy Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Vaccination
Ego Myocardium Vaccine
Eicosanoids Myoglobin Vacuoles
Elasticity N Vagal
Elastin Naive Vagina
Electrocoagulation NCI Vaginal
Electrode Necrosis Vagus Nerve
Electrolyte Need Valine
Electrons Neonatal Vascular
Electroplating Neoplasia Vasectomy
Electroporation Neoplasm Vasodilation
Embryo Neoplastic Vasomotor
Emollient Nerve VE
Emulsion Nervous System Vector
Encapsulated Networks Vein
Endocrine System Neural Venous
Endocrinology Neurologic Venous blood
Endocytosis Neuronal Ventral
Endoderm Neurons Ventricle
Endometrial Neurotoxic Venules
Endometrium Neutrons Vertebrae
Endopeptidases Niacin Vesicular
Endoscope Nitrogen Veterinary Medicine
Endoscopic Normotensive Viral
Endothelial cell Nuclear Viral vector
Endothelium Nuclear Matrix Virosomes
Endothelium, Lymphatic Nuclear Medicine Virulence
Endothelium, Vascular Nuclear Pore Virus
Endotoxic Nuclei Viscera
Endotoxin Nucleocapsid Visceral
Endpoint Determination Nucleolus Visceral Afferents
End-stage renal Nucleus Viscosity
Energetic Nutritional Status Visual Acuity
Energy balance O Vitamin A
Energy Intake Obsession Vivo
Enhancers Odour W
Enterocytes Ointments Waist circumference
Enterohepatic Oleic Acids Weight Gain
Enterohepatic Circulation Oligosaccharides White blood cell
Enterovirus Omega-3 fatty acid Windpipe
Environmental Health Omega-6 Fatty Acids X
Environmental tobacco smoke Oncogenic Xanthine
Enzymatic Oncology Xanthine Oxidase
Enzyme Inhibitors On-line Xenograft
Ependyma Opacity X-ray
Epidemic Opalescent X-ray therapy
Epidemiologic Studies Ophthalmic Y
Epidemiological Ophthalmology Yeasts
Epidemiology, Molecular Opportunistic Infections Z
Epidermis Optic Chiasm Zygote
Epidermoid carcinoma Oral Health Zymogen
Epigastric Organ Culture
Epinephrine Organ Preservation









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