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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(endothelial myeloma; Ewing tumor; malignant neoplasms of the bone)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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800-843-2665 (within USA)

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Pages  :  172
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497004267
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with Ewing's sarcoma is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

endothelial myeloma; Ewing tumor; malignant neoplasms of the bone




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to Ewing's sarcoma. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to Ewing's sarcoma. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Ewing’s Sarcoma


Federally Funded Research on Ewing’s Sarcoma

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Ewing’s Sarcoma


Finding Nutrition Studies on Ewing’s Sarcoma

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Ewing’s Sarcoma


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Periodicals and News on Ewing’s Sarcoma


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Ewing’s Sarcoma

Chapter 5. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on Ewing's sarcoma will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on Ewing's sarcoma.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Ganglion Pathologic Processes
Aberrant Gastric Pathologist
Acetylglucosamine Gastrointestinal PDQ
Acne Gastrointestinal tract Pelvic
Acute leukemia Gene Amplification Pelvis
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Gene Expression Peptide
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Gene Fusion Peripheral blood
Acute myelogenous leukemia Gene Rearrangement Peripheral Nervous System
Acute myeloid leukemia Gene Therapy Peripheral stem cell transplantation
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Genetic Engineering Perivascular
Adaptability Genetic Markers Petroleum
Adenosine Genetic testing Pharmacokinetic
Adenovirus Genetics Pharmacologic
Adenylate Cyclase Genotype Phenotype
Adjuvant Gland Phenylalanine
Adjuvant Therapy Glucose Phosphorus
Adrenergic Glycine Phosphorylation
Adverse Effect Glycogen Physiologic
Affinity Glycophorin Physiology
Agonist Glycoprotein Pituitary Gland
Algorithms Glycosylation Plasma
Allergen Governing Board Plasma cells
Allograft Graft Plasmid
Alopecia Guanidine Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Alpha Particles H Platelets
Alternative medicine Habitual Platinum
Amifostine Headache Pneumonia
Amino acid Hematopoiesis Podophyllotoxin
Anaesthesia Hemipelvectomy Polymerase
Anal Hemoglobin Polymerase Chain Reaction
Analog Hemoglobinopathies Polymorphism
Analogous Hemolytic Polypeptide
Analytes Hemostasis Polysaccharide
Anemia Hereditary Posterior
Angiogenesis Heredity Postnatal
Annealing Heterogeneity Practice Guidelines
Antibacterial Histiocytosis Practice Management
Antibiotic Histology Precancerous
Antibodies Homologous Preclinical
Antibody Hormone Precursor
Antigen Hormone therapy Predictive factor
Anti-inflammatory Hydrocephalus Preoperative
Antimetabolite Hydrogen Prevalence
Antineoplastic Hydrolysis Primary tumor
Antineoplastic Agents Hypercalcemia Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Antiviral Hypersensitivity Probe
Anus Hypertension Prognostic factor
Apoptosis Hyperthermia Progression
Arteries Hypothalamus Progressive
Articular I Progressive disease
Aspiration Ifosfamide Projection
Assay Imidazole Promoter
Ataxia Immune response Prophylaxis
Attenuated Immune system Proptosis
Atypical Immunization Prospective study
Autoimmune disease Immunofluorescence Prostate
Autologous Immunogenic Protein C
Autologous bone marrow transplantation Immunoglobulin Protein Kinase C
Autonomic Immunohistochemistry Protein Kinases
B Immunologic Protein S
Back Pain Immunology Protein-Serine-Threonine Kinases
Bacteria Immunosuppressive Proteinuria
Basophils Immunotherapy Protocol
Benign Implant radiation Protons
Bile In situ Psoriasis
Biochemical In Situ Hybridization Psychiatric
Biological Markers In vitro Psychology
Biopsy In vivo Public Policy
Biosynthesis Incision Publishing
Biotechnology Incontinence Pulmonary
Bladder Indolent Pulmonary Artery
Blood Groups Induction Pulmonary Embolism
Blood pressure Induction therapy Pulse
Blood vessel Infarction Purines
Blot Infection Pyrimidines
Bone Marrow Cells Infiltration R
Bone Marrow Transplantation Influenza Race
Bone metastases Infusion Racemic
Bone scan Initiation Radiation oncologist
Bowel Inorganic Radiation therapy
Brachytherapy Inotropic Radioactive
Brain Neoplasms Insulin Radioimmunotherapy
Bromodeoxyuridine Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Radiolabeled
Brucellosis Insulin-like Radiological
C Interferon Radiology
Calcitonin Interferon-alpha Radiopharmaceutical
Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Intermediate Filaments Radiotherapy
Calcium Internal radiation Ramus
Capital Financing Interphase Randomized
Carbohydrate Interstitial Ras gene
Carcinogen Interstitial Collagenase Receptor
Carcinogenesis Intestinal Recombination
Carcinogenic Intestinal Mucosa Reconstitution
Cardiac Intestine Rectum
Cardiovascular Intracellular Recurrence
Case report Intracranial Hemorrhages Red blood cells
Caspase Intracranial Hypertension Refer
Catecholamine Intravenous Refraction
Causal Invasive Refractory
Cell Cycle Ionization Regeneration
Cell Death Ionizing Regimen
Cell Division Ions Relapse
Cell Lineage Irradiation Remission
Cell proliferation Ischemia Repressor
Cell Transplantation K Resection
Central Nervous System Kb Resorption
Central Nervous System Infections Kinetic Respiration
Cerebral L Respiratory System
Cerebrospinal Larynx Response rate
Cerebrospinal fluid Lesion Retinoblastoma
Character Lethal Retinoids
Chemopreventive Lethargy Retrospective
Chemotherapeutic agent Leukemia Retrospective study
Chest wall Leukocytes Retroviral vector
Chimera Levo Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Cholera Ligament Rhabdomyosarcoma
Cholera Toxin Linkage Ribose
Chondrocytes Lipid Ribosome
Chondrosarcoma Liver S
Chromatin Liver scan Sacroiliac Joint
Chromosomal Localization Salvage Therapy
Chromosome Localized Sarcoma
Chronic Longitudinal study Scans
CIS Lumbar Screening
Cisplatin Lung metastases Secondary tumor
Clinical trial Lymph Secretion
Cloning Lymphatic Segregation
Codon Lymphatic system Semen
Collagen Lymphoblasts Semisynthetic
Colon Lymphocyte Sensitization
Combination chemotherapy Lymphoid Sensory loss
Combinatorial Lymphoma Septal
Combined Modality Therapy M Septum
Complement Magnetic Resonance Imaging Septum Pellucidum
Complementary and alternative medicine Malaise Sequencing
Complementary medicine Malignancy Serine
Complete response Malignant Serum
Computational Biology Malignant tumor Shock
Computed tomography Mandible Side effect
Computerized axial tomography Mandibular Condyle Signs and Symptoms
Connective Tissue Matrix metalloproteinase Skeletal
Connective Tissue Cells Maximum Tolerated Dose Skeleton
Consciousness Medial Skull
Consolidation Mediate Small intestine
Consolidation therapy Medical Records Soft tissue
Continuous infusion MEDLINE Soft tissue sarcoma
Contraindications, ii Medulloblastoma Solid tumor
Cooperative group Megakaryocytes Somatostatin
Coronary Melanin Specialist
Coronary Thrombosis Melphalan Species
Cranial Membrane Spectrum
Craniocerebral Trauma Mental, iv Sperm
Crossing-over Mental Processes Sphenoid
Cryostat Mesenchymal Sphenoid Sinus
Curative Mesna Sphincter
Cutaneous Metabolite Spinal cord
Cyclic Metastasis Spinal Cord Vascular Diseases
Cyclophosphamide Metastatic Sporadic
Cytogenetics Metastatic cancer Stable disease
Cytoplasm Methionine Staging
Cytotoxic MI Stem cell transplantation
Cytotoxicity Microbe Stem Cells
D Microbiology Sterility
Daunorubicin Microfilaments Stimulus
Dehydration Microorganism Stool
Deletion Microtubules Strand
Denaturation Migration Stress
Diabetes Mellitus Mitochondrial Swelling Stromal
Diagnostic procedure Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases Stromal Cells
Diffusion Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Subacute
Digestion Mitosis Subclinical
Dilation Mitotic Subcutaneous
Dilution Modeling Subspecies
Dimethyl Modification Substance P
Direct, iii Molecular Supportive care
Disease-Free Survival Molecule Sympathomimetic
Dissociation Monitor Symphysis
Dissociative Disorders Monoclonal Synapse
Distal Monocytes Systemic
Dopamine Motility T
Dorsal Mucosa Temporal
Dose-rate Multidrug resistance Thalassemia
Dosimetry Multiple Myeloma Therapeutics
Doxorubicin Multivariate Analysis Thermal
Drug Interactions Myasthenia Thigh
Drug Resistance Myelitis Thoracic
Drug Tolerance Myelodysplasia Thorax
E Myelogenous Threonine
Ectoderm Myeloma Thymidine
Effector Myocardium Thyroid
Electrolytes N Topical
Electrons NCI Total-body irradiation
Embryo Necrosis Toxic, iv
Endemic Needle biopsy Toxicity
Endogenous Neoadjuvant Therapy Toxicology
Endothelial cell Neoplasia Toxins
Enhancer Neoplasm Trachea
Environmental Exposure Neoplastic Transcriptase
Environmental Health Neoplastic Processes Transcription Factors
Enzymatic Nerve Transfection
Enzyme Nerve Growth Factor Transferases
Eosinophilic Nervous System Translation
Eosinophilic Granuloma Neural Translational
Eosinophils Neural Crest Translocation
Epidemiologic Studies Neuroblastoma Transmitter
Epidural Neurologic Trauma
Epinephrine Neurons Tumor suppressor gene
Epithelial Neuropeptide Tumorigenic
Epithelial Cells Neurotransmitter Tumour
Erythrocyte Membrane Neutrons Tyrosine
Erythrocytes Neutrophils U
Erythroleukemia Nitrogen Ulna
Escalation Nonmetastatic Urethra
Etoposide Norepinephrine Urinary
Eukaryotic Cells Nuclear Urine
Evaluable disease Nuclei Uterus
Evaluable patients Nucleic acid V
Evoke Nucleus Vagina
Exophthalmos O Vascular
External-beam radiation Octreotide Vasoactive
Extracellular Ointments Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
Extracellular Matrix Oncogene Vasodilation
Extracellular Matrix Proteins Oncogenic Vasodilator
Extrapyramidal Oncologist Ventricles
Extremity Operon Ventricular
Eye Infections Orbit Vertebral
F Orthostatic Veterinary Medicine
Family Planning Osteoclasts Vibrio
Fat Osteogenic sarcoma Villi
Femoral Osteolytic Vinca Alkaloids
Femur Osteosarcoma Vincristine
Fibroblast Growth Factor Ovary Viral
Fibroblasts Overexpress Virulence
Fine-needle aspiration P Virus
Fistula Paediatric Vitro
Fixation Palliative Vivo
Fluorescence Pamidronate W
Forearm Pancreas White blood cell
Free Radicals Pancreatic Wound Healing
Frozen Sections Paraffin X
G Partial remission X-ray
Gallium Partial response X-ray therapy
Gamma irradiation Particle Y
Gamma Rays Pathologic Yeasts
Ganglia Pathologic fracture









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