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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  160
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597844313
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with ganglions is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to ganglions. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to ganglions. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Ganglions


Federally Funded Research on Ganglions

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Ganglions


Finding Nutrition Studies on Ganglions

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Dissertations on Ganglions


Dissertations on Ganglions

Keeping Current

Chapter 4. Patents on Ganglions


Patents on Ganglions

Patent Applications on Ganglions

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Ganglions


The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Ganglions

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Ganglions


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Ganglions

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on ganglions will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on ganglions.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Facial Pain Pathogenesis
Abdominal Family Planning Pathologic
Ablate Fasciculation Pathologic Processes
Ablation Fat Pathophysiology
Acceptor Femur Patient Education
Acetylcholine Fetus Pelvic
Acoustic Fibrillation Pelvis
Action Potentials Fibrosis Peptide
Adaptability Fissure Perception
Adaptation Fixation Perfusion
Adenosine Flatus Pericytes
Adjustment Flexor Perimetry
Adrenal Medulla Flutter Peripheral blood
Adrenergic Forearm Peripheral Nervous System
Adverse Effect Fossa Peripheral vision
Aerobic Fovea Perivascular
Afferent Functional Disorders Phagocytosis
Affinity Functional magnetic resonance imaging Phallic
Ageing Fundus Pharmacologic
Agonist Fura-2 Pharynx
Albinism G Phenotype
Alertness Gallbladder Phenylalanine
Algorithms Ganglia Phospholipids
Alkaline Ganglionectomy Phosphorus
Alkaloid Ganglioneuroblastoma Phosphorylate
Alleles Gap Junctions Phosphorylating
Allergen Gas Phosphorylation
Alternative medicine Gastric Photocoagulation
Ameliorating Gastrointestinal Photoreceptors
Amine Gastrointestinal tract Phototransduction
Amino acid Gelatin Physical Examination
Amino Acid Sequence Gene Physiologic
Ammonia Gene Expression Physiology
Amplification Genes, p53 Pigmentation
Anaesthesia Geniculate Ganglion Pigments
Anal Genital Plants
Analog Genotype Plasma
Anaplasia Gestation Plasma cells
Anatomical Gland Plasticity
Anesthesia Glossopharyngeal Nerve Plastids
Angina Glutamate Platelet Aggregation
Angiogenesis Glutamic Acid Platelets
Ankle Glutamine Plexus
Antagonism Glycerol Pneumonia
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Glycine Point Mutation
Antiarrhythmic Glycoproteins Pons
Antibodies Governing Board Posterior
Antibody Grafting Postnatal
Anticoagulant Granule Postsynaptic
Antigen Growth Post-translational
Antimicrobial Growth Cones Post-traumatic
Anus Growth factors Potentiation
Aorta Guanylate Cyclase Practice Guidelines
Aplasia H Precursor
Aponeurosis Habituation Presynaptic
Apoptosis Hair Cells Probe
Aqueous Haptens Progression
Arginine Headache Progressive
Arrhythmia Heart attack Projection
Arterial Heartbeat Prophase
Arteries Helix-loop-helix Protein C
Arterioles Heme Protein S
Arteriolosclerosis Hemorrhage Proteins
Arteriosclerosis Hemostasis Proteoglycans
Arteriosclerosis Obliterans Hepatic Proximal
Artery Hereditary Psychiatry
Arthrography Heredity Psychoactive
Articular Herpes Public Policy
Aspartate Herpes Zoster Pulmonary
Aspiration Heterogeneity Pulmonary Artery
Atrial Heterozygotes Pulsation
Atrial Fibrillation Histamine Pupil
Atrial Flutter Histidine R
Atrioventricular Homeostasis Race
Atrioventricular Node Homologous Radial Artery
Atrium Hormone Radioactive
Atrophy Host Radiography
Auditory Hybrid Radioisotope
Auditory Cortex Hydrogen Radius
Auditory nerve Hydroxyproline Randomized
Autoimmune disease Hypersensitivity Reactive Oxygen Species
Autoimmunity Hypoplasia Receptor
Autonomic Hypotensive Receptors, Serotonin
Autonomic Nervous System Hypothalamus Recombinant
Axonal I Rectal
Axons Id Rectum
Axotomy Idiopathic Recurrence
B Immune response Reentry
Backcross Immune Sera Refer
Bacteria Immune system Reflex
Bacterial Physiology Immunity Refractory
Bacteriophage Immunization Regeneration
Bacterium Immunogen Regimen
Basal cells Immunologic Remission
Basal Ganglia Immunology Research Support
Base Immunophilin Resection
Basement Membrane Immunosuppressant Restoration
Benign Immunosuppressive Retinal Artery
Biochemical Implantation Retinal Ganglion Cells
Biological therapy In vitro Retinal Neovascularization
Biotechnology In vivo Retinal pigment epithelium
Bladder Incision Retinal Vein
Blood Coagulation Incisive Retinol
Blood Platelets Incisor Retinopathy
Blood pressure Indicative Retrobulbar
Blood vessel Induction Retrograde
Blood-Brain Barrier Infarction Retrospective
Bone Marrow Infection Retrospective study
Bowel Inflammation Reversion
Brachial Infuse Rhodopsin
Brachial Artery Infusion Risk factor
Bradykinin Ingestion Rod
Brain Stem Initiation Ryanodine
Branch Inlay S
Breakdown Innervation Saliva
Bronchial Inositol Salivary
Buccal Inotropic Salivary glands
Butyric Acid Insight Schizoid
C Intermittent Schizophrenia
Cadherins Interstitial Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Caffeine Intestinal Sclera
Calcification Intestine Sclerosis
Calcineurin Intoxication Screening
Calcitonin Intracellular Second Messenger Systems
Calcium Intracellular Membranes Secretion
Calmodulin Intracranial Hypertension Secretory
Capsules Intraocular Seizures
Carbohydrate Intraocular pressure Sensitization
Carbon Dioxide Intravenous Serotonin
Carcinogenic Intrinsic Shock
Carcinogens Invasive Side effect
Carcinoma Involuntary Signal Transduction
Cardiac Ion Channels Skeletal
Cardiovascular Ions Skeleton
Cardioversion Ipsilateral Skull
Carotene Ischemia Small intestine
Case report J Smooth muscle
Caspase Jealousy Solitary Nucleus
Catecholamine Joint Soma
Catheter Joint Capsule Somatic
Catheter Ablation K Sotalol
Caudal Kb Sound wave
Caustic Ketamine Specialist
Cauterization Kinetic Species
Celiac Artery L Specificity
Cell Adhesion Labyrinth Sperm
Cell Adhesion Molecules Lacrimal Spike
Cell Death Laminin Spinal cord
Cell Differentiation Large Intestine Spiral Ganglion
Cell Division Larva Splanchnic Nerves
Cell membrane Larva Migrans Spleen
Cell Movement Latent Splint
Cell proliferation Leukocytes Sporadic
Cell Respiration Library Services Stabilization
Cell Survival Life cycle Statistically significant
Central Nervous System Ligament Steel
Central retinal artery Ligands Stellate
Cerebellar Ligation Stellate Ganglion
Cerebellar Diseases Lipid Stem Cells
Cerebellum Lipofuscin Stereoscopic
Cerebral Liver Stereotactic
Cerebral Cortex Localization Stimulant
Cerebral hemispheres Localized Stimulus
Cerebrum Long-Term Potentiation Stomach
Ceroid Loop Stress
Cervical Lumbar Stroke
Cervix Lumen Stroma
Character Lunate Subacute
Chemotherapeutic agent Lymph Subclinical
Cholinergic Lymph node Subspecies
Chorda Tympani Nerve Lymphatic Substance P
Choroid Lymphatic system Substrate
Chromatin Lymphocytes Superinfection
Chromosomal Lymphoid Supine
Chromosome M Suppression
Chronic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Suppressive
Circadian Malignant Supraventricular
Circadian Rhythm Mammogram Sympathetic Nervous System
CIS Mandibular Nerve Sympathomimetic
Clamp Manifest Synapse
Clear cell carcinoma Mastication Synapsis
Clinical Medicine Matrix metalloproteinase Synaptic
Clinical trial Maxillary Synaptic Vesicles
Clone Maxillary Nerve Synovial
Cloning Meatus Synovial Membrane
Cochlea Medial Systemic
Cochlear Mediate T
Cochlear Diseases Mediator Tachycardia
Cochlear Implants Medical Records Tarsi
Cochlear Nerve MEDLINE Taste Buds
Cochlear Nucleus Meiosis Temporal
Cofactor Melanin Tendinitis
Collagen Melanocytes Tendon
Combinatorial Melanophores Tenosynovitis
Common Bile Duct Melanosomes Tetanic
Complement Memantine Tetanus
Computational Biology Membrane Fusion Tetracycline
Concomitant Memory Tetrodotoxin
Conduction Meninges Thermal
Cone Mental, iv Thoracic
Conjugated Mesenteric Thorax
Conjunctiva Metabolite Threshold
Connective Tissue Metastasis Thrombin
Constipation MI Thrombomodulin
Constriction Microbiology Thrombosis
Contraindications, ii Microcalcifications Thrombus
Contralateral Microorganism Thymidine
Contrast medium Micro-organism Thymidine Kinase
Contrast Sensitivity Microscopy Thymus
Conventional therapy Migration Thyroid
Conventional treatment Mitochondria Thyroid Gland
Coordination Mitosis Thyroid Hormones
Coronary Modification Tibia
Coronary Thrombosis Molecular Tinnitus
Cortex Molecule Tissue Distribution
Cortical Monitor Tone
Cranial Morphological Tonus
Craniocerebral Trauma Morphology Tooth Preparation
Cues Motility Topical
Cutaneous Motor nerve Torsion
Cyclic Motor Neurons Total pancreatectomy
Cyst Movement Disorders Toxic, iv
Cytochrome Mucinous Toxicology
Cytoplasm Mucins Toxin
D Mucosa Tracer
Decarboxylation Mucositis Trachea
Decompression Multiple sclerosis Traction
Defibrillation Myenteric Transcription Factors
Degenerative Myocardial infarction Transduction
Deletion Myocardium Transfection
Delusions Myosin Transfer Factor
Dendrites N Translation
Dendritic Nasal Cavity Translational
Density Nasal Septum Translocate
Depolarization Need Transmitter
Deprivation Neonatal Transplantation
Depth Perception Neoplasm Trauma
DES Neoplastic Tremor
Diabetic Retinopathy Nerve Fibers Trigeminal
Diagnostic procedure Nerve Growth Factor Trigeminal Ganglion
Diarrhea Networks Trigeminal Nerve
Digestive tract Neural Trophic
Dilatation Neuralgia Tryptophan
Dilator Neuritis Tumour
Direct, iii Neuroblastoma Tyrosine
Discrete Neurodegenerative Diseases U
Disparity Neuromuscular Uncompetitive
Dissociation Neuromuscular Junction Unconscious
Distal Neuronal Uterus
Diuresis Neuropathy V
Diurnal Neuropharmacology Vaccine
Dopamine Neurophysiology Vacuoles
Dorsal Neurotoxic Vagal
Doxycycline Neurotoxins Vagina
Drive, ii, vi Neurotransmitter Vagus Nerve
Duodenum Neurotrophins Vascular
Dyskinesias Neutrophils Vasoactive
E Nitric Oxide Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
Effector Nitrogen Vasodilator
Efferent Nitroglycerin Vector
Efficacy Norepinephrine Vein
Elasticity Nuclear Venoms
Electric shock Nuclei Venous
Electron microscope Nucleus Venter
Electrophysiological O Ventral
Embolus Occult Ventricle
Embryo Ocular Ventricular
Empirical Ocular Hypertension Ventricular fibrillation
Emulsion Oncogene Vertebrae
Endocrine Glands Opacity Vesicular
Endogenous Ophthalmic Vestibular
Endorphins Ophthalmology Vestibule
Endothelial cell Opsin Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Endothelium Optic Chiasm Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Endothelium-derived Optic cup Veterinary Medicine
Enkephalins Optic disc Viral
Environmental Exposure Optic Disk Virulence
Environmental Health Optic Nerve Virus
Enzymatic Optic Nerve Diseases Visceral
Enzyme Optic nerve head Visceral Afferents
Eosinophils Optic Neuritis Visceral Larva Migrans
Epinephrine Orbital Visual Acuity
Epithelium Organelles Visual Cortex
Ergonomics Orofacial Visual field
Erythrocytes Osteoclasts Vitreous
Erythropoietin Ovaries Vitreous Body
Eukaryotic Cells Overexpress Vitro
Evoke Ovum Vivo
Excitability Oxidation Voltage-gated
Excitation P W
Excitatory Palate Windpipe
Exogenous Palsy Withdrawal
Extensor Pancreas Wound Healing
Extracellular Pancreatectomy X
Extracellular Matrix Pancreatic X-ray
Extracellular Matrix Proteins Papilla Y
Extracellular Space Paralysis Yeasts
Extrapyramidal Paranoia Z
F Paresthesia Zebrafish
Facial Paroxysmal Zymogen
Facial Expression Patch
Facial Nerve Pathogen









Paperback Book

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