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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  264
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597840032
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with lecithin is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to lecithin. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to lecithin. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Lecithin


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Lecithin

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Lecithin


Finding Nutrition Studies on Lecithin

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Lecithin


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Lecithin


Dissertations on Lecithin

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Lecithin


Patents on Lecithin

Patent Applications on Lecithin

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Lecithin


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Lecithin

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Lecithin


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Lecithin

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Lecithin

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on lecithin will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on lecithin.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

4 Entorhinal Cortex Ointments
4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide Environmental Exposure Omega-6 Fatty Acids
A Environmental Health Oncogene
Abdomen Environmental Pollutants On-line
Abdominal Enzymatic Opacity
Acceptor Enzyme Operon
Acetone Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Ophthalmic
Acetylcholine Ephedrine Ophthalmology
Acetylglucosamine Epidemic Opsin
Acidosis Epidemiological Optic Nerve
Acne Epidermis Organoleptic
Acremonium Epidermoid carcinoma Osmotic
Acrylonitrile Epilepticus Osteoarthritis
Acuity Epinephrine Osteoporosis
Acyl Epithelial Ototoxic
Adaptability Epithelial Cells Ovarian Follicle
Adaptation Epithelium Ovary
Adenovirus Epitopes Overweight
Adipose Tissue Erythema Ovulation
Adjustment Erythrocyte Membrane Ovum
Adjuvant Erythrocytes Oxidation
Adrenal Cortex Escin Oxidative metabolism
Adrenal Glands Esophagus Oxidative Stress
Adrenergic Essential Tremor Oxygenase
Adsorption Esterification Oxygenator
Adsorptive Estradiol Oxytocin
Adverse Effect Estrogen P
Aerobic Ethanol Pancreas
Aerobic Metabolism Ether Pancreatic
Aerobic Respiration Ethical drug Pancreatic cancer
Aerosol Excitation Pancreatic Juice
Affinity Excitatory Papain
Agar Exogenous Parasite
Agonist Exon Parasitic
Airway Expectorant Parasympathomimetic
Albumin Extensor Parenteral
Aldehydes External-beam radiation Paroxysmal
Alertness Extracellular Particle
Algorithms Extracellular Matrix Patch
Alimentary Extracellular Space Pathogen
Alkaline Extracorporeal Pathogenesis
Alkaloid Extraction Pathologic
Alleles Extravasation Patient Compliance
Allergen Extremity Patient Education
Allograft Exudate Pedigree
Allylamine Eye Infections Pelvic
Alopecia F Pemoline
Alpha Particles Family Planning Pepsin
Alpha-1 Far East Peptide
Alpha-helices Fatigue Perception
Alternative medicine Fatty acids Percutaneous
Amine Feces Perennial
Amino Acid Motifs Fetus Perfusion
Amino Acid Sequence Fibrin Perineural
Amitriptyline Fibrinogen Periodontal disease
Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Fibrinolysis Peripheral blood
Ammonia Fibroblasts Peripheral Nervous System
Amnestic Fibrosis Peripheral Vascular Disease
Amnion Filler Peritoneal
Amniotic Fluid Filtration Peritoneal Cavity
Amphetamine Fish Oils Peritoneal Dialysis
Amyloid Fistula Peritoneum
Anabolic Fixation Peroxidase
Anaerobic Flatus Peroxide
Anaesthesia Flavoring Agents Petechia
Anal Fluorescence Petrolatum
Analgesic Flush PH
Analog Flushing Phallic
Anaphylatoxins Foam Cells Pharmaceutical Preparations
Anatomical Folate Pharmaceutical Solutions
Androgenic Folic Acid Pharmacokinetic
Androgens Follicles Pharmacologic
Anemia Follicular Fluid Phenolphthalein
Anesthesia Food Labeling Phenotype
Anesthetics Forearm Phenylalanine
Aneurysm Fovea Phosphates
Animal model Frameshift Phosphatidic Acids
Anionic Friction Phosphatidylcholines
Anions Fructose Phospholipases
Ankle Fungi Phospholipids
Anode Fungistatic Phosphorus
Anorexia Fungus Phosphorylated
Anoxia G Phosphorylation
Antibacterial Gadolinium Phosphotyrosine
Antibiotic Gallbladder Photoreceptor
Antibodies Gallstones Physical Examination
Anticarcinogenic Gamma Oryzanol Physiologic
Anticholinergic Ganglia Physiology
Anticoagulant Gas Physostigmine
Anticonvulsant Gas exchange Pigment
Anticonvulsive Gastric Placenta
Antidepressant Gastrin Plant Proteins
Antifungal Gastrointestinal Plant sterols
Antigen Gastrointestinal tract Plants
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gelatin Plaque
Anti-infective Gels Plasma cells
Anti-inflammatory Gemfibrozil Plasma protein
Antimicrobial Gene Expression Plasmid
Antioxidant Generator Plasticizers
Antipyretic Genetic Code Platelet Activation
Antispasmodic Genetic Engineering Polyarthritis
Antitussive Genetics Polycystic
Antiviral Genital Polyethylene
Anus Genotype Polylysine
Anxiety Germ Cells Polymers
Aorta Gestation Polymorphic
Apolipoproteins Gestational Polymorphism
Apolipoproteins A Gestational Age Polypeptide
Aqueous humor Gland Polysaccharide
Arachidonic Acid Glomerular Polysorbates
Arecoline Glomeruli Polyunsaturated fat
Arginine Glomerulonephritis Polyvinyl Alcohol
Arnica Glomerulus Porosity
Aromatic Glucans Port
Arterial Glucocorticoid Port-a-cath
Arteries Glucose Posterior
Arterioles Glucose Intolerance Postmenopausal
Arteriolosclerosis Glucuronic Acid Postnatal
Arteriosclerosis Glutamate Postprandial
Arteriosus Glutamic Acid Postsynaptic
Ascorbic Acid Glutamine Potassium
Aspartate Glutathione Peroxidase Potentiating
Assay Gluten Potentiation
Astigmatism Glycerol Practice Guidelines
Ataxia Glycerophospholipids Precursor
Atherogenic Glycine Pregnancy Tests
Atmospheric Pressure Glycoprotein Premedication
Atrium Goats Prenatal
Atrophy Gonadal Prodrug
Atropine Governing Board Progeny
Attenuated Grade Progesterone
Autacoids Graft Progression
Autoantibodies Grafting Progressive
Autoantigens Granule Proline
Azotemia Granulocytes Promoter
B Grasses Prone
Bacteria Growth factors Proportional
Bacterial Physiology H Propylene Glycol
Bacterial Proteins Habitual Prostaglandins
Bactericidal Haploid Prostaglandins A
Bacteriophage Haptens Prostate
Bacteriostatic Heart attack Protease
Bacterium Heart failure Protease Inhibitors
Basal Ganglia Hematoma Protein Binding
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hematuria Protein C
Base Heme Protein Conformation
Base Sequence Hemodiafiltration Protein S
Benign Hemodialysis Proteins
Benzene Hemofiltration Proteinuria
Benzocaine Hemoglobin Proteolytic
Benzodiazepines Hemoglobinuria Protons
Benzoic Acid Hemolysis Protozoa
Benzoquinones Hemorrhage Proximal
Benzyl Alcohol Hemostasis Pruritus
Beta Rays Heparin Psoriasis
Beta-pleated Hepatic Psychiatry
Bile Hepatitis Psychic
Bile Acids Hepatocyte Puberty
Bile Acids and Salts Hereditary Public Policy
Bile Ducts Heredity Publishing
Biliary Heterogeneity Pulmonary
Bilirubin Heterozygote Pulmonary Alveoli
Binding agent High-density lipoproteins Pulmonary Artery
Binding Sites Hippocampus Pulmonary Veins
Bioavailability Histamine Pupil
Biochemical Histidine Purifying
Biochemical reactions Histidine Decarboxylase Purines
Biological Availability Homeostasis Pyridoxal
Biological therapy Homogeneous Pyridoxal Phosphate
Biological Transport Homologous Q
Biopsy Hormonal Quaternary
Biosynthesis Hormone Replacement Therapy Quinones
Biotechnology Horny layer R
Biotin Horseradish Peroxidase Radiation
Biphasic Host Radiation therapy
Bladder Hybrid Radioactive
Blastocyst Hydrocortisone Radiography
Blood Coagulation Hydrogel Radiolabeled
Blood Platelets Hydrogen Radiological
Blood pressure Hydrogen Peroxide Radiotherapy
Blood vessel Hydrolysis Radius
Blood-Aqueous Barrier Hydrophilic Random Allocation
Blood-Brain Barrier Hydrophobic Randomization
Body Fluids Hydroxylation Randomized
Body Mass Index Hydroxylysine Reagent
Bolus Hydroxyproline Receptor
Bolus infusion Hygienic Receptors, Serotonin
Bolus injection Hypercholesterolemia Recombinant
Bone Cements Hypericum Recombination
Bone Remodeling Hyperlipidemia Rectal
Bone Resorption Hyperlipoproteinemia Rectum
Boron Hyperopia Recurrence
Bowel Hypersensitivity Red blood cells
Brachial Hypertension Red Nucleus
Brachial Plexus Hypertriglyceridemia Reductase
Brachytherapy Hypnotic Refer
Branch Hypochlorous Acid Reflux
Breakdown Hypotension Refraction
Broad-spectrum Hypoventilation Regeneration
Bromelain Hypoxia Regimen
Bronchi I Renal failure
Bronchial Ibuprofen Reperfusion
Buccal Ice Cream Reperfusion Injury
Butyric Acid Id Repressor
C Ileum Resorption
Calcification Imidazole Respiration
Calcium Immune response Respiratory distress syndrome
Cannula Immune system Retina
Capillary Immunity Retinal
Capillary Fragility Immunoassay Retinal pigment epithelium
Capsaicin Immunodeficiency Retinaldehyde
Capsules Immunodeficiency syndrome Retinoblastoma
Carbohydrate Immunodiffusion Retinoid
Carbon Dioxide Immunoelectrophoresis Retinol
Carboxy Immunogenic Retinyl palmitate
Carboxylic Acids Immunoglobulin Retroperitoneal
Carcinogen Immunologic Retrovirus
Carcinogenesis Immunological adjuvant Rheumatism
Carcinogenic Immunology Rheumatoid
Carcinoma Impairment Rheumatoid arthritis
Cardiac Implant radiation Rhinitis
Cardiopulmonary Implantation Rigidity
Cardiovascular In situ Risk factor
Cardiovascular disease In vitro Rod
Cardiovascular System In vivo Rubber
Carnitine Incision Rutin
Carotene Incontinence S
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Incubated Salicylate
Case report Indicative Salivary
Case series Indomethacin Saponin
Catabolism Induction Saturated fat
Cathode Infant Food Schizophrenia
Causal Infarction Sclerosis
Cause of Death Infection Scopolamine
Caustic Infiltration Screening
Caveolae Infusion Sebaceous
Caveolins Ingestion Sebaceous gland
Cell Adhesion Inhalation Sebum
Cell Differentiation Initiation Secretion
Cell Division Innervation Secretory
Cell membrane Inorganic Sedative
Cell Membrane Structures Insecticides Sediment
Cell proliferation Insight Segregation
Cell Respiration Insulin Seizures
Cell Survival Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Selenium
Cellobiose Intensive Care Semen
Cellulitis Intensive Care Units Seminiferous tubule
Cellulose Intermittent Senile
Central Nervous System Stimulants Internal radiation Sequencing
Centrifugation Interstitial Serine
Cephalosporins Intestinal Serotonin
Ceramide Intestine Sex Characteristics
Cerebellar Intracellular Sex Determination
Cerebral Intracellular Membranes Shock
Cerebrovascular Intramuscular Side effect
Cerebrum Intramuscular injection Signal Transduction
Ceroid Intravenous Signs and Symptoms
Cervical Intrinsic Silicic
Chamomile Invasive Simethicone
Character Involuntary Skeletal
Chemoprevention Iodine Skeleton
Chemotactic Factors Ions Skin Care
Chilblains Iris Skull
Chlorine Irradiation Small intestine
Cholecystectomy Ischemia Smooth muscle
Choleretic Isopropyl Soaps
Cholesterol Esters J Sodium
Choline Joint Sodium Benzoate
Cholinergic K Sorbic Acid
Choroid Kb Sorbitol
Chromatin Keratin Soybean Oil
Chromosomal Keratoconjunctivitis Specialist
Chromosome Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Specificity
Chronic renal Ketamine Spectrophotometry
Chylomicrons Ketone Bodies Spectrum
Chymopapain Ketoprofen Sperm
Chymotrypsin Kidney Disease Spermatozoa
Ciliary Kidney Failure Spinal cord
Ciliary Body Kidney Transplantation Spinous
Ciprofloxacin Kinetics Spirochete
Circulatory system L Sporadic
CIS Labile Squamous
Citric Acid Lacrimal Squamous cell carcinoma
Citrus Lacrimal gland Squamous cells
Clinical Medicine Lactation Stabilization
Clinical study Large Intestine Stabilizer
Clinical trial Laxative Statistically significant
Clone Lenses Status Epilepticus
Cloning Lesion Steatosis
Cod Liver Oil Lethal Stellate
Codeine Lethargy Stem Cells
Codon Leukemia Sterile
Coenzyme Leukocytes Steroid
Cofactor Leukotrienes Stimulant
Colitis Levorphanol Stimulus
Collagen Libido Stomach
Collagen disease Library Services Stress
Collapse Lidocaine Stroke
Colloidal Life cycle Stupor
Complement Ligament Styrene
Complementary and alternative medicine Linkage Subacute
Complementary medicine Linoleic Acids Subclinical
Computational Biology Lip Subcutaneous
Cone Lipase Subiculum
Confusion Lipid A Sublingual
Congestion Lipid Peroxidation Subspecies
Congestive heart failure Lipid Peroxides Substance P
Conjugated Lipofuscin Substrate
Conjugation Lipolysis Suction
Conjunctiva Lipophilic Sulfur
Connective Tissue Lipopolysaccharides Superoxide
Consciousness Lipoprotein Lipase Superoxide Dismutase
Consensus Sequence Liposomal Supplementation
Conserved Sequence Liposome Suppositories
Constriction Liver Transplantation Suppression
Constriction, Pathologic Localized Suppurative
Consumption Locomotion Surfactant
Contamination Lorazepam Survival Rate
Contraceptive Low-density lipoprotein Suspensions
Contraindications, ii Lubricants Sweat
Controlled study Lubrication Sweat Glands
Contusions Lumen Sympathomimetics
Conus Luteal Phase Symphysis
Convulsions Lymph Symptomatic
Cornea Lymphatic Synaptic
Corneal Ulcer Lymphocyte Synchrotron
Corneum Lymphoid Synergistic
Coronary Lymphoma Syphilis
Coronary heart disease Lysine Systemic
Coronary Thrombosis Lysophospholipase Systolic
Corpus Lytic T
Corpus Luteum M Talc
Corpuscle Macrophage Tardive
Cortex Macula Taurine
Cortical Macula Lutea Telangiectasia
Cortisol Macular Degeneration Temporal
Coumarins Malabsorption Tenosynovitis
Creatinine Malignant Terminator
Cryofixation Malnutrition Testis
Cryopreservation Mammary Testosterone
Crystallization Manifest Tetracycline
Culture Media Meat Thalamic
Cultured cells Meat Products Thalamic Diseases
Curative Medial Thermal
Curcumin Median Nerve Thoracic
Cyclic Mediate Threonine
Cyclodextrins Mediator Threshold
Cysteine Medicament Thrombin
Cystine Medicine, Herbal Thrombomodulin
Cytochrome MEDLINE Thrombophlebitis
Cytoplasm Medullary Thrombosis
Cytotoxic Megaloblastic Thromboxanes
Cytotoxicity Melanin Thrombus
D Melanocytes Thyroid
Dairy Products Melanoma Thyroid Hormones
Databases, Bibliographic Membrane Proteins Thyroxine
Deamination Membranoproliferative Tin
Decarboxylation Memory Tolerance
Decidua Memory Disorders Tonicity
Decubitus Meninges Tooth Preparation
Decubitus Ulcer Menopause Topical
Degenerative Menstrual Cycle Toxic, iv
Deletion Menstruation Toxicity
Dementia Menthol Toxicity Tests
Dendrites Meta-Analysis Toxicology
Dendritic Metabolite Toxins
Dentate Gyrus Methanol Trace element
Deoxycholic Acid Methimazole Trachea
Depolarization Methionine Transcriptase
Dermal Methylcellulose Transcription Factors
Detergents Methylphenidate Transdermal
Detoxification MI Transduction
Deuterium Micelle Transfection
Dextran Sulfate Microbe Transplantation
Dextroamphetamine Microbiology Trauma
Dextromethorphan Microorganism Trees
Diabetes Mellitus Microscopy Triad
Diacetyl Microsomal Triglyceride
Diagnostic procedure Microsome Triolein
Dialyzer Milligram Trypsin
Diastolic Mitochondrial Swelling Tryptophan
Diclofenac Mitral Valve Tuberculosis
Diclofenac Sodium Modeling Tuberous Sclerosis
Dietary Fats Modification Tyrosine
Dietary Fiber Molasses U
Dietary Proteins Monitor Ubiquinone
Dietetics Monoclonal Ulcer
Diffusion Monoclonal antibodies Ulceration
Digestion Monocyte Ultrafiltration
Digestive tract Monounsaturated fat Ultrasonography
Dihydrotestosterone Morphological Unconscious
Dihydroxy Morphology Unsaturated Fats
Dilatation Motility Uraemia
Dilatation, Pathologic Motion Sickness Urea
Dilation Motor Activity Uremia
Dilator Mucosa Urethra
Dilution Mucus Urinary
Dimethyl Muscle Fibers Urinate
Diploid Muscle Relaxation Urine
Direct, iii Muscular Atrophy Uterine Contraction
Disease Vectors Muscular Dystrophies Uterus
Disinfectant Mutagen V
Dissociation Mutagenesis Vaccine
Distal Mutagenic Vaccine adjuvant
Diuretic Mydriatic Vagina
Dosage Forms Myocardial Reperfusion Vaginal
Dose-dependent Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Varicose
Drug Tolerance Myocardium Varicose vein
Duct Myopia Vascular
Duodenum Myotonic Dystrophy Vasoconstriction
Dyes Myristate Vasodilation
Dyskinesia N Vasodilator
Dyslipidemia Narcolepsy Vector
Dysplasia Nasal Cavity Vegetable Proteins
Dystrophy Nasal Mucosa Vein
E Nausea Vena
Ecchymosis NCI Venereal
Ectopic Necrosis Venous
Edema Need Venous blood
Effector Neonatal Ventricle
Efficacy Neoplasia Venules
Egg Yolk Neoplasm Vesicular
Elasticity Neoplastic Veterinary Medicine
Elastin Nephropathy Viral
Elastomers Nerve Endings Virulence
Elective Nerve Fibers Virus
Electrolysis Nervous System Viscosity
Electrolyte Neurodegenerative Diseases Visual Perception
Electrons Neuroendocrine Vitamin A
Electrophoresis Neurologist Vitro
Elementary Particles Neuromuscular Vivo
Embryo Neuronal Void
Emergency Treatment Neurons W
Emollient Neuropathy Wettability
Emulsify Neuropeptides Wheezing
Emulsion Neurotoxic White blood cell
Enanthate Neurotoxicity X
Encapsulated Neurotransmitters Xenograft
Encephalitis Neutron Capture Therapy Xerostomia
Endemic Neutrons X-ray
Endocrine System Neutrophil X-ray therapy
Endocytosis Niacin Y
Endopeptidases Nitrogen Yeasts
Endothelial cell Norepinephrine Z
Endotoxic Nuclear Zona Pellucida
Endotoxins Nuclei Zygote
End-stage renal Nucleic acid Zymogen
Energetic O
Enhancers Ocular
Enteropeptidase Odour









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