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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(liver enzyme)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  184
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597845921
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with liver enzymes is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

liver enzyme




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to liver enzymes. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to liver enzymes. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Liver Enzymes


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Liver Enzymes

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Alternative Medicine and Liver Enzymes


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 3. Dissertations on Liver Enzymes


Dissertations on Liver Enzymes

Keeping Current

Chapter 4. Books on Liver Enzymes


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Chapters on Liver Enzymes

Chapter 5. Multimedia on Liver Enzymes


Video Recordings

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Liver Enzymes


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Liver Enzymes

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on liver enzymes will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on liver enzymes.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Family Practice Pancreatic Juice
Abdomen Fat Pancreatitis
Abdominal Fatigue Panniculitis
Abdominal fat Fatty acids Papilla
Abdominal Pain Fatty Liver Partial remission
Abortion Febrile Patch
Acceptor Feces Pathogenesis
Acetone Ferritin Pathologic
Acetylcholine Fertilization in Vitro Pathophysiology
Acne Fetoprotein Patient Care Management
Actin Fetus Patient Education
Acute myeloid leukemia Fibrinogen Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Acute renal Fibroblasts Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Adenocarcinoma Fibrosis Pelvic
Adipose Tissue Flatus Pelvis
Adrenal Cortex Fluorescence Peptide
Adrenergic Foetoplacental Percutaneous
Adverse Effect Folate Perfusion
Aerobic Folic Acid Pericardium
Aerobic Metabolism Follicles Perinatal
Aerobic Respiration Forearm Perioperative
Affinity Free Radicals Peripheral blood
Age of Onset Fungi Peritoneal
Agonist Fungicide Peritoneum
Airway G Phagocyte
Alanine Gallbladder Phagocytosis
Albumin Gallstones Pharmacokinetics
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Pharmacologic
Algorithms Ganglia Pharynx
Alkaline Gas Phenotype
Alkaline Phosphatase Gastric Phlebotomy
Alkaloid Gastric Bypass Phospholipids
Alleles Gastrin Phosphorylated
Allograft Gastroenterologist Photoallergy
Alpha-fetoprotein Gastroenterology Photocoagulation
Alternative medicine Gastroesophageal Reflux Photosensitivity
Amino acid Gastrointestinal Physical Examination
Amino Acid Sequence Gastrointestinal tract Physiologic
Ammonia Gene Physiology
Amphetamines Gene Expression Pigments
Ampulla Genetic Engineering Pitch
Anabolic Genetic testing Pituitary Gland
Anaesthesia Genetics Placenta
Anal Genital Plants
Analgesic Genotype Plasma
Analog Gestation Plasma cells
Analogous Gestational Plasma Exchange
Analytes Gland Plasma protein
Anaphylatoxins Glomerular Platelet Aggregation
Anastomosis Glomerulus Platelet Count
Androgens Glucocorticoid Platelets
Anemia Glucose Pneumonia
Anesthesia Glucose Intolerance Poisoning
Angina Glucuronic Acid Polydipsia
Angioedema Gluten Polyneuritis
Anions Glycine Polysaccharide
Anorexia Glycoprotein Polytherapy
Anthropometric measurements Gonadal Polyuria
Antibacterial Gonadotropin Porphyria
Antibiotic Governing Board Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Antibodies Gram-negative Porphyria, Hepatic
Antibody Granulocyte Porphyrins
Anticoagulant Granulosa Cells Portal Hypertension
Anticonvulsant Growth Portal Vein
Antifungal Guanylate Cyclase Post partum
Antigen H Posterior
Antigen-Antibody Complex Haemolysis Postnatal
Anti-inflammatory Haptens Potassium
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Headache Practicability
Antimetabolite Heart failure Practice Guidelines
Antineoplastic Hematocrit Precursor
Antioxidant Hematology Predictive factor
Antipsychotic Hematoma Prednisolone
Antituberculosis Heme Preeclampsia
Antiviral Hemochromatosis Pre-Eclampsia
Anus Hemodialysis Pre-eclamptic
Apnea Hemoglobin Pregnancy Outcome
Apolipoproteins Hemoglobin A Prenatal
Apolipoproteins A Hemolysis Prevalence
Apoptosis Hemolytic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Arginine Hemorrhage Primary endpoint
Arterial Heparin Progeny
Arteries Hepatic Progesterone
Arterioles Hepatic Artery Progression
Arteritis Hepatic Duct, Common Progressive
Artery Hepatitis Prophylaxis
Articular Hepatitis A Prospective study
Aspartate Hepatocellular Prostate
Aspergillosis Hepatocellular carcinoma Prostatectomy
Aspiration Hepatocyte Protease
Aspirin Hepatology Protein C
Assay Hepatoma Protein S
Asymptomatic Hepatomegaly Proteins
Atypical Hepatotoxicity Proteinuria
Autoantibodies Hepatovirus Proteoglycans
Autoantigens Herbicide Proteolytic
Autodigestion Hereditary Prothrombin
Autoimmune disease Heredity Prothrombin Time
Autoimmune Hepatitis Heterogeneity Protozoa
Autoimmunity Heterogenic Proximal
B Heterogenous Psychiatry
Bacillus Heterozygote Psychic
Bacteria Hexachlorobenzene Psychomotor
Bactericidal Histology Psychotherapy
Bacterium Homeostasis Public Health
Bacteriuria Homologous Public Policy
Base Hormonal Pulmonary
Basement Membrane Hormone Pulmonary Artery
Basophils Hormone Replacement Therapy Pulse
Benign Host Pupil
Beta carotene Hybridomas Purpura
Bezafibrate Hydrogen Pyridoxal
Bilateral Hydrogen Peroxide Q
Bile Hydrophobic Quality of Life
Bile Acids Hydroxylation R
Bile Acids and Salts Hydroxyproline Race
Bile duct Hyperbilirubinemia Radiation
Bile Pigments Hypercholesterolemia Radioactive
Biliary Hyperemesis Radiological
Biliary Tract Hyperlipidemia Randomized
Bilirubin Hypersensitivity Receptor
Bioavailability Hypertension Recombination
Biochemical Hypertriglyceridemia Rectum
Biological response modifier Hypoglycaemia Recurrence
Biopsy Hypothalamus Red blood cells
Biopterin Hypoxia Reductase
Biotechnology Hysterotomy Refer
Bipolar Disorder I Reflux
Bladder Id Refraction
Blastocyst Immune Complex Diseases Refractory
Blastomycosis Immune response Regimen
Bloating Immune Sera Regurgitation
Blood Cell Count Immune system Reinfection
Blood Platelets Immunity Relapse
Blood pressure Immunization Remission
Blood transfusion Immunodeficiency Renal failure
Blood vessel Immunogenic Renovascular
Body Fluids Immunoglobulin Reperfusion
Body Mass Index Immunologic Reperfusion Injury
Bone Marrow Immunology Reproduction Techniques
Bone scan Immunosuppressant Resection
Bowel Immunosuppressive Respiration
Bowel Movement Immunosuppressive therapy Response rate
Bradykinin Impairment Retina
Branch Implantation Retrograde
Breakdown Impotence Retropubic
Bronchi In vitro Retropubic prostatectomy
Bronchial In vivo Retrospective
Bronchiectasis Incision Rheumatism
Bronchitis Incompetence Rheumatoid
Butyric Acid Induction Rheumatoid arthritis
C Infarction Ribavirin
Calcium Infectious Diarrhea Riboflavin
Capillary Infiltration Risk factor
Carbohydrate Inflammatory bowel disease Risperidone
Carcinogenic Influenza Rod
Carcinogens Infusion Rosiglitazone
Carcinoma Inhibin S
Cardiac Initiation Salicylate
Cardiomyopathy Insecticides Saponins
Cardiopulmonary Insulin Scans
Cardiovascular Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Schizophrenia
Carotene Interferon Screening
Carotenoids Interferon-alpha Sebaceous
Case report Interleukin-6 Sebaceous gland
Caspase Intermittent Sebum
Catalyse Internal Medicine Secretion
Catheter Interstitial Sediment
Caudal Intestinal Sedimentation
Causal Intestinal Mucosa Seizures
Celiac Artery Intestine Semen
Celiac Disease Intoxication Seminiferous tubule
Cell Intracellular Seminoma
Cell Adhesion Intracranial Hemorrhages Sensibility
Cell membrane Intrahepatic Serologic
Cell Respiration Intramuscular Serotonin
Central Nervous System Intramuscular injection Serum
Centrifugation Intravascular Serum Albumin
Cerebellar Intravenous Sex Characteristics
Cerebellum Intrinsic Shock
Cerebral Intussusception Short Bowel Syndrome
Cesarean Section Invasive Side effect
Character Involuntary Siderosis
Chemotactic Factors Ions Signs and Symptoms
Chemotherapy Ischemia Skeletal
Chenodeoxycholic Acid Islet Skeleton
Chickenpox Isoenzymes Skin test
Chin Isozymes Sleep apnea
Chlorfenvinphos Itraconazole Small intestine
Chloroquine J Smooth muscle
Cholecystectomy Jaundice Social Environment
Choledocholithiasis Jejunum Sodium
Choleretic Joint Sodium Channels
Cholestasis K Soft tissue
Cholesterol Kb Solvent
Cholesterol Esters Keratin Sound wave
Chromosome Keto Specialist
Chronic Disease Ketone Bodies Species
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Ketonuria Specificity
Chylomicrons Kidney Disease Spectrum
Cirrhosis Kinetic Sperm
Clinical trial L Spinal cord
Clitoral Labile Spirochete
Cloning Lactation Splenic Vein
Coagulation Lactulose Spontaneous Abortion
Coal Laminin Sporadic
Coca Lamivudine Sprue
Cocaine Larynx Stabilization
Coenzyme Latent Staging
Cofactor Laxative Steatosis
Coke Leflunomide Sterile
Colchicine Lethal Steroid
Colitis Leukemia Stillbirth
Collagen Leukocytes Stimulus
Collapse Libido Stomach
Colloidal Library Services Stool
Colon Ligament Stress
Combination chemotherapy Ligands Striate
Combination Therapy Lipid Stroma
Comorbidity Lipid A Stupor
Complement Lipid Peroxidation Subacute
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipopolysaccharides Subarachnoid
Complementary medicine Lipoprotein Subclinical
Complete remission Liver cancer Subcutaneous
Compliance Liver Cirrhosis Substance P
Computational Biology Liver metastases Sulfur
Computed tomography Liver Neoplasms Support group
Computerized tomography Liver scan Supportive care
Conception Liver Transplantation Suppression
Concomitant Localized Survival Rate
Conjugated Loop Symphysis
Conjugation Low-density lipoprotein Symptomatic
Conjunctiva Lower Esophageal Sphincter Synapse
Connective Tissue Lumbar Synergistic
Consciousness Lupus Syphilis
Constipation Lymph Systemic
Constriction Lymphatic Systemic lupus erythematosus
Consumption Lymphocyte Systemic therapy
Contamination Lymphoid Systolic
Contraindications, ii Lymphokines T
Control group Lytic Taurine
Controlled study M Teratogenic
Conventional therapy Macrophage Testicles
Conventional treatment Macrophage Activation Testicular
Convulsions Magnetic Resonance Imaging Testis
Coronary Malabsorption Testosterone
Coronary Thrombosis Malabsorption syndrome Therapeutics
Cortex Malaise Thermal
Cortical Malignant Thigh
Cortical Blindness Malnutrition Third Ventricle
Corticosteroid Manic Thorax
Cortisol Medical Staff Threshold
Cortisone MEDLINE Thrombin
Coumarins Membrane Thrombocytes
Cranial Memory Thrombocytopenia
Curative Meninges Thromboembolism
Cutaneous Meningitis Thromboplastin
Cyclic Menopause Thrombosis
Cytochrome Menstrual Cycle Thrombus
Cytokine Mental, iv Thymus
D Mental Disorders Thyroid
De novo Mental Health, iv Thyroid Gland
Decompensation Mesenteric Thyroid Hormones
Degenerative Metabolic disorder Thyroxine
Delirium Metabolite Tic
Density Methanol Tolerance
Dermis Methionine Tomography
Detoxification Methotrexate Tonicity
Deuterium Methylprednisolone Topical
Dexamethasone MI Torsion
Diabetes Insipidus Microbe Toxaemia
Diabetes Mellitus Microbiology Toxic, iv
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Microcirculation Toxicity
Diagnostic procedure Microorganism Toxicology
Dialyzer Microscopy Toxin
Diarrhea Microsomal Trachea
Diastolic Migration Transaminase
Diencephalon Milliliter Transcriptase
Digestion Mineralocorticoids Transdermal
Digestive system Modeling Transfection
Dihydrotestosterone Modification Transfer Factor
Dilatation Molecular Transfusion
Dilation Molecule Translation
Dilution Monitor Translational
Dioxins Monoclonal Translocation
Diphtheria Monocytes Transplantation
Diphtheria Toxin Mononuclear Trauma
Direct, iii Monotherapy Treatment Failure
Disease Progression Morphine Treatment Outcome
Disinfectant Morphological Triglyceride
Disorientation Morphology Tubercle
Dissociation Motion Sickness Tuberculin
Distal Muscle Fibers Tuberculin Test
Dopamine Mutagenic Tubulin
Double-blind Mutagenicity Tumor Necrosis Factor
Double-blinded Myalgia Type 2 diabetes
Drive, ii, vi Mydriatic U
Drug Design Myocardial infarction Ultrasonography
Drug Tolerance Myocarditis Ultrasound test
Duct Myocardium Unconscious
Duodenum Myoglobin Uraemia
Dura mater Myosin Uremia
Dyslipidemia N Urethra
Dyspnea Naloxone Urethritis
E Naltrexone Urinalysis
Eating Disorders Narcotic Urinary
Eclampsia Nasal Mucosa Urine
Edema Nausea Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase
Effector Need Ursodeoxycholic Acid
Efficacy Neonatal Urticaria
Electrocoagulation Neoplasia V
Electrolyte Neoplasms Vaccination
Embolus Neopterin Vaccine
Embryo Nephropathy Vagina
Embryo Transfer Nerve Vaginal
Emphysema Nervous System Vaginal Discharge
Enanthate Neural Valproic Acid
Encephalitis Neural tube defects Vascular
Encephalitis, Viral Neurons Vasculitis
Endogenous Neurotransmitter Vasodilators
Endoscope Neutrophil Vein
Endoscopic Nidation Venereal
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Nitric Oxide Venous
Endothelial cell Nitrogen Venous blood
Endothelium Nonverbal Communication Venous Thrombosis
Endothelium-derived Norepinephrine Venules
Endotoxemia Nuclear Vertebrae
Endotoxic Nuclei Vesicular
Endotoxin Nucleic acid Veterinary Medicine
Environmental Health Nucleus Villous
Enzymatic Nursing Care Vinblastine
Eosinophils Nutritional Status Vincristine
Epidemic O Viraemia
Epidemiological Oestradiol Viral
Epidermis Oestrogen Viral Hepatitis
Epidural Omentum Viral Load
Epigastric Opacity Virulence
Epinephrine Opiate Virus
Epithelial Opium Visceral
Epithelial Cells Opportunistic Infections Visceral fat
Epithelium Optic Chiasm Vital Capacity
ERV Osmotic Vitro
Erythema Osteoarthritis Vivo
Erythrocytes Osteoporosis Vocal cord
Escalation Outpatient W
Esophagus Ovary Wakefulness
Estradiol Overweight Weight Gain
Estrogens Ovum White blood cell
Ethanol Oxidants Windpipe
Ethionine Oxidation Withdrawal
Evacuation Oxidation-Reduction X
Exocrine Oxidative metabolism Xenobiotics
Exogenous Oxidative Stress X-ray
Expiratory Oxygenation Y
Expiratory Reserve Volume P Yeasts
Extracellular Pachymeningitis Z
Extravasation Palliative Zalcitabine
F Pancreas Zygote
Failure to Thrive Pancreatic
Family Planning Pancreatic Ducts









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