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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  196
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597844860
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with lovastatin is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to lovastatin. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to lovastatin. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Lovastatin


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Lovastatin

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Lovastatin


Finding Nutrition Studies on Lovastatin

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Clinical Trials and Lovastatin


Recent Trials on Lovastatin

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 4. Patents on Lovastatin


Patents on Lovastatin

Patent Applications on Lovastatin

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Periodicals and News on Lovastatin


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Lovastatin

Chapter 6. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on lovastatin will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on lovastatin.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Emergency Medicine Neuronal
Abdominal Emergency Treatment Neurons
Abdominal Pain Emphysema Neurotoxic
Aberrant Emulsion Neurotoxin
Acceptor Enalapril Neurotransmitter
Acetylcholine Encephalitis Neutrons
Acetylcysteine Encephalitis, Viral Neutrophil
Acidity Encephalopathy Niacin
Acne Endarterectomy Nitric Oxide
Acne Vulgaris Endogenous Nitrogen
Acremonium Endostatin Nitroglycerin
Actin Endothelial cell Non-small cell lung cancer
Acute myelogenous leukemia Endothelium Nuclear
Acute myeloid leukemia Endothelium, Lymphatic Nucleic acid
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Endothelium, Vascular Nucleus
Acute renal Endothelium-derived O
Acyl Endotoxin Omega-3 fatty acid
Acylation Enterohepatic Oncogene
Adaptability Enterohepatic Circulation Oncogenic
Adenocarcinoma Environmental Exposure Opacity
Adipose Tissue Environmental Health Organ Culture
Adrenoleukodystrophy Enzymatic Organelles
Adverse Effect Eosinophils Osteoarthritis
Aerobic Epidemiologic Studies Osteoblasts
Aerosol Epidemiological Osteoporosis
Affinity Epidermoid carcinoma Outpatient
Agar Epithelial Ovaries
Age of Onset Epithelial Cells Oxidation
Algorithms Epithelium Oxidative Stress
Alkaline Erythrocyte Volume P
Alkylation Erythrocytes Paclitaxel
Allergen Erythromycin Palliative
Allergic Rhinitis Esophagus Pancreas
Allograft Estrogen Pancreatic
Allylamine Estrogen receptor Pancreatic cancer
Alopecia Ethanol Paroxysmal
Alpha Particles Exocrine Partial remission
Alternative medicine Exogenous Pathogen
Ameliorating Expiration Pathogenesis
Amine External-beam radiation Pathologic
Amino Acid Sequence Extracellular Pathologic Processes
Amlodipine Extracellular Matrix Pathophysiology
Ammonia F Patient Compliance
Ampicillin Fallopian tube Patient Education
Amyloid Family Planning Pelvic
Anaesthesia Fat Penicillin
Anal Fatty acids Penis
Analgesic Feces Peptide
Analog Fermentation Periodicity
Anaplastic Fibrin Peripheral Nervous System
Anatomical Fibroblast Growth Factor Perivascular
Aneurysm Fibroblasts Petrolatum
Angina Fibrosis Phagocytosis
Angina Pectoris Fixation Pharmacokinetic
Angiogenesis Flatus Pharmacologic
Angiogenesis inhibitor Foam Cells Phenolphthalein
Angioplasty Fold Phenotype
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Food Technology Phenyl
Animal model Forearm Phenylacetate
Anomalies Frameshift Phospholipases
Antagonism Frameshift Mutation Phospholipids
Antibiotic Free Radicals Phosphorus
Antibodies Freeze Drying Phosphorylated
Antibody Fungi Phosphorylation
Anticoagulant Fungus Physiologic
Antifungal G Physiology
Antigen Gallate Pilot study
Antigen-presenting cell Gallbladder Pituitary Gland
Anti-inflammatory Gallstones Plants
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Ganglia Plaque
Antimicrobial Gas Plasma cells
Antineoplastic Gastric Platelet Activation
Antioxidant Gastroenterology Platelet Aggregation
Antiproliferative Gastrointestinal Platelets
Antipruritic Gemfibrozil Pneumonia
Antiviral Gene Pneumonitis
Anus Gene Expression Polymers
Apolipoproteins Genetic Code Polyposis
Apoptosis Genetic Engineering Postmenopausal
Aqueous Genetic testing Postprandial
Arachidonic Acid Genetics Postsynaptic
Arcus Senilis Genital Potentiates
Arginine Genotype Potentiation
Arterial Gland Practice Guidelines
Arteries Glioblastoma Precancerous
Arterioles Glioblastoma multiforme Preclinical
Arteriolosclerosis Glioma Precursor
Arteriosclerosis Glomerular Predisposition
Artery Glomerulus Premalignant
Articular Glucocorticoid Prevalence
Asbestos Glucose Primary Prevention
Ascorbic Acid Glucose Intolerance Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Aspergillosis Glutathione Peroxidase Progesterone
Aspirin Glycine Progression
Assay Glycols Progressive
Astrocytes Glycoproteins Proline
Astrocytoma Gonadal Prophylaxis
Atrial Governing Board Prostaglandin
Atrial Fibrillation Grade Prostate
Atrophy Graft Prostate gland
Autoimmune disease Grafting Prostatic Hyperplasia
Azoxymethane Granulocytes Protease
B Granulomatous Disease, Chronic Protein C
Bacteremia Growth Protein S
Bacteria Growth factors Protocol
Bacterial Infections Guanine Protons
Bacteriophage Guanylate Cyclase Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Bacteriostatic H Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Bacterium Half-Life Protozoa
Barbiturate Haptens Pruritus
Basal Ganglia Headache Psychiatric
Base Headache Disorders Psychiatry
Basophils Heart attack Psychic
Benign Heart failure Psychosine
Beta-pleated Heme Public Health
Bezafibrate Hemodynamics Public Policy
Bile Hemoglobin Pulmonary
Bile Acids Hemorrhage Pulmonary Artery
Bile Acids and Salts Hemostasis Pulmonary Embolism
Biliary Hepatic Purifying
Bioavailability Hepatocytes Purines
Biochemical Heredity Pyrimidines
Biological response modifier Heterodimers Q
Biological therapy Heterogeneity Quality of Life
Biomass High-density lipoproteins R
Biotechnology Histidine Race
Bladder Homogeneous Radiation
Blastomycosis Homologous Radiation therapy
Blood Coagulation Hormonal Radioactive
Blood pressure Hormone Radioisotope
Blood vessel Host Radiolabeled
Blood Volume Hybrid Radiotherapy
Body Fluids Hybridomas Randomized
Bone Marrow Hydrogen Reactive Oxygen Species
Bone Regeneration Hydrogen Peroxide Reagent
Bony Callus Hydrogenation Receptor
Bowel Hydrolysis Recombinant
Bowel Movement Hydrophobic Rectum
Brachytherapy Hydroxides Recur
Bradykinin Hydroxyl Radical Recurrence
Branch Hydroxylysine Refer
Breakdown Hydroxyproline Refractory
Broad-spectrum Hyperlipidaemia Regeneration
Bronchi Hyperlipidemia Regimen
Bronchitis Hyperplasia Remission
Buccal Hypersensitivity Renin
Budesonide Hypertension Renin-Angiotensin System
Bypass Hypertriglyceridemia Reperfusion
C Hypertrophy Reperfusion Injury
Cachexia Hypnotic Reproductive system
Calcification I Respiratory Burst
Calcium Id Respiratory distress syndrome
Calcium channel blocker Ileal Resuscitation
Calcium Hydroxide Ileum Retina
Capillary Imidazole Reversion
Carbohydrates Immune function Rheumatism
Carboxy Immune response Rheumatoid
Carcinogen Immune system Rheumatoid arthritis
Carcinogenesis Immunity Risk factor
Carcinogenic Immunization Risk patient
Carcinoma Immunocompromised Rod
Cardiac Immunologic Roxithromycin
Cardiomyopathy Immunology S
Cardiopathy Immunosuppressive Salivary
Cardiovascular Impairment Salivary glands
Cardiovascular disease Implant radiation Saphenous
Carnitine In vitro Saphenous Vein
Caspase In vivo Saponins
Catheterization Incision Sclerosis
Causal Incubated Screening
Cause of Death Indicative Secretion
Ceftriaxone Induction Sedentary
Celecoxib Infarction Seizures
Cell Infection Selenium
Cell Adhesion Inhalation Semen
Cell Death Initiation Senile
Cell Differentiation Inner ear Sensitization
Cell Division Inoculum Septic
Cell membrane Inorganic Serine
Cell proliferation Insulator Serous
Cell Survival Insulin Serum
Cellulose Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Shock
Central Nervous System Integrins Side effect
Central Nervous System Infections Interferon Signal Transduction
Cephalosporins Interferon Alfa-2b Signs and Symptoms
Cerebral Interferon-alpha Skeleton
Cerebral hemispheres Interleukin-6 Skull
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Intermittent Small cell lung cancer
Cerebrovascular Intermittent Claudication Small intestine
Cerebrum Internal Medicine Smoking Cessation
Cervix Internal radiation Smooth muscle
Character Interstitial Social Environment
Chemoprevention Intestinal Social Welfare
Chemopreventive Intestinal Mucosa Sodium
Chemotaxis Intestine Soft tissue
Chemotherapeutic agent Intoxication Solid tumor
Chemotherapy Intracellular Solvent
Chenodeoxycholic Acid Intrinsic Specialist
Chin Invasive Species
Chlorophyll Ion Channels Specificity
Cholecystokinin Ion Exchange Spectrum
Choleretic Ionization Spinal cord
Cholestanol Ionizing Sporadic
Cholesterol Esters Ions Spores
Cholestyramine Iridium Squamous
Chondrocytes Irradiation Squamous cell carcinoma
Chromatin Ischemia Squamous cells
Chromosomal Ischemic stroke Stabilization
Chromosome Isoleucine Statistically significant
Chronic Isoprenoid Steady state
Chronic Disease Isotretinoin Sterility
Chylomicrons Itraconazole Steroid
Ciprofloxacin J Stimulus
CIS Joint Stomach
Citrus K Stool
Claudication Kb Strand
Clear cell carcinoma Ketoconazole Streptomycin
Clinical Medicine Kidney Disease Stress
Clinical study Kidney Transplantation Stroke
Clinical trial Kinetic Subacute
Cloning L Subarachnoid
Coagulation Labile Subclinical
Coal Large Intestine Subcutaneous
Coal Tar Latency Sublingual
Cod Liver Oil Latent Subspecies
Coenzyme Laxative Substance P
Cofactor Lectin Substrate
Cognition Lens Sulfur
Cohort Studies Lethal Sulindac
Colestipol Leucine Superoxide
Collagen Leucocyte Supplementation
Colon Leukaemia Suppression
Colorectal Leukemia Sympathetic Nervous System
Colorectal Cancer Leukocytes Symphysis
Combination Therapy Library Services Symptomatic
Complement Ligament Synaptic
Complete remission Ligands Synergistic
Compliance Lipid Peroxidation Systemic
Computational Biology Lipopolysaccharide Systolic
Conjugated Lipoprotein T
Connective Tissue Lipoprotein Lipase Tachycardia
Constriction Lisinopril Tachypnea
Constriction, Pathologic Lithium Taurine
Consumption Liver Temporal
Contractility Localization Teratogenic
Contraindications, ii Localized Testicular
Control group Low-density lipoprotein Testis
Controlled clinical trial Lubricants Testosterone
Coordination Luciferase Thalidomide
Cornea Lung metastases Therapeutics
Coronary Arteriosclerosis Lupus Threonine
Coronary Circulation Lymph Threshold
Coronary Disease Lymphatic Thrombin
Coronary heart disease Lymphocyte Thrombocytes
Coronary Thrombosis Lymphoid Thrombosis
Coronary Vessels Lymphoma Thrombus
Cortisone M Thyroid
Cranial Macroglia Thyroid Gland
Craniocerebral Trauma Malignant Thyroxine
Cross-Sectional Studies Malignant mesothelioma Tissue Culture
Curative Malnutrition Topical
Cutaneous Mammary Torsion
Cyclic Manic Toxic, iv
Cyclin Mannans Toxicity
Cyclophosphamide Maximum Tolerated Dose Toxicology
Cyclosporine Meat Toxin
Cytochrome Meat Products Tracer
Cytochrome b Medial Trachea
Cytogenetics Mediate Transcription Factors
Cytokine Mediator Transduction
Cytoplasm MEDLINE Transfection
Cytosine Medulloblastoma Transferases
Cytoskeleton Melanocytes Translation
Cytotoxic Melanoma Translational
Cytotoxicity Melanosomes Translocate
D Meninges Translocation
Daunorubicin Meningioma Transmitter
De novo Meningitis Tricyclic
Defense Mechanisms Menopause Triglyceride
Degenerative Mental, iv Troglitazone
Deletion Mental Disorders Tryptophan
Dendrites Mental Health, iv Tumor Necrosis Factor
Dendritic Mesothelioma Tumour
Dendritic cell Metabolite Tunica
Density Metastasis Type 2 diabetes
Depolarization Metastatic Typhimurium
Depressive Disorder Methionine U
Dermatologist Methylene Chloride Ubiquinone
Dermatology MI Unconscious
DES Microbe Univalent
Deuterium Microbiological Urethra
Dexamethasone Microbiology Urinary
Diabetes Mellitus Microglia Urinary tract
Diagnostic procedure Microorganism Urine
Diarrhea Microtubules Uterus
Diastolic Migration V
Dietary Fats Mineralization Vaccine
Digestion Mitosis Vagina
Digestive system Mitotic Vasoconstriction
Digestive tract Modeling Vasodilation
Dihydrotestosterone Modification Vasodilators
Dihydroxy Molecular Structure Vasomotor
Dilatation Monoclonal VE
Dilatation, Pathologic Monocyte Vector
Dilation Morphological Vegetative
Dilator Mucolytic Vein
Diltiazem Mucosa Venous
Dimethyl Multiple sclerosis Venous Thrombosis
Direct, iii Myelin Venules
Dissociation Myeloma Veterinary Medicine
Diurnal Myocardial infarction Viral
Dolichol Myocardial Ischemia Virulence
Dose-dependent Myocardial Reperfusion Virus
Double-blind Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Viscosity
Doxorubicin Myocardium Vitreous
Drug Interactions N Vitro
Duodenum Naphthalenes Vivo
Dyes Narcotic W
Dyslipidemia Natriuresis Warfarin
E NCI White blood cell
Effector Need Windpipe
Efficacy Neoplasia Womb
Elasticity Neoplastic Wound Healing
Elastin Nephritis X
Electrolyte Nerve Xanthoma
Electrophysiological Nervous System Xenograft
Emboli Neural X-ray
Embolism Neuroblastoma X-ray therapy
Embolization Neurodegenerative Diseases Y
Embolus Neuroectodermal tumor Yeasts
Embryo Neurologic









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