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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  332
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497007231
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with methionine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to methionine. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to methionine. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Methionine


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Methionine

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Methionine


Finding Nutrition Studies on Methionine

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Methionine


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Methionine


Dissertations on Methionine

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Methionine


Patents on Methionine

Patent Applications on Methionine

Keeping Current

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Methionine

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on methionine will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on methionine.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

2 Epinephrine Ovum
2-Aminopurine Epithelial Oxidants
A Epithelial Cells Oxidation-Reduction
Abdomen Epithelium Oxidative Stress
Abdominal Erectile Oxides
Abdominal Pain Erythrocytes P
Aberrant Essential Tremor P53 gene
Ablation Estradiol Palliative
Abortion Estrogen Pancreas
Abrasion Estrogen receptor Pancreatic
Abscess Ethanol Pancreatic cancer
Acatalasia Ether Panic
Acceptor Ethionine Panic Disorder
Acetaminophen Ethnic Groups Papillary
Acetylcholine Eukaryotic Cells Papilloma
Acetylcysteine Euryarchaeota Papillomavirus
Acidity Evaluation Studies Parasite
Acidosis Excitability Parasitic
Acrylonitrile Excitation Parathyroid
Actin Excitatory Parathyroid Glands
Acylation Excrete Parenteral
Adaptability Exhaustion Parenteral Nutrition
Adaptation Exogenous Parotid
Adduct Exon Paroxysmal
Adenine Exopeptidases Partial remission
Adenocarcinoma Expectorant Particle
Adenoma Extensor Pathogen
Adenosine External-beam radiation Pathogenesis
Adenovirus Extracellular Pathologic
Adenylate Cyclase Extracellular Matrix Pathologic Processes
Adipocytes Extracellular Matrix Proteins Pathologies
Adjustment Extracellular Space Pathophysiology
Adjuvant Eye Infections Patient Education
Adrenal Cortex F Pelvic
Adrenal Glands Familial polyposis Pelvis
Adrenergic Family Planning Penicillin
Adverse Effect Fat Penis
Aerobic Fatty Liver Peptic
Aerosol Fermentation Peptic Ulcer
Afferent Fertilizers Peptide Hydrolases
Affinity Fetal Development Peptide T
Agar Fetus Perception
Aggressiveness Fibril Perennial
Agonists Fibrillation Perfusion
Agoraphobia Fibrinogen Perioperative
Alanine Fibrinolysis Peripheral blood
Albumin Fibroblast Growth Factor Peripheral Nervous System
Albuminuria Fibroblasts Peripheral Neuropathy
Alcohol Dehydrogenase Fibrosis Peripheral Vascular Disease
Alfalfa Financial Management Periplasm
Algorithms Flatus Peritoneal
Alimentary Flavodoxin Peritoneum
Alkaline Flow Cytometry Peroxidase
Alkaloid Fluorescence Peroxide
Alkylating Agents Fluorescent Dyes Pertussis
Alleles Fluorine Pest Control
Allergens Fold Petechiae
Allogeneic Folic Acid Petrolatum
Allograft Follicular Fluid PH
Alloys Forearm Phagocyte
Allylglycine Frameshift Pharmaceutical Preparations
Alopecia Frameshift Mutation Pharmacokinetics
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Free Radicals Pharmacologic
Alpha Particles Friction Pharynx
Alpha-1 Fungi Phenolphthalein
Alternative medicine G Phenotype
Alternative Splicing Gallate Phenylalanine
Ambulatory Care Gamma Rays Phenytoin
Ameliorating Gamma-interferon Phospholipids
Amenorrhea Ganglia Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases
Amino Acid Sequence Ganglion Phosphorus
Amino Acid Substitution Gap Junctions Phosphorylase
Aminopeptidases Gas Phosphorylase a
Amino-terminal Gastric Phosphorylase Phosphatase
Ammonia Gastrin Phosphorylated
Ammonium Chloride Gastritis Phosphorylation
Amplification Gastrointestinal Photoreceptor
Ampulla Gastrointestinal tract Physiologic
Amylase Gelatin Physiology
Amyloid Gene Deletion Picornavirus
Amyloidosis Gene Expression Pigment
Anaemia Gene Expression Profiling Pigmentation
Anaerobic Gene Fusion Pilot study
Anaesthesia Gene Library Pituitary Gland
Anal Gene Silencing Placenta
Analgesic Gene Therapy Plant Diseases
Analog Genetic Code Plaque
Analogous Genetic Complementation Test Plasma cells
Analytes Genetic Engineering Plasma protein
Anaphylatoxins Genetic Techniques Plasmid
Anatomical Genetic testing Plasmin
Androgens Genetics Plasminogen
Anemia Genital Plasminogen Activators
Anesthesia Genomic Library Plastids
Angiogenesis Genotype Platelet Aggregation
Angiogenesis inhibitor Germ Cells Platelets
Animal model Germinal Center Platinum
Anions Germinoma Pneumonia
Anode Gestation Point Mutation
Anomalies Gestational Poisoning
Anovulation Giant Cells Polycystic
Anthocyanins Gland Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Antiangiogenic Glioma Polymerase
Antibacterial Gliosarcoma Polymers
Antibiotic Glomeruli Polymorphic
Antibodies Glottis Polymorphism
Anticarcinogenic Glucocorticoid Polyposis
Anticoagulant Gluconeogenesis Polysaccharide
Anticodon Glucuronic Acid Porosity
Anticonvulsant Glutamate Posterior
Antiepileptic Glutamate Decarboxylase Postmenopausal
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glutamic Acid Postoperative
Anti-infective Glutamine Postprandial
Anti-inflammatory Glutathione Peroxidase Postsynaptic
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glycine Post-translational
Antimetabolite Glycogen Potassium
Antimetastatic Glycoprotein Practice Guidelines
Antimicrobial Glycoside Prealbumin
Antineoplastic Glycosidic Precancerous
Antioxidant Goats Precipitation
Antiparasitic Agents Gonadal Preclinical
Antiplasmin Gonads Precursor
Antipyretic Governing Board Predisposition
Antiseptic Gp120 Premalignant
Antiserum Grade Premenopausal
Antiviral Graft Prenatal
Anus Graft Rejection Prenatal Diagnosis
Apolipoproteins Gram-negative Preoperative
Apoptosis Gram-positive Pressoreceptors
Applicability Granule Presynaptic
Aqueous Granulosa Cells Prevalence
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Grasses Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Growth factors Primary endpoint
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Guanine Prion
Arachidonic Acid Guanylate Cyclase Probe
Archaea Guinea Pigs Procollagen
Arginine H Progeny
Arterial Haemodialysis Progesterone
Arteries Hair follicles Progression
Arterioles Half-Life Progressive
Arteriolosclerosis Haploid Projection
Arteriosclerosis Haplotypes Prokaryotic Cells
Arteriovenous Haptens Proliferative Retinopathy
Artery Headache Proline
Articular Heart attack Promoter
Asbestos Heartbeat Prophase
Ascorbic Acid Helminths Prospective Studies
Aspartate Hematopoiesis Prospective study
Aspartic Heme Prostaglandins
Aspartic Acid Hemiatrophy Prostate
Asphyxia Hemoglobin Protease
Assay Hemoglobinopathies Protective Agents
Astringent Hemoglobinuria Protein Binding
Astrocytes Hemorrhage Protein Conformation
Asymptomatic Hemostasis Protein Engineering
Ataxia Heparin Protein Isoforms
Atherogenic Hepatic Protein Splicing
Atopic Hepatitis Proteoglycans
Atopic allergy Hepatocellular Proteolytic
Atrioventricular Hepatocellular carcinoma Prothrombin
Atrium Hepatocyte Protocol
Atrophy Hepatocyte Growth Factor Protons
Attenuated Hepatoma Protozoa
Attenuation Hepatotoxicity Protozoan
Autoimmune disease Hereditary Psoriasis
Autonomic Heredity Psychiatric
Autoradiography Heterogeneity Psychiatry
Avian Heterotrophic Psychic
Axons Heterozygotes Psychomotor
Azoxymethane Hirsutism Public Health
B Histamine Public Policy
Bacillus Histidine Publishing
Bacterial Infections Histones Pulmonary
Bacterial Physiology Homeostasis Pulmonary Artery
Bactericidal Homodimer Pulmonary hypertension
Bacteriophage Homologous Pulse
Bacterium Homozygotes Purines
Baroreflex Hormonal Pyelonephritis
Basal cells Hormone Replacement Therapy Pyridoxal
Basal Ganglia Housekeeping Pyrimidines
Basal Ganglia Diseases Human Genome Project Q
Base Sequence Human growth hormone Quality of Life
Basophils Human papillomavirus Quiescent
Benign Humoral Quinidine
Beta-Endorphin Hybrid Quinine
Beta-glucans Hydrochloric Acid R
Beta-pleated Hydrogen Peroxide Race
Bilateral Hydrolases Radiation therapy
Bile Hydrolysis Radioactive
Bile Acids Hydrophobic Radioimmunotherapy
Biliary Hydroxamic Acids Radioisotope
Bilirubin Hydroxylation Radiolabeled
Binding Sites Hydroxylysine Radiology
Bioavailability Hydroxyproline Radiopharmaceuticals
Bioavailable Hyperandrogenism Radiotherapy
Biofilms Hyperkeratosis Random Allocation
Biogenesis Hyperpigmentation Randomization
Biological Markers Hyperplasia Randomized
Biological therapy Hypersensitivity Randomized clinical trial
Bioluminescence Hypertension Reactive Oxygen Species
Biomarkers Hypertrophy Reading Frames
Biomolecular Hypochlorous Acid Reagent
Biophysics Hypoglycemia Receptors, Serotonin
Biopolymers Hypogonadism Recombinant
Biopsy Hypoplasia Recombinant Proteins
Biopterin Hypotension Recombination
Biosynthesis Hypothalamic Rectum
Biotechnology Hypothalamus Red blood cells
Bioterrorism Hypotonia Red Nucleus
Bivalent Hypoxia Refer
Bladder I Refraction
Blood Coagulation Idiopathic Regeneration
Blood Glucose Imaging procedures Regimen
Blood Platelets Imidazole Relative risk
Blood pressure Imipramine Remission
Blot Immune function Reperfusion
Blotting, Western Immune response Reperfusion Injury
Body Fluids Immune system Repressor
Body Mass Index Immunoassay Resection
Bone Cements Immunoblotting Respiration
Bone Marrow Immunodeficiency Respiratory Burst
Bone metastases Immunoelectrophoresis Respiratory System
Bone scan Immunofluorescence Retina
Bowel Immunoglobulin Retinal
Brachytherapy Immunohistochemistry Retinal Vein
Bradycardia Immunologic Retinal Vein Occlusion
Bradykinin Immunology Retinoblastoma
Breath Tests Immunosuppressant Retinoid
Breeding Immunosuppression Retinol
Bronchiseptica Immunosuppressive Retinopathy
Buccal Impairment Retrotransposons
Buffers Implant radiation Retroviral vector
Butyric Acid In situ Retrovirus
C In Situ Hybridization Reversion
Caffeine In vivo Rheumatism
Calcification Incidental Rheumatoid
Calcitonin Incision Rheumatoid arthritis
Calcium Incubated Rhodopsin
Calcium Channels Incubation Ribose
Calmodulin Incubation period Ribosome
Calpain Induction Rickettsiae
Canonical Infancy Risk factor
Capillary Infarction Rod
Capping Infection Rubber
Capsules Infestation Ruminants
Carbamazepine Infiltration Ryanodine
Carbohydrate Inflammatory bowel disease S
Carbon Dioxide Influenza Saliva
Carboxypeptidases Ingestion Salivary
Carcinogen Inhalation Salivary glands
Carcinogenesis Initiation Saponins
Carcinogenic Initiator Sarcoidosis
Carcinoma Inorganic Sarcoma
Cardiac Insertional Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Cardiac Output Insight Scans
Cardiomyopathy Insulator Scatter
Cardiovascular Insulin Sclerosis
Cardiovascular disease Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Screening
Carnitine Insulin-like Sebaceous
Carotene Interferon Sebaceous gland
Carrier Proteins Interferon-alpha Secondary tumor
Case report Interleukin-1 Secretion
Case series Interleukin-2 Secretory
Caspase Interleukin-9 Sedative
Caspase 1 Interleukins Sediment
Catabolism Internal radiation Sedimentation
Catalase Interneurons Segregation
Catalyse Interstitial Seizures
Catalytic Domain Intestinal Selenium
Cataract Intestinal Mucosa Selenocysteine
Catechol Intestine Selenomethionine
Catecholamines Intoxication Semen
Cations Intracellular Membranes Senescence
Caudal Intraepithelial Senile
Causal Intrahepatic Sequela
Cause of Death Intramuscular Sequence Alignment
Cavernous Sinus Intravenous Sequence Homology
Celecoxib Intrinsic Sequencing
Cell Aging Introns Serine
Cell Cycle Invasive Serologic
Cell Death Invertebrates Serotonin
Cell Division Involuntary Serous
Cell membrane Iodine Serum Albumin
Cell motility Ion Channels Sessile
Cell Physiology Ionizing Sex Determination
Cell proliferation Ions Sharpness
Cell Respiration Irradiation Shock
Cell Size Irrigation Side effect
Cell Survival Ischemia Signs and Symptoms
Cellobiose Isoflurane Sil
Cellular metabolism Isoleucine Silage
Cellulase Isoniazid Sinoatrial Node
Cellulose Isozymes Skeletal
Centromere K Skeleton
Cerebellar Kb Skin test
Cerebral Keto Skull
Cerebral Cortex Kidney Disease Small intestine
Cerebrospinal Kidney Failure Smooth muscle
Cerebrospinal fluid Kidney stone Sneezing
Cerebrovascular Kinetic Social Environment
Cerebrum L Sodium
Cervical Labile Sodium Acetate
Cervix Laboratory Personnel Soft tissue
Chemotactic Factors Lactobacillus Solid tumor
Chemotaxis Lamivudine Solvent
Chemotherapeutic agent Large Intestine Somatic
Chemotherapy Latent Somatotropin
Chimeras Lectin Spasmodic
Chlorides Leishmaniasis Spatial disorientation
Chlorine Lens Specialist
Chlorophyll Leptin Specificity
Chloroplasts Lesion Spectrophotometry
Cholestasis Lethal Spectroscopic
Cholesterol Leucine Spectrum
Cholesterol Esters Leucocyte Sperm
Choline Leukapheresis Spina bifida
Cholinergic Leukemia Spinal cord
Chondrocytes Leukocytes Spinous
Chromatin Life cycle Spleen
Chromium Ligament Sporadic
Chromosomal Ligands Squamous
Chromosome Ligation Squamous cell carcinoma
Chronic Disease Linkage Squamous cells
Chronic renal Lipid Stabilization
Chylomicrons Lipid Peroxidation Staging
Cirrhosis Lipoprotein Statistically significant
CIS Lipoxygenase Steady state
Cisplatin Liver Cirrhosis Steatosis
Clear cell carcinoma Liver Neoplasms Stellate
Cleave Liver scan Stereotactic
Clinical Medicine Liver Transplantation Stereotactic radiosurgery
Clinical study Lobe Sterile
Clinical trial Localization Steroid
Clone Localized Stimulant
Cloning Locomotion Stimulus
Clot Retraction Loop Stomach
Cobalt Loss of Heterozygosity Stool
Codon Low-density lipoprotein Streptococcal
Coenzyme Luciferase Streptococcus
Cofactor Luminescence Streptomycin
Cohort Studies Lutein Cells Stress
Colchicine Lymph Stroke
Colitis Lymph node Stroma
Collagen Lymphadenopathy Struvite
Collapse Lymphatic Styrene
Colloidal Lymphatic system Subacute
Colon Lymphoblasts Subarachnoid
Colorectal Lymphocyte Subclinical
Colorectal Cancer Lymphoid Subcutaneous
Colorectal Neoplasms Lymphoma Subspecies
Combinatorial Lysine Substance P
Complement Lytic Substrate
Complementary and alternative medicine M Substrate Specificity
Complementary medicine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sudden death
Complementation Major Histocompatibility Complex Sulfur
Compliance Malabsorption Sulfur Compounds
Computational Biology Malaria Superior vena cava
Computed tomography Malaria, Falciparum Superoxide
Computerized axial tomography Malaria, Vivax Superoxide Dismutase
Computerized tomography Malignancy Suppositories
Conduction Malignant Suppression
Cones Malignant tumor Suppressive
Confidence Intervals Malnutrition Surface Plasmon Resonance
Congenita Mammary Surfactant
Conjugated Mammogram Surgical Wound Infection
Conjugation Manifest Sweat
Conjunctiva Man-made Sweat Glands
Connective Tissue Mastication Symphysis
Consciousness Matrix metalloproteinase Synapse
Constriction Meat Synaptic
Contraindications, ii Medial Synaptic Transmission
Control group Mediate Synergistic
Controlled clinical trial Mediator Systemic
Controlled study MEDLINE Systolic
Convulsions Megaloblastic T
Coordination Meiosis Tachycardia
Cornea Melanin Taurine
Corneum Melanocytes Telangiectasia
Coronary Melanoma Telencephalon
Coronary heart disease Membrane Proteins Telomerase
Coronary Thrombosis Memory Testis
Corpus Meninges Testosterone
Corpus Luteum Menopause Tetany
Cortex Mental, iv Thalamic
Cortical Mental Health, iv Thalamic Diseases
Cortisol Mercury Theca Cells
Creatinine Mesoderm Theophylline
Creatinine clearance Metabolite Therapeutics
Crenarchaeota Metaphase Thermal
Crossing-over Metastasis Threonine
Cross-Sectional Studies Metastatic Threshold
Crystallins Metastatic cancer Thrombin
Crystallization Methotrexate Thrombomodulin
Cultured cells Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase Thrombosis
Curative Methyltransferase Thromboxanes
Cutaneous MI Thrombus
Cyclic Microbe Thylakoids
Cyclin Microbiology Thymidine
Cycloheximide Microcalcifications Thymidine Kinase
Cyst Microcirculation Thymidylate Synthase
Cystathionine beta-Synthase Microdialysis Thymoma
Cysteinyl Microglia Thymus
Cystine Micronutrients Thyroid
Cytochrome Microorganism Thyroid Gland
Cytochrome b Microsporidiosis Thyroid Hormones
Cytokine Migration Thyrotropin
Cytoplasm Mitochondria Thyroxine
Cytoprotection Mitochondrial Swelling Ticks
Cytosine Mitosis Tissue Culture
Cytoskeletal Proteins Modeling Tissue Distribution
Cytoskeleton Modification Tolerance
Cytotoxic Molecular Structure Tomography
Cytotoxicity Monitor Tone
D Monoclonal Tonus
Data Collection Monoclonal antibodies Tooth Preparation
De novo Monocytes Topical
Deamination Mononuclear Toxic, iv
Degenerative Morphine Toxicity
Deletion Morphological Toxicology
Dementia Morphology Toxin
Demethylation Mosaicism Trace element
Demyelinating Diseases Motility Tracer
Denaturation Mucins Transcriptase
Dendrites Mucocutaneous Transcription Factors
Density Mucolytic Transduction
Dental Caries Mucositis Transfection
Deoxyglucose Mucus Translation
Depressive Disorder Multicenter Studies Translational
Deprivation Multicenter study Transmitter
Dermis Multidrug resistance Transplantation
DES Multienzyme Complexes Transposons
Detergents Muscle Contraction Trans-Splicing
Deuterium Muscle Fibers Trauma
Diabetes Mellitus Muscular Atrophy Trees
Diabetic Retinopathy Muscular Dystrophies Triad
Diagnostic procedure Mutagenesis Tricyclic
Diarrhea Mutagenic Trigeminal
Diarrhoea Mutagens Trypsin
Diastolic Myalgia Tryptophan
Diencephalon Myelin Tuberculosis
Diffusion Myelin Sheath Tuberculostatic
Digestion Myocardial infarction Tuberous Sclerosis
Digestive tract Myocardium Tubulin
Dihydrotestosterone Myofibrils Tumor marker
Dilution Myoglobin Tumor Necrosis Factor
Dimethyl Myosin Tumor suppressor gene
Dipeptidases Myotonic Dystrophy Tumorigenic
Dipeptidyl Peptidases N Tumour
Diploid Narcotic Typhimurium
Direct, iii Nasal Mucosa Typhoid fever
Discrete Natural selection Tyrosine
Disease Susceptibility NCI U
Disease Vectors Necrosis Ulcerative colitis
Disinfectant Neonatal Uracil
Dissection Neonatal Screening Urea
Dissociation Neoplasia Ureters
Distal Neoplasm Urethra
Diuretic Neoplastic Urinary
Dizziness Nephropathy Urinary tract
Domesticated Nerve Urinary tract infection
Dominance Nervous System Urine
Dopamine Neural Uterus
Dose-limiting Neural tube defects V
Double-blind Neurodegenerative Diseases Vaccines
Drug Design Neurologic Vacuoles
Drug Evaluation Neuromuscular Vagal
Drug Evaluation, Preclinical Neuromuscular Junction Vagina
Drug Resistance Neuronal Vaginal
Drug Tolerance Neurons Vagolytic
Duct Neuropathy Vagus Nerve
Dyes Neuropeptides Valine
Dysphoric Neurotoxic Varicella
Dysplasia Neurotoxicity Vascular
Dystrophy Neurotransmitter Vascular Resistance
E Neutrons Vasoactive
Edema Neutrophil Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
Effector Neutrophil Infiltration Vasodilators
Effector cell Niacin Vector
Efficacy Nitric Oxide Vein
Eicosanoids Nitrogen Venous
Elastic Nitrogen Oxides Ventricle
Elasticity Nitrous Oxide Venules
Elastin Norepinephrine Vertebral
Elective Nosocomial Vesicular
Electrolysis Nuclear Medicine Veterinarians
Electrolyte Nuclei Veterinary Medicine
Electrons Nucleolus Vinblastine
Electrophoresis Nucleotidases Vinca Alkaloids
Electroplating Nucleus Vincristine
Embryo Nutritive Value Viral
Emphysema O Virilism
Emulsion Ocular Virulence
Enamel Odds Ratio Virus
Encephalocele Oligodendroglia Visceral
Encephalopathy Oligomenorrhea Viscosity
Endemic Oncogene Vitamin U
Endocytosis Oncology Vitreous
Endogenous Oocytes Vitreous Hemorrhage
Endorphin Opacity Vitro
Endothelial cell Open Reading Frames Vivo
Endothelium Operon Voltage-gated
Endothelium, Lymphatic Ophthalmic Vulgaris
Endothelium, Vascular Opiate W
Endothelium-derived Opium Warts
Endotoxemia Opportunistic Infections White blood cell
Endotoxins Opsin Whooping Cough
End-stage renal Optic Chiasm Wound Healing
Energy balance Optic Nerve Wound Infection
Enhancers Organ Culture X
Enkephalin Organelles Xenograft
Environmental Exposure Osmosis X-ray
Environmental Health Osmotic X-ray therapy
Environmental Pollutants Osteoarthritis Y
Enzyme Inhibitors Osteoclasts Yeasts
Eosinophil Outpatient Z
Eosinophilic Ovarian Follicle Zalcitabine
Epidemic Ovaries Zoster
Epidemiologic Studies Ovary Zygote
Epidermal Overdose Zymogen
Epidermis Overexpress
Epidermoid carcinoma Overweight









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