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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Nitrous Oxide)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  288
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597841306
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with nitrous oxide is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Nitrous Oxide




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to nitrous oxide. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to nitrous oxide. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Nitrous Oxide


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Nitrous Oxide

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Nitrous Oxide


Finding Nutrition Studies on Nitrous Oxide

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Nitrous Oxide


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Nitrous Oxide


Dissertations on Nitrous Oxide

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Nitrous Oxide


Recent Trials on Nitrous Oxide

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Nitrous Oxide


Patents on Nitrous Oxide

Patent Applications on Nitrous Oxide

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Nitrous Oxide


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Nitrous Oxide

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Nitrous Oxide


Video Recordings

Bibliography: Multimedia on Nitrous Oxide

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Nitrous Oxide


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Nitrous Oxide

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on nitrous oxide will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on nitrous oxide.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Enflurane Oxidants
Abdominal Enhancer Oxidation-Reduction
Aberrant Environmental Exposure Oxidative Stress
Abrasion Environmental Health Oxides
Acceptor Enzymatic Oxygen Compounds
Acetone Enzyme Inhibitors Oxygen Consumption
Acetylcholine Ephedrine P
Acoustic Epidemiological Paediatric
Adaptability Epidural Pain Threshold
Adaptation Epidural Space Palladium
Adenosine Epinephrine Palliative
Adhesives Epithelial Palsies
Adjustment Epithelium Palsy
Adjuvant Erectile Pancreas
Adrenal Medulla Erection Pancuronium
Adrenergic Erythrocyte Volume Paralysis
Adsorption Erythrocytes Paroxysmal
Adsorptive Esophageal Particle
Adverse Effect Esophagus Pathogenesis
Aerobic Estrogens Pathologic
Aerosol Ethanol Pathologic Processes
Affinity Ether Pathophysiology
Agonist Ethyl Chloride Patient Education
Air Embolism Euphoria Patient Selection
Air Sacs Europium Pediatric Dentistry
Airway Evoked Potentials Pelvic
Airway Obstruction Excitability Penicillin
Alanine Excitation Peptide
Alertness Excitatory Perfusion
Alfentanil Excitotoxicity Perineal
Algorithms Exogenous Periodontal Pocket
Alimentary Expiration Perioperative
Alkaline External-beam radiation Peripheral Nervous System
Alkaloid Extracellular Peripheral Neuropathy
Alleles Extracellular Matrix Peritoneal
Allergen Extraction Peritoneal Cavity
Allylamine Extrapyramidal Peritoneal Dialysis
Alpha Particles F Peritoneum
Alternative medicine Facial Pernicious
Aluminum Family Planning Peroxide
Alveoli Fat Pertussis
Amine Fatty acids Petrolatum
Amino Acid Sequence Fentanyl Petroleum
Amino Acid Substitution Fermentation Phagocyte
Amino Acids Fertilizers Pharmacodynamic
Ammonia Fetal Blood Pharmacokinetic
Amnestic Fetal Development Pharmacologic
Amniotic Fluid Fetus Phenolphthalein
Amphetamine Fibroblasts Phenotype
Amplification Fibrosis Phenylalanine
Amyloid Fistula Phorbol
Anaemia Flatus Phospholipases
Anaerobic Fluorescence Phospholipids
Anaesthetic Fluorine Phosphorus
Anal Fluoroscope Phosphorylation
Analgesic Folate Phosphotyrosine
Analog Fold Physical Examination
Anatomical Folic Acid Physiologic
Anemia Follicular Phase Physiology
Anesthetics Foramen Pigments
Animal model Forearm Pilot study
Anions Fossa Pipecuronium
Annealing Frostbite Placenta
Anode G Plants
Antagonism Galactose Oxidase Plasma Volume
Anthropogenic Gallbladder Plasticity
Anti-Anxiety Agents Ganglia Platelet Activation
Antibacterial Ganglion Platelet Aggregation
Antibiotic Gas exchange Platelets
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Gasoline Platinum
Antibodies Gastric Pneumocephalus
Antibody Gastrin Poisoning
Anticoagulant Gastrointestinal Polymers
Antiemetic Gastrointestinal tract Polymorphism
Antigen Gene Polypeptide
Anti-infective Gene Expression Pons
Antimicrobial General practitioner Porosity
Antineoplastic Genetic Engineering Port
Antioxidant Genotype Port-a-cath
Antiseptic Geriatric Posterior
Antispasmodic Gestational Postnatal
Anus Gestational Age Postoperative
Anxiety Gland Postsynaptic
Anxiety Disorders Glioma Post-translational
Anxiolytic Glottis Potassium
Apolipoproteins Glucaric Acid Potentiate
Aponeurosis Glucose Potentiating
Apoptosis Glucose Intolerance Potentiation
Aqueous Glutamate Power Plants
Arginine Glycerol Practice Guidelines
Argon Glycerophospholipids Praseodymium
Aromatic Glycopyrrolate Precordial
Arterial Gonadotropin Precursor
Arteries Governing Board Preeclampsia
Arterioles Grade Pregnancy Tests
Articular Grading Premedication
Aspartate Grafting Pressoreceptors
Asphyxia Granule Prion
Aspiration Granulocytes Probe
Astringent Groin Procaine
Astrocytes Growth factors Progression
Asymptomatic Guanylate Cyclase Progressive
Atmospheric Pressure H Projection
Atropine Hair Cells Prophase
Attenuation Haploid Prophylaxis
Auditory Hazardous Waste Proportional
Auditory nerve Headache Prostate
Autoimmune disease Headache Disorders Prostatectomy
Autonomic Heart attack Prosthodontics
Axons Heart failure Protein C
Axotomy Heme Protein Conformation
B Hemoglobin Protein Folding
Bacteria Hemorrhage Protein Kinases
Bacterial toxin Hepatic Protein S
Bactericidal Hepatitis Proteinuria
Bacteriophage Hepatocytes Protocol
Bacteriuria Heredity Protons
Barbiturate Hernia Proximal
Baroreflex Herniated Psychiatric
Basal Ganglia Histamine Psychiatry
Base Histamine Release Psychic
Basilar Membrane Histidine Psychology
Beer Homogeneous Psychomotor
Belladonna Homologous Psychomotor Performance
Benign Hormonal Psychophysics
Benzene Hormone Psychotherapy
Benzodiazepines Humidifier Psychotropic
Beta Rays Hybrid Public Health
Beta-pleated Hydration Public Policy
Bewilderment Hydrochloric Acid Publishing
Bifida Hydrofluoric Acid Pulmonary
Bile Hydrogen Peroxide Pulmonary Artery
Binding Sites Hydrogenase Pulmonary Ventilation
Biochemical Hydrolysis Pulse
Biogenesis Hydrophilic Purifying
Biogenic Amines Hydrophobic Q
Biological therapy Hydroxylation Quaternary
Biological Transport Hydroxyurea R
Biopsy Hypercapnia Race
Biosynthesis Hypersensitivity Radiation
Biotechnology Hypertension Radiation therapy
Biotransformation Hyperventilation Radical prostatectomy
Bladder Hypnotic Radioactive
Blood Coagulation Hypocapnia Radiography
Blood Flow Velocity Hypotension Radiolabeled
Blood Glucose Hypothalamus Radiotherapy
Blood pressure Hypothermia Radium
Blood vessel Hypoxia Radon
Blood Volume Hysteroscopy Randomized
Body Fluids I Randomized clinical trial
Bone Cements Id Rationalize
Bone Marrow Idiopathic Reagent
Boron Immersion Receptor
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Immune function Rectum
Bowel Immune response Refer
Bowel Movement Immune system Reflective
Brachytherapy Immunity Reflex
Bradykinin Immunogenic Refraction
Brain Stem Immunohistochemistry Regeneration
Branch Immunologic Regimen
Breakdown Immunology Regurgitation
Bronchi Immunotherapy Relaxant
Bronchial Impairment Relaxation Techniques
Bronchiseptica Implant radiation Reliability
Bronchodilator Implantation Resection
Buffers Impotence Respiration
Bupivacaine In situ Respirator
Bypass In vitro Respiratory Physiology
C In vivo Restoration
Caesarean section Incision Retinal
Caffeine Incontinence Retinal Detachment
Calcium Incubation Retreatment
Carbohydrates Incubation period Retropubic
Carcinogenesis Indicative Retropubic prostatectomy
Carcinogenic Induction Retrospective
Carcinogens Infarction Rheumatoid
Cardiac Infection Rhinitis
Cardiac Output Infection Control Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase
Cardiopulmonary Inflammation Rigidity
Cardiorespiratory Infusion Rubber
Cardiovascular Ingestion Ruthenium
Cardiovascular disease Inguinal S
Cardiovascular System Inguinal Hernia Saline
Case report Initiation Salivary
Case series Inlay Salivary glands
Catalytic Domain Inorganic Salivation
Catecholamine Inotropic Saturate
Catheterization Insight Scandium
Cathode Insomnia Schizoid
Cations Insufflation Schizophrenia
Caudal Insulator Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Caustic Intermittent Sclerosis
Cell Death Internal radiation Scoliosis
Cell Differentiation Interstitial Screening
Cell Division Intervertebral Second Messenger Systems
Cell membrane Intestinal Secretion
Cell proliferation Intestine Sedative
Cell Respiration Intoxication Sediment
Cell Survival Intracellular Seizures
Cellulose Intracellular Membranes Semen
Central Nervous System Infections Intracranial Pressure Sensibility
Cerebellar Intramuscular Sensor
Cerebellum Intraocular Sepsis
Cerebral Arteries Intravenous Septic
Cerebral hemispheres Intubation Sequencing
Cerebral Palsy Invasive Serotonin
Cerebrospinal Involuntary Serous
Cerebrospinal fluid Ion Channels Serum
Cerebrovascular Ion Exchange Shock
Cerebrum Ionization Shunt
Cerium Ionizing Side effect
Chemotaxis Ions Sigmoid
Chloral Hydrate Irradiation Sigmoidoscopy
Chlorine Isoflurane Signal Transduction
Chlorophenols Isoproterenol Signs and Symptoms
Cholesterol J Silicon
Cholesterol Esters Joint Silicon Dioxide
Choline Jurisprudence Skeletal
Cholinergic K Skull
Chromatin Kb Small intestine
Chromosomal Kerosene Smooth muscle
Chromosome Ketamine Sneezing
Chronic Ketone Bodies Sodium
Chylomicrons Kinetic Soft tissue
Circadian Krypton Solvent
Circulatory system L Somatic
Clear cell carcinoma Labile Sonogram
Clinical Medicine Labyrinth Sound wave
Clinical study Laceration Spasmodic
Clinical trial Lanthanum Specialist
Clone Large Intestine Spectrum
Cloning Laryngeal Spike
Coal Laryngoscopy Spina bifida
Cobalt Larynx Spinal cord
Cochlea Latency Spinal Cord Injuries
Cochlear Lectin Spinal tap
Cochlear Implants Lenses Spiral Ganglion
Cochlear Nerve Lethal Sports Medicine
Cod Liver Oil Leukocytes Stabilizer
Cofactor Library Services Statistically significant
Cognition Lidocaine Steel
Cognitive Therapy Ligament Steroid
Collagen Ligands Stethoscope
Collapse Linkage Stimulant
Colonoscopy Lipid Stimulus
Complement Lipid A Stomach
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipid Bilayers Strangulation
Complementary medicine Lipid Peroxidation Stress
Computational Biology Lipopolysaccharides Stroke
Conception Lipoprotein Stroke Volume
Concomitant Liver Stupor
Conduction Localization Subacute
Confusion Localized Subarachnoid
Congestion Locomotion Subclinical
Conjugated Loop Subcutaneous
Conjunctiva Low-density lipoprotein Subspecies
Connective Tissue Luciferase Substance P
Conscious Sedation Lumbar Suction
Consciousness Lumbar puncture Sufentanil
Constrict Lumen Sulfur
Constriction Luteal Phase Sulfur Dioxide
Constriction, Pathologic Lymph Sulfur Hexafluoride
Consumption Lymphatic Superoxide
Contamination Lymphoid Superoxide Dismutase
Contractility M Supplementation
Contraindications, ii Maximum Tolerated Dose Surfactant
Controlled study Mechanical ventilation Surgical Wound Infection
Convulsions Medial Sympathomimetic
Convulsive Mediate Symphysis
Coordination MEDLINE Synapses
Cornea Megaloblastic Synapsis
Coronary Meiosis Synaptic
Coronary heart disease Melanin Synaptic Transmission
Coronary Thrombosis Membrane Proteins Synergistic
Corrosion Memory Systemic
Cortex Menstrual Cycle T
Cortical Menstruation Telophase
Cranial Mental Disorders Testosterone
Craniocerebral Trauma Mental Health, iv Therapeutics
Craniotomy Mental Processes Thermal
Crowns Metabolite Third Ventricle
Crystallization Methanol Thoracic
Curare Methionine Thoracic Surgery
Curative Methylmalonic Acid Thorax
Cyclic Methyltransferase Threshold
Cysteine Metoclopramide Thrombin
Cystine MI Thrombomodulin
Cytochrome Microbe Thrombosis
Cytokines Micronuclei Thyroid
Cytoplasm Microorganism Tic
Cytotoxic Midazolam Tidal Volume
D Middle Cerebral Artery Tin
Databases, Bibliographic Migration Tolerance
De novo Mitochondrial Swelling Tonsils
Decarboxylation Mitosis Topical
Decision Theory Mobility Toxaemia
Degenerative Modeling Toxic, iv
Deletion Modification Toxicity
Delusions Molecular Toxicokinetics
Demethylation Monitor Toxicology
Demyelinating Diseases Monoclonal Toxins
Dendrites Monocytes Trace element
Dendritic Mononuclear Tracer
Density Morphine Trachea
Dental Anxiety Morphology Transcutaneous
Dental Calculus Motion Sickness Transduction
Dental Care Motor Activity Transfection
Dental Caries Motorcycles Translational
Dental Hygienists Mucinous Transmitter
Dental Plaque Multiple sclerosis Transplantation
Dental Scaling Muscle Contraction Transrectal ultrasound
Dentists Muscle Relaxation Transurethral
Depolarization Muscular Dystrophies Transurethral Resection of Prostate
DES Mutagenesis Trauma
Desensitization Mutagens Trichloroacetic Acid
Detergents Mydriasis Tuberculosis
Deuterium Myelin Tumour
Diabetes Mellitus Myelin Sheath Tungsten
Diabetic Retinopathy Myocardium Tyramine
Diagnostic procedure N Tyrosine
Diaphragm Naloxone U
Diastole Narcolepsy Ultrasonography
Diastolic Narcosis Unconscious
Diastolic pressure Narcotic Urethra
Diencephalon Natural selection Urinalysis
Diffusion Nausea Urinary
Digestion NCI Urine
Digestive system Necrosis Uterus
Dihydrotestosterone Need V
Dilatation Neodymium Vaccine
Dimethyl Neon Vagina
Diploid Neoplasms Valine
Direct, iii Neural Valves
Discrimination Neural tube defects Vanadium
Disinfectant Neuroblastoma Vascular
Disorientation Neurologic Vascular Resistance
Dissociation Neuromuscular Vasoconstriction
Dissociative Disorders Neuromuscular Blockade Vasodilator
Distal Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Vector
Diuresis Neuromuscular Depolarizing Agents Vein
Dopamine Neuromuscular Junction Venous
Doping Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents Ventilation
Dorsal Neuronal Ventilator
Dorsum Neurons Ventricle
Drive, ii, vi Neuropathy Ventricular
Drug Interactions Neurotoxic Ventricular Function
Drug Resistance Neurotoxicity Venules
Drug Tolerance Neurotransmitters Vertebrae
Duct Neutrons Vertebral
Duodenum Neutrophil Vestibule
Dyes Nickel Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Dyspnoea Nicotine Veterinary Medicine
Dysprosium Nictitating Membrane Viral
Dystrophy Nitric acid Virulence
E Nitric Oxide Virus
Eclampsia Nitrogen Compounds Viscera
Edema Nitrogen Dioxide Visual Acuity
Effector Nitrogen Oxides Vitrectomy
Effector cell Nitroprusside Vitreoretinal
Efficacy Noble Gases Vitreous Body
Effusion Norepinephrine Vitro
Elective Nosocomial Vivo
Electrochemistry Nuclear W
Electrode Nuclei Warts
Electrolysis Nucleic acid White blood cell
Electrolyte Nucleus Whooping Cough
Electrons O Windpipe
Electrophysiological Occupational Exposure Withdrawal
Electroshock Oculomotor Wound Healing
Elementary Particles Oculomotor Nerve Wound Infection
Embolism Odour Wounds, Gunshot
Embryo Ointments X
Emulsion Oligodendroglia Xenograft
Encephalocele Omentum Xenon
Endophthalmitis Opacity X-ray
Endoscope Operating Rooms X-ray therapy
Endoscopic Opium Y
Endothelial cell Optic Chiasm Yeasts
Endothelium Oral Health Ytterbium
Endothelium, Lymphatic Oral Hygiene Yttrium
Endothelium, Vascular Organ of Corti Z
Endothelium-derived Organelles Zinc Oxide
Endotoxic Orofacial Zymogen
Endotracheal intubation Outpatient
Energetic Ovulation









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