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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  188
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  049700836X
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with paraquat is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to paraquat. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to paraquat. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Paraquat


Federally Funded Research on Paraquat

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Paraquat


Finding Nutrition Studies on Paraquat

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Paraquat


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Paraquat


Patents on Paraquat

Patent Applications on Paraquat

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Paraquat


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on paraquat will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on paraquat.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Endocarditis Nitrofurantoin
Abdominal Endocardium Nitrogen
Abrasion Endogenous Norepinephrine
Acatalasia Endothelial cell Nuclear
Acceptor Endothelium Nuclei
Acetaminophen Endothelium, Lymphatic Nucleic acid
Acetylcholine Endothelium, Vascular Nucleus
Acetylcysteine Endothelium-derived O
Acidity Endotoxins Ocular
Actin Energy balance Oculomotor
Acute myelogenous leukemia Enhancer Oedema
Acute myeloid leukemia Environmental Exposure Ophthalmology
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Environmental Health Ornithine
Adaptability Enzymatic Osmosis
Adaptation Enzyme Induction Osmotic
Adenosine Eosinophils Osteoarthritis
Adjustment Epidemic Ovary
Adjuvant Epidemiological Overdose
Adrenergic Epinephrine Overexpress
Adsorption Epistasis Ovum
Adsorptive Epithelial Oxidants
Adverse Effect Epithelial Cells Oxidation
Aerobic Epithelium Oxidation-Reduction
Aerobic Metabolism Erythrocytes Oxidative Stress
Aerobic Respiration Esophageal Oxygen Consumption
Afferent Esophageal Perforation P
Affinity Esophagus P53 gene
Agonist Estrogen Palliative
Agrochemicals Ethanol Pancreas
Aldehydes Ether Paralysis
Alfalfa Euryarchaeota Parenteral
Alginates Evacuation Parietal
Algorithms Evoke Particle
Alimentary Excitotoxicity Pathogen
Alkaline Exogenous Pathogenesis
Alleles Exons Pathologic
Alopecia Expiration Pathologic Processes
Alpha Particles External-beam radiation Pathophysiology
Alternative medicine Extracellular Penicillamine
Ambroxol Extracellular Matrix Penicillin
Ameliorating Extraction Pentosephosphate Pathway
Amino Acid Sequence Extrapyramidal Peptide
Ampulla F Percutaneous
Amyloid Family Planning Perennial
Anaesthesia Fat Peripheral blood
Anal Fat Body Peritoneal
Analgesic Fermentation Peritoneal Cavity
Anaphylatoxins Ferritin Peritoneal Dialysis
Anemia Fertilizers Peritoneum
Animal model Fetus Peroxidase
Anionic Fibroblasts Peroxide
Anions Fibrosis Pesticides
Anode Fixation Phagocyte
Antibacterial Flatus Phallic
Antibiotic Fluorescence Pharmaceutical Preparations
Antibodies Fluorescent Antibody Technique Pharmacologic
Antibody Fluoroimmunoassay Phenotype
Anticoagulant Forearm Phenylalanine
Antidote Fovea Phospholipids
Antigen Frameshift Phosphorus
Antigen-Antibody Complex Frameshift Mutation Phosphorylated
Anti-infective Free Radicals Physiology
Anti-inflammatory Fungi Plants
Antineoplastic Fungicide Plasma
Antioxidant Furosemide Plasma cells
Antipyretic Fusaric Acid Plasticity
Antiviral G Platelet Aggregation
Apolipoproteins Galactosides Platelet Factor 4
Apoptosis Gallate Platelets
Applicability Gallbladder Pleural
Aqueous Gallium Pleural cavity
Archaea Gamma Rays Pneumonia
Arginine Ganglia Pneumothorax
Arrhythmia Gap Junctions Polymers
Arterial Gas Polymorphism
Arteries Gas exchange Polypeptide
Arterioles Gastric Polysaccharide
Arteriovenous Gastric Emptying Portal Hypertension
Artery Gastrin Posterior
Articular Gastrointestinal Postoperative
Ascites Gastrointestinal tract Postsynaptic
Ascorbic Acid Gelatin Potassium
Assay Gels Potentiates
Astrocytes Gene Expression Practice Guidelines
Ataxia Generator Precancerous
Atmospheric Pressure Genetic Code Precursor
Attenuated Genetics Predisposition
Autonomic Genotype Prednisolone
Autonomic Nervous System Germ Cells Premalignant
Autopsy Gestation Prenatal
Auxin Gland Presynaptic
Axonal Gliosis Progression
Axons Glomerular Progressive
B Glomeruli Proline
Bacteria Glomerulonephritis Prophase
Bacterial Physiology Glucocorticoid Prophylaxis
Bactericidal Glucose Prospective study
Bacteriophage Glutamate Prostate
Basal Ganglia Glutathione Peroxidase Protein C
Basal Ganglia Diseases Glycerol Protein S
Basophils Glycerophospholipids Proteolytic
Benign Glycine Proteome
Beta Rays Glycols Protocol
Beta-Galactosidase Glycoside Protons
Beta-pleated Governing Board Protozoa
Beta-Thromboglobulin Gram-negative Psychiatry
Bile Gram-positive Public Policy
Biliary Granule Publishing
Binding Sites Grasses Pulmonary Edema
Bioassay Guanylate Cyclase Pulmonary Fibrosis
Biochemical H Pulmonary hypertension
Biodegradation Haemodialysis Pulse
Biomarkers Haemoperfusion Purgative
Biopsy Haploid Purifying
Biotechnology Haptens Purines
Biotic Heart failure Putrefaction
Biotransformation Heme Putrescine
Bivalent Hemochromatosis R
Bladder Hemodiafiltration Radiation
Bleomycin Hemodialysis Radiation therapy
Blood Glucose Hemofiltration Radioactive
Blood pressure Hemoglobin Radioimmunoassay
Blood vessel Hemoglobin A Radioimmunotherapy
Blot Hemolytic Radiolabeled
Body Fluids Hepatic Radiological
Bone Marrow Hepatocyte Radiopharmaceutical
Boron Hepatoma Radiotherapy
Bowel Hereditary Randomized
Bowel Movement Heredity Reabsorption
Brachytherapy Herpes Reactive Oxygen Species
Bradykinin Herpes virus Reagent
Burns Herpes Zoster Receptor
Burns, Electric Heterogeneity Recombinant
C Histamine Recombination
Cadmium Histidine Rectum
Cadmium Poisoning Homogeneous Red Nucleus
Calcium Homologous Reductase
Caloric intake Homozygotes Refer
Capillary Hormone Refraction
Capillary Fragility Hybrid Regeneration
Carbohydrate Hydration Regimen
Carbon Dioxide Hydrochloric Acid Regression Analysis
Carcinogen Hydrogen Regulon
Carcinoma Hydrogen Peroxide Rehydration
Cardiac Hydrolysis Renal failure
Cardiovascular Hydrophobic Respiration
Cardiovascular System Hydroxides Respiratory distress syndrome
Carrier Proteins Hydroxyl Radical Retreatment
Case report Hydroxylysine Retrospective
Catabolism Hydroxyproline Reversion
Catalase Hyperbaric Rheumatism
Catechin Hyperbaric oxygen Rheumatoid
Catecholamine Hypercalcemia Rheumatoid arthritis
Cathode Hyperoxia Ribose
Cations Hypersensitivity Risk factor
Caustic Hypertension Rotenone
Cell Cycle Hypertrophy S
Cell Death Hypoxanthine Saline
Cell Division I Salivary
Cell membrane Idiopathic Salivary glands
Cell Physiology Immune response Scabicide
Cell proliferation Immune system Screening
Cell Respiration Immunoassay Secretory
Cellobiose Immunogenic Segregation
Cellulose Immunoglobulin Selenium
Centrifugation Immunologic Senescence
Ceramide Immunology Sequencing
Cerebellar Immunosuppressant Serologic
Cerebral Immunosuppressive Serotonin
Cerebral Cortex Immunosuppressive therapy Serous
Cerebrospinal Implant radiation Serum
Cerebrospinal fluid In vitro Serum Albumin
Cerebrum In vivo Shock
Chelating Agents Induction Shunt
Chemical Warfare Infarction Side effect
Chemical Warfare Agents Infection Simazine
Chemotactic Factors Infiltration Skeleton
Chemotherapy Inflammation Small intestine
Chest wall Ingestion Smooth muscle
Chlorophyll Inhalation Sodium
Cholestasis Innervation Solid tumor
Cholesterol Inorganic Solvent
Cholesterol Esters Inotropic Soma
Chromatin Insecticides Somatic
Chromosome Insight Spasm
Chronic Interleukin-8 Specialist
Chronic renal Intermittent Species
Chylomicrons Internal radiation Specificity
Circulatory system Interstitial Spectrophotometry
Cirrhosis Intestinal Spectroscopic
Clinical trial Intestine Spectrum
Clone Intoxication Sperm
Cloning Intracellular Spinal cord
Coenzyme Intramuscular Spirometry
Cofactor Intravenous Sporadic
Collagen Intrinsic Sprayer
Collapse Ion Channels Stabilization
Colloidal Ionizing Sterility
Compacta Ions Steroids
Complement Irradiation Stimulus
Complementary and alternative medicine J Stomach
Complementary medicine Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Streptonigrin
Computational Biology K Stress
Conception Kb Striatum
Concomitant Keratinocytes Subcutaneous
Conjugated Kidney Cortex Subcutaneous Emphysema
Conjugation L Subspecies
Connective Tissue Labile Substance P
Constriction Large Intestine Substrate
Constriction, Pathologic Latent Sulfates
Contraindications, ii Least-Squares Analysis Sulfur
Contralateral Lesion Sulfuric acid
Coordination Lethal Superoxide
Copper Sulfate Leukemia Superoxide Dismutase
Coronary Leukocytes Suppression
Coronary Thrombosis Leukopenia Surfactant
Corpuscle Likelihood Functions Sympathetic Nervous System
Cortex Lindane Sympathomimetic
Cortical Linear Models Synapse
Cortisone Linkages Synaptic
Creatinine Lipid Synaptic Transmission
Crenarchaeota Lipid Peroxidation Synergistic
Crossing-over Lipoprotein Systemic
Cultured cells Liposomes T
Curative Liver Telangiectasia
Curcumin Liver Mitochondria Telencephalon
Cyanide Localized Testosterone
Cyanosis Locomotion Tetravalent
Cyclic Locomotor Thalamic
Cyclophosphamide Logistic Models Thalamic Diseases
Cysteine Low-density lipoprotein Thalassemia
Cysteinyl Lung Transplantation Therapeutics
Cystine Lymph Thermal
Cytochrome Lymphatic Thiocyanates
Cytokine Lymphocytes Threshold
Cytoplasm Lymphoid Thrombin
Cytotoxic M Thrombomodulin
Cytotoxicity Macula Thrombosis
D Magnetic Resonance Imaging Thyroid
Decarboxylation Malignant Thyroxine
Decontamination Maneb Tolerance
Degenerative Manifest Tooth Preparation
Dehydration Mediastinal Emphysema Topical
Deletion Mediate Toxic, iv
Dendrites MEDLINE Toxin
Density Meiosis Transduction
Dermal Melanin Transfection
Dermatitis Membrane Transketolase
Desiccation Membrane Lipids Translation
Detoxification Membrane Proteins Transmitter
Deuterium Mental, iv Trauma
Developed Countries Mesencephalic Trees
Developing Countries Metabolite Tremor
Dexamethasone Metallothionein Tryptophan
Dextran Sulfate Metaphase Tumor marker
Diabetes Mellitus Methaemoglobinaemia Tumor suppressor gene
Diagnostic procedure Methemoglobin Reductase Tunica
Dialyzer Methionine Typhimurium
Diffusion Methylene Blue Tyrosine
Digestion Methylprednisolone U
Digestive system MI Ultrafiltration
Digestive tract Microbe Univalent
Dihydrotestosterone Microbiology Uremia
Dihydroxy Microgram Urethra
Dilution Microorganism Urinary
Dimethyl Microsomal Urinary tract
Diploid Mitochondria Urinary tract infection
Direct, iii Mitochondrial Swelling Urine
Discrete Mitosis V
Disinfectant Mobilization Vaccination
Dissociation Modification Vaccines
Distal Molecule Valine
Disulfides Monitor Vascular
Diuresis Monoclonal Vascular Resistance
Diuretic Monocytes Vasoconstriction
Diuron Mononuclear Vasodilator
Dominance Morphology Vector
Dopamine Mucociliary Vegetative
Dorsal Mucolytic Vein
Dorsum Mucosa Venous
Dose-dependent Multiple Organ Failure Venous blood
Drug Resistance Muscular Dystrophies Ventricle
Drug Tolerance Mutagenesis Venules
Duodenum Mutagenicity Vesicular
Dyes Mutagens Veterinary Medicine
Dyspnea Mycotoxins Viral
Dystrophic Myelogenous Virulence
Dystrophy Myocarditis Virus
E Myocardium Viscera
Edema Myopathy Visceral
Effector N Viscosity
Efferent Necrosis Vitro
Efficacy Neonatal Vivo
Elastic Neoplasms W
Elastin Nerve Wettability
Electrolysis Nervous System White blood cell
Electrolyte Networks X
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Neural Xanthine
Electrons Neuroglia Xanthine Oxidase
Electrophoresis Neuronal Xenograft
Electroplating Neurons X-ray
Elementary Particles Neurotoxic X-ray therapy
Embryo Neurotoxicity Xylulose
Embryotoxicity Neurotransmitter Y
Emetic Neutrons Yeasts
Emollient Neutrophils Z
Empirical Niacin Zymogen
Emulsion Nifurtimox
Endemic Nitric Oxide









Paperback Book

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