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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Ak-Dilate; Ak-Nefrin; Dilatair; Dionephrine; Doktors; I-Phrine; Mydfrin; Neofrin; Neo-Synephrine; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Rhinall; Spersaphrine)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  192
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497008696
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with phenylephrine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Ak-Dilate; Ak-Nefrin; Dilatair; Dionephrine; Doktors; I-Phrine; Mydfrin; Neofrin; Neo-Synephrine; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Rhinall; Spersaphrine




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to phenylephrine. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to phenylephrine. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Phenylephrine


Federally Funded Research on Phenylephrine

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Phenylephrine


Finding Nutrition Studies on Phenylephrine

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Phenylephrine


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Phenylephrine


Patents on Phenylephrine

Patent Applications on Phenylephrine

Keeping Current

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on phenylephrine will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on phenylephrine.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Epithelial Patch
Abdominal Epithelial Cells Pathogenesis
Abdominal fat Epithelium Pathologic
Aberrant Erectile Pathologic Processes
Acceptor Erection Pathophysiology
Acclimatization Erythema Patient Compliance
Accommodation Erythrocytes Pelvic
Acetaminophen Estradiol Pelvis
Acetylcholine Estrogen Penicillin
Acidosis Estrogen receptor Penile Erection
Acrylonitrile Ethanol Penis
Actin Eukaryotic Cells Peptide
Action Potentials Euphoria Perfusion
Acute renal Evoke Periodontal disease
Adaptability Excitation Peripheral Nervous System
Adenosine Excitatory Peritoneal
Adipose Tissue Excrete Peritoneal Cavity
Adrenal Cortex Exhaustion Peroneal Nerve
Adrenal Glands Exogenous Pesticides
Adrenal Medulla Expectorant Petroleum
Adrenaline Expiration Pharmaceutical Solutions
Adverse Effect Extracellular Pharmacologic
Aerobic Extracellular Matrix Pharmacotherapy
Aerosol Extracellular Space Phenotype
Afferent Extracorporeal Phenoxybenzamine
Afferent Pathways Extracorporeal Circulation Phenylalanine
Affinity Extraction Phenylpropanolamine
Agonist Extrapyramidal Phonophoresis
Airway Exudate Phospholipids
Aldosterone F Phosphorus
Alertness Facial Phosphorylation
Algorithms Faecal Physiologic
Alimentary Family Planning Physiology
Alkaline Fat Pigments
Alkaloid Fatal Outcome Pilocarpine
Allergen Fatigue Placenta
Allergic Rhinitis Fecal Incontinence Plant Oils
Allylamine Feces Plants
Almitrine Femoral Plasma
Alpha-1 Femoral Artery Plasma Volume
Alternative medicine Femur Platelet Aggregation
Alveoli Fenoldopam Platelet Factor 4
Amine Fenoterol Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Amino acid Fetal Development Platelets
Amitriptyline Fetus Pleural
Ammonia Fibrillation Pleural cavity
Amphetamine Fibroblasts Plexus
Ampulla Fixation Pneumonia
Amyl Nitrite Flatus Polyethylene
Anaesthesia Fluorescence Polymers
Anaesthetic Flurbiprofen Polymorphism
Anal Fold Polypeptide
Analgesic Follicular Phase Pons
Analog Forearm Posterior
Anatomical Free Radicals Postoperative
Anemia Fundus Postsynaptic
Anesthetics G Post-synaptic
Aneurysm Gallbladder Post-synaptic
Angina Gallic Acid Post-synaptic
Angina Pectoris Ganglia Post-translational
Anginal Ganglion Postural
Angiotensinogen Gap Junctions Potassium
Animal model Gas Potentiate
Anisocoria Gas exchange Potentiating
Ankle Gastric Practice Guidelines
Anorectal Gastrin Prazosin
Antagonism Gastrointestinal Precursor
Anterograde Gastrointestinal tract Preoperative
Antiarrhythmic Gene Pressoreceptors
Antibacterial Gene Expression Presynaptic
Antibiotic Genetic Markers Presynaptic Terminals
Antibodies Genotype Probe
Antibody Gestation Procaine
Anticholinergic Ginseng Prodrug
Anticoagulant Gland Progesterone
Antigen Glomerular Progression
Antihypertensive Glomerular Filtration Rate Progressive
Anti-infective Glucocorticoid Projection
Anti-inflammatory Glucose Promethazine
Antimicrobial Glucose Intolerance Promoter
Antioxidant Glucuronic Acid Prophase
Antipyretic Glutamate Propranolol
Anus Glutamic Acid Prostate
Anxiety Glycerol Protein C
Aorta Glycine Protein S
Apnea Glycogen Proteolytic
Aponeurosis Glycogen Synthase Protocol
Apoptosis Glycoprotein Protons
Aqueous Glycosylation Pruritic
Aqueous humor Gonad Psychiatry
Arginine Gonadal Psychic
Arrhythmia Governing Board Psychoactive
Arterial Guanine Psychotomimetic
Arteries Guanylate Cyclase Public Policy
Arterioles Guinea Pigs Publishing
Ascites H Pulmonary
Ascorbic Acid Hay Fever Pulmonary Artery
Assay Headache Pulmonary Edema
Astringent Headache Disorders Pulmonary hypertension
Astrocytes Health Care Costs Pulmonary Veins
Atherectomy Health Expenditures Pulmonary Ventilation
Atmospheric Pressure Heart Arrest Pulse
Atrial Heart attack Pupil
Atrial Fibrillation Heart failure Pupillary dilation
Atrioventricular Heartbeat R
Atrioventricular Node Hematocrit Rabies
Atrium Hemodynamics Race
Atropine Hemorrhage Radiation
Attenuated Hemorrhoid Radioactive
Attenuation Heparin Randomized
Auditory Hepatic Randomized Controlled Trials
Automatism Hepatocyte Reactivation
Autonomic Hepatocyte Growth Factor Reagent
Autonomic Nervous System Heredity Receptor
Axillary Heterogeneity Recombination
Axillary Artery Histamine Recovery of Function
Axonal Histidine Rectum
Axons Histones Red Nucleus
B Homeostasis Refer
Bacteria Homogeneous Reflex
Bactericidal Homologous Refraction
Bacteriophage Hormone Refractive Power
Baroreflex Hybridomas Refractory
Basal Ganglia Hydrocortisone Regimen
Basement Membrane Hydrogen Reliability
Belladonna Hydrogen Peroxide Renal Artery
Benign Hydroxybenzoic Acids Renal failure
Benzene Hydroxyproline Renin
Benzyl Alcohol Hyperbaric Renin-Angiotensin System
Beta-Thromboglobulin Hyperbaric oxygen Renovascular
Bile Hypercholesterolemia Resorption
Bioavailability Hyperglycemia Respiration
Biochemical Hyperlipidemia Respiratory distress syndrome
Biological Transport Hyperoxia Respiratory Physiology
Biotechnology Hyperpnea Retina
Bladder Hypersensitivity Retinal
Blastocyst Hypertension Retinol
Blood Cell Count Hyperthermia Retinopathy
Blood Coagulation Hyperthyroidism Rhinitis
Blood-Aqueous Barrier Hypertriglyceridemia Rhodopsin
Body Fluids Hypertrophy Risk factor
Bolus Hyperventilation Risk patient
Bolus infusion Hypnotic Rod
Bowel Hypocapnia Rubber
Brachial Hypotension S
Brachial Artery Hypotensive Salicylate
Brachiocephalic Veins Hypothalamus Saline
Bradycardia Hypothermia Saphenous
Bradykinin Hypoxemia Saphenous Vein
Brain Stem Hypoxia Saponins
Bronchi Hypoxic Satellite
Bronchial Hysterotomy Schizoid
Bronchitis I Schizophrenia
Bronchodilator Idiopathic Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Buffers Ileum Sciatic Nerve
Bupivacaine Ileus Sclera
Bypass Immune response Screening
C Immunization Scrotum
Caecum Immunogenic Secretion
Caesarean section Immunohistochemistry Secretory
Caffeine Immunophilin Sedative
Calcineurin Immunosuppressive Seizures
Calcium Immunotherapy Semen
Calcium Channels Impairment Seminal vesicles
Calmodulin Impotent Sensibility
Capillary In situ Sensitization
Capillary Permeability In Situ Hybridization Sepsis
Capsules In vitro Septic
Captopril In vivo Sequester
Carbohydrate Incision Serotonin
Carbon Dioxide Incontinence Serous
Carcinogenic Induction Serum
Cardiac Output Infarction Shock
Cardiogenic Infection Sick Sinus Syndrome
Cardiomyopathy Infiltration Side effect
Cardiopulmonary Inflammation Sigmoid
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Infusion Sigmoid Colon
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Ingestion Sigmoidal
Cardiorespiratory Inhalation Sinoatrial Node
Cardioselective Initiation Sinusitis
Cardiotonic Innervation Skeletal
Cardiovascular disease Inositol Skeleton
Cardiovascular System Inotropic Sleep apnea
Cardioversion Insecticides Small intestine
Carotene Insight Smooth muscle
Carotid Body Instillation Social Security
Carotid Sinus Insulin Sodium
Case report Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Solitary Nucleus
Case series Interleukin-6 Solvent
Cataract Interleukin-8 Sorbitol
Catecholamine Intermittent Sound wave
Catheter Interstitial Spasm
Catheterization Intestinal Spastic
Caudal Intestinal Mucosa Specialist
Causal Intestines Species
Caveolae Intoxication Specificity
Caveolins Intracellular Sperm
Cell Death Intramuscular Spermatozoa
Cell Division Intraocular Sphincter
Cell membrane Intraocular pressure Spinal cord
Cell Membrane Structures Intravenous Stabilization
Cell motility Intrinsic Standard therapy
Cell proliferation Intubation Steady state
Cell Respiration Invasive Steel
Central Nervous System Infections Involuntary Stellate
Centrifugation Ion Channels Stellate Ganglion
Cerebral Ion Exchange Stenosis
Cerebral Arteries Ionization Steroid
Cerebral Cortex Ionizing Stimulant
Cerebral hemispheres Ions Stimulus
Cerebral Palsy Iontophoresis Stomach
Cerebrovascular Ipratropium Stool
Cerebrum Iris Stress
Cervical Iris Diseases Stria
Cesarean Section Ischemia Striatum
Chemoreceptor Isoetharine Stricture
Chin Isoflurane Stroke
Chlorpheniramine Isoproterenol Stroma
Cholesterol K Styrene
Cholinergic Kallidin Subacute
Choroid Kb Subarachnoid
Chromatin Keratinocytes Subclinical
Chromosomal Kidney Failure Subconjunctival
Chromosome Kinetics Subcutaneous
Chronic L Subspecies
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Lacerations Substance P
Chronic renal Large Intestine Substrate
Ciliary Lens Sudden death
Ciliary Body Lesion Sufentanil
Ciliary processes Leucocyte Sumatriptan
Cirrhosis Leukocytes Superior vena cava
CIS Lidocaine Supine
Clamp Ligament Suppression
Clinical study Ligands Supraventricular
Clinical trial Ligation Suspensions
Cloning Linkage Sweat
Coca Lipid Sweat Glands
Cocaine Lipid A Sympathetic Nervous System
Coenzyme Lipid Peroxidation Sympathomimetic
Cofactor Lipopolysaccharides Symphysis
Collagen Lipoprotein Symptomatic
Collagen disease Liver Synapse
Collapse Liver Transplantation Synaptic
Colloidal Localization Synaptic Transmission
Complement Localized Synaptic Vesicles
Complementary and alternative medicine Locomotion Syncope
Complementary medicine Locomotor Synephrine
Compliance Low-density lipoprotein Synergistic
Computational Biology Lubricants Systolic
Computed tomography Lumbar Systolic blood pressure
Computerized axial tomography Luteal Phase T
Computerized tomography Lymph Tachycardia
Conception Lymphatic Taenia
Concomitant Lymphocytes Tendon
Conduction M Terbutaline
Cones Mammary Testis
Congestion Manifest Tetracaine
Conjunctiva Mannitol Thigh
Connective Tissue Meatus Thoracic
Consciousness Mediate Thorax
Constrict Medicament Threshold
Constriction MEDLINE Thrombin
Constriction, Pathologic Meiosis Thrombomodulin
Contact dermatitis Melanin Thrombosis
Contractility Membrane Proteins Thrombus
Contraindications, ii Menopause Thyroid
Contralateral Menstruation Tolerance
Controlled clinical trial Mental, iv Tomography
Controlled study Mental Retardation Tone
Cornea Mesencephalic Tonometry
Coronary Mesenteric Tonus
Coronary Arteriosclerosis Mesenteric Arteries Toxic, iv
Coronary heart disease Mesentery Toxicity
Coronary Thrombosis Mesolimbic Toxicology
Corpus Metabolite Toxin
Corpus Luteum Metabotropic Trachea
Cortex Methapyrilene Traction
Cortical MI Tractus
Cortisol Microbe Transcription Factors
Coryza Microglia Transdermal
Cranial Microorganism Transduction
Craniocerebral Trauma Migration Transfection
Criterion Miotic Transferases
Cutaneous Mitochondria Translation
Cyclic Mitosis Translational
Cyclopentolate Moclobemide Transmitter
Cycloplegia Modeling Transplantation
Cytogenetics Modification Trauma
Cytokine Molecular Structure Trees
Cytoplasm Molecule Tremor
Cytosine Monitor Troglitazone
D Monoamine Tropicamide
Deamination Monoamine Oxidase Tropomyosin
Decarboxylation Monocytes Troponin
Decidua Mononuclear Tumor Necrosis Factor
Decongestant Morphology Tumour
Degenerative Mucinous Tunica
Deletion Mucociliary Tunica Intima
Delivery of Health Care Mucosa Tyramine
Dendrites Mucus Tyrosine
Density Muscle Fibers U
Dermatitis Muscle relaxant Ulcer
Dermis Musculature Unconscious
Desensitization Mydriasis Urea
Deuterium Mydriatic Uremia
Dextroamphetamine Myocardial infarction Ureters
Diabetes Mellitus Myocardial Ischemia Urethra
Diabetic Retinopathy Myocardium Urinary
Diagnostic procedure Myopia Urinary Retention
Diastole Myosin Urine
Diastolic N Urodynamic
Diastolic blood pressure Narcolepsy Urticaria
Diffusion Nausea Uterus
Digestion Nearsightedness Uvea
Dilatation, Pathologic Necrosis Uveitis
Dilation Neonatal V
Dilator Neoplastic Vaccines
Dilution Nervous System Vagal
Direct, iii Neural Vagus Nerve
Disinfectant Neurologic Varicose
Distal Neuromuscular Vas Deferens
Distention Neuromuscular Junction Vascular endothelial growth factor
Diuresis Neuronal Vascular Resistance
Diuretic Neurons Vasoactive
Domesticated Neuropeptide Vasoconstriction
Dopamine Neurotoxic Vasodilatation
Dorsal Neurotransmitter Vasodilation
Dorsum Neutrophils Vasodilator
Dosage Forms Nifedipine Vasomotor
Double-blind Nitrates Vasopressor
Drug Tolerance Nitric acid Vector
Duct Nitric Oxide Vein
Duodenum Nitrogen Vena
Dyes Nitroglycerin Venous
Dyslipidemia Nitroprusside Venous Pressure
E Nodose Venter
Eardrum Nodose Ganglion Ventilation
Eczema Norepinephrine Ventral
Edema Normotensive Ventral Tegmental Area
Effector Nuclear Ventricle
Efferent Nuclei Ventricular
Efficacy Nucleic acid Ventricular fibrillation
Elective Nucleus Ventricular Function
Electric shock Nucleus Accumbens Venules
Electrolyte O Vesicular
Electrons Ocular Veterinary Medicine
Electrophysiological Oculomotor Viral
Embryo Oculomotor Nerve Virulence
Emollient Oedema Virus
Emphysema Ointments Virus Diseases
Endarterectomy Oliguria Visceral
Endocrine Glands Oncogene Visceral Afferents
Endocytosis Opacity Visceral fat
Endogenous Ophthalmic Vitreous
Endorphins Opsin Vitreous Body
Endoscope Optic Nerve Vitreous Hemorrhage
Endoscopic Organoleptic Vitro
Endothelial cell Orthostatic Vivo
Endothelium Osmolarity Voltage-gated
Endothelium, Lymphatic Osmosis W
Endothelium, Vascular Osmotic Withdrawal
Endothelium-derived Ovary Womb
Endotoxic Ovulation X
End-stage renal Ovum Xenograft
Enhancers Oxidation X-ray
Enkephalins Oxidative Stress Xylazine
Environmental Exposure Oxygen Consumption Y
Environmental Health Oxygenation Yeasts
Enzymatic Oxygenator Z
Enzyme P Zoonoses
Ephedrine Pancreas Zymogen
Epidural Paralysis
Epinephrine Paroxysmal
Epistaxis Particle









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