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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(stem cell)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  404
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597842248
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with stem cells is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

stem cell




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to stem cells. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to stem cells. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Stem Cells


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Stem Cells

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Stem Cells


Finding Nutrition Studies on Stem Cells

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Stem Cells


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Stem Cells


Dissertations on Stem Cells

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Stem Cells


Recent Trials on Stem Cells

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Stem Cells


Patents on Stem Cells

Patent Applications on Stem Cells

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Stem Cells


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Stem Cells

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Stem Cells


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Stem Cells

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Stem Cells

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on stem cells will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on stem cells.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

1 Eukaryotic Cells Organ Culture
1-phosphate Evoke Organ Transplantation
A Excitation Organoids
Abdomen Excitatory Orofacial
Abdominal Exhaustion Osmotic
Aberrant Exocrine Osseointegration
Ablation Exogenous Ossification
Accelerated phase Exons Osteoarthritis
Acceptor Expiration Osteoblasts
Accommodation Expiratory Osteoclasts
Acetylcholine Extensive-stage small cell lung cancer Osteogenesis
Acinus External-beam radiation Osteopetrosis
Actin Extracellular Matrix Osteoporosis
Acute leukemia Extracellular Space Ovary
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Extrapyramidal Overexpress
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Eye Infections Ovulation
Acute myelogenous leukemia F Ovum
Acute myeloid leukemia Family Planning Ovum Implantation
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Fat Oxidation
Acyl Fatigue Oxidative Stress
Adaptability Fatty acids Oxides
Adaptation Febrile Oxygen Consumption
Adenine Femoral P
Adenosine Femur Pacemaker
Adenosine Deaminase Fermentation Paclitaxel
Adenovirus Fetal Blood Palate
Adhesions Fetus Palliative
Adipocytes Fibrin Pancreas
Adipose Tissue Fibrinogen Pancreatectomy
Adrenergic Fibroblast Growth Factor Pancreatic
Adverse Effect Fibroblasts Pancreatic cancer
Affinity Fibroid Pancreatic Ducts
Agammaglobulinemia Fibronectin Pancreatic Juice
Agar Fibrosis Pancreatic Polypeptide
Agarose Filgrastim Pancytopenia
Agonist Filler Papillomavirus
Air Sacs Fissure Paraffin
Airway Fixation Parathyroid
Albumin Flexor Parathyroid Glands
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Flow Cytometry Parathyroid hormone
Alginates Fludarabine Parenchyma
Algorithms Fluorescence Paroxysmal
Alkaline Fluorescent Dyes Parthenogenesis
Alleles Foam Cells Partial remission
Allograft Folate Particle
Alopecia Fold Patch
Alpha Cell Folic Acid Pathogen
Alpha Particles Follicles Pathogenesis
Alternative medicine Follicular large cell lymphoma Pathologic
Alveoli Foramen Pathologic Processes
Ameliorated Fossa Pathologies
Amifostine Fovea Patient Selection
Amino Acid Sequence Fungi Pelvic
Amino Acids G Penicillin
Amino-terminal Galactosides Penis
Ammonia Galanin Peptide
Amplification Gallbladder Peptide Fragments
Ampulla Gamma Rays Peptide T
Anaesthesia Ganglia Percutaneous
Anal Ganglion Perfusion
Analog Gap Junctions Pericardium
Analogous Gas Perinatal
Anaphylatoxins Gastric Periodontal Ligament
Anaplastic Gastrin Peripheral Nerves
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Gastrointestinal Peripheral Nervous System
Anatomical Gastrointestinal tract Peripheral stem cells
Anemia Gastrula Peritoneal
Anemia, Aplastic Gelatin Peritoneal Cavity
Anemia, Sickle Cell Gels Perivascular
Anesthesia Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Petroleum
Aneurysm Gene Conversion PH
Angiogenesis Gene Expression Phallic
Angiogenesis inhibitor Gene Silencing Pharmaceutical Preparations
Animal model Gene Targeting Pharmacologic
Anions Genetic Code Phenylalanine
Annealing Genetic Engineering Phonation
Anoikis Genetic testing Phospholipases
Anomalies Genetics Phospholipids
Antagonism Genital Phosphorus
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Genomics Photoreceptor
Antibacterial Genotype Phylogeny
Antibiotic Germ cell tumors Physiologic
Antibody therapy Germ Cells Physiology
Antibody-Dependent Cell Cytotoxicity Germ Layers Piebaldism
Anticoagulant Gestation Pigment
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gestational Pituitary Gland
Antigen-presenting cell Gland Placenta
Anti-inflammatory Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Planarians
Antimetabolite Gliosis Plants
Antineoplastic Globus Pallidus Plasma cells
Antineoplastic Agents Glucocorticoid Plasma protein
Antioxidant Glucose Plasmapheresis
Antiproliferative Glucose Intolerance Plasmid
Antithymocyte globulin Glutamate Plasticity
Antiviral Glutathione Peroxidase Platelet Activation
Aorta Glycerol Platelet Aggregation
Apheresis Glycine Platelet Transfusion
Aplastic anemia Glycoprotein Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Apomixis Glycosaminoglycan Plateletpheresis
Aponeurosis Goats Platelets
Applicability Gonad Podophyllotoxin
Approximate Gonadal Polycystic
Aqueous Gonadotropin Polymerase
Arginine Governing Board Polymerase Chain Reaction
Arrhythmia Gp120 Polymers
Arterial Grade Polymorphic
Arteries Graft Rejection Polypeptide
Arterioles Grafting Polysaccharide
Arteriolosclerosis Graft-versus-host disease Posterior
Arteriosclerosis Gram-negative Postmenopausal
Articular Granule Postnatal
Ascites Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Postsynaptic
Ascorbic Acid Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Post-traumatic
Aseptic Granulocytes Potentiate
Aspirate Growth factors Potentiating
Assay Guanylate Cyclase Potentiation
Astrocytes H Practicability
Ataxia Habitat Practice Guidelines
Atrial Habitual Precipitation
Atrium Haemopoietic Preclinical
Atrophy Hair follicles Pre-cursor
Attenuated Half-Life Preleukemia
Atypical Heart attack Prenatal
Autoimmune disease Heart failure Presumptive
Autoimmunity Heartbeat Presynaptic
Autologous bone marrow transplantation Hematocrit Prevalence
Autologous lymphocytes Hematologic malignancies Prickle
Autonomic Hematopoietic growth factors Probe
Autonomic Nervous System Hematopoietic Stem Cell Mobilization Prodrug
Axons Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Progesterone
Axotomy Hematopoietic tissue Progression
B Hemiparesis Projection
Bacteriophage Hemoglobin Proline
Bacterium Hemoglobinuria Promoter
Bacteriuria Hemolysis Prone
Barbiturate Hemolytic Prophase
Basal cells Hemorrhage Prophylaxis
Basal Ganglia Hemostasis Proportional
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hepatic Prosencephalon
Base Hepatitis Prostate
Basement Membrane Hepatocyte Prosthesis
Basophils Hereditary Protein C
Benign Heredity Protein Conformation
Beta-Galactosidase Heterochromatin Protein S
Bile Heterodimer Proteinuria
Bile Acids Heterogeneity Proteoglycan
Bile Acids and Salts Heterogenic Proteolytic
Bile Canaliculi Heterogenous Prothrombin
Bile Ducts Heterotrophic Protocol
Biliary Hippocampus Protons
Bilirubin Histology Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Bioartificial Organs Homeobox Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Bioassay Homeostasis Proximal
Biochemical Homodimer Psychiatry
Bioengineering Homogeneous Public Policy
Biological Assay Homologous Publishing
Biological response modifier Hormonal Pulmonary
Biological Sciences Hormone Pulmonary Artery
Biological therapy Horny layer Pulmonary Fibrosis
Biophysics Horseradish Peroxidase Pupil
Biopsy Human Development Purifying
Bioreactors Human growth hormone Purines
Biosynthesis Humoral Putamen
Biotechnology Humour Pyramidal Cells
Biotin Hybrid Q
Bladder Hybridization Quality of Life
Blast phase Hybridomas Quiescent
Blastocyst Hydrochloric Acid R
Blastomeres Hydrogen Race
Blasts Hydrolases Radioactive
Bleomycin Hydrolysis Radioimmunotherapy
Blister Hydroxylysine Radiolabeled
Blood Cell Count Hydroxyproline Radiological
Blood Coagulation Hyperplasia Radiotherapy
Blood Platelets Hypersensitivity Randomized
Blood pressure Hypertension Reactivation
Blot Hypertrophy Reactive Oxygen Species
Body Fluids Hypnotic Reagent
Bone Density Hypopigmentation Receptor
Bone Marrow Cells Hypothalamus Receptors, Serotonin
Bone metastases Hypoxanthine Recombinant
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins I Recombinant Proteins
Bone Regeneration Id Recombination
Bone Resorption Ileum Reconstitution
Bowel Imidazole Rectum
Bowel Movement Immortal Recurrence
Brachytherapy Immune function Red blood cells
Bradykinin Immunity Red Nucleus
Brain Hypoxia Immunization Reductase
Brain Infarction Immunoassay Refer
Brain Injuries Immunocompromised Reflex
Brain Ischemia Immunodeficiency Refraction
Brain metastases Immunodiffusion Refractive Power
Brain Stem Immunoelectrophoresis Refractory
Branch Immunofluorescence Regimen
Breakdown Immunogen Relapse
Breeding Immunoglobulin Remission
Broad-spectrum Immunohistochemistry Renal capsule
Buccal Immunologic Renal cell cancer
Burns Immunosuppressive Renal pelvis
Burns, Electric Immunosuppressive therapy Reperfusion
Butyric Acid Immunotherapy Reperfusion Injury
Bypass Impairment Repopulation
C Implant radiation Reproductive cells
Calcification In situ Resorption
Calcium In Situ Hybridization Respiration
Callus In vivo Respiratory distress syndrome
Canonical Incision Restoration
Capillary Incubated Retina
Capsules Incubation Retinal
Carbohydrate Incubation period Retinoblastoma
Carbon Dioxide Indicative Retinoid
Carboplatin Indolent Retinol
Carcinogen Infarction Retrospective
Carcinogenesis Infection Retroviral vector
Carcinogenic Infertility Retrovirus
Carcinoma Infusion Reversion
Cardiac Ingestion Rheumatic Diseases
Cardiogenic Initiation Rheumatism
Cardiomyoplasty Initiator Rheumatoid
Cardiovascular Inlay Rheumatoid arthritis
Cardiovascular disease Inotropic Ribonucleoproteins
Cardiovascular System Insertional Ribose
Carotene Insight Ribosome
Carrier Proteins Insulator Risk factor
Caspase Insulin Rituximab
Cataracts Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rod
Catecholamine Insulin-like S
Caudal Integrins Salivary
Causal Interferon Salivary glands
Cause of Death Interferon-alpha Saponins
Cell Adhesion Interleukin-2 Satellite
Cell Communication Interleukin-3 Sclera
Cell Count Interleukin-6 Scleroderma
Cell Cycle Internal Medicine Sclerosis
Cell Death Internal radiation Screening
Cell Fusion Interneurons Sebaceous
Cell Lineage Interphase Sebaceous gland
Cell membrane Interstitial Secondary tumor
Cell Movement Intestinal Secretion
Cell proliferation Intestine Secretory
Cell Respiration Intracellular Sediment
Cell Size Intraocular Segregation
Cell Survival Intravascular Seizures
Cellulose Intravenous Selenium
Ceramide Intrinsic Semen
Cerebellar Invasive Semisynthetic
Cerebellum Involuntary Senescence
Cerebral Ion Channels Senile
Cerebral hemispheres Ionizing Septum
Cerebrospinal Ions Septum Pellucidum
Cerebrospinal fluid Iris Sequence Homology
Cerebrovascular Irradiation Sequencing
Cerebrum Irritants Serine
Character Ischemia Serotonin
Chemokines Islet Serous
Chemotactic Factors J Serum
Chemotaxis Jejunum Sex Determination
Chimeras Joint Shock
Cholesterol K Side effect
Cholinergic Karyotype Signal Transduction
Chondrogenesis Kb Signs and Symptoms
Chondroitin sulfate Keloid Skeletal
Chorion Keratin Skeleton
Choroid Keratinocytes Skin graft
Choroid Plexus Kidney Disease Skull
Chromatin Kidney Pelvis Small cell lung cancer
Chromosomal Killer Cells Small intestine
Chromosome Kinetic Smoldering leukemia
Chronic Disease L Smooth muscle
Chronic granulocytic leukemia Labile Smooth Muscle Tumor
Chronic leukemia Laminin Social Environment
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Large Intestine Soft tissue
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Larynx Solid tumor
Chronic phase Lateral Ventricles Soma
Chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia Laxative Somatic cells
Chronic renal Leiomyoma Somatic mutations
Cicatrix Lens Somatostatin
Cilium Lentivirus Sound wave
CIS Lesion Specialist
Citrus Lethal Specificity
C-kit receptor Leucocyte Spectrum
Clinical Medicine Leukaemia Sperm
Clinical trial Leukapheresis Spermatocyte
Clone Leukocytes Spermatogenesis
Coagulation Levo Spermatozoa
Coculture Library Services Spermatozoon
Coenzyme Life cycle Spheroplasts
Cofactor Ligament Sphincter
Colchicine Ligands Spinal Cord Injuries
Collagen Linkage Spinal Nerves
Colloidal Lipid Spinous
Colony-Stimulating Factors Lipid Peroxidation Spleen
Combination chemotherapy Liposomal Splenomegaly
Common Bile Duct Liver metastases Sporadic
Complement Lobe Spotting
Complementary and alternative medicine Loc Squamous
Complementary medicine Localization Squamous Epithelium
Complete remission Localized Stabilization
Complete response Locomotion Stem Cell Factor
Computational Biology Lucida Sterile
Conception Lupus Sterility
Concomitant Lymph Sterilization
Conduction Lymph node Steroid
Cone Lymphatic Stimulus
Congestive heart failure Lymphatic system Stomach
Conjunctiva Lymphoblastic Strand
Connective Tissue Cells Lymphoblasts Stress
Connexins Lymphocyte Striatum
Consciousness Lymphocyte Subsets Stringency
Consolidation Lymphocytic Stroke
Constriction Lymphokine Stroma
Consumption Lysosomal Storage Diseases Stromal Cells
Contamination Lytic Subacute
Continuum M Subclinical
Contraception Macaca Subcutaneous
Contractility Macrophage Subiculum
Contraindications, ii Macula Submaxillary
Contralateral Macula Lutea Subspecies
Convulsion Macular Degeneration Substance P
Coordination Magnetic Resonance Imaging Substrate
Cornea Maintenance therapy Sudden death
Corneal Diseases Major Histocompatibility Complex Suppression
Corneum Malabsorption Suppressive
Coronary Malformation Sympathetic Nervous System
Coronary heart disease Malignancy Sympathomimetic
Coronary Thrombosis Malignant Symphysis
Corpus Malignant tumor Symptomatic
Cortex Malnutrition Synapses
Cortical Mammary Synapsis
Cortisol Mammogram Synaptic
Cortisone Mandible Synaptic Vesicles
Cranial Manifest Synaptophysin
Cranial Nerves Medial Systemic
Craniotomy Mediate Systemic lupus erythematosus
Criterion Mediator Systolic
Crossing-over Medicament T
Cryofixation MEDLINE T cell
Cryopreservation Medullary Tacrolimus
Cues Megakaryocytes Taurine
Culture Media Meiosis Tear Gases
Curative Melanin Telangiectasia
Cutaneous Melanoblasts Telencephalon
Cyclic Melanocytes Telomerase
Cyclin Melanoma Telomere
Cyclophosphamide Melphalan Temporal
Cyclosporine Memory Teratogenesis
Cyst Meninges Terminalis
Cysteine Meniscus Testicular
Cystine Menopause Testis
Cystitis Mental Disorders Testosterone
Cytidine Mercury Tetany
Cytogenetics Mesoderm Thalamic
Cytokine Metabolite Thalamic Diseases
Cytoplasm Metastasis Thalassemia
Cytosine Metastatic Thalidomide
Cytoskeleton Methionine Therapeutics
Cytotoxic Methylcellulose Thermal
Cytotoxicity Methyltransferase Thigh
D MI Thioguanine
Databases, Bibliographic Microbe Thiotepa
De novo Microbiology Third Ventricle
Decidua Microcalcifications Threonine
Defense Mechanisms Microorganism Threshold
Degenerative Micro-organism Thrombin
Deletion Microscopy Thrombocytes
Dementia Microtubules Thrombocytopenia
Demyelinating Diseases Migration Thrombomodulin
Denaturation Milliliter Thrombopoietin
Dendrites Mineralization Thrombosis
Dendritic Mitochondrial Swelling Thrombus
Dendritic cell Mitosis Thymidine
Density Mitotic Thymidine Kinase
Dental Hygienists Mitoxantrone Thymus
Dental implant Mobility Thyroid
Dentate Gyrus Mobilization Thyroid Gland
Depolarization Modeling Thyroxine
Dermal Modification Tissue Culture
Detoxification Modulator Tissue Extracts
Dexamethasone Molecular Probes Tissue Therapy
Diabetes Mellitus Monitor Tissue Transplantation
Diagnostic procedure Monoclonal antibodies Tobramycin
Diastolic Monocyte Tolerance
Diencephalon Mononuclear Tomography
Diffuse Axonal Injury Morphogenesis Tonicity
Diffusion Morphological Tooth Loss
Digestion Morphology Topical
Digestive system Morula Topotecan
Digestive tract Mosaicism Torsion
Dihydrotestosterone Motility Total pancreatectomy
Dilatation Motor Neurons Total-body irradiation
Dilation Movement Disorders Toxic, iv
Dilution Mucinous Toxicity
Dimerization Mucosa Toxicology
Dimethyl Mucositis Toxins
Diphtheria Multiple Myeloma Trachea
Diphtheria Toxin Multiple sclerosis Transcriptase
Diploid Muscle Fibers Transcription Factors
Direct, iii Muscular Atrophy Transduction
Discrimination Muscular Dystrophies Transfection
Disease-Free Survival Mustard Gas Transforming Growth Factor beta
Distal Mutagenesis Transfusion
Dopamine Mutagens Transgenes
Dorsal Mycophenolate mofetil Translation
Dorsum Mydriatic Translational
Drive, ii, vi Myelin Translocation
Drug Interactions Myelin Sheath Transmitter
Drug Resistance Myelodysplasia Transplantation Tolerance
Drug Tolerance Myelodysplastic syndrome Trauma
Duct Myelogenous Treatment Outcome
Duodenum Myeloid Cells Trophic
Dura mater Myeloid Progenitor Cells Trophoblast
Dyes Myeloma Tropism
Dyskinesia Myeloproliferative Disorders Tryptophan
Dysplasia Myocardial infarction Tuberculosis
Dyspnea Myocarditis Tuberous Sclerosis
Dystrophic Myocardium Tubulin
Dystrophy Myopathy Tumor marker
E Myopia Tumor Necrosis Factor
Ectoderm Myotonic Dystrophy Tumor Stem Cells
Ectopic N Tumor suppressor gene
Effector Naive Tumorigenic
Effector cell Natural killer cells Tumour
Efficacy Nearsightedness Tyrosine
Elasticity Nebramycin U
Elastin Necrosis Umbilical Arteries
Electrocardiogram Neonatal Umbilical Cord
Electrolytes Neoplasia Umbilical cord blood
Electrons Neoplasm Unconditioned
Electrophysiological Neoplastic Unconscious
Electroporation Neostriatum Unresectable
Embolus Nephropathy Ureter
Embryogenesis Nerve Urethra
Emulsion Nerve Growth Factor Urinalysis
Encapsulated Nervous System Urinary
Endemic Nervous System Diseases Urinary tract
Endocrine System Networks Urine
Endocrinology Neural Crest Urology
Endoderm Neurites Urothelium
Endometrial Neurobehavioral Manifestations Uterus
Endometriosis Neuroblastoma V
Endometrium Neurodegenerative Diseases Vaccine
Endoscope Neuroendocrine Vagina
Endoscopic Neurogenic Vascular
Endostatin Neuroglia Vasodilation
Endothelial cell Neurologic Vasodilator
Endothelium Neuromuscular Vector
Endothelium, Lymphatic Neuromuscular Junction Vein
Endothelium, Vascular Neuronal Venous
Endothelium-derived Neurons Venous blood
Endotoxins Neuropeptide Ventral
End-stage renal Neurosurgery Ventricle
Enhancer Neurotoxic Ventricular
Enteric Nervous System Neurotoxicity Ventricular Dysfunction
Entorhinal Cortex Neurotransmitters Ventricular Remodeling
Environmental Exposure Neurotrophins Venules
Environmental Health Neutrons Vertebrae
Enzymatic Neutropenia Veterinary Medicine
Enzyme Inhibitors Neutrophil Vinblastine
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Niche Vincristine
Eosinophil Nitric Oxide Viral
Eosinophilic Nitrogen Viral vector
Ependymal Norepinephrine Virulence
Epidemic Nuclear Fusion Viscera
Epidemiological Nuclear Matrix Visceral
Epidermal Nuclear Pore Viscosity
Epidermal Growth Factor Nuclei Vitelline Membrane
Epidermis Nucleic acid Vitreous Body
Epidermolysis Bullosa Nucleic Acid Hybridization Vivo
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex Nucleolus Vocal cord
Epigastric O Vulgaris
Epinephrine Ocular W
Epithelial Cells Ointments War
Epithelium Oligodendroglia Wound Healing
Epitope Oligodendroglial Wounds, Gunshot
Erectile Oligodendroglioma X
Erythrocyte Indices Oncogene Xenograft
Erythrocytes Oncogenic X-ray
Erythroid Progenitor Cells Oncolysis X-ray therapy
Erythropoietin Oncolytic Y
Esophageal Oocytes Yeasts
Esophagus Opacity Yolk Sac
Essential Tremor Open Reading Frames Z
Esterification Ophthalmology Zygote
Estrogens Opportunistic Infections Zymogen
Ethanol Opsin
Etoposide Optic Nerve









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