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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(gastric cancer; gastric cancers; gastric carcinoma; linitis plastica; stomach cancers)












Paperback Book

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Pages  :  268
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597840784
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with stomach cancer is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

gastric cancer; gastric cancers; gastric carcinoma; linitis plastica; stomach cancers




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to stomach cancer. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to stomach cancer. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Stomach Cancer


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Stomach Cancer

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Stomach Cancer


Finding Nutrition Studies on Stomach Cancer

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Stomach Cancer


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Stomach Cancer


Dissertations on Stomach Cancer

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Stomach Cancer


Recent Trials on Stomach Cancer

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Stomach Cancer


Patents on Stomach Cancer

Patent Applications on Stomach Cancer

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Stomach Cancer


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Stomach Cancer

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Stomach Cancer


Bibliography: Multimedia on Stomach Cancer

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Stomach Cancer


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Stomach Cancer

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Stomach Cancer

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on stomach cancer will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on stomach cancer.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Exudate Overdosage
Abdomen Eye Infections Overexpress
Abdominal F Oxaliplatin
Abdominal Cramps Family Health Oxidation
Abdominal Pain Family Planning Oxidative Stress
Aberrant Fat Oxides
Ablation Fecal occult blood test P
Acatalasia Feces P53 gene
Acetylcholine Ferrets Paclitaxel
Acrylonitrile Fertilizers Palate
Acute renal Fetoprotein Palliative
Adaptability Fetus Pancreas
Adduct Fibrin Pancreatic
Adenovirus Fibrinogen Pancreatic cancer
Adhesions Fibroblasts Paraffin
Adjuvant Fibrosis Paralysis
Adjuvant Therapy Filgrastim Parasite
Adverse Effect Fistula Parasitic
Aerobic Flagellin Parenteral
Affinity Flatulence Parenteral Nutrition
Agar Flatus Parietal
Agarose Flow Cytometry Parietal Cells
Aggressiveness Floxuridine Parietal Lobe
Albumin Fluorescence Paroxysmal
Alcohol Drinking Fluorescent Dyes Particle
Algorithms Fluorouracil Pathogen
Alimentary Fold Pathogenesis
Alkaline Folic Acid Pathologic
Alkylating Agents Follicles Pathologic Processes
Alleles Fractionation Patient Education
Allium Frameshift PDQ
Alpha Particles Frameshift Mutation Pelvic
Alpha-fetoprotein Fructose Pepsin
Alternative medicine G Pepsin A
Amebiasis Gallbladder Peptic
Amenorrhea Gallic Acid Peptic Ulcer
Amino Acid Sequence Gallstones Peptide
Amino Acids Gamma Rays Peptide Chain Elongation
Ammonia Gas Peptide Hydrolases
Amoxicillin Gas exchange Peptide T
Ampicillin Gastrectomy Perforation
Amplification Gastric Acid Perfusion
Ampulla Gastric atrophy Periodontitis
Anaesthesia Gastric Emptying Peripheral blood
Anal Gastric Juices Peripheral Nervous System
Anal Fissure Gastric Mucosa Peritoneal
Analog Gastric Resection Peritoneal Cavity
Anaphylatoxins Gastric Stump Peritoneum
Anaplasia Gastrin Peritonitis
Anatomical Gastritis Pernicious
Anemia Gastroduodenal Pernicious anemia
Angiogenesis Gastroenteritis Peroxidase
Anode Gastroenterology Peroxide
Anorexia Gastroenterostomy Petrolatum
Anorexia Nervosa Gastrointestinal tract Petroleum
Anthracycline Gastroparesis Pharmaceutical Preparations
Antibacterial Gastroscopy Pharmacokinetic
Antibiotic Gastrostomy Pharmacologic
Antibodies Gelatin Pharmacotherapy
Antibody therapy Gene Amplification Phenolphthalein
Anticoagulant Gene Expression Phenotype
Antidote Genetic Code Phenylalanine
Antigen-Antibody Complex Genetic Engineering Phospholipases
Anti-inflammatory Genetic transcription Phospholipids
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Genetics Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases
Antimetabolite Genotype Phosphorus
Antimicrobial Giant Cells Phosphorylation
Antineoplastic Giardiasis Photodynamic therapy
Antioxidant Ginseng Photosensitivity
Antiproliferative Gland Physiologic
Antiviral Glucose Physiology
Anuria Glucuronic Acid Pigment
Anus Glutamate Pilot study
Aorta Glutathione Peroxidase Plants
Aortic Aneurysm Glutathione Transferase Plasma
Apolipoproteins Gluten Plasma cells
Apoptosis Glycine Plasmid
Appendicitis Glycoprotein Plasmin
Apraxia Glycoside Plasminogen
Aqueous Gout Plasminogen Activators
Arginine Governing Board Platelet Activation
Aromatic Gp120 Platelet Aggregation
Arrhythmia Grade Platelet Factor 4
Arterial Graft Platelets
Arteries Graft Rejection Platinum
Ascites Grafting Platinum Compounds
Aspartic Gram-negative Pleura
Aspartic Acid Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Pleurisy
Aspiration Granulocytes Ploidy
Aspirin Groin Podophyllotoxin
Assay Guanylate Cyclase Point Mutation
Asymptomatic H Poison Control Centers
Ataxia Hair follicles Poisoning
Atrophic Gastritis Haploid Polycystic
Atrophy Health Status Polymerase
Atypical Heartburn Polymers
Autoimmune disease Helminthiasis Polymorphic
Autonomic Heme Polymorphism
Autonomic Nervous System Hemodialysis Polypeptide
Autopsy Hemoglobin Polyphosphates
Avidin Hemoglobinuria Polyposis
B Hemolytic Polysaccharide
Bacterial Proteins Hemorrhage Posterior
Bacteriophage Hemorrhoids Postoperative
Bacteriostatic Heparin Postoperative Complications
Bacterium Hepatic Postsynaptic
Basal cells Hepatitis Potassium
Basal Ganglia Hepatocellular Potentiates
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hepatocellular carcinoma Potentiation
Base Hepatocytes Practice Guidelines
Base Sequence Hepatoma Precancerous
Basement Membrane Hepatomegaly Preclinical
Benign Hereditary Precursor
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Heredity Predisposition
Benign tumor Herpes Preleukemia
Benzo(a)pyrene Herpes virus Premalignant
Beta Rays Herpes Zoster Prevalence
Beta-Thromboglobulin Hiatal Hernia Primary Prevention
Bile Histamine Primary tumor
Bile Acids Histidine Probe
Bile Acids and Salts Histology Prognostic factor
Bile Ducts Homeopathic remedies Progression
Bile Pigments Homeostasis Progressive
Bile Reflux Homologous Projection
Bilirubin Hormonal Promoter
Biochemical Hormone Promotor
Biochemical reactions Hormone therapy Prophylaxis
Biological response modifier Host Proportional
Biological Transport Hybrid Prospective Studies
Biomarkers Hybridization Prospective study
Biopsy Hybridoma Prostate
Biopsy specimen Hydrochloric Acid Prostate gland
Biotechnology Hydrogen Prostatic Hyperplasia
Biotin Hydrogen Peroxide Protein Binding
Bismuth Hydrolases Protein C
Bismuth Subsalicylate Hydrolysis Protein Conformation
Bladder Hydrophobic Protein S
Blast phase Hyperbilirubinemia Proteins
Bloating Hypercholesterolemia Proteolytic
Blood Cell Count Hyperplasia Protocol
Blood Coagulation Hypersensitivity Proton Pump
Blood Groups Hypertrophy Proton Pump Inhibitors
Blood pressure Hyperuricemia Protons
Blood vessel Hypothalamus Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Bloom Syndrome I Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Blot Id Protozoa
Body Fluids Idarubicin Proximal
Body Regions Ileus Psoriasis
Bone Marrow Immune Complex Diseases Public Health
Bone metastases Immune function Public Policy
Bowel Immune response Publishing
Bowel Movement Immune Sera Pulmonary
Brachytherapy Immune system Pulmonary Edema
Bradykinin Immunity Pulmonary Ventilation
Branch Immunization Pyruvate Kinase
Breakdown Immunocompromised R
Broad-spectrum Immunodeficiency Radiation
Bromodeoxyuridine Immunodiffusion Radiation therapy
Bronchitis Immunoelectrophoresis Radioactive
Buccal Immunoglobulin Radioimmunotherapy
Bulimia Immunohistochemistry Radiolabeled
Butylated Hydroxyanisole Immunologic Radiological
Butylated Hydroxytoluene Immunology Radiology
C Immunosuppressant Radiotherapy
Calcium Immunosuppressive Randomized
Calcium channel blocker Immunosuppressive therapy Randomized clinical trial
Calculi Immunotherapy Ras gene
Camptothecin Immunotoxin Reactive Oxygen Species
Capecitabine Impairment Reagent
Carbohydrate Implant radiation Receptor
Carbon Dioxide Implantation Recombinant
Carcinogen In situ Rectal
Carcinogenesis In Situ Hybridization Rectum
Carcinogenic In vitro Recurrence
Carcinoid In vivo Red blood cells
Carcinoma Incision Red Nucleus
Carcinoma in Situ Incontinence Reductase
Cardia Indicative Refer
Cardiac Indigestion Refraction
Cardiotoxicity Induction Refractory
Carotene Infarction Regimen
Carotenoids Infection Regurgitation
Case report Infectious Mononucleosis Relapse
Case series Information Centers Relative risk
Caspases Information Systems Remission
Catalase Infrared Rays Reproductive system
Catecholamine Infusion Resected
Cathode Ingestion Resection
Causal Inguinal Respiration
Cause of Death Inhalation Respiratory System
Cecum Initiation Response rate
Celiac Disease Initiator Restoration
Cell Cycle Inorganic Resuscitation
Cell Death Insulin Retinoblastoma
Cell Differentiation Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Retinoid
Cell Division Interferon Retreatment
Cell proliferation Interferon-alpha Reversion
Cell Respiration Interleukin-1 Ribosome
Cell Size Interleukin-12 Rigidity
Cellulose Interleukin-2 Risk factor
Central Nervous System Interleukin-8 Risk patient
Ceramide Intermittent Rod
Cerebellar Internal Medicine Rubber
Cerebral Internal radiation S
Cerebrovascular Interstitial Saliva
Cerebrum Interstitial Collagenase Salivary
Cervical Intestinal Salivary glands
Cervix Intestinal Polyps Sanitation
Character Intestine Sarcoma
Chemopreventive Intracellular Sclerosis
Chemoprotective Intramuscular Screening
Chemoreceptors Intraperitoneal Secondary tumor
Chemotactic Factors Intraperitoneal chemotherapy Secretion
Chemotaxis Intravascular Secretory
Cholelithiasis Intravenous Sedative
Cholesterol Invasive Seizures
Cholesterol Esters Involuntary Selenium
Chromatin Ionizing Semen
Chromosomal Ions Semisynthetic
Chromosome Irinotecan Sensibility
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Irradiation Sequence Homology
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sequencing
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Irritants Serine
Chronic phase Ischemia Serotonin
Chronic renal Isothiocyanates Serum
Chylomicrons Isozymes Sessile
Cimetidine J Sex Determination
CIS Jaundice Side effect
Cisplatin K Signal Transduction
Clarithromycin Kb Signs and Symptoms
Clear cell carcinoma Keratinocyte growth factor Small cell lung cancer
Clinical Medicine Keratinocytes Small intestine
Clinical study Kidney Disease Smoldering leukemia
Clinical trial Kidney Failure Sodium
Clone Kidney Failure, Acute Soft tissue
Cloning Kidney Failure, Chronic Solid tumor
Coal Kinetics Solitary Nucleus
Cod Liver Oil L Soma
Codon Labile Somatic
Cofactor Lactose Intolerance Somatic cells
Colic Laparoscopy Sorbitol
Colitis Laparotomy Spasmodic
Collagen Large Intestine Spastic
Colloidal Laser therapy Specialist
Colon Polyps Latent Species
Colony-Stimulating Factors Laxative Specificity
Colorectal Lectin Spectrum
Colorectal Cancer Lesion Sperm
Combination chemotherapy Lethal Spermatozoa
Complement Leucocyte Spinal cord
Complementary and alternative medicine Leucovorin Spleen
Complementary medicine Leukemia Splenectomy
Computational Biology Leukocytes Splenomegaly
Conjugated Library Services Sporadic
Connective Tissue Ligament Squamous
Constipation Lipid Squamous cell carcinoma
Consumption Lipid Peroxidation Squamous cells
Contamination Lipopolysaccharide Staging
Contraindications, ii Lipoprotein Steel
Control group Liver cancer Stem Cells
Conventional therapy Liver metastases Stent
Conventional treatment Localization Stimulants
Cornea Localized Stimulus
Coronary Locally advanced cancer Stomach Ulcer
Coronary Disease Locomotion Stool
Coronary heart disease Locoregional Stress
Coronary Thrombosis Long-Term Care Stroke
Coronary Vessels Loop Stroma
Corpus Loss of Heterozygosity Stromal
Cortex Low-density lipoprotein Stump
Creatinine Lumen Styrene
Crystallization Luminol Subacute
Curative Lupus Subclinical
Cutaneous Lymph Subcutaneous
Cyclic Lymph node Submaxillary
Cysteine Lymphadenectomy Subspecies
Cysteine Endopeptidases Lymphadenopathy Substance P
Cystine Lymphatic Substrate
Cytochrome Lymphatic system Sulfur
Cytokine Lymphocyte Supplementation
Cytoplasm Lymphocyte Subsets Support group
Cytotoxic Lymphoid Supportive care
Cytotoxicity Lymphokine Suppression
D Lymphoma Suppressive
Databases, Bibliographic Lymphoproliferative Suramin
Daunorubicin Lymphoproliferative Disorders Surfactant
Deamination Lysine Survival Rate
Death Certificates Lytic Sympathetic Nervous System
Decompression M Symphysis
Decompression Sickness Macrophage Symptomatic
Defense Mechanisms Malabsorption Synaptic
Degenerative Malaria Syncytium
Dehydration Malaria, Falciparum Synergistic
Deletion Malaria, Vivax Synthetic retinoid
Density Malignancy Systemic
Depolarization Malignant tumor T
DES Malnutrition Telangiectasia
Detoxification Mass Screening Telomerase
Deuterium Meat Telomere
Developed Countries Mediate Tenesmus
Developing Countries Medicament Terminator
Diagnostic procedure MEDLINE Testosterone
Diaphragm Melanin Tetracycline
Diarrhea Melanocytes Thalamic
Diarrhoea Melanoma Thalamic Diseases
Diethylcarbamazine Membrane Proteins Therapeutics
Diffusion Memory Thiamine
Digestion Mental Disorders Thioredoxin
Digestive system Mental Health, iv Thoracic
Digestive tract Mercury Thorax
Dihydrotestosterone Mesenchymal Threonine
Dilatation Meta-Analysis Thrombin
Diploid Metabolic disorder Thrombolytic
Direct, iii Metabolite Thrombomodulin
Disease Progression Metaplasia Thrombosis
Dissection Metastasis Thymidine
Distal Metastatic Thymidylate Synthase
Diuretic Metastatic cancer Thymosin
Diverticula Methionine Thymus
Diverticulitis Metronidazole Thymus Gland
Diverticulum MI Thyroid
Docetaxel Microbe Tissue Distribution
Dorsal Microorganism Tolerance
Dorsum Micro-organism Topical
Doxorubicin Microscopy Topoisomerase inhibitors
Drug Interactions Microtubules Toxic, iv
Drug Tolerance Mitochondria Toxicity
Duodenal Ulcer Mitomycin Toxicology
Duodenum Mitosis Toxins
Dwarfism Mitotic Trace element
Dysentery Mitotic inhibitors Transcriptase
Dyspepsia Mitoxantrone Transduction
Dysplasia Mobility Transfection
Dyspnea Mode of Transmission Transfer Factor
Dystrophy Modification Translation
E Monitor Translational
Ectoderm Monoclonal Translocation
Ectopic Monoclonal antibodies Transplantation
Ectopic Pregnancy Monocytes Trastuzumab
Effector Mononuclear Trees
Efficacy Monophosphate Triad
Effusion Motion Sickness Trichomoniasis
Ejaculation Motor nerve Trypanosomiasis
Elective Mucins Trypsin
Electrolyte Mucosa Tuberculosis
Electrons Mucus Tuberous Sclerosis
Electrophoresis Multidrug resistance Tumor marker
Elementary Particles Muscle Fibers Tumor suppressor gene
Embryo Muscular Atrophy Tumour
Emergency Medicine Muscular Dystrophies Typhimurium
Emergency Treatment Mutagen Tyrosine
Emphysema Mutagenesis U
Emulsion Mutagenic Ulcer
Encapsulated Myelodysplastic syndrome Ulceration
Endemic Myeloma Ulcerative colitis
Endometrial Myocardial Ischemia Unconscious
Endometriosis Myocardium Unresectable
Endometrium Myotonic Dystrophy Uracil
Endoscope N Urea
Endoscopic Natural killer cells Uremia
Endoscopy Nausea Urethra
Endothelial cell NCI Uric
Endothelium Necrosis Urinary
Endothelium-derived Need Urine
Endotoxins Neoplasia Urokinase
End-stage renal Neoplasm Uterus
Enteritis Neoplastic V
Enterocolitis Nephropathy Vaccination
Enteropeptidase Nerve Vaccine
Environmental Exposure Nervous System Vagina
Environmental Health Networks Valerian
Environmental Pollutants Neural Varices
Enzymatic Neuroblastoma Vascular
Eosinophil Neuroectodermal Tumors Vasodilators
Eosinophilic Neurotic VE
Epidemic Neutrons Vector
Epidemiological Neutrophils Vein
Epidermal Nickel Venous
Epidermal Growth Factor Nitrates Ventral
Epidermis Nitric acid Verapamil
Epidermoid carcinoma Nitric Oxide Veterinary Medicine
Epigastric Nitrogen Villous
Epinephrine Non-small cell lung cancer Vinca Alkaloids
Epirubicin Nuclear Vincristine
Epithelial Nuclei Viral
Epithelial Cells Nucleic acid Virulence
Epithelium Nucleic Acid Hybridization Virulent
Erythema Nucleotidases Virus
Erythrocytes Nucleus Viscera
Erythromycin Nursing Assessment Visceral
Erythropoietin Nursing Diagnosis Visceral Afferents
Esophageal Nutritional Support Vitro
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy O Vivo
Essential Tremor Occult W
Etoposide Occult Blood White blood cell
Eukaryotic Cells Oculomotor Womb
Evacuation Odds Ratio X
Evoke Oesophagitis X-ray
Excitation Ointments X-ray therapy
Excrete Olfaction Y
Exhaustion Oliguria Yeasts
Exocrine Oncogene Z
Extensor Operon Zymogen
External-beam radiation Ovarian epithelial cancer
Extracellular Ovaries









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