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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(endometrial adenocarcinoma; endometrial cancer; uterine cancers)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  192
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597841772
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with uterine cancer is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

endometrial adenocarcinoma; endometrial cancer; uterine cancers




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to uterine cancer. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to uterine cancer. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Uterine Cancer


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Uterine Cancer

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Uterine Cancer


Finding Nutrition Studies on Uterine Cancer

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Uterine Cancer


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Clinical Trials and Uterine Cancer


Recent Trials on Uterine Cancer

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 5. Patents on Uterine Cancer


Patents on Uterine Cancer

Patent Applications on Uterine Cancer

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Uterine Cancer


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Uterine Cancer

Chapter 7. Multimedia on Uterine Cancer


Bibliography: Multimedia on Uterine Cancer

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Uterine Cancer


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Uterine Cancer

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on uterine cancer will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on uterine cancer.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Extracellular Oxaliplatin
Abdomen Extracellular Matrix Oxidants
Abdominal Extracellular Matrix Proteins Oxidation
Acceptor F Oxidation-Reduction
Acetylcholine Fallopian Tubes Oxidative Stress
Acetylcysteine Family Planning Oxytocin
Acridine Orange Fat P
Adenocarcinoma Fatigue Paclitaxel
Adjustment Fatty acids Palliative
Adjuvant Fetus Pancreas
Adjuvant Therapy Fibrin Pancreatic
Adrenal Cortex Fibrinogen Pancreatic cancer
Adrenal Medulla Fibrinolytic Papilla
Adverse Effect Fibroblasts Papillary
Affinity Fibrosis Papillomavirus
Age of Onset Flow Cytometry Paraneoplastic syndrome
Aggressiveness Fluorescence Paroxysmal
Agonist Fluorescent Dyes Partial remission
Algorithms Fluoridation Patch
Alkaline Fluorine Pathogenesis
Alkaline Phosphatase Fluorouracil Pathologic
Alkaloid Foetoplacental Pathologic Processes
Alleles Fold PDQ
Allergen Follicular Phase Pelvic
Alpha Particles Foramen Peplomycin
Alpha-helix Fornix Peptide
Alternative medicine Fructose Peptide Fragments
Amenorrhea Fungi Perception
Amino Acid Sequence G Percutaneous
Amino Acids Gallbladder Perimenopausal
Ampulla Gamma Rays Perinatal
Amyloid Gas Perioperative
Anabolic Gastric Peripheral blood
Anaesthesia Gastrin Peripheral Nervous System
Anal Gastrointestinal Peritoneal
Analog Gastrointestinal tract Peritoneal Cavity
Androgenic Gene Peritoneum
Androgens Gene Expression Peroxidase
Androstenedione Genetics Peroxide
Anemia Genital Phagocyte
Angina Genitourinary Phagocytosis
Angina Pectoris Genotype Pharmacologic
Angiogenesis Germ Cells Pharynx
Animal model Gestation Phenotype
Anions Gestational Phenylalanine
Antibiotic Gestational trophoblastic disease Phorbol
Antibodies Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia Phorbol Esters
Antibody Gestational trophoblastic tumor Phosphoglucomutase
Antibody therapy Gland Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase
Antigen Glucocorticoids Phospholipids
Anti-inflammatory Glucokinase Phosphorus
Antimetabolite Gluconeogenesis Physiologic
Antineoplastic Glucose Physiology
Antioxidant Glutathione Peroxidase Pineal gland
Antiviral Glycogen Pituitary Gland
Aphidicolin Gonadal Pituitary Hormone Release Inhibiting Hormones
Apolipoproteins Gonadotropic Pituitary Hormone-Releasing Hormones
Apoptosis Gonadotropin Pituitary Hormones
Aqueous Gonads Placenta
Arachidonic Acid Governing Board Plants
Aromatase Grade Plasma
Aromatic Graft Plasma cells
Arterial Graft Rejection Plasma protein
Arteries Granulocytes Plasmin
Arterioles Growth factors Plasminogen
Artifacts Gynecologic cancer Plasminogen Activators
Ascites H Platinum
Assay Haploid Platinum Compounds
Atrophy Haptens Pleated
B Heart attack Ploidy
Bacteria Heme Podophyllotoxin
Bacterial toxin Hemoglobin Polymerase
Base Hemorrhage Polymorphism
Basement Membrane Hereditary Polyp
Basophils Heredity Polypeptide
Benign Heterogeneity Polyposis
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Hexokinase Polysaccharide
Benzene Hormonal Posterior
Beta-pleated Hormonal therapy Postmenopausal
Bilateral Hormone Replacement Therapy Postoperative
Bile Hormone therapy Potentiates
Biochemical Host Practice Guidelines
Biological therapy Hybridomas Precancerous
Bioluminescence Hydatidiform Mole Precursor
Biomarkers Hydrogen Premalignant
Biopsy Hydrolysis Prenatal
Biosynthesis Hydrophobic Prenatal Care
Biotechnology Hyperlipidemia Prevalence
Bladder Hyperplasia Probe
Blastocyst Hypersensitivity Progesterone
Bleomycin Hypertension Prognostic factor
Blood Coagulation Hyperthermia Progression
Blood pressure Hypertrophy Progressive
Blood vessel Hypoglycemia Promoter
Body Burden Hypogonadism Promotor
Body Fluids Hypophysis Prospective study
Bone Marrow Hypothalamic Prostaglandin
Bowel Hypothalamic Hormones Prostaglandins A
Bowel Movement Hypothalamus Prostaglandins F
Brachytherapy Hysterectomy Prostate
Branch I Prostatic Hyperplasia
Breakdown Id Protease
Bronchi Immune response Protein C
Bronchial Immune system Protein Kinases
C Immunity Protein S
Calcium Immunization Proteoglycans
Camptothecin Immunogenic Protocol
Carbohydrate Immunoglobulin Protons
Carbon Dioxide Immunologic Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Carboplatin Immunology Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Carcinogen Immunosuppressant Proto-Oncogenes
Carcinogenesis Immunosuppressive Protozoa
Carcinogenic Immunosuppressive therapy Psoriasis
Carcinoma Immunotherapy Psychic
Carcinoma in Situ Impairment Puberty
Carcinostatic Implant radiation Public Health
Cardiac Implantation Public Policy
Cardiovascular Impotence Publishing
Cardiovascular disease In situ Pulmonary
Cardiovascular System In vitro Pulse
Case report In vivo Q
Catalyse Incision Quality of Life
Catecholamines Incontinence Quiescent
Caudal Indicative R
Causal Induction Race
Cause of Death Infarction Radiation therapy
Cecum Infection Radioactive
Cell Cycle Infertility Radioimmunotherapy
Cell Death Inflammation Radiolabeled
Cell Division Infusion Radiological
Cell membrane Initiation Radiotherapy
Cell proliferation Initiator Raloxifene
Cell Size Inorganic Randomized
Cell Survival Insight Receptor
Central Nervous System Insulin Recombinant
Centrifugation Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rectum
Cerebrovascular Insulin-like Recurrence
Cervical Interferon Reductase
Cervix Interleukin-1 Refer
Character Interleukin-12 Refractory
Chemoembolization Interleukin-2 Regimen
Chemopreventive Interleukin-6 Regional cancer
Chemotherapy Internal Medicine Regression Analysis
Cholesterol Internal radiation Relapse
Cholesterol Esters Interphase Remission
Choline Interstitial Repressor
Choriocarcinoma Intestinal Response Elements
Chromatin Intestine Retroperitoneal
Chromosomal Intracellular Retrospective
Chromosome Intraductal carcinoma Retrospective study
Chromosome Aberrations Intravenous Rheumatoid
Chronic Intrinsic Ribosome
Chylomicrons Invasive Risk factor
Cisplatin Ionizing S
Clear cell carcinoma Ions Saliva
Clinical Medicine Irinotecan Salivary
Clinical trial Irradiation Salivary glands
Cloning Irrigation Salpingo-oophorectomy
Coenzyme Ischemia Saponins
Cofactor Isoenzyme Sarcoma
Cognition Isoflavones Satellite
Cohort Studies K Scleroproteins
Collagen Kb Sebum
Collapse Keratin Secondary tumor
Colloidal Keratolytic Secretion
Colon Polyps Kinetics Secretory
Colonoscopy L Sedentary
Colorectal Labyrinth Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Colorectal Cancer Lactate Dehydrogenase Selenium
Colposcope Lactation Semen
Combination chemotherapy Laminin Semisynthetic
Combination Therapy Large Intestine Senile
Comedo Least-Squares Analysis Serous
Complement Leukemia Serum
Complementary and alternative medicine Leukocytes Serum Albumin
Complementary medicine Leukocytosis Sex Characteristics
Complete remission Leukoplakia Shock
Computational Biology Leukotrienes Side effect
Computer Simulation Libido Signs and Symptoms
Conception Library Services Skeletal
Confounding Ligament Skeleton
Conjugated Ligands Skull
Connective Tissue Likelihood Functions Small cell lung cancer
Consciousness Linear Models Small intestine
Constriction Linkage Smooth muscle
Consumption Lipid Social Environment
Contraception Lipid Peroxidation Social Sciences
Contraceptive Lipoprotein Social Support
Contraindications, ii Liposomal Soft tissue
Cor Lithotomy Solid tumor
Coronary Liver Sorbitol
Coronary Circulation Liver metastases Specialist
Coronary heart disease Lobe Species
Coronary Thrombosis Lobular carcinoma in situ Specificity
Corpus Local therapy Spectrophotometry
Corpus Luteum Localized Spectrum
Cortex Logistic Models Sperm
Cortical Loss of Heterozygosity Spermatogenesis
Corticosteroids Low-density lipoprotein Spermatozoa
Cross-Sectional Studies Lung metastases Spinal cord
Croton Oil Lymph Squamous
Curative Lymph node Squamous cell carcinoma
Curettage Lymphadenectomy Squamous cells
Curette Lymphatic Staging
Cyclic Lymphatic system Sterility
Cyclin Lymphocyte Steroid
Cysteine Lymphoid Stimulus
Cytochrome Lymphosarcoma Stomach
Cytogenetics Lymphoscintigraphy Stool
Cytokine M Stroke
Cytoplasm Macrophage Stromal
Cytostatic Malignancy Subacute
Cytotoxic Malignant Subclinical
Cytotoxicity Malignant tumor Submaxillary
D Malnutrition Subspecies
Data Collection Mammary Substance P
Databases, Bibliographic Mass Screening Substrate
Daunorubicin Matrix metalloproteinase Suction
De novo Meat Sulfoglycosphingolipids
Decidua Mediastinum Supine
Dehydroepiandrosterone Mediate Supine Position
Deletion Mediator Supplementation
Dementia Medical Records Support group
Dendrites MEDLINE Supportive care
Density Medroxyprogesterone Suppression
Dental Caries Melanin Symphysis
Deoxyguanosine Membrane Systemic
Deprivation Memory T
Dermatitis Menarche Tamoxifen
Desensitization Menopause Temporal
Diagnostic procedure Menstrual Cycle Teratoma
Diencephalon Menstruation Testicles
Diethylstilbestrol Mental Disorders Testicular
Digestion Mental Health, iv Testis
Digestive system Mercury Testosterone
Digestive tract Mesenchymal Therapeutics
Dihydrotestosterone Metabolite Third Ventricle
Dilatation Metastasis Thrombolytic
Diploid Metastatic Thrombosis
Direct, iii MI Thromboxanes
Discrimination Microorganism Thyroid
Dissection Micro-organism Thyroid Gland
Dissociation Microscopy Thyroid Hormones
Docetaxel Microsomal Thyrotropin
Dopamine Microtubules Thyroxine
Dosimetry Migration Tin
Doxorubicin Mitosis Topoisomerase inhibitors
Drive, ii, vi Mitotic Toxic, iv
Drug Interactions Mitotic inhibitors Toxicity
Duct Modeling Toxicology
Ductal carcinoma in situ Modification Toxins
Duodenum Molar pregnancy Trace element
Dyes Molecular Trachea
Dyspareunia Molecular Structure Transcription Factors
E Molecule Transdermal
Efficacy Monitor Transfection
Electrons Monoclonal Translation
Electrophysiological Monoclonal antibodies Translational
Embryo Monocytes Transmitter
Emollient Morphological Transverse Colon
Enamel Mucins Trastuzumab
Enanthate Mucolytic Trauma
Encapsulated Myocardial infarction Tuberculosis
Endocrine System Myocardial Ischemia Tumor marker
Endocrinology Myocardium Tumor model
Endometrial disorder Myometrium Tumor suppressor gene
Endometriosis N Tumorigenic
Endometrium Natural killer cells Tumour
Endoscope NCI Type 2 diabetes
Endoscopic Necrosis U
Endothelial cell Need Unconscious
Enhancer Neonatal Urethra
Enteritis Neoplasia Urinary
Enterocolitis Neoplasm Urine
Environmental Health Neoplastic Urogenital
Enzymatic Nerve V
Eosinophils Nervous System Vaccine
Epidemic Neuronal Vagina
Epidemiologic Studies Neurons Vaginal
Epidemiological Neutrons Vaginal Smears
Epidermal Neutrophils Vascular
Epidermal Growth Factor Nitrogen Vasomotor
Epidermis Non-small cell lung cancer Vector
Epidermoid carcinoma Nuclear Vein
Epithelial Nuclei Venous
Epithelial Cells Nucleolus Ventricle
Epithelial ovarian cancer Nucleolus Organizer Region Venules
Epithelium Nucleus Vesicular
Epitopes O Veterinary Medicine
Equilin Oestrogen Viral
Erectile Ointments Viral vector
Erection Oncogenes Virus
Erythrocytes Oophorectomy Viscosity
Esophagus Operon Vitro
Estradiol Optic Chiasm Vivo
Estriol Oral Health W
Estrogen receptor Orchiectomy White blood cell
Estrogen Receptor Modulators Organelles Windpipe
Estrogen Replacement Therapy Osmotic Womb
Estrone Ossicles Wound Healing
Ether Osteoporosis X
Ethinyl Estradiol Otosclerosis Xenograft
Etoposide Ovarian epithelial cancer X-ray
Eukaryotic Cells Ovaries X-ray therapy
Excitation Ovary Y
Exogenous Ovulation Yeasts
External-beam radiation Ovum









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