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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  384
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597837430
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with arsenic is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to arsenic. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to arsenic. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Arsenic


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Arsenic

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Arsenic


Finding Nutrition Studies on Arsenic

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Arsenic


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Arsenic


Dissertations on Arsenic

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Arsenic


Recent Trials on Arsenic

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Arsenic


Patents on Arsenic

Patent Applications on Arsenic

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Arsenic


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Arsenic

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Arsenic


Bibliography: Multimedia on Arsenic

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Arsenic


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Arsenic

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on arsenic will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on arsenic.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Endopeptidases Overexpress
Abdomen Endoscopy Oxidants
Abdominal Endothelial cell Oxidation-Reduction
Aberrant Endothelium Oxidative metabolism
Acatalasia Endothelium-derived Oxidative Stress
Acceptor Endotoxin Oxides
Acetaminophen Enhancer Oxygen Consumption
Acetylcholine Entorhinal Cortex Oxygenase
Acne Environmental Exposure Oxygenation
Acne Vulgaris Environmental Pollutants P
Acrylonitrile Enzymatic P53 gene
Actin Enzyme Inhibitors Paclitaxel
Actinic keratosis Epidemiologic Studies Palladium
Actinium Epidemiological Palliative
Acute leukemia Epidermal Pancreas
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Epidermis Pancreatic
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Epidermoid carcinoma Pancreatic cancer
Acute myelogenous leukemia Epigastric Papillary
Acute myeloid leukemia Epinephrine Papilloma
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Epithelial Papillomavirus
Adaptability Epithelial Cells Papule
Adaptation Epithelioma Parasite
Adenocarcinoma Epithelium Parasitic
Adenoma Erbium Parenteral
Adenosine Erythema Parenteral Nutrition
Adhesives Erythrocytes Partial remission
Adipocytes Erythromycin Particle
Adjustment Esophageal Patch
Adolescence Esophagus Pathogenesis
Adrenergic Estrogen Pathologic
Adsorption Estrogen receptor Pathologic Processes
Adsorptive Ethanol Pathologies
Adverse Effect Ether Pathophysiology
Aerobic Ethylene Glycol Patient Education
Aerobic Metabolism Eukaryotic Cells Peer Review
Aerobic Respiration Europium Pelvic
Aerosol Evoke Penicillamine
Affinity Excimer laser Penicillin
Affinity Chromatography Excisional Pepsin
Agar Excitability Pepsin A
Agarose Excitation Peptide
Age Groups Exhaustion Peracetic Acid
Age of Onset Exocrine Perforation
Aged Exogenous Perhexiline
Agonist Exons Peripheral blood
Albumin Expiration Peripheral Nervous System
Aldehydes Extensor Peripheral Neuropathy
Algorithms External-beam radiation Peripheral Vascular Disease
Alimentary Extracellular Peroxidase
Alkaline Extracellular Matrix Peroxide
Alkaloid Extracorporeal Pesticides
Allergen Extraction Petroleum
Allo Exudate Phagocyte
Allogeneic F Pharmacists
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Family Planning Pharmacodynamic
Allylamine Fat Pharmacokinetic
Alopecia Fatigue Pharmacologic
Alpha Particles Fatty acids Phenobarbital
Alpha-helices Femur Phenotype
Alternative medicine Fermentation Phenylalanine
Amine Ferritin Phorbol
Amino Acid Sequence Fertilizers Phosphates
Amino Acids Fetus Phospholipases
Amiodarone Fibrin Phosphorous
Ammonia Fibroblasts Phosphorus
Ampulla Fibrosis Phosphorylated
Amyloid Filler Phosphorylates
Anaerobic Filtration Phosphorylation
Anaesthesia Fish Products Photocoagulation
Anal Fistula Physiologic
Analgesic Fixation Physiology
Analog Flatus Pigment
Analogous Flow Cytometry Pigmentation
Analytes Fluorescence Pilot Projects
Anaphase Fluorescent Dyes Pilot study
Anaphylatoxins Fluoridation Placenta
Anatomical Fluorine Placentation
Anemia Fluorouracil Plaque
Anergy Folate Plasma cells
Aneuploidy Fold Plasmid
Aneurysm Folic Acid Plasmin
Angina Fractionation Plasminogen
Angiogenesis Frameshift Plasminogen Activators
Angiogenesis inhibitor Frameshift Mutation Platelet Activation
Angiosarcoma Freeze-dried Platelet Aggregation
Animal model Friction Platelets
Anionic Fungi Platinum
Anions Fungus Pneumonitis
Anisomycin G Policy Making
Annealing Gadolinium Polonium
Anode Gallbladder Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Anomalies Gamma Rays Polymers
Antagonism Ganglia Polymorphic
Anthracycline Ganglion Polymorphism
Anthropogenic Gas Polypeptide
Antianginal Gas exchange Polyposis
Antiarrhythmic Gastric Polysaccharide
Antibacterial Gastric Acid Porosity
Antibiotic Gastrin Posterior
Antibodies Gastroenteritis Postoperative
Antibody Gastrointestinal Postoperative Period
Anticoagulant Gelatin Postsynaptic
Antidepressant Gemcitabine Post-translational
Antiemetic Gene Potassium
Antifungals Gene Expression Potentiates
Antigen Gene Pool Potentiating
Antigen-Antibody Complex Generator Potentiation
Anti-infective Genetic Code Power Plants
Anti-inflammatory Genetic Techniques Practice Guidelines
Antimetabolite Genetics Praseodymium
Antimicrobial Genital Precancerous
Antineoplastic Genitourinary Precipitating Factors
Antioxidant Genotype Precipitation
Antipsychotic Germ Cells Preclinical
Antipyretic Germinal Center Pregnancy Complications
Antiseptic Gland Preleukemia
Antiviral Glioblastoma Premalignant
Anus Glioblastoma multiforme Prenatal
Aperture Glioma Presumptive
Applicability Glomerular Prevalence
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Glomerulus Prickle
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Glucocorticoid Progeny
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Glucose Progesterone
Arachidonic Acid Glucose Intolerance Progression
Arginine Glucose tolerance Progressive
Argon Glucose Tolerance Test Prokaryotic Cells
Arnica Glutamate Promethium
Aromatic Glutamic Acid Promoter
Arrhythmia Glutathione Peroxidase Promotor
Arsenicals Glycine Prophase
Arterial Glycoprotein Proportional
Arteries Gonad Propoxur
Arterioles Gonadal Prospective Studies
Artifacts Governing Board Prostaglandin
Ascorbic Acid Government Agencies Prostaglandins A
Assay Grade Prostate
Astringent Grading Protactinium
Astrocytoma Graft Protective Agents
Atherogenic Grafting Protective Clothing
Atmospheric Pressure Gram-negative Protein C
Atrial Gram-Negative Bacteria Protein Conformation
Atrophy Gram-positive Protein Engineering
Attenuated Granulocytes Protein Kinases
Atypical Graphite Protein S
Auditory Grasses Proteinuria
Autologous Growth factors Proteolytic
Autonomic Guanylate Cyclase Protocol
Autonomic Nervous System Gynecologic oncologist Protons
B H Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Babesiosis Hair follicles Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Bacteremia Half-Life Protozoa
Bacteriophage Haloperidol Protraction
Bacteriostatic Haploid Proximal
Bacterium Haptens Psoriasis
Barbiturate Harmine Public Health
Barium Hazardous Substances Public Policy
Basal cell carcinoma Hazardous Waste Publishing
Basal cells Heart attack Pulmonary
Basal Ganglia Heartbeat Pulmonary Edema
Base Hematologic malignancies Pulse
Base Sequence Hematology Purifying
Benign Hematopoietic growth factors Purines
Berylliosis Heme Q
Beryllium Hemodialysis Quadrivalent
Beta Rays Hemoglobin Quality of Life
Beta-pleated Hemoglobin A Quaternary
Bexarotene Hemoperfusion Quiescent
Bilateral Hemorrhage Quinidine
Bile Hepatic Quinine
Bile Acids Hepatitis R
Bile Acids and Salts Hepatocellular Race
Bile Ducts Hepatocellular carcinoma Radiation oncologist
Biliary Hepatocyte Radiation therapy
Binding Sites Hepatoma Radio Waves
Bioassay Herbicide Radiochemical
Bioavailability Hereditary Radioimmunotherapy
Bioavailable Heredity Radiolabeled
Biochemical Heterodimers Radiopharmaceutical
Biochemical reactions Heterogeneity Radiotherapy
Biofilms Hiccup Radium
Biological response modifier Hippocampus Radon
Biological therapy Histamine Randomized
Biological Transport Histology Randomized clinical trial
Biomarkers Histone Deacetylase Ranitidine
Biomedical Engineering Holmium Reabsorption
Biomolecular Homeopathic remedies Reaction Time
Biopsy Homeostasis Reactivation
Biosynthesis Homogeneous Reactive Oxygen Species
Biotechnology Homologous Reagent
Biotransformation Hormonal Receptor
Biphasic Hormone Receptors, Cytokine
Bismuth Hormone therapy Recombinant
Bivalent Horny layer Recombination
Bladder Host Reconstitution
Blast Crisis Human Activities Rectum
Blast phase Human Development Red blood cells
Blasts Human papillomavirus Reductase
Blood Coagulation Hybrid Refer
Blood Glucose Hybridization Reflective
Blood pressure Hydrocarbons, Aromatic Refraction
Blood vessel Hydrofluoric Acid Refractory
Blood-Brain Barrier Hydrogen Regeneration
Body Burden Hydrogen Peroxide Regimen
Body Fluids Hydrolysis Regional lymph node
Bone Cements Hydrophobic Registries
Bone Marrow Cells Hydroxides Relapse
Bone Marrow Transplantation Hyperkeratosis Relative risk
Bone scan Hyperpigmentation Reliability
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Hypersensitivity Remission
Bowel Hypersensitivity, Immediate Renal failure
Bowel Movement Hypertension Renal pelvis
Brachytherapy Hyperthermia Repressor
Bradykinin Hypnotic Research Design
Brain Stem Hypoglycemic Research Support
Branch Hypoglycemic Agents Residual disease
Breakdown Hypothermia Respiration
Breeding I Respiratory failure
Bromine Id Response Elements
Bronchi Idarubicin Restoration
Bronchial Idiopathic Retinoid
Buccal Imidazole Retinol
Burns Immune response Rhabdomyolysis
Burns, Electric Immune system Rheumatoid
Bypass Immunity Ribosome
C Immunization Rigidity
Cacodylic Acid Immunodeficiency Risk factor
Cadaver Immunodiffusion Rodenticides
Cadmium Compounds Immunoelectrophoresis Rods
Cadmium Poisoning Immunofluorescence Rotenone
Calcium Immunoglobulin Rubber
Calcium channel blocker Immunologic Rubidium
Calcium Channel Blockers Immunology Ruthenium
Callus Immunosuppressant S
Capillary Immunosuppressive Salicylate
Capsules Impairment Salicylic
Carbohydrates Implant radiation Salicylic Acids
Carbon Dioxide In situ Salivary
Carboxy In vitro Salivary glands
Carboxylic Acids In vivo Salvage Therapy
Carcinogen Incision Samarium
Carcinogenesis Incubated Saponins
Carcinogenic Indicative Scalpel
Carcinoma Indolent Scandium
Cardiac Induction therapy Scans
Cardiovascular Industrial Waste Schizoid
Cardiovascular disease Infant, Newborn Schizophrenia
Cardiovascular System Infarction Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Carotene Infection Screening
Case report Information Systems Seafood
Caspase Infusion Sebaceous
Catabolism Ingestion Secondary tumor
Catalase Inhalation Secretion
Cathepsins Inhalation Exposure Sediment
Cathode Initiation Segregation
Cations Insecticides Seizures
Causal Insight Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Causality Insulator Semen
Cause of Death Insulin Senile
CDC2 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Sensitization
Cell Cycle Interferon Sequester
Cell Death Interferon-alpha Serine
Cell Differentiation Internal Medicine Serotonin
Cell Division Internal radiation Serum
Cell Extracts Interstitial Sex Characteristics
Cell membrane Intestinal Shock
Cell motility Intestine Side effect
Cell Physiology Intoxication Signal Transduction
Cell proliferation Intramuscular Signs and Symptoms
Cell Respiration Intravenous Silicon Dioxide
Cell Size Intrinsic Sister Chromatid Exchange
Cell Survival Invasive Skeletal
Cell Transplantation Iodine Skeleton
Cellulose Ionization Skin Manifestations
Central Nervous System Ionizing Skull
Centromere Iridium Sludge
Ceramide Irrigation Small intestine
Cerebral Isoniazid Smoldering leukemia
Cerebral hemispheres J Smooth muscle
Cerebrovascular Joint Social Environment
Cerium K Sodium
Cervical Kb Soft tissue
Cervix Keratin Solid tumor
Cesium Keratinocytes Solvent
Chelating Agents Keratosis Soma
Chelation Kidney Cortex Somatic
Chemical Warfare Kinetic Somatic cells
Chemical Warfare Agents L Sound wave
Chemotactic Factors Labile Specialist
Chimera Lanthanum Specificity
Chlorine Large Intestine Spectrometer
Chlorine Compounds Latent Spectrophotometry
Chlorophyll Latent period Spectrum
Chlorpromazine Laxative Sperm
Chlorpyrifos Lead Poisoning Spike
Cholangitis Lesion Spinal cord
Cholestasis Leucine Spinal Nerves
Cholesterol Leucocyte Spinous
Chromatin Leukaemia Spleen
Chromosomal Leukocytes Sporadic
Chromosome Leukotrienes Squamous
Chronic Disease Levo Squamous cell carcinoma
Chronic granulocytic leukemia Levodopa Squamous cells
Chronic leukemia Library Services Staging
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Life cycle Staphylococcus
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Life Expectancy Steel
Chronic phase Ligament Stem cell transplantation
Chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia Ligands Stem Cells
Cicatrix Ligase Stereotactic
Cimetidine Ligation Sterility
Cinchona Lipid Steroid
Ciprofloxacin Lipid Peroxidation Stimulant
CIS Lipophilic Stimulus
Cisplatin Lipopolysaccharide Stomach
Citrus Lipoprotein Strained
Clear cell carcinoma Liposomal Strand
Clinical Medicine Lipoxygenase Stroke
Clinical trial Lithium Stromal
Clone Liver cancer Stromal Cells
Clonic Liver Neoplasms Strontium
Cloning Liver scan Subacute
Clot Retraction Localized Subclinical
Coagulation Locomotion Subcutaneous
Coal Loop Subiculum
Cobalt Lubricants Subspecies
Coenzyme Luciferase Substance P
Cofactor Lutetium Suction
Cohort Studies Lycopene Sudden death
Coke Lymph Sulfates
Colchicine Lymph node Sulfides
Collagen Lymphatic Sulfur
Collapse Lymphatic system Sulfur Compounds
Colloidal Lymphoblastic Sulfur Dioxide
Colorectal Lymphoblasts Sulfuric acid
Colorectal Cancer Lymphocyte Sunburn
Complement Lymphocytic Superoxide
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphoid Supplementation
Complementary medicine Lymphoma Suppression
Complete remission Lymphoproliferative Surface Plasmon Resonance
Complete response Lymphoproliferative Disorders Survival Rate
Computational Biology M Symphysis
Computed tomography Macrophage Synapses
Computerized axial tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Synaptic
Conception Malignancy Synergistic
Concomitant Malignant tumor Systemic
Conduction Mammary Systolic
Confounding Manic T
Confusion Manifest Tachycardia
Congenita Man-made Tachypnea
Conjugated Mannans Tacrine
Conjugation Materia Medica Tamoxifen
Connective Tissue Maxillary Technetium
Consolidation Maxillary Sinus Teichoic Acids
Contact dermatitis Maximum Tolerated Dose Tellurium
Contraindications, ii Meat Telomerase
Convulsants Mediate Telophase
Convulsions Mediator Temporal
Cooperative group MEDLINE Teratogenic
Coordination Megakaryocytes Terbium
Corneum Megaloblastic Testicular
Coronary Meiosis Testis
Coronary heart disease Melanin Testosterone
Coronary Thrombosis Melanocytes Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate
Cortex Melanoma Thalidomide
Cortical Melanosomes Theophylline
Corticosteroids Melarsoprol Therapeutics
Cortisone Memory Thermal
Cotinine Mendelevium Thiamine
Cranial Meninges Thioredoxin
Crossing-over Mental Disorders Threonine
Cross-Sectional Studies Mental Health, iv Threshold
Croton Oil Mercaptopurine Thrombin
Cruciferous vegetables Mercuric Chloride Thrombomodulin
Cryosurgery Metabolite Thrombosis
Crystallization Metallothionein Thromboxanes
Culture Media Metals, Alkali Thrombus
Cultured cells Metaphase Thulium
Curative Metastasis Thymus
Curettage Metastatic Thyroid
Curette Methacrylate Tilapia
Cutaneous Methionine Tissue Culture
Cyclic MI Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Cyclin Microbe Tobamovirus
Cyclophosphamide Microbiological Tolerance
Cyclosporine Microbiology Tonic
Cysteine Micronuclei Topical
Cystine Microorganism Topical chemotherapy
Cytarabine Micro-organism Torsion
Cytochrome Microscopy Toxicokinetics
Cytokine Microtubules Toxicologic
Cytoplasm Microwaves Toxins
Cytoskeleton Migration Trace element
Cytotoxic Minority Groups Trachea
Cytotoxicity Miscarriage Transcriptase
Cytotoxins Miscible Transcription Factors
D Mitochondria Transduction
Databases, Bibliographic Mitochondrial Swelling Transfection
Daunorubicin Mitosis Transferases
De novo Mitotic Transitional cell carcinoma
Death Certificates Mobility Translating
Decontamination Mobilization Translation
Degenerative Modeling Translational
Deletion Modification Translocation
Dendrites Molecular Transmitter
Dendritic Monitor Trauma
Density Monoclonal Tretinoin
Dental Caries Monoclonal antibodies Trisomy
Dentate Gyrus Monocytes Trivalent
Dentists Mononuclear Troglitazone
Depigmentation Monosomy Trophic
Depolarization Morphogenesis Tropomyosin
Depressive Disorder Morphological Troponin
Depsipeptide Morphology Truncal
Dermatitis Motility Tryptophan
DES Motion Sickness Tuberculosis
Detoxification Mucosa Tuberculostatic
Deuterium Multicenter study Tubulin
Dexamethasone Multidrug resistance Tumor marker
Diabetes Mellitus Multiple Myeloma Tumor Necrosis Factor
Diagnosis, Differential Muscle Proteins Tumor suppressor gene
Diagnostic procedure Musculature Tumorigenic
Dialyzer Mustard Gas Tungsten
Diarrhoea Mutagen Type 2 diabetes
Diastolic Mutagenesis Tyrosine
Diathermy Mutagenic U
Diazinon Myelodysplastic syndrome Ubiquitin
Digestion Myelogenous Unconscious
Digestive system Myeloid Cells Unresectable
Digestive tract Myeloma Uranium
Dihydrotestosterone Myelosuppression Urea
Dihydroxy Myelotoxic Uremia
Dilatation Myocarditis Ureter
Dilatation, Pathologic Myocardium Urethra
Dilation Myotonia Urinary
Dilution N Urinary tract
Dimethylnitrosamine Nausea Urine
Dioxins NCI Urogenital
Diploid Necrosis Uterus
Direct, iii Neodymium V
Disease-Free Survival Neoplasia Vaccine
Disinfectant Neoplasm Vagina
Disinfection Neoplastic Vagus Nerve
Dissection Nephritis Valine
Dissociation Nephrosis Vanadium
Distal Nephrotic Vascular
Diuresis Nephrotic Syndrome Vascular Resistance
Dopa Nephrotoxic Vasodilation
Dopamine Neptunium Vasodilator
Doping Nerve Vector
Dorsal Nervous System Vein
Dose-dependent Networks Venoms
Dosimetry Neural Venous
Doxorubicin Neural Crest Ventricle
Drive, ii, vi Neuroblastoma Ventricular
Drug Design Neurodegenerative Diseases Venules
Drug Interactions Neurologic Veterinary Medicine
Drug Resistance Neuronal Vinblastine
Drug Tolerance Neurons Vincristine
Drug Toxicity Neuropathy Vinyl Chloride
Duct Neurotoxicity Viral
Duodenum Neutrons Virulence
Dyes Niacin Virus
Dysprosium Nitrates Viscera
Dystrophin Nitric acid Vitiligo
E Nitric Oxide Vitro
Ecosystem Nitrogen Compounds Vivo
Ectoderm Norepinephrine Vulgaris
Edema Nuclei W
Effector Nucleic acid Wart
Efficacy Nucleic Acid Hybridization White blood cell
Eicosanoids O Windpipe
Electrocoagulation Occupational Exposure Withdrawal
Electrode Odds Ratio Wound Healing
Electrodesiccation Odour X
Electrolysis Ointments Xenograft
Electrolyte Oncogene X-ray
Electrons Oncogenic Y
Electrophoresis Oncologist Yeasts
Electrophysiological Opacity Ytterbium
Electroplating Operon Yttrium
Elementary Particles Organ Culture Z
Embolus Organelles Zinc Oxide
Embryo Oroantral Fistula Zoonoses
Emulsions Osmosis Zygote
Encapsulated Ovary Zymogen
Encephalopathy Overall survival
Endemic Overdose









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