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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(anthrax; B. anthracis)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  252
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497001187
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with Bacillus anthracis is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

anthrax; B. anthracis




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to Bacillus anthracis. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to Bacillus anthracis. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Bacillus anthracis


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Bacillus anthracis

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Bacillus anthracis


Finding Nutrition Studies on Bacillus anthracis

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Bacillus anthracis


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Bacillus anthracis


Dissertations on Bacillus anthracis

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Bacillus anthracis


Patents on Bacillus anthracis

Patent Applications on Bacillus anthracis

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Bacillus anthracis


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Bacillus anthracis

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Bacillus anthracis


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Bacillus anthracis

Chapter 8. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on Bacillus anthracis will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on Bacillus anthracis.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Operon
Abdominal Eosinophils Oral Health
Abrasion Epidemic Orderly
Acceptor Epidemiological Organelles
Acclimation Epigastric Osmosis
Acetylcholine Epinephrine Osmotic
Acetylglucosamine Epithelial Ovum
Acoustic Epithelial Cells Oxidation
Acute Disease Epithelium Oxygen Consumption
Acute renal Epitope P
Acute Toxicity Tests Erythrocytes Pachymeningitis
Adaptability Esophagus Palladium
Adaptation Eukaryotic Cells Palliative
Adenine Excitatory Pancreas
Adenosine Exocrine Papule
Adenylate Cyclase Exogenous Par excellence
Adjustment Exotoxin Parenteral
Adjuvant Expiration Paroxysmal
Adrenal Cortex External-beam radiation Particle
Adverse Effect Extracellular Patch
Aerobic Extracellular Matrix Pathogen
Aerosol Extracellular Space Pathologic
Affinity Extraction Pathologic Processes
Agar F Penicillin
Air Sacs Family Planning Penicillin Resistance
Alanine Fat Peptide Fragments
Algorithms Fatal Outcome Peptide T
Alimentary Feces Peripheral blood
Alkaline Fetus Peritoneal
Alkaline Phosphatase Filtration Peritoneal Cavity
Alleles Flatus Peritoneum
Allergens Fluid Therapy Peroxide
Alpha Particles Fluorescence Pertussis
Alternative medicine Fold Pesticides
Alum Food and Beverages Petrolatum
Aluminum Frameshift Phagocytosis
Aluminum Hydroxide Frameshift Mutation Pharmacokinetic
Alveoli Free Radicals Pharmacologic
Ameliorating Fungi Pharynx
Amino Acid Sequence G Phenolphthalein
Amplification Galactosides Phenotype
Anaerobic Gallbladder Phenylalanine
Anaesthesia Ganglion Phosphorus
Analog Gangrenous Phosphorylate
Analogous Gas Phosphorylated
Analytes Gastric Phosphorylation
Anaphylatoxins Gastroenteritis Physicochemical
Anemia Gastrointestinal Physiologic
Anergy Gastrointestinal Neoplasms Physiology
Aneuploidy Gastrointestinal tract Phytotoxin
Angiogenesis Gavage Pigment
Animal Husbandry Gelatin Placenta
Animal model Gene Plague
Annealing Gene Expression Plants
Anorexia Genetic Code Plasma
Anthrax Vaccines Genetic Engineering Plasma cells
Antibacterial Genetic testing Plasmid
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Genetics Platinum
Antibody Specificity Genital Pleural
Antibody therapy Genotype Pleural cavity
Anticoagulant Gland Pneumonia
Anticodon Glioblastoma Poisoning
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glioblastoma multiforme Polymerase
Antigen-presenting cell Glottis Polymerase Chain Reaction
Anti-infective Glucans Polymorphic
Anti-inflammatory Glucocorticoid Polymorphism
Antimicrobial Glucose Polyneuritis
Antioxidant Glucose Oxidase Polypeptide
Antiserum Glutamate Polysaccharide
Antitoxin Glutamic Acid Polyvalent
Antiviral Glycerol Posterior
Antiviral Agents Glycine Practice Guidelines
Anus Glycoprotein Preclinical
Apoptosis Goats Precursor
Applicability Governing Board Prenatal
Aqueous Gp120 Probe
Archaea Grade Progesterone
Arginine Graft Progression
Arterial Graft Rejection Progressive
Arteries Gram-negative Proline
Arterioles Gram-positive Promoter
Artificial Organs Gram-Positive Bacteria Prophase
Asbestos Gram-Positive Rods Prophylaxis
Asbestosis Guinea Pigs Prostate
Ascites Gyrase Protease
Aseptic H Protective Clothing
Astrocytoma Habitual Protein C
Astrovirus Half-Life Protein Conformation
Attenuated Haploid Protein Engineering
B Haptens Protein Kinase C
Bacteremia Headache Protein S
Bacterial Infections Heart failure Protein Subunits
Bacterial Physiology Hemoglobin Proteolytic
Bacterial toxin Hemolytic Proteome
Bactericidal Hemorrhage Protocol
Bacteriophage Hemorrhaging Protons
Bacteriostatic Hemostasis Protozoa
Bacterium Heredity Public Health
Barbiturate Herpes Public Policy
Basal Ganglia Herpes Zoster Publishing
Basement Membrane Heterodimers Pulmonary
Basophils Heterogeneity Pulse
Beta-Galactosidase Heterotrophic Purifying
Beta-glucans Histamine Q
Bile Histidine Quinolones
Bile duct Homeostasis R
Biliary Homodimer Race
Binding Sites Homogeneous Radiation
Bioassay Homologous Radiation therapy
Bioavailability Hormone Radioactive
Biochemical Horseradish Peroxidase Radiolabeled
Biological Transport Humoral Radiotherapy
Biological Warfare Humour Randomized
Biomarkers Hybrid Reactive Oxygen Species
Biomolecular Hybridoma Reagent
Biopolymers Hydrogen Recombinant Proteins
Biosynthesis Hydrogen Peroxide Recombination
Biotechnology Hydrogenation Rectum
Bioterrorism Hydrolysis Red blood cells
Bladder Hydrophobic Refer
Blebs Hydroxylysine Refraction
Blood Coagulation Hydroxyproline Regimen
Blood pressure Hyperreflexia Regional lymph node
Blood vessel Hypersensitivity Rehydration
Body Fluids Hypersensitivity, Immediate Repressor
Bone Marrow Hyperstimulation Respiration
Botulinum Toxins Hypnotic Respiratory Burst
Brachytherapy Hypotension Respiratory System
Breeding I Retina
Broad-spectrum Imidazole Reversion
Bronchioles Immune adjuvant Rhinitis
Bronchiseptica Immune Sera Ribosome
C Immune system Ricin
Calcium Immunoassay Rickettsiae
Calicivirus Immunochemistry Robotics
Calmodulin Immunodiffusion Rod
Capillary Immunoelectrophoresis Rotavirus
Capsid Immunofluorescence Ruminants
Capsular Immunogen Ruthenium
Capsules Immunogenic S
Carbohydrate Immunoglobulin Saliva
Carbon Dioxide Immunohistochemistry Sarin
Carboxy Immunologic Screening
Carcinogenic Immunology Secretion
Carcinogens Immunosuppressive Secretory
Case report Immunosuppressive therapy Sedimentation
Caspase Immunotherapy Segregation
Castor Oil Implant radiation Seizures
Catalytic Domain In situ Semisynthetic
Caudal In vivo Sensor
Cell Adhesion Incision Sepsis
Cell Cycle Incubated Septicaemia
Cell Death Incubation Septicemia
Cell Differentiation Incubation period Sequence Analysis
Cell Division Induction Sequence Homology
Cell membrane Infancy Sequencing
Cell Membrane Permeability Infantile Serine
Cell Respiration Infarction Serologic
Cellulose Infectious Diarrhea Serology
Central Nervous System Infiltration Serotypes
Centrifugation Inflammation Serum
Cerebral Influenza Shock
Cerebral hemispheres Ingestion Side effect
Character Initiation Sigma Factor
Chemical Warfare Inner ear Skull
Chemical Warfare Agents Insecticides Small intestine
Chemokines Insight Smallpox
Chemotactic Factors Insulin Sneezing
Chemotaxis Integrins Soaps
Chest Pain Interferon Solid tumor
Chimera Interferon-alpha Solvent
Cholera Intermittent Soma
Cholera Toxin Internal radiation Somatic
Cholesterol Interstitial Spasmodic
Choline Intestinal Specialist
Cholinergic Intestines Specificity
Chromatin Intoxication Spectrometer
Chromosomal Intracellular Spectrum
Chromosome Intramuscular Sperm
Chromosome Segregation Intravenous Sphenoid
Chronic Intrinsic Spinal cord
Chronic granulocytic leukemia Invasive Spleen
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Ionization Sterility
Ciliary Ionizing Steroids
Ciprofloxacin Ions Stimulus
Civil Defense Irradiation Stomach
Clathrin Isoleucine Stool
Clear cell carcinoma Isomerases Strand
Cleave K Streptococcus
Clindamycin Kb Stress
Clinical Medicine Kinesin Subacute
Clinical trial Kinetic Subclinical
Clone L Subcutaneous
Cloning Labile Subspecies
Cluster Analysis Laceration Substance P
Coated Vesicles Laminin Substrate
Cockroaches Laxative Suction
Codon Lectins Superantigens
Cofactor Lens Superoxide
Coliphages Lesion Suppression
Collagen Leukemia Suppressive
Colloidal Leukocytes Surface-Active Agents
Colon Levofloxacin Surfactant
Colorectal Life cycle Survival Rate
Colorectal Cancer Ligands Symptomatic
Combinatorial Lincomycin Synapses
Communis Linkages Synergistic
Complement Lipid Systemic disease
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipophilic T
Complementary medicine Lipopolysaccharide Tachycardia
Computational Biology Lipoprotein Tachypnea
Conception Liposome Teichoic Acids
Conjugated Liver Temporal
Conjunctiva Lobe Tetani
Connective Tissue Localization Tetanic
Contamination Localized Tetanus
Contraindications, ii Locomotion Tetracycline
Coordination Lucida Thalidomide
Cornea Lymph Therapeutics
Coronary Lymph node Thermal
Coronary Thrombosis Lymphatic Thoracic
Corpus Lymphatic system Threonine
Corpus Luteum Lymphocyte Thrombin
Cortex Lymphoid Thrombomodulin
Cowpox Lymphokines Thrombosis
Cowpox Virus Lymphoma Thymus
Crossing-over Lymphotoxin Thyroid
Crystallization Lysine Tonsils
Culture Media Lytic Tooth Preparation
Cultured cells M Torovirus
Curative Macrophage Toxemia
Cyclic Macrophage Activation Toxic, iv
Cysteine Malignant Toxicity
Cystine Mastitis Toxicologic
Cytochrome Meat Toxicology
Cytochrome b Mediastinitis Toxoid
Cytokine Mediastinum Tracer
Cytoplasm Mediate Transcutaneous
Cytoskeletal Proteins MEDLINE Transfection
Cytoskeleton Meiosis Transfer Factor
Cytotoxic Melanin Translation
Cytotoxicity Melanocytes Translocation
D Melanoma Transplantation
De novo Meninges Transposase
Decontamination Meningitis Transposons
Dehydration Meningoencephalitis Trauma
Deletion Mental, iv Triage
Denaturation Mental Health, iv Trisomy
Dendrites MI Trypsin
Dendritic Microbe Tryptophan
Dendritic cell Microorganism Tuberculosis
Density Microtubules Tularemia
Dentifrices Migration Tumor marker
DES Mitochondrial Swelling Tumor Necrosis Factor
Desiccation Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases Typhimurium
Detergents Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Typhoid fever
Deuterium Mitosis Tyrosine
Developing Countries Modeling U
Diagnostic Imaging Modification Ulcer
Diagnostic procedure Molecular Evolution Urinary
Diarrhea Molecular mass Urinate
Diarrhoea Molecular Structure Urine
Diffusion Monitor Urokinase
Digestion Monoclonal Uterus
Diphtheria Monoclonal antibodies V
Diphtheria Toxin Monocyte Vaccination
Diploid Mononuclear Vaccinia
Direct, iii Monosomy Vaccinia Virus
Discrete Morale Vacuole
Discrimination Morphological Vagina
Disease Outbreaks Morphology Varicella
Disinfection Mucociliary Variola
Dissociation Mucus Vascular
Domesticated Multivalent Vector
Dormancy Muramidase Vegetative
Dorsal Mutagenesis Vein
Doxycycline Mutagens Venous
Drive, ii, vi Mutate Venules
Drug Design Myalgia Vesicular
Drug Interactions Mycotoxins Vesicular Exanthema of Swine
Duodenum Myelogenous Vesicular Exanthema of Swine Virus
Dura mater Myeloma Veterinarians
Dyes Myocarditis Veterinary Medicine
E Myocardium Vial
Effector N Vibrio
Efficacy Nasal Mucosa Viral
Elastic Nausea Virulent
Elasticity Necrosis Virus Diseases
Elastin Neoplasms Viscera
Elective Neoplastic Vitro
Electrolyte Nerve Vivo
Electrons Nervous System Void
Embryo Neural W
Emollient Neurologic Wetting Agents
Emulsion Neurotoxin White blood cell
Encapsulated Neurotransmitter Whooping Cough
Encephalitis Neutralization Wound Healing
Endemic Neutrons X
Endocrine Glands Neutrophils Xenograft
Endocytosis Nitrogen X-ray
Endogenous Nuclear X-ray therapy
Endosomes Nucleic acid Y
Endothelial cell Nucleocapsid Yeasts
Endotoxins Nucleus Z
Enteropeptidase O Zebrafish
Enterotoxins Occupational Health Zoster
Environmental Health Oedema Zymogen
Enzymatic Oncogenic
Enzyme Inhibitors Oncology









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