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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Back Pain)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  356
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597837589
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with back pain is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Back Pain




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to back pain. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to back pain. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Back Pain


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Back Pain

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Back Pain


Finding Nutrition Studies on Back Pain

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Back Pain


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Back Pain


Dissertations on Back Pain

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Back Pain


Recent Trials on Back Pain

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Back Pain


Patents on Back Pain

Patent Applications on Back Pain

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Back Pain


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Back Pain


Chapter 8. Multimedia on Back Pain


Video Recordings

Bibliography: Multimedia on Back Pain

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Back Pain


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Back Pain

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Associations and Back Pain

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on back pain will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on back pain.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Fat Patient Satisfaction
Abdomen Fatigue Patient Selection
Abdominal Fatty acids Peer Group
Abdominal Pain Femur Pelvic
Ablate Fetal Weight Peptide
Ablation Fetus Perception
Abrasion Fever of Unknown Origin Percutaneous
Abscess Fibrosis Perforation
Absenteeism Fibrositis Perfusion
Acetaminophen Fibrotic tissue Peridural
Acetylcholine Finite Element Analysis Perineum
Activities of Daily Living Fixation Perineural
Acuity Flatus Peripheral Nerves
Acupuncture Points Flexion Peripheral Nervous System
Adaptation Fluoxetine Peripheral Neuropathy
Adhesions Fold Peripheral Vascular Disease
Adjustment Foramen Peritonitis
Adjuvant Forearm Peroneal Nerve
Adjuvant Therapy Fovea Phallic
Adolescence Functional magnetic resonance imaging Pharmacologic
Adrenal Cortex Fundus Phenyl
Adrenal Glands G Phosphorus
Adverse Effect Gait Photodynamic therapy
Aerobic Gallbladder Photophobia
Aerobic Exercise Gamma Rays Physical Examination
Aeroembolism Ganglia Physical Fitness
Afferent Ganglion Physiologic
Affinity Gas Physiology
Age of Onset Gastrointestinal Pigment
Aggravation Gastrointestinal tract Pilot study
Agonist Gastrula Piroxicam
Airway Gelatin Pituitary Gland
Algorithms Gels Plana
Alimentary Gene Plants
Alkaline General practitioner Plasma
Alkaloid Genital Plasma cells
Alleles Genitourinary Plasminogen
Allergen Gland Platelet Activating Factor
Alpha Particles Glomerular Platelets
Alternative medicine Glomerular Filtration Rate Plexus
Ameliorating Glomerulus Poisoning
Amenorrhea Glucocorticoids Polymers
Amino Acid Sequence Glucose Polypeptide
Amino Acids Glucose Intolerance Polysaccharide
Aminopeptidases Glutamate Polyuria
Ammonia Glutamic Acid Postmenopausal
Ampulla Glutamine Postoperative
Amylase Glycine Postural
Amyloidosis Glycogen Potassium
Anaesthesia Glycoprotein Potentiates
Anal Glycosaminoglycans Potentiation
Analgesic Gonadal Practicability
Anaphylactic Governing Board Practice Guidelines
Anatomical Grade Preclinical
Androgens Graft Precursor
Anesthesia Grafting Prenatal
Anesthetics Growth Presynaptic
Animal model Growth factors Presynaptic Terminals
Anions H Prevalence
Anisotropy Hair Cells Primary endpoint
Ankle Half-Life Private Practice
Ankle Injuries Hand Injuries Probe
Ankle Joint Haploid Procaine
Anorexia Headache Progesterone
Anorexia Nervosa Headache Disorders Progression
Anterograde Health Behavior Progressive
Antiallergic Health Care Costs Projection
Antibodies Health Expenditures Proline
Antibody Health Services Promoter
Anticoagulant Health Status Prone
Anticonvulsants Heart attack Prone Position
Antidepressant Hematuria Prophase
Antiemetic Hemodialysis Proprioception
Antigen Hemolytic Prospective study
Anti-inflammatory Hemorrhage Prostaglandin
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Hemorrhoids Prostaglandins A
Antineoplastic Hemostasis Prosthesis
Antioxidant Heredity Protein C
Antipyretic Herniated Protein S
Antitussive Histamine Proteinuria
Anuria Homeostasis Proteoglycan
Anus Homogeneous Proteolytic
Anxiety Homologous Protocol
Anxiety Disorders Hormonal Protons
Aorta Hormone Proximal
Aortic Aneurysm Hormone therapy Pruritus
Aperture Host Psoriasis
Apnea Humeral Psychiatric
Aponeurosis Hybrid Psychiatry
Aqueous Hydra Psychic
Arachidonic Acid Hydration Psychosomatic
Arterial Hydrogen Psychotherapy
Arteries Hydrolysis Psychotropic
Arterioles Hydrophilic Puberty
Arthralgia Hydroxylysine Public Health
Arthrosis Hydroxyproline Public Policy
Articular Hyperalgesia Publishing
Aseptic Hyperostosis Pulmonary
Aspartate Hypersensitivity Pulmonary Artery
Aspiration Hypertension Pulmonary Edema
Aspirin Hypertrophy Pulposus
Asymptomatic Hypesthesia Pulse
Atrophy Hypnotic Q
Autoimmune disease Hypotension Quality of Life
Autonomic Hypothalamus R
Autonomic Nervous System I Race
Axonal Id Radiation
Axons Idiopathic Radiation therapy
B Immune response Radicular
Back Injuries Immune system Radiculopathy
Bacteria Immunization Radioactive
Bacterial Physiology Immunogenic Radiography
Bacteriophage Immunoglobulin Radiolabeled
Basal Ganglia Immunology Radiological
Base Immunosuppressive Radiology
Basement Membrane Immunosuppressive therapy Radiotherapy
Basophils Immunotherapy Random Allocation
Bed Rest Impairment Randomization
Bends Implant radiation Randomized clinical trial
Benign Implantation Randomized Controlled Trials
Benztropine Impotence Reaction Time
Bilateral In situ Reassurance
Bile In Situ Hybridization Receptor
Biochemical In vitro Receptors, Serotonin
Bioengineering In vivo Recombinant
Biological therapy Incision Rectum
Biomechanics Incontinence Recuperation
Biopsy Indicative Recur
Biotechnology Induction Recurrence
Bipolar Disorder Infarction Refer
Bladder Infection Reflex
Bloating Infusion Refraction
Blood Coagulation Initiation Refractory
Blood Platelets Inlay Regeneration
Blood pressure Innervation Regimen
Blood vessel Inpatients Regression Analysis
Body Fluids Insight Relative risk
Body Mass Index Instillation Relaxant
Bone Marrow Insulator Reliability
Bone Remodeling Interleukin-1 Remission
Bone Resorption Interleukin-2 Renal failure
Bone scan Intermittent Renal pelvis
Botulinum Toxins Internal radiation Reperfusion
Bowel Interstitial Reperfusion Injury
Bowel Movement Intervention Studies Resection
Brachytherapy Intervertebral Disk Displacement Resolving
Branch Intestine Resorption
Breakdown Intoxication Respiration
Bronchi Intracellular Restoration
Bronchial Intracellular Membranes Retina
Bronchitis Intramuscular Retinae
Bronchoconstriction Intraocular Retinal
Buccal Intrathecal Retinal Detachment
Bupivacaine Intravenous Retinal pigment epithelium
C Inulin Retinol
Calcium Invasive Retrograde
Calcium Channels Involuntary Retrospective
Calculi Ion Channels Retrospective study
Cannula Ion Transport Rheumatic Diseases
Capillary Ions Rheumatism
Capsaicin Ischemia Rheumatoid
Capsicum Isometric Contraction Rheumatoid arthritis
Capsules J Ribosome
Carbohydrate Job Satisfaction Rigidity
Carbon Dioxide Joint Capsule Risk factor
Carcinogenic K Rod
Carcinoma Kb S
Cardiac Keloid Sacroiliac Joint
Cardiopulmonary Kidney Failure Sagittal
Cardiorespiratory Kidney Failure, Acute Saline
Cardiovascular Kidney Failure, Chronic Saliva
Cardiovascular disease Kidney stone Salivary
Carotene Kinetics Salivary glands
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Kyphosis Saponins
Case report L Scans
Case series Labyrinth Schizoid
Catheters Large Intestine Schizophrenia
Cathode Laryngectomy Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cations Larynx Sciatic Nerve
Cauda Equina Laser therapy Scleroderma
Caudal Latency Sclerosis
Causal Least-Squares Analysis Scoliosis
Cell Division Lectin Screening
Cell membrane Leisure Activities Second Messenger Systems
Cell Respiration Lens Secretion
Cell Survival Lesion Sedative
Cellular metabolism Leukocytes Sedentary
Cellulose Library Services Segmental
Central Nervous System Infections Lidocaine Segmentation
Cerebral Life Expectancy Seizures
Cerebrospinal Ligament Self Care
Cerebrospinal fluid Likelihood Functions Senile
Cerebrovascular Linear Models Sensibility
Cerebrum Linkage Sensitization
Cervical Linkage Disequilibrium Sensory loss
Cervix Lipid Sequencing
Character Lithiasis Serotonin
Chemokines Liver Sex Behavior
Chemotherapy Liver scan Sex Behavior, Animal
Chest cavity Lobe Sex Characteristics
Chin Localized Sex Ratio
Cholesterol Locomotion Sharpness
Cholinergic Lod Shock
Cholinesterase Inhibitors Lod Score Shoulder Pain
Choroid Logistic Models Side effect
Chromatin Longitudinal Studies Signs and Symptoms
Chromosome Longitudinal study Skeletal
Chronic Disease Long-Term Care Skeleton
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Lordosis Skull
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Lordotic Sleep apnea
Chronic renal Lumbago Smooth muscle
Chymopapain Lumbar puncture Snoring
Cicatrix Lumen Social Class
CIS Lupus Social Environment
Civilization Lymph Social Support
Claudication Lymph node Sodium
Clavicle Lymphatic Soft tissue
Clinical Medicine Lymphocyte Solvent
Clinical study Lymphoid Soma
Cloning M Somatic
Coagulation Macrophage Sound wave
Codeine Macula Spasm
Cofactor Macula Lutea Specialist
Cognition Magnetic Resonance Imaging Species
Cohort Studies Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Specificity
Collagen Malignant Spices
Collapse Malnutrition Spinal Cord Compression
Colloidal Mandible Spinal Cord Injuries
Colostomy Manic Spinal Fractures
Comorbidity Manifest Spinal Nerve Roots
Complement Mechanoreceptors Spinal Nerves
Complementary and alternative medicine Medial Spinal Stenosis
Complementary medicine Median Nerve Spinous
Compress Mediate Spleen
Computational Biology Mediator Splint
Computed tomography Medical Records Spondylitis
Computerized axial tomography Medical Staff Spondylolisthesis
Computerized tomography MEDLINE Spondylolysis
Concentric Meiosis Sporadic
Conception Membrane Sprains and Strains
Conduction Membrane Proteins Stabilization
Cones Memory Staging
Confounding Meninges Stasis
Connective Tissue Meningitis Steel
Consciousness Menopause Sternum
Constitutional Mental Disorders Steroid
Constriction Mental Health, iv Stimulus
Consultation Mentors Stomach
Contraindications, ii Meperidine Stool
Control group Meta-Analysis Strained
Controlled clinical trial Metastasis Streptococci
Controlled study Metastatic Streptokinase
Conventional therapy Metastatic cancer Stroke
Conventional treatment Methionine Stupor
Coordination MI Subacute
Coronary Microbe Subarachnoid
Coronary Angiography Microbiology Subclinical
Coronary heart disease Microdialysis Subcutaneous
Coronary Thrombosis Microorganism Subspecies
Cortex Mineralocorticoids Suction
Cortical Mobility Sulfur
Corticosteroid Mobilization Supine
Cortisol Modeling Supine Position
Cost Savings Modification Suppression
Cost-benefit Molecular Sweat
Cranial Molecular Structure Sweat Glands
Craniocerebral Trauma Molecule Sympathetic Nervous System
Credentialing Monitor Symphysis
Curare Monoclonal Symptomatic
Curative Monocytes Symptomatic treatment
Cutaneous Mononuclear Synapses
Cyclic Monotherapy Synapsis
Cyst Morphine Synaptic
Cysteine Morphological Synaptic Transmission
Cystocele Morphology Synergistic
Cytokine Motility Synovial
Cytoplasm Motion Sickness Synovial Cyst
D Motor nerve Synovial Fluid
Data Collection Mucinous Synovial Membrane
Databases, Bibliographic Mucosa Systemic
Decision Making Multiple sclerosis Systemic disease
Decompression Muscle Denervation Systolic
Decompression Sickness Muscle Fatigue T
Decubitus Muscle Fibers Tamponade
Defense Mechanisms Muscle relaxant Temporal
Dehydration Muscle Spindles Tendinitis
Delivery of Health Care Muscle tension Tennis Elbow
Dementia Muscular Dystrophies Thermal
Dendrites Musculature Thigh
Density Musculoskeletal Diseases Thoracic
Depressive Disorder Musculoskeletal System Thorax
Desensitization Myelin Threshold
Desipramine Myelography Thrombin
Diabetes Mellitus Myocardial Reperfusion Thrombocytopenia
Diabetic Retinopathy Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Thrombolytic
Diagnostic Imaging Myocardium Thrombolytic Therapy
Diagnostic procedure N Thrombomodulin
Diastolic Naloxone Thrombosis
Diclofenac Narcosis Thrombus
Diclofenac Sodium Narcotic Thymus
Diffusion Narcotic Antagonists Thyroid
Digestion Nausea Tibial Nerve
Digestive system NCI Tin
Dilatation Neck Pain Tolerance
Diphenhydramine Necrosis Tomography
Diploid Neoplasia Tooth Preparation
Direct, iii Neoplasm Topical
Discitis Neoplastic Torsion
Disease Progression Nephropathy Toxic, iv
Diskectomy Nephrotoxic Toxicity
Dislocation Nerve Endings Toxicology
Distal Nerve Fibers Toxins
Diuresis Nerve Growth Factor Trace element
Dopamine Nervous System Trachea
Dorsal Neural Traction
Dorsum Neuralgia Tramadol
Double-blinded Neuritis Transcutaneous
Drive, ii, vi Neurodegenerative Diseases Transdermal
Drug Interactions Neuroeffector Junction Transduction
Drug Tolerance Neurogenic Transfection
Duct Neurologic Translation
Duodenum Neurologist Translational
Dura mater Neuromuscular Transmitter
Dyes Neuromuscular Junction Transplantation
Dysmenorrhea Neuronal Trauma
Dysphoric Neurons Treatment Outcome
Dystrophy Neuropathy Triage
E Neuropeptide Tricyclic
Edema Neurophysiology Tryptophan
Effector Neurosurgery Tuberculosis
Effector cell Neurotoxic Tumor Necrosis Factor
Elastin Neurotransmitters Tumour
Elective Neutrons U
Electric Conductivity Neutropenia Ulcer
Electroacupuncture Neutrophils Ultrasonography
Electrode Niacin Ultrasound energy
Electrolysis Nicotine Umbilicus
Electrolyte Nitrogen Unconscious
Electrons Nociceptors Urachal Cyst
Electrophoresis Norepinephrine Urachus
Electrophysiological Nuclear Urea
Elementary Particles Nuclei Uremia
Embolism Nucleic acid Ureters
Embolus Nursing Staff Urinary
Embryo O Urinary Retention
Emphysema Observational study Urinary tract
Empirical Occupational Exposure Urine
Emulsion Occupational Health Urogenital
Endocarditis Occupational Health Services Uterus
Endocardium Occupational Medicine Uvula
Endophthalmitis Odds Ratio V
Endorphin Oliguria Vaccine
Endoscope Opacity Vagina
Endoscopic Ophthalmology Varicose
Endoscopy Opium Varicose vein
Endotoxin Opsin Vascular
End-stage renal Optic Disk VE
Enkephalin Optic Nerve Vector
Environmental Health Orbit Vein
Enzymatic Orbital Venous
Enzyme Orthotic Devices Ventral
Epidemiological Osteoarthritis Ventricles
Epidural Osteoporosis Venules
Epidural Space Outpatient Veterinary Medicine
Epiretinal Membrane Overweight Viral
Episode of Care Oxidation Virulence
Epithelial Oxycodone Virus
Epithelium Oxygen Consumption Viscera
Ergonomics P Visceral
Erythrocytes Pain Threshold Visual Acuity
Escalation Pain, Postoperative Vitrectomy
Esophagus Palate Vitreous Body
Eukaryotic Cells Palliative Vitro
Evoke Palpation Vivo
Excitability Palsy W
Excrete Pancreas Weight Lifting
Exercise Therapy Pancreatic Weight-Bearing
Exogenous Parenteral White blood cell
Exopeptidases Paresis Windpipe
Expiration Paresthesias Withdrawal
Extensor Particle X
External-beam radiation Partnership Practice Xenograft
Extracellular Patch X-ray
Extracellular Matrix Pathogenesis Z
Extracellular Space Pathologic Zymogen
Extremity Pathologies
F Pathophysiology
Family Planning Patient Education









Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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