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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(basal cell cancer; basal cell carcinomas; basal cell epithelioma; rodent ulcer)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  232
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597843503
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with basal cell carcinoma is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

basal cell cancer; basal cell carcinomas; basal cell epithelioma; rodent ulcer




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to basal cell carcinoma. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to basal cell carcinoma. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Basal Cell Carcinoma


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Basal Cell Carcinoma

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Basal Cell Carcinoma


Finding Nutrition Studies on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Basal Cell Carcinoma


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Clinical Trials and Basal Cell Carcinoma


Recent Trials on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 5. Patents on Basal Cell Carcinoma


Patents on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Patent Applications on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Basal Cell Carcinoma


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Basal Cell Carcinoma


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Basal Cell Carcinoma

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Basal Cell Carcinoma

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on basal cell carcinoma will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on basal cell carcinoma.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Focus Groups Parathyroid hormone
3-dimensional Follicles Parotid
A Folliculitis Paroxysmal
Abdomen Foramen Particle
Abdominal Furunculosis Partnership Practice
Aberrant G Patch
Ablate Gallbladder Pathogen
Ablation Gamma Rays Pathogenesis
Abscess Ganglia Pathologic
Acantholysis Ganglion Pathologic Processes
Acceptor Gas Pathologies
Acne Gastric Patient Education
Acne Vulgaris Gastrointestinal Patient Satisfaction
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Gene Expression PDQ
Actin Genetic Code Pelvic
Actinic keratosis Genetic Engineering Pemphigus
Adaptability Genetics Peptide
Adenocarcinoma Genital Perfusion
Adenoma Genotype Perianal
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Germ Cells Perineural
Adenosine Germline mutation Periorbital
Adjuvant Gland Peripheral blood
Adjuvant Therapy Glioblastoma Peripheral Nervous System
Adrenal Glands Glioma PH
Adverse Effect Glucose Pharmacologic
Affinity Glucuronic Acid Phenotype
Aggressiveness Glutamic Acid Phenylalanine
Algorithms Glycine Phorbol
Alkaloid Glycoprotein Phorbol Esters
Alleles Glycosaminoglycans Phospholipases
Allograft Gout Phospholipids
Allylamine Governing Board Phosphorus
Alopecia Grade Phosphorylation
Alpha Particles Graft Photodynamic therapy
Alpha-helix Gram-negative Photosensitivity
Alternative medicine Gram-positive Photosensitizer
Aluminum Granulocytes Physiologic
Amber Granulomas Physiology
Amine Groin Pigment
Amino Acid Sequence Growth factors Pigmentation
Amino Acids H Pilocytic
Aminolevulinic Acid Hair follicles Pilot study
Ammonia Haploid Pituitary Gland
Amplification Haplotypes Plants
Amyloidosis Haptens Plasma
Anaerobic Health Care Costs Plasma cells
Anaesthesia Health Expenditures Plasmids
Anal Heme Platelet Activation
Analgesic Hemoglobin Pleated
Analogous Hemoglobin A Ploidy
Anaphase Hemoglobinuria Polycystic
Anatomical Hemorrhage Polymorphic
Anemia Hemostasis Polyp
Aneuploidy Heparin Polypeptide
Angiogenesis Hereditary Polyposis
Angiogenesis inhibitor Hereditary mutation Polysaccharide
Angiography Heredity Porphyrins
Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia Herniated Posterior
Angiosarcoma Heterogeneity Postmenopausal
Animal model Histidine Postnatal
Anogenital Histiocytosis Postoperative
Anophthalmia Histology Postsynaptic
Anterior chamber Holoprosencephaly Potentiate
Antibodies Homeostasis Potentiation
Antibody Homologous Practicability
Anticoagulant Hormonal Practice Guidelines
Antigen Hormone Precancerous
Antigen-presenting cell Hormone therapy Preclinical
Anti-inflammatory Horny layer Precursor
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Host Predisposition
Antineoplastic Host-cell Premalignant
Antioxidant Human Development Prenatal
Antiproliferative Human papillomavirus Prevalence
Antipyretic Hybrid Prickle
Antiviral Hybridization Primary tumor
Anus Hybridomas Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Apoptosis Hydrogen Private Practice
Aqueous Hydrolysis Probe
Arachidonic Acid Hydrophobic Progression
Areola Hydroxylysine Progressive
Arginine Hydroxyproline Proline
Aromatic Hyperplasia Promoter
Arterial Hypertrophy Prophylaxis
Arteries I Prosencephalon
Arterioles Id Prospective study
Aseptic Immune response Prostaglandin
Aspiration Immune Sera Prostaglandins A
Assay Immune system Prostate
Astrocytes Immunity Protease
Astrocytoma Immunization Protective Clothing
Ataxia Immunodeficiency Protein C
Atopic Immunogenic Protein Kinases
Atrium Immunoglobulin Protein S
Atrophy Immunohistochemistry Proteinuria
Attenuated Immunologic Proteoglycan
Atypical Immunology Proteolytic
Auditory Impairment Protocol
Auricular Implant radiation Protons
Autopsy Impotence Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Axillary In situ Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
B In Situ Hybridization Proto-Oncogenes
Bacteria In vitro Protozoa
Bactericidal In vivo Proximal
Bacteriophage Incision Pruritic
Bacteriophage lambda Incontinence Psoriasis
Bacterium Incubation PTC
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome Incubators Public Health
Basal cells Indicative Public Policy
Basal Ganglia Induction Publishing
Basal Ganglia Diseases Infancy Pulmonary
Base Infantile Pulse
Basement Membrane Infarction Pupil
Benign Infection Purines
Benign tumor Infiltration Pustular
Beta carotene Inflammation Pyogenic
Bilateral Inguinal Pyrimidine Dimers
Bile Initiation Q
Bile Ducts Inositol Quality of Life
Biochemical Insight R
Biological response modifier Integrase Race
Biological therapy Interferon Radiation therapy
Biological Transport Interferon Alfa-2b Radioactive
Biomarkers Interferon-alpha Radioactivity
Biopsy Interleukin-6 Radioimmunotherapy
Biosynthesis Intermediate Filaments Radiolabeled
Biotechnology Intermittent Radiology
Biotic Internal radiation Radiotherapy
Bladder Interspecific Randomized
Blister Interstitial Reactivation
Blood Glucose Interstitial Collagenase Reactive Oxygen Species
Blood pressure Intervertebral Receptor
Blood vessel Intestinal Receptors, Cytokine
Body Fluids Intestines Recombinant
Bone Marrow Intracellular Recombination
Boron Intracellular Membranes Reconstitution
Bowel Intrinsic Rectum
Bowel Movement Invasive Recurrence
Brachytherapy Involuntary Red Nucleus
Branch Ionization Refer
Buccal Ionizing Refractory
Burns Ions Regeneration
Burns, Electric Ipsilateral Regimen
C Iris Relative risk
Calcium Irradiance Remission
Callus Irradiation Reproductive cells
Cancer vaccine Ischemia Resection
Carbon Dioxide Isotretinoin Resolving
Carcinogen Isozymes Respiration
Carcinogenesis J Restoration
Carcinogenic Joint Retinoblastoma
Cardiac K Retinoid
Carotene Kb Retinol
Carotenoids Keratin Retrospective
Case report Keratinocytes Retrospective study
Case series Keratoacanthoma Rhabdomyosarcoma
Cataracts Keratosis Risk factor
Causal Kidney Disease Rod
CDC2 Kinesin S
Celecoxib Kinetic Salicylic
Cell Adhesion L Saliva
Cell Cycle Lacrimal Salivary
Cell Death Laminin Salivary glands
Cell Differentiation Large Intestine Sarcoma
Cell Division Laser Surgery Scabies
Cell membrane Latent Sclera
Cell proliferation Lectin Scleroproteins
Cell Survival Leg Ulcer Sclerosis
Central Nervous System Leiomyosarcoma Screening
Cerebellar Leishmaniasis Scrotum
Cerebral Lens Sebaceous
Cerebral hemispheres Lentigo Sebaceous gland
Cerebrum Lesion Sebum
Cerumen Leukemia Secondary tumor
Cervical Leukocytes Secretion
Cervix Leukoplakia Segmentation
Chemoprevention Library Services Segregation
Chemopreventive Lichen Planus Seizures
Chemotherapy Ligament Sella
Cholangiography Light microscope Semen
Cholesteatoma Limb Bud Senile
Cholesterol Linkage Sensor
Chromatin Linkage Disequilibrium Sensory loss
Chromosomal Lip Sequencing
Chromosome Lipid Serine
Chromosome Abnormalities Lipid A Serum
Chronic renal Lipopolysaccharides Sex Determination
Cidofovir Liquor Shock
Circulatory system Liver Side effect
CIS Local therapy Signal Transduction
Cleft Palate Localization Skeletal
Clinical Medicine Localized Skeleton
Clinical trial Long-Term Care Skin Aging
Clone Loss of Heterozygosity Skin Pigmentation
Cloning Lucida Skull
Coagulation Lupus Smooth muscle
Cofactor Lymph Social Environment
Colchicine Lymph node Sodium
Collagen Lymphadenopathy Soft tissue
Coloboma Lymphatic Solid tumor
Combination Therapy Lymphatic system Soma
Combinatorial Lymphocyte Somatic
Complement Lymphocyte Count Somatic cells
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphocytic Somites
Complementary medicine Lymphoid Specialist
Computational Biology Lymphoma Specificity
Congestion Lymphomatoid Papulosis Spectrophotometry
Conjunctiva M Spectrum
Connective Tissue Major Histocompatibility Complex Sperm
Connective Tissue Cells Malabsorption Spina bifida
Contact dermatitis Malformation Spinal cord
Contraindications, ii Malignancy Spinal Cord Compression
Control group Malignant tumor Spinal Fractures
Controlled study Malnutrition Spinous
Conventional therapy Mammary Spleen
Conventional treatment Matrix metalloproteinase Sporadic
Coordination Maxillary Squamous cells
Cornea Maxillary Sinus Squamous Epithelium
Corneum Meatus Stem Cells
Coronary Medial Sterile
Coronary Thrombosis Mediate Steroids
Cortex Mediator Stimulus
Corticosteroids Medical Records Stomach
Cranial MEDLINE Stomatitis
Cranial Irradiation Medulloblastoma Stress
Crossing-over Melanin Stroke
Croton Oil Melanocytes Stroma
Cryosurgery Melanoma vaccine Stromal
Cryotherapy Membrane Proteins Stromal Cells
Cultured cells Meninges Subacute
Curative Meningioma Subclinical
Curcumin Mental Disorders Subconjunctival
Curettage Mental Health, iv Subcutaneous
Curette Mental Retardation Submaxillary
Cyclic Mesenchymal Submucous
Cyclin Metastasis Subspecies
Cyclopia Metastasize Substance P
Cyclosporine Metastatic Sulindac
Cytokine Methyl Methanesulfonate Supplementation
Cytoplasm MI Supportive care
Cytoskeleton Microbe Suppression
Cytotoxic Microfilaments Sweat
D Microorganism Sweat Glands
Data Collection Microscopy Symphysis
Databases, Bibliographic Microsurgery Synaptic
Deletion Microtubules Synergistic
Delivery of Health Care Migration Systemic
Demecolcine Millimeter Systemic disease
Dementia Miscible T
Dendrites Mitochondrial Swelling Teichoic Acids
Dendritic Mitosis Telangiectasia
Dendritic cell Mitotic Temporal
Density Mobilization Teratogenic
Dentists Modification Testicles
Depolarization Molecule Tetany
Dermal Monitor Thalamic
Dermatitis Monoclonal Thalamic Diseases
Diabetes Mellitus Monocytes Therapeutics
Diagnostic procedure Monosomy Threonine
Diclofenac Morphogenesis Threshold
Diclofenac Sodium Morphological Thrombin
Diffusion Morphology Thrombomodulin
Digestive system Mucinous Thrombosis
Digestive tract Mucocutaneous Thymidine
Dilatation Mucosa Thymidine Kinase
Diploid Mucositis Thymus
Direct, iii Mucus Thyroid
Dissection Multivariate Analysis Thyroid Gland
Dissociation Muscle Fibers Tinnitus
Distal Muscular Atrophy Tomography
Dorsal Muscular Dystrophies Topical
Dorsum Mustard Gas Toxic, iv
Drug Interactions Mutagen Toxicity
Duct Mutagenesis Toxicology
Dysplasia Mutagenic Toxins
Dystrophic Mycoplasma Trace element
Dystrophy Mycosis Transcription Factors
E Mycosis Fungoides Transduction
Ectopic Myocardium Transfection
Eczema Myoglobin Transfer Factor
Edema Myotonic Dystrophy Transferases
Effector N Transillumination
Efficacy Naevus Translational
Elasticity NCI Transmitter
Elastin Necrosis Transplantation
Electric Impedance Need Trauma
Electrode Needle biopsy Treatment Outcome
Electrodesiccation Neonatal Trees
Electrons Neoplasia Trisomy
Emaciation Neoplasm Tryptophan
Embryo Neoplastic Tuberculosis
Embryogenesis Nephropathy Tuberous Sclerosis
Enamel Nerve Tumor marker
Endemic Nervous System Tumor suppressor gene
Endothelial cell Networks Tumorigenic
Endotoxic Neural Tumour
End-stage renal Neuroectodermal Tumors Tympanic membrane
Enhancer Neurologic Tyrosine
Enterohepatic Neurons U
Enterohepatic Circulation Neurophysiology Ulcer
Environmental Exposure Neutrons Ultraviolet Rays
Environmental Health Nevus Umbilical Cord
Enzyme Nickel Umbilicus
Eosinophils Nitrogen Unconscious
Epidemic Nonmelanoma skin cancer Urea
Epidermal Notochord Urethra
Epidermal Cyst Nuclear Urine
Epidermal Growth Factor Nuclear Medicine Uterus
Epidermoid carcinoma Nuclei V
Epidermolysis Bullosa Nucleic acid Vaccine
Epidural Nucleic Acid Hybridization Vaccine adjuvant
Epinephrine Nucleus Vagina
Epithelial O Varicella
Epithelial Cells Observational study Varicose
Epithelioma Ocular Vascular
Epithelium Odds Ratio Vascular endothelial growth factor
Erythema Odour Vector
Erythema Multiforme Oncogene Vein
Erythrocytes Oncogenic Venous
Erythroplakia Oncology Ventral
Esophagus Opacity Ventricle
Essential Tremor Opportunistic Infections Venules
Etretinate Oral Health Verruca
Eukaryotic Cells Orbit Vertebrae
Evoke Orbital Vertebral
Excipient Organ Culture Vertigo
Excisional Organelles Veterinary Medicine
Exogenous Ornithine Viral
Exon Osteoporosis Virulence
Extensor Otitis Virus
External-beam radiation Otolaryngologist Viscera
Extracellular Otolaryngology Visceral
Extracellular Matrix Otology Vitamin A
Extracellular Matrix Proteins Ovary Vitro
Extracellular Space Oxidation Vulgaris
Extremity Oxygenation W
Eye socket P Wart
F P53 gene White blood cell
Facial Paclitaxel Wound Healing
Facial Nerve Palate X
Family Planning Palliative Xenograft
Fat Palsy Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Fatty acids Pancreas X-ray
Fetus Pancreatic X-ray therapy
Fibroblast Growth Factor Pancreatic cancer Y
Fibroblasts Papilloma Yeasts
Fibrosis Papillomavirus Z
Fine-needle aspiration Paranasal Sinuses Zoster
Flexor Parathyroid Zymogen
Fluorescence Parathyroid Glands









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