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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

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Pages  :  276
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597843546
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with bilirubin is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to bilirubin. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to bilirubin. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Bilirubin


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Bilirubin

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Bilirubin


Finding Nutrition Studies on Bilirubin

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Bilirubin


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Bilirubin


Dissertations on Bilirubin

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Bilirubin


Recent Trials on Bilirubin

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Bilirubin


Patents on Bilirubin

Patent Applications on Bilirubin

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Bilirubin


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Bilirubin

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Bilirubin


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Bilirubin

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Bilirubin

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on bilirubin will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on bilirubin.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Epithelial Cells Oxidants
3-dimensional Epithelium Oxidation-Reduction
A Erythema Oxidative metabolism
Abdomen Erythrocyte Indices Oxidative Stress
Abdominal Erythrocyte Membrane Oxygen Consumption
Abdominal Pain Erythrocytes Oxygenation
Aberrant Erythropoiesis P
Acceptor Esophageal Pachymeningitis
Acetaminophen Esophageal Varices Paclitaxel
Acetone Esophagitis Palliative
Acetylcholine Esophagus Pancreas
Acidosis Essential Tremor Pancreatic
Actin Estradiol Pancreatic cancer
Acute renal Estrogen Pancreatic Juice
Adaptability Ethanol Pancreatitis
Adduct Ether Paneth Cells
Adenine Eukaryotic Cells Paralysis
Adenocarcinoma Evoke Paranasal Sinuses
Adenosine Evoked Potentials Parenteral
Adenovirus Excitatory Parenteral Nutrition
Adhesives Excitatory Amino Acids Paroxysmal
Adipose Tissue Excitotoxicity Particle
Adjuvant Exhaustion Parturition
Adrenal Cortex Exocrine Pathogen
Adrenal Glands Exogenous Pathogenesis
Adsorption Expectorant Pathologic
Adsorptive Extracellular Pathologic Processes
Adverse Effect Extracorporeal Pathologies
Aerobic Extraction Pathophysiology
Affinity Extravasation Patient Compliance
Ageing Eye Infections Patient Education
Agonist F Pelvic
Airway Family Planning Penicillin
Alanine Fat Pepsin
Alanine Transaminase Fatigue Pepsin A
Alcohol-Induced Disorders Fatty acids Peptic
Aldosterone Fatty Liver Peptic Ulcer
Alertness Fecal occult blood test Peptide
Algorithms Feces Percutaneous
Alimentary Ferritin Perforation
Alkaline Fetus Perfusion
Alkaline Phosphatase Fibrin Perinatal
Allergen Fibrinogen Peripheral blood
Allylamine Fibrosis Peripheral Vascular Disease
Alpha-1 Fine-needle aspiration Peritoneal
Alpha-helix Flatus Peritoneal Cavity
Alternative medicine Fluid Therapy Perivascular
Ameliorating Fluorescence Periventricular Leukomalacia
Amine Fluorescence Polarization Peroxidase
Amino Acid Sequence Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Peroxide
Amino Acid Substitution Foetal Petechiae
Amino Acids Fold PH
Ammonia Forearm Phagocyte
Ammonium Chloride Fourth Ventricle Pharmaceutical Preparations
Amnion Fractionation Pharmacologic
Amniotic Fluid Fulminant Hepatic Failure Pharmacotherapy
Ampulla Fundus Pharynx
Amylase Fungi Phenobarbital
Amyloid G Phenotypes
Amyloidosis Gallbladder Phosphates
Anaesthesia Gallstones Phospholipases
Anal Gamma irradiation Phospholipids
Analgesic Ganglia Phosphorus
Analogous Ganglion Phosphorylation
Analytes Gas Photobiology
Anaphylatoxins Gas exchange Photocoagulation
Anaplasia Gastric Photosensitivity
Anatomical Gastric Acid Phototherapy
Anemia Gastric Juices Physical Examination
Anesthesia Gastric Mucosa Physiologic
Aneurysm Gastrin Physiology
Angina Gastroesophageal Reflux Pilot study
Angiotensinogen Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Placenta
Animal model Gastrointestinal Plants
Anionic Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Plaque
Anions Gastrointestinal tract Plasma cells
Anisotropy Gelatin Plasma protein
Anode Gene Expression Plasmin
Antagonism Generator Plasminogen
Anthelmintic Genetic Code Plasminogen Activators
Antibacterial Genetic Markers Plasticity
Antibiotic Genetics Plastids
Antibodies Genomics Platelet Activation
Antibody Genotype Platelet Aggregation
Anticoagulant Gestation Platelets
Antiemetic Gland Platinum
Antigen Glucocorticoid Pleated
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gluconeogenesis Poisoning
Antihistamine Glucose Intolerance Polycystic
Anti-infective Glucuronate Polymorphism
Anti-inflammatory Glucuronic Acid Polypeptide
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glucuronides Polyposis
Antineoplastic Glucuronosyltransferase Polysaccharide
Antioxidant Glutamate Porphyrins
Antipsychotic Glutamic Acid Portal Vein
Antipyretic Glutamine Portosystemic Shunt
Antiseptic Glycine Posterior
Anus Glycogen Postnatal
Aperture Glycoprotein Postoperative
Apnea Glycosidic Postsynaptic
Apolipoproteins Goblet Cells Potassium
Apoptosis Gonadal Potassium Channels
Aqueous Governing Board Potentiation
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Graft Practice Guidelines
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Gram-negative Praziquantel
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Gram-Negative Bacteria Preceptorship
Arachidonic Acid Gram-positive Precipitation
Arginine Granulocytes Precursor
Aromatic Guanylate Cyclase Prednisolone
Arterial H Pregnenolone
Arteries Haematoma Prevalence
Arteriolar Haemolysis Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Arterioles Haemorrhage Probe
Arteriovenous Hair follicles Probenecid
Ascites Half-Life Problem Solving
Ascorbate Oxidase Haptens Procaine
Ascorbic Acid Headache Procollagen
Aspartate Health Services Procollagen-Proline Dioxygenase
Aspartic Health Status Progeny
Aspartic Acid Heart attack Progesterone
Asphyxia Heart failure Prognostic factor
Aspirin Hematocrit Progression
Assay Hematology Progressive
Astigmatism Hematoma Proline
Astringent Hematuria Promoter
Astrocytes Hemin Promotor
Asymptomatic Hemochromatosis Propulsive
Ataxia Hemodiafiltration Prostaglandin
Atherogenic Hemodialysis Prostaglandins A
Atmospheric Pressure Hemofiltration Prostate
Atrophy Hemoglobin Protease
Attenuated Hemoglobin A Protein Binding
Attenuation Hemoglobin C Protein C
Auditory Hemoglobin E Protein Conformation
Autoantibodies Hemoglobin M Protein Disulfide-Isomerase
Autoantigens Hemoglobinuria Protein Folding
Autodigestion Hemolysis Protein Kinases
Axons Hemolytic Protein S
B Hemorrhage Proteolytic
Bacterial Infections Hepatic Prothrombin
Bactericidal Hepatic Encephalopathy Prothrombin Time
Bacteriophage Hepatitis Protocol
Bacterium Hepatitis A Proton Pump
Bacteriuria Hepatitis B Proton Pump Inhibitors
Basal Ganglia Hepatobiliary Protons
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hepatocellular Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Base Hepatocellular carcinoma Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Basophils Hepatocyte Protozoa
Benchmarking Hepatoma Proximal
Benign Hepatotoxicity Pruritus
Beta-pleated Hepatovirus Psychiatry
Bile Acids Hereditary Psychic
Bile Acids and Salts Heredity Psychology
Bile Ducts Heterogeneity Psychomotor
Bile Pigments Histamine Public Health
Bile Reflux Histidine Public Policy
Biliary Histology Publishing
Biliary Tract Homeostasis Pulmonary
Biliverdine Homogeneous Pulmonary Artery
Binding Sites Homologous Pulmonary Edema
Bioavailability Hormonal Pulmonary Fibrosis
Biochemical Host Pulmonary hypertension
Biogenesis Hybrid Pulse
Biological response modifier Hybridization Punctures
Biological Transport Hydrogen Pupil
Biopsy Hydrogen Bonding Purines
Biosynthesis Hydrogen Peroxide Purpura
Biotechnology Hydrolysis Pyridoxal
Biotransformation Hydrophobic Q
Bladder Hydroxylation Quaternary
Blastocyst Hydroxylysine R
Blood Cell Count Hydroxyproline Race
Blood Coagulation Hydroxyurea Radiation
Blood Glucose Hyperbaric Radiation therapy
Blood pressure Hyperbaric oxygen Radioactive
Blood transfusion Hyperlipidemia Radioimmunoassay
Blood urea Hyperlipoproteinemia Radioisotope
Blood Viscosity Hyperopia Radiological
Blood-Brain Barrier Hyperoxia Radiology
Body Fluids Hypersensitivity Radiopharmaceutical
Bone Conduction Hypertension Randomized
Bone Marrow Hypocapnia Reabsorption
Boron Hypoglycaemia Reactive Oxygen Species
Bowel Hypotension Reagent
Bowel Movement Hypotensive Receptor
Bradykinin Hypoxia Recombinant
Branch Hysterotomy Recombination
Breakdown I Rectum
Breast Feeding Icterus Recur
Broad-spectrum Id Red blood cells
Bronchial Idiopathic Red Nucleus
Bupivacaine Imaging procedures Reductase
C Immune response Refer
Cadmium Immune system Reference Values
Cadmium Poisoning Immunity Reflux
Caffeine Immunodeficiency Refraction
Calcium Immunogenic Refractory
Calcium Carbonate Immunoglobulin Regimen
Camptothecin Immunohistochemistry Regurgitation
Capillary Immunologic Renal failure
Capsules Immunotherapy Renal tubular
Carbohydrate Impairment Renin
Carbon Dioxide In situ Reperfusion
Carboxy In vitro Reperfusion Injury
Carcinogenesis In vivo Research Design
Carcinogenic Incision Respiration
Carcinogens Incompetence Respiratory distress syndrome
Carcinoma Incontinence Respiratory failure
Cardiac Incubated Response Elements
Cardiac Glycosides Incubation Restoration
Cardiovascular Incubation period Retina
Cardiovascular disease Incubators Retinal
Carotene Indicative Retinal Vessels
Carrier Proteins Indinavir Retinoblastoma
Case report Induction Retinol
Catabolism Infancy Retinopathy
Catalyse Infarction Retrocochlear
Catechol Infiltration Rheumatoid
Catechol Oxidase Inflammation Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase
Catecholamine Inflammatory bowel disease Ribosome
Cathode Influenza Risk factor
Cations Informed Consent Ritonavir
Causal Infusion Rod
Cause of Death Ingestion S
Cecum Inlay Salicylate
Cell Cycle Inner ear Saliva
Cell Death Inorganic Salivary
Cell Differentiation Inositol Salivary glands
Cell Division Insecticides Sanitation
Cell membrane Insight Saponins
Cell proliferation Insulin Schistosome
Cell Respiration Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Schizophrenia
Cell Survival Intensive Care Sclera
Cellular Structures Interferon Scleroderma
Central Nervous System Interferon-alpha Scleroproteins
Centrifugation Intermittent Sclerosis
Centromere Internal Medicine Screening
Cerebellar Interstitial Sebaceous
Cerebral Intestinal Second Messenger Systems
Cerebral Arteries Intestine Secretion
Cerebral Palsy Intoxication Sediment
Cerebrospinal Intracellular Segregation
Cerebrospinal fluid Intrahepatic Seizures
Cerebrovascular Intramuscular Semen
Cerebrum Intravenous Semisynthetic
Cesarean Section Invasive Sensor
Cestode Involuntary Sepsis
Check-up Iodine Septic
Chemotactic Factors Ion Channels Serine
Chenodeoxycholic Acid Ion Transport Serology
Chickenpox Ionization Serotonin
Chlorine Ions Serous
Chlorpromazine Irinotecan Serum Albumin
Cholangitis Iris Sex Determination
Cholecystectomy Irradiation Shock
Cholecystitis Ischemia Side effect
Cholecystokinin Ischemic stroke Signal Transduction
Cholelithiasis Isoenzyme Sinusitis
Choleretic Isozymes Skeletal
Cholestasis K Skeleton
Cholesterol Kb Skull
Cholesterol Esters Keratin Sleep apnea
Choroid Keto Small intestine
Choroid Plexus Ketone Bodies Smooth muscle
Chromatin Ketosis Sodium
Chromosomal Kidney Disease Soft tissue
Chromosome Kidney stone Solid tumor
Chronic Kinetic Solvent
Chronic renal L Sound wave
Chylomicrons Labile Spasm
CIS Laboratory Personnel Spastic
Citrus Laparoscopy Spasticity
Clear cell carcinoma Large Intestine Specialist
Clinical Medicine Lens Specificity
Clinical trial Lesion Specimen Handling
Clone Lethal Spectrophotometry
Cloning Leucocyte Spectrum
Clot Retraction Leukemia Sperm
Coagulation Leukocytes Spherocytes
Cobalt Leukotrienes Spherocytosis
Cochlea Library Services Spinal cord
Cochlear Lidocaine Spinal tap
Coenzyme Life Expectancy Spleen
Cofactor Ligament Sporadic
Cognition Ligation Sputum
Cohort Studies Lightness Stabilizer
Colitis Linkage Steatosis
Collagen Lipid Stellate
Collapse Lipid A Stem Cells
Colloidal Lipid Peroxidation Steroid
Colorectal Lipid Peroxides Stimulant
Colorectal Cancer Lipophilic Stimulus
Complement Lipopolysaccharide Stool
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipoprotein Stress
Complementary medicine Lipoprotein Lipase Stroke
Computational Biology Liposome Stupor
Concomitant Lipoxygenase Subacute
Conduction Lithotripsy Subarachnoid
Cones Liver cancer Subclinical
Congestive heart failure Liver Cirrhosis Subcutaneous
Conjugation Liver Regeneration Subspecies
Conjunctiva Liver Transplantation Substance P
Connective Tissue Localization Substrate
Consciousness Localized Supplementation
Constriction Long-Term Care Suppositories
Constriction, Pathologic Loop Surfactant
Consumption Low-density lipoprotein Symphysis
Contamination Lower Esophageal Sphincter Symptomatic
Continuum Lumbar Synapses
Contraindications, ii Lumbar puncture Synaptic
Coproporphyrins Lumen Systemic
Cor Lymph Systole
Coronary Lymphatic Systolic
Coronary heart disease Lymphocyte Systolic blood pressure
Coronary Thrombosis Lymphoid T
Corpuscle Lymphoma Tamponade
Cortex Lysine Taurine
Cortical M Teichoic Acids
Corticosteroid Macaca Telangiectasia
Cortisol Macrophage Telomere
Coumarins Magnetic Resonance Imaging Temporal
Creatinine Malabsorption Testis
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Malaria Testosterone
Criterion Malaria, Falciparum Thalamic
Cross-Sectional Studies Malaria, Vivax Thalamic Diseases
Curative Malignancy Thalassemia
Curcumin Malignant Therapeutics
Cutaneous Malnutrition Thermal
Cyanosis Malondialdehyde Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances
Cyclic Mammary Thoracic
Cytochrome Man-made Thoracic Surgery
Cytochrome b Meat Thorax
Cytochrome b5 Meconium Threonine
Cytokine Mediate Threshold
Cytoplasm Mediator Thrombin
Cytoprotection MEDLINE Thrombolytic
Cytotoxic Melanin Thrombomodulin
Cytotoxicity Melanocytes Thromboplastin
D Melanoma Thrombosis
Databases, Bibliographic Membrane Glycoproteins Thromboxanes
Daunorubicin Membrane Proteins Thrombus
Deamination Memory Thyroid
Decarboxylation Meninges Thyroxine
Decidua Meningitis Tin
Degenerative Mental Disorders Tissue Distribution
Dehydroascorbic Acid Mental Health, iv Tolerance
Deletion Mental Processes Tonicity
Delirium Mentors Topical
Dendrites Mercury Topoisomerase inhibitors
Density Mesoderm Toxicity
Depolarization Meta-Analysis Toxicology
DES Metabolic disorder Toxins
Desensitization Metabolite Trace element
Detoxification Metalloporphyrins Tracer
Deuterium Metastasis Trachea
Diabetes Mellitus MI Transaminase
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Microbe Transcription Factors
Diagnostic Imaging Microcirculation Transcutaneous
Diagnostic procedure Microorganism Transduction
Dialyzer Microscopy Transfection
Diamines Microsomal Transfusion
Diastole Microtubules Translation
Diastolic Middle Cerebral Artery Translational
Diffusion Migration Translocation
Digestion Mitochondria Transmitter
Digestive system Mitosis Transplantation
Digestive tract Mitotic Trauma
Dihydrotestosterone Mixed Function Oxidases Trifluoperazine
Dilatation Mobility Triglyceride
Dilatation, Pathologic Modeling Trophoblast
Dilate Molecular Probes Tropomyosin
Dilation Molecular Structure Troponin
Dilution Monitor Trypsin
Dimerization Monocytes Tryptophan
Direct, iii Monophenol Monooxygenase Tuberculosis
Disinfectant Morphological Tuberous Sclerosis
Disinfection Morphology Tungsten
Disorientation Motility Tyrosine
Disposition Mucilaginous U
Dissociation Mucins Ultrafiltration
Dissociative Disorders Mucociliary Unconscious
Distal Mucosa Untranslated Regions
Diuresis Multidrug resistance Uracil
Diuretic Multiple Organ Failure Uraemia
Dopa Multivariate Analysis Urea
Dose-dependent Muscle Fibers Ureter
Doxorubicin Muscular Atrophy Urethra
Drive, ii, vi Muscular Dystrophies Uric
Drug Interactions Mutagenesis Uricosuric
Drug Resistance Mutagens Uridine Diphosphate
Drug Tolerance Myalgia Uridine Diphosphate Glucuronic Acid
Duct Mydriatic Urinalysis
Duodenogastric Reflux Myocardial infarction Urinary
Duodenum Myocardium Urinary tract
Dura mater Myoglobin Urinary tract infection
Dyes Myopia Urinate
Dysplasia Myosin Urobilinogen
Dyspnea Myotonic Dystrophy Ursodeoxycholic Acid
Dystrophy N Urticaria
E Nasal Mucosa Uterus
Edema Natural selection V
Effector NCI Vaccine
Effector cell Necrosis Vacuoles
Efficacy Needle biopsy Vagina
Elastin Neoplasia Vaginal
Elective Neoplasms Valine
Electrocoagulation Neoplastic Vasculitis
Electrode Nephropathy Vasoconstriction
Electrolysis Nephrotoxic Vasodilation
Electrolyte Nerve Vasodilator
Electrons Nervous System Vasomotor
Electrophoresis Neural Vector
Electroplating Neuraminidase Vein
Embryo Neurologic Venous
Embryology Neuromuscular Venous blood
Emulsions Neuronal Ventricle
Enamel Neurons Venules
Encephalitis Neuropathy Vesicular
Encephalitis, Viral Neurophysiology Veterinary Medicine
Encephalopathy Neurotoxic Villous
Endemic Neurotoxicity Vinblastine
Endocytosis Neurotransmitters Vinca Alkaloids
Endometrium Neutrophil Viral
Endoscope Nitrates Viral Hepatitis
Endoscopic Nitric acid Viral vector
Endothelial cell Nitric Oxide Virulence
Endothelium Nitrogen Virus
Endothelium, Lymphatic Nuclei Viscosity
Endothelium, Vascular Nucleic acid Visual Perception
Endothelium-derived Nucleus Vitamin A
Endotoxemia Nursing Care Vitreous Body
Endotoxic Nutritional Support Vitro
Endotoxin O Vivo
End-stage renal Occult Void
Enhancer Occult Blood Vulgaris
Enteric Nervous System Odour W
Enterocytes Oligosaccharides Wakefulness
Enterohepatic Oncogene White blood cell
Enteropeptidase Opacity Windpipe
Environmental Exposure Ophthalmoscope Withdrawal
Environmental Health Opsin X
Environmental Pollutants Optic Disk Xenobiotics
Enzymatic Optic Nerve Xenograft
Enzyme Inhibitors Organelles X-ray
Eosinophil Osmotic Z
Eosinophilic Ovary Zygote
Epidemic Overdose Zymogen
Epidemiologic Studies Overexpress
Epidermis Ovum
Epithelial Ovum Implantation









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