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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(carpal tunnel release; median nerve dysfunction; median neuritis; median neuropathy; thenar amyotrophy of carpal origin)












Paperback Book

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Pages  :  268
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597837740
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

carpal tunnel release; median nerve dysfunction; median neuritis; median neuropathy; thenar amyotrophy of carpal origin




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to carpal tunnel syndrome. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to carpal tunnel syndrome. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Finding Nutrition Studies on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Dissertations on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Recent Trials on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Patents on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Patent Applications on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Bibliography: Multimedia on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on carpal tunnel syndrome will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on carpal tunnel syndrome.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Extracellular Matrix Pepsin
Abdominal F Pepsin A
Abduction Family Planning Peptic
Acrylonitrile Fasciitis Peptic Ulcer
Activities of Daily Living Fat Perception
Acupuncture Analgesia Fatigue Perforation
Acupuncture Points Febrile Perineural
Adaptation Feces Peripheral Nerves
Adduction Femoral Peripheral Nervous System
Adenosine Femur Peripheral Neuropathy
Adjustment Fetus Peritoneal
Adrenal Cortex Fibroblasts Peritoneal Cavity
Adrenal Glands Fibrosarcoma Peritoneal Dialysis
Adrenergic Fibrosis Peritoneum
Adverse Effect Fibula Peroneal Nerve
Aerobic Filtration Phallic
Aerobic Exercise Fixation Pharmacologic
Aeroembolism Flexion Phospholipases
Afferent Flexor Phosphorus
Age Groups Follicular Phase Physical Examination
Aged Foot Ulcer Physical Therapy
Algorithms Foramen Physiologic
Alimentary Fossa Physiology
Alkaline Fovea Pigment
Alkaloid Friction Pilot study
Allergen Frontal Lobe Pituitary Gland
Alpha Particles Functional Disorders Placebo Effect
Alpha-1 Fundus Plants
Alternative medicine G Plaque
Ameliorating Gait Plasma
Amino Acids Galactorrhoea Plasma cells
Amitriptyline Gallbladder Platelet Activation
Ammonia Ganglia Platinum
Ampulla Ganglion Pleated
Amputation Gangrene Poisoning
Amyloid Gas Policy Making
Amyloidosis Gastric Polypeptide
Anal Gastric Emptying Popliteal
Analgesic Gastric Juices Popliteal Cyst
Anaphylatoxins Gastric Mucosa Posterior
Anastomosis Gastrin Postoperative
Anatomical Gastrointestinal Postsynaptic
Androgens Gastroparesis Postural
Anemia Gene Potentiating
Anesthesia Gene Expression Potentiation
Anesthetics Genetic testing Practicability
Angioplasty Genital Practice Guidelines
Animal model Gestures Prednisolone
Ankle Gland Prednisone
Anomalies Glomerular Premenopausal
Anterior Cerebral Artery Glucocorticoid Premenstrual
Anterograde Glucose Premenstrual Syndrome
Antiallergic Glucose Intolerance Prevalence
Antibacterial Glucose tolerance Primary Prevention
Antibiotic Glucose Tolerance Test Procaine
Antibodies Glycogen Progesterone
Antibody Gonadal Prognostic factor
Anticholinergic Gout Progression
Anticoagulant Governing Board Progressive
Anticonvulsant Government Agencies Projection
Antidepressant Graft Proline
Antigen Granulocytes Pronation
Antigen-Antibody Complex Growth Pronator
Anti-inflammatory Growth factors Prone
Anti-Inflammatory Agents H Prone Position
Antineoplastic Habitual Prophylaxis
Antioxidant Haemodialysis Proportional
Anus Hallux Valgus Prospective study
Apathy Hamartoma Protein S
Aperture Headache Proteins
Aponeurosis Headache Disorders Proteinuria
Aqueous Health Status Proteolytic
Arterial Heart attack Protocol
Arteries Heart failure Protons
Arterioles Hematoxylin Proximal
Arteritis Hemiparesis Psychiatry
Arthropathy Hemodialysis Psychic
Arthroplasty Hemoglobin Psychomotor
Arthroscopy Hemolytic Public Policy
Arthrosis Hemorrhage Publishing
Articular Hemorrhoid Pulmonary
Articulation Hepatic Pulmonary Artery
Ascites Hepatitis Pulse
Ascorbic Acid Hepatocytes Putrefaction
Aspiration Heredity R
Aspirin Herniated Race
Asymptomatic Herpes Radial Artery
Atrophy Herpes Zoster Radial Nerve
Autonomic Histology Radial Neuropathy
Autonomic Nervous System Homologous Radiation
Autonomic Neuropathy Hormonal Radicular
Axilla Hormone Radiculopathy
Axonal Hormone Replacement Therapy Radioactive
Axons Host Radius
B Humeral Randomized
Back Injuries Hydrocortisone Randomized clinical trial
Back Pain Hydrogen Randomized Controlled Trials
Bacteria Hydroxylysine Receptor
Bacterial Physiology Hydroxyproline Rectum
Basal Ganglia Hypercholesterolemia Recur
Base Hyperglycemia Recurrence
Bends Hypersensitivity Refer
Benign Hypertension Refraction
Benign tumor Hyperthyroidism Regeneration
Beta 2-Microglobulin Hypertrophy Regimen
Beta-pleated Hyperuricemia Registries
Bilateral Hypodermic Relaxant
Bile Hypoglycemia Reliability
Biochemical Hypotension Renal failure
Biological therapy Hypothyroidism Renal Osteodystrophy
Biomechanics I Renal pelvis
Biotechnology Ibuprofen Reoperation
Bladder Id Research Support
Bloating Idiopathic Respiration
Blood Coagulation Immune response Restoration
Blood Glucose Immune system Retina
Blood pressure Immunization Retinopathy
Blood transfusion Immunohistochemistry Retrograde
Blood vessel Immunologic Rheumatism
Body Mass Index Impairment Rheumatoid
Bone Marrow In vitro Rheumatoid arthritis
Bone scan In vivo Riboflavin
Boron Incision Ribosome
Bowel Indicative Rigidity
Bowel Movement Infant, Newborn Risk factor
Brachial Infarction Rod
Brachial Artery Infection Rotator
Brachial Plexus Infiltration Rotator Cuff
Branch Inflammation Rubber
Breakdown Ingestion S
Buccal Initiation Saliva
Bunion Innervation Salivary
Bupivacaine Insight Salivary glands
Burns Insomnia Saphenous
Burns, Electric Insulin Saphenous Vein
Bursitis Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Saponins
C Intensive Care Scans
Calcinosis Intermittent Scaphoid Bone
Calcium Interstitial Schizoid
Calculi Intervertebral Schizophrenia
Cannula Intervertebral Disk Displacement Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Canthaxanthin Intestinal Sciatic Nerve
Capsaicin Intestines Scleroderma
Carbohydrate Intoxication Sclerosis
Carbon Dioxide Intracellular Screening
Carcinogenic Intracellular Membranes Secretion
Cardiac Intravenous Sedative
Cardiorespiratory Invasive Segmental
Cardiovascular Ions Segmentation
Cardiovascular System Irrigation Seizures
Carotene Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Care
Carotenoids Ischemia Semilunar Bone
Carpal Bones Ischial Sensibility
Case report Isotonic Sensitization
Case-Control Studies J Sensor
Catheterization Joint Capsule Sensory loss
Catheters K Sensory Thresholds
Cathode Kb Serotonin
Cations Kidney Disease Serum
Caudal Kidney stone Shock
Causal Kidney Transplantation Shoulder Pain
Cell Differentiation L Side effect
Cell Division Labile Signal Transduction
Cell membrane Large Intestine Skeletal
Cell proliferation Latency Skeleton
Cell Survival Lectin Skin graft
Central Nervous System Leprosy Small intestine
Central Nervous System Infections Lesion Smooth muscle
Cerebellar Lethal Social Class
Cerebellar Diseases Lethargy Social Support
Cerebral Library Services Sodium
Cerebral Infarction Lidocaine Soft tissue
Cerebrum Linkage Somatic
Cervical Lip Sound wave
Cervix Lipid Specialist
Character Lipid Peroxidation Species
Chemotactic Factors Lipoma Specificity
Chemotherapy Liver Spectrum
Chest Pain Liver scan Sperm
Chest wall Lobe Spinal cord
Chiropractic Localization Spinal Cord Injuries
Cholesterol Localized Spinal Nerve Roots
Cholinergic Loop Spinal Nerves
Choroid Low Back Pain Spleen
Chromosome Lumbar Splint
Chronic Disease Lumen Sprains and Strains
Circadian Lunate Stabilization
Citrus Lupus Staging
Clinical study Luxation Standardize
Clinical trial Lymph Stasis
Cloning Lymph node Stem Cells
Coenzyme Lymphatic Steroid
Cofactor Lymphedema Stimulus
Cohort Studies M Stomach
Collagen Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stroke
Collagen disease Malformation Styrene
Collapse Malignant Subacute
Complement Malignant tumor Subarachnoid
Complementary and alternative medicine Malnutrition Subclavian
Complementary medicine Manifest Subclavian Artery
Compress Meat Subclavian Vein
Computational Biology Medial Subclinical
Computed tomography Median Nerve Subcutaneous
Computerized axial tomography Median Neuropathy Suction
Concomitant Medical Records Supination
Confined Spaces MEDLINE Suppression
Congestive heart failure Membrane Proteins Survival Analysis
Connective Tissue Meninges Sweat
Connective Tissue Cells Meniscus Sweat Glands
Consciousness Menopause Sympathectomy
Constipation Menstrual Cycle Sympathetic Nervous System
Constriction Menstruation Symptomatic
Contamination Mental Disorders Symptomatology
Contracture Mental Health, iv Synaptic
Contraindications, ii Meta-Analysis Synovial
Controlled clinical trial Metabolic disorder Synovial Cyst
Controlled study Metacarpophalangeal Joint Synovial Fluid
Contusions Metatarsophalangeal Joint Synovial Membrane
Cornea Mexiletine Systemic
Corneal Opacity MI Systemic disease
Coronary Microbiology Systolic
Coronary heart disease Microorganism T
Coronary Thrombosis Microscopy Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Corticosteroid Mineralocorticoids Technology Transfer
Cortisol Mobility Tendinitis
Cortisone Mobilization Tendon Injuries
Cranial Modeling Tendon Transfer
Craniocerebral Trauma Modification Tendonitis
Criterion Molecular Tennis Elbow
CSF Molecular Structure Tenosynovitis
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Molecule Therapeutics
Cumulative Trauma Disorders Monitor Thermography
Curare Mononeuropathies Thigh
Curative Mononuclear Thoracic
Curcumin Morphine Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Cutaneous Morphological Thorax
Cytotoxic Motility Threshold
D Motion Sickness Thrombosed
Data Collection Motor nerve Thrombosis
Databases, Bibliographic Mucinous Thyroid
Degenerative Mucosa Thyroid Gland
Deletion Multicenter study Thyrotropin
Density Multiple Myeloma Tibial Nerve
Dental Hygienists Muscle Fatigue Tin
Dentists Muscle Fibers Tolerance
Depolarization Muscle relaxant Tonicity
Dermal Muscle Relaxation Tooth Preparation
Developing Countries Muscle tension Topical
Dexterity Muscular Atrophy Toxic, iv
Diabetes Mellitus Musculoskeletal System Toxicity
Diagnosis, Differential Myelography Toxicology
Diagnostic procedure Myocardium Toxins
Dialyzer N Trace element
Diarrhea Narcotic Trachea
Diastolic Nausea Traction
Diffusion NCI Transcutaneous
Digestion Neck Muscles Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation
Digestive system Neck Pain Transdermal
Digestive tract Necrosis Transduction
Dilatation Need Transfection
Direct, iii Neoplasm Transfusion
Discrimination Neoplastic Translation
Disease Progression Nerve Fibers Transplantation
Dislocation Nervous System Treatment Outcome
Dissection Neural Trees
Distention Neuroendocrine Tremor
Dorsal Neurology Tricyclic
Dorsum Neuroma Truncal
Drive, ii, vi Neuromuscular Tryptophan
Drug Interactions Neuromuscular Blockade Tuberculosis
Duct Neuromuscular Junction Tumour
Duke Neuronal U
Duodenum Neurons Ulcer
Dyes Neuropathy Ulceration
E Neurophysiology Ulna
Edema Neurotransmitters Ulnar Nerve
Effector Neutrons Unconscious
Efficacy Nitrogen Urea
Elasticity Norepinephrine Uremia
Elastin Nuclear Ureters
Electrode Nuclei Uric
Electrodiagnosis O Urinary
Electrolysis Occupational Exposure Urine
Electrolyte Occupational Health Uterus
Electromyography Occupational Medicine V
Electrons Onychomycosis Vaccine
Electrophysiological Ophthalmologic Vagus Nerve
Emulsion Ophthalmology Vascular
Endarterectomy Opium VE
Endocrine System Optic Nerve Vein
Endometrium Orthopaedic Venous
Endoscope Orthostatic Venous blood
Endoscopic Osteoarthritis Ventilation
Endotoxins Outpatient Venules
Environmental Health Ovulation Veterinary Medicine
Enzymatic Oxidation Viral
Enzyme Oxidative Stress Virus
Eosinophilia P Visceral
Epicondylitis Palliative Visual Cortex
Epidemic Palpation Vitreous Body
Epidemiological Palsies Vitro
Epidermal Palsy Vivo
Epidermis Pancreas W
Epigastric Paraesthesia Warts
Ergonomics Paralysis Windpipe
Erythrocytes Paresis Withdrawal
Erythropoietin Paresthesia Word Processing
Esophagus Patch Wrist Injuries
Evacuation Pathogenesis X
Evoke Pathologic Xenograft
Exocrine Pathologies X-ray
Extensor Pathophysiology
Extracellular Patient Education









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