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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(abdominal birth; abdominal births; cesarean sections; c-section; c-sections)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  192
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597843716
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with cesarean section is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

abdominal birth; abdominal births; cesarean sections; c-section; c-sections




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to cesarean section. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to cesarean section. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Cesarean Section


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Cesarean Section

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Cesarean Section


Finding Nutrition Studies on Cesarean Section

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Cesarean Section


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Cesarean Section


Dissertations on Cesarean Section

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Cesarean Section


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Cesarean Section

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Cesarean Section


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Cesarean Section

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on cesarean section will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on cesarean section.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Extracellular Matrix Papilloma
Abdomen Extracellular Matrix Proteins Parietal
Abdominal Extraction Parity
Abdominal Pain Extravasation Parturition
Accommodation F Patch
Acetylcholine Failure to Thrive Pathogenesis
Acidosis Fallopian Tubes Pathologic
Acoustic Family Planning Pathologic Processes
Acupuncture Anesthesia Family Practice Pathophysiology
Acyclovir Fasciitis Patient Education
Adhesions Fat Patient Satisfaction
Adjustment Fatty acids Pediatrics
Adolescence Feces Pelvic
Adrenal Cortex Femoral Pelvimetry
Adrenal Medulla Femoral Artery Penicillin
Adrenergic Fentanyl Penis
Adverse Effect Fertilization in Vitro Peptide
Afferent Fetal Blood Perception
Affinity Fetal Death Perforation
Agonist Fetal Distress Perfusion
Alanine Fetal Heart Perinatal
Algorithms Fetal Membranes Perineal
Alkaline Fetal Monitoring Perineum
Alkaloid Fetal Weight Peripheral blood
Allantois Fetus Peripheral Nervous System
Alpha Particles Fibrin Peritoneal
Alternative medicine Fibroblasts Peritoneal Cavity
Ambulatory Care Fibrosarcoma Peritoneum
Amebiasis Fistula Peritonitis
Amino Acid Sequence Flatus Phagocyte
Amino Acids Flow Cytometry Pharmacologic
Amnestic Fluorescence Phenotype
Amnion Fluorescent Dyes Phenyl
Amniotic Fluid Fold Phospholipids
Amphetamine Follicles Phosphorus
Ampicillin Foramen Phosphorylation
Anaerobic Forearm Physical Examination
Anaesthesia Fossa Physiologic
Anal Fourth Ventricle Physiology
Analgesic Fundus Placenta
Analog G Placental tissue
Androgens Gallbladder Plants
Anemia Gamma Rays Plasma
Anesthetics Gas Plasma cells
Aneurysm Gastrin Plasmin
Angiogenesis Gastrointestinal Plasminogen
Animal model Gene Plasminogen Activators
Anions Gene Expression Platelet Aggregation
Annealing Genetic testing Platelets
Anomalies Genistein Platinum
Antibacterial Genital Plexus
Antibiotic Genotype Poisoning
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Germ Cells Polymerase
Antibodies Gestation Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antibody Gestational Polypeptide
Antiemetic Gestational Age Pons
Antigen Giardiasis Porphyria
Anti-infective Gland Porphyrins
Anti-inflammatory Glomeruli Posterior
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glucocorticoid Postnatal
Antimetabolite Gluconeogenesis Postoperative
Antineoplastic Glucose Practice Guidelines
Antioxidant Glucose Intolerance Precancerous
Antipyretic Glucose tolerance Preeclampsia
Antiviral Glucose Tolerance Test Pre-Eclampsia
Anus Glycogen Pregnancy Outcome
Anxiolytic Glycoprotein Pregnancy Tests
Aorta Goiter Premalignant
Aortic Valve Gonadal Prenatal
Apolipoproteins Gonadotropin Prevalence
Apoptosis Gonads Preventive Medicine
Aqueous Gonorrhea Procaine
Arachidonic Acid Governing Board Progesterone
Arginine Grade Progression
Arterial Gram-negative Progressive
Arteries Gram-positive Projection
Arterioles Granulocytes Prolactin
Arteriosus Gravidity Prolapse
Aspiration Growth Proline
Aspirin Growth factors Prophase
Assay Guanylate Cyclase Prophylaxis
Ataxia H Propofol
Atmospheric Pressure Headache Prospective study
Atony Health Care Costs Prostaglandin
ATP Health Expenditures Prostaglandins A
Atresia Heart failure Prostitution
Atrium Hematoma Protein C
Autacoids Hematopoiesis Protein S
Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cells Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Autonomic Heme Proteinuria
B Hemodialysis Proteolytic
Bacteria Hemodynamics Protons
Bacterium Hemoglobin Psychiatric
Base Hemolytic Psychic
Benign Hemoptysis Psychotomimetic
Beta-Lactamases Hemorrhage Puberty
Bifida Hepatic Public Policy
Bilateral Hepatitis Publishing
Bile Hepatocytes Puerperium
Bile Pigments Heredity Pulmonary
Biliary Herpes Pulmonary Artery
Biliary Tract Herpes Zoster Pulmonary Circulation
Bilirubin Hetastarch Pulmonary Embolism
Biochemical Heterogeneity Pulmonary hypertension
Biological Markers Homosexuality Pulmonary Veins
Biological therapy Hormonal Pulse
Biosynthesis Hormone Pupil
Biotechnology Hydration Purpura
Bladder Hydrocephalus Pyelonephritis
Blastocyst Hydrogen Q
Blood Coagulation Hydrogen Peroxide Quality of Life
Blood Glucose Hydrolysis Quiescent
Blood Platelets Hydrophobic R
Blood pressure Hydroxylysine Race
Blood transfusion Hydroxyproline Radiation
Blood-Brain Barrier Hyperbaric Radiation therapy
Body Fluids Hyperbaric oxygen Radioactive
Bone Marrow Hyperbilirubinemia Radiography
Bowel Hypertension Radioimmunotherapy
Bowel Movement Hypnotic Radiolabeled
Brachytherapy Hypoglycemia Radiological
Bradycardia Hypoglycemic Radiology
Bradykinin Hypotension Radiotherapy
Brain Neoplasms Hypothalamic Randomized
Brain Stem Hypothalamus Randomized clinical trial
Branch Hypoxemia Reactivation
Breakdown Hypoxia Reactive Oxygen Species
Broad-spectrum Hysterectomy Receptor
Bronchi Hysterotomy Recombinant
Bupivacaine I Reconstitution
C Id Rectum
Calcium Idiopathic Red blood cells
Callus Immune response Refer
Carbohydrate Immune system Refraction
Carbon Dioxide Immunity Refractory
Carcinogen Immunization Regeneration
Carcinogenic Immunodeficiency Regimen
Carcinoid Immunodeficiency syndrome Regression Analysis
Carcinoma Immunohistochemistry Relaxant
Cardiac Immunologic Relaxation Techniques
Cardiac Output Implant radiation Reproduction Techniques
Cardiopulmonary Implantation Resection
Cardiopulmonary Bypass In situ Resolving
Cardiorespiratory In Situ Hybridization Resorption
Cardiotocography In vitro Respiration
Cardiovascular In vivo Respiratory distress syndrome
Case report Incision Restoration
Catheterization Incisional Resuscitation
Catheters Incontinence Retinal
Caudal Indicative Retrospective
Cefazolin Indomethacin Rhinitis
Cefotiam Induction Rhombencephalon
Cell Infant Mortality Risk factor
Cell Death Infarction Rod
Cell Division Inferior vena cava S
Cell membrane Infertility Saline
Cell Size Inflammation Sanitary
Cell Survival Inflammatory bowel disease Saponins
Central Nervous System Infuse Scleroderma
Central Nervous System Infections Infusion Scoliosis
Cephalosporins Ingestion Screening
Ceramide Inhalation Secretion
Cerebellum Initiation Sedative
Cerebral Initiator Seizures
Cerebral Aqueduct Insulin Semisynthetic
Cerebral Infarction Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Sensor
Cerebral Palsy Intensive Care Sequencing
Cerebrospinal Intermittent Seroconversion
Cerebrospinal fluid Internal radiation Serologic
Cerebrum Interstitial Serous
Cervical Intervertebral Serum
Cervical Ripening Intervertebral Disk Displacement Sex Behavior
Cervix Intestinal Sex Behavior, Animal
Cesarean Section, Repeat Intestine Sex Characteristics
Chimera Intracellular Shedding
Cholecystectomy Intracranial Hemorrhages Shock
Cholesterol Intracranial Hypertension Shunt
Cholesterol Esters Intramuscular Side effect
Chorion Intraperitoneal Signs and Symptoms
Chromatin Intrathecal Skeletal
Chromosomal Intravenous Skeleton
Chromosome Intubation Skull
Chronic Invasive Small intestine
Chronic Disease Iodine Smooth muscle
Chylomicrons Ion Transport Sneezing
Cicatrix Ionizing Social Environment
Clamp Ions Sodium
Clindamycin Irradiation Soft tissue
Clinical Medicine Isoflurane Solvent
Clinical trial J Somatic
Cloning Jaundice Specialist
Clot Retraction K Species
Coca Kb Specificity
Cocaine Ketamine Spectrum
Cohort Studies Ketone Bodies Sperm
Colitis Ketorolac Sphincter
Collagen Ketorolac Tromethamine Spina bifida
Colposcopy Ketosis Spinal cord
Competency L Spirochete
Complement Lacerations Spontaneous Abortion
Complementary and alternative medicine Lactation Sporadic
Complementary medicine Laparotomy Sprains and Strains
Computational Biology Least-Squares Analysis Stabilization
Conception Lens Statistically significant
Condoms Lesion Steel
Cone Lethal Stem Cells
Confidence Intervals Lethargy Sterility
Confounding Leukocytes Sterilization
Conization Leukotrienes Steroid
Connective Tissue Libido Stillbirth
Consciousness Library Services Stimulant
Constipation Lidocaine Stimulus
Consumption Ligaments Stomach
Continence Ligation Stool
Contraception Likelihood Functions Strand
Contractility Lincomycin Stress
Contraindications, ii Linear Models Stress urinary
Control group Linkage Stroke
Controlled study Lipid Stroke Volume
Conus Lipid Peroxidation Stromal
Convulsions Lipid Peroxides Stupor
Coordination Lipoprotein Subacute
Cor Liver Subarachnoid
Coronary Localization Subclinical
Coronary Thrombosis Localized Subcutaneous
Corpus Logistic Models Subspecies
Corpus Luteum Loop Substance P
Cortex Lordosis Sulbactam
Cortical Low Back Pain Superoxide
Corticosteroids Low-density lipoprotein Superoxide Dismutase
Cortisol Lumbar Supplementation
Cortisone Lutein Cells Suppression
Cranial Lymph Suppressive
Craniocerebral Trauma Lymph node Sympathectomy
Curative Lymphatic Sympathetic Nervous System
Cyclic Lymphoid Sympathomimetic
Cyclosporine Lytic Symptomatic
Cyst M Symptomatology
Cytokine Macrophage Synergistic
Cytoplasm Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Syphilis
Cytotoxic Malaria Systemic
D Malaria, Falciparum Systolic
Databases, Bibliographic Malaria, Vivax T
Decidua Malformation Tachycardia
Decision Making Malignant Temporal
Degenerative Malondialdehyde Testis
Deletion Mammary Therapeutics
Delivery of Health Care Marital Status Thermal
Denaturation Maternal Mortality Thoracic
Dendrites Matrix metalloproteinase Thorax
Density Meconium Threshold
Dexamethasone Medical Records Thrombocytopenia
Dextroamphetamine MEDLINE Thrombosis
Diabetes Mellitus Membrane Thromboxanes
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Membrane Microdomains Thyroid
Diagnostic procedure Menopause Thyroid Gland
Dialyzer Menstrual Cycle Tissue
Diastolic Menstruation Tocolysis
Diclofenac Meperidine Tolerance
Diclofenac Sodium Mercury Topical
Diffusion Mesenchymal Torsion
Digestion Mesentery Toxaemia
Dilatation Metabolite Toxic, iv
Dilatation, Pathologic Metastasis Toxicity
Dilation Metoclopramide Toxicology
Direct, iii Metronidazole Toxins
Discrimination MI Trachea
Disease Progression Microbe Traction
Disinfection Microorganism Tractus
Dissection Microscopy Transfection
DNA Topoisomerase Midazolam Transfusion
Dopamine Milliliter Transmitter
Dorsal Mitochondrial Swelling Trauma
Drive, ii, vi Mitosis Trichomoniasis
Drug Interactions Mitral Valve Tryptophan
Drug Tolerance Mode of Transmission Tubal ligation
Dwarfism Modification Tuberculosis
Dysplasia Molecular U
Dystocia Molecule Ulcerative colitis
E Monitor Ultrasonography
Eclampsia Monoamine Umbilical Arteries
Ectopic Monoclonal Umbilical Cord
Ectopic Pregnancy Monocyte Umbilical cord blood
Edema Mononuclear Unconscious
Efficacy Morphine Urethra
Eicosanoids Motility Urinary
Elastin Motion Sickness Urine
Elective Moxalactam Urogenital
Electrolyte Mucosa Uterine Contraction
Electrons Mucus Uterine Rupture
Emboli Multiparous V
Embolism Mydriatic Vaccines
Embolization Myocardium Vagina
Embryo Myometrium Vaginal
Embryo Transfer N Vaginal Birth after Cesarean
Embryogenesis Narcolepsy Vascular
Embryology Narcosis Vascular Resistance
Emetic Narcotic Vasoactive
Encephalitis Natural Childbirth Vasoconstriction
Encephalitis, Viral Nausea Vasodilation
Endemic Necrosis Vasodilators
Endocarditis Need Vasopressor
Endocardium Neoplasm Vein
Endometrial Nerve Vena
Endometriosis Nervous System Venereal
Endometrium Neurologic Venous
Endoscope Neuroma Ventral
Endoscopic Neurons Ventricle
Endothelium Neurosurgery Ventricular
Endothelium, Lymphatic Neutrons Vertebrae
Endothelium, Vascular Nipples Vertebral
Endothelium-derived Nitric Oxide Veterinary Medicine
Endotracheal intubation Nitrogen Villi
Environmental Exposure Norepinephrine Viral
Environmental Health Nuclear Viral Load
Enzymatic Nucleic acid Viremia
Enzyme Nucleus Virulence
Eosinophilia Nulliparous Virus
Ephedrine O Visceral
Epidemic Observational study Vital Statistics
Epidemiologic Studies Oocytes Vitro
Epidemiological Opacity Vivo
Epidermal Opium W
Epidermis Osmosis Weight Gain
Epidural block Osmotic White blood cell
Epinephrine Outpatient Windpipe
Episiotomy Ovariectomy Withdrawal
Epithelial Ovaries Womb
Epithelium Ovary Wound Healing
Erythrocytes Ovum Wound Infection
Esophagus Oxidation X
Estradiol Oxidative Stress Xenograft
Estrogen Oximetry X-ray
Estrone Oxygenation X-ray therapy
Eukaryotic Cells Oxygenator Y
Excitation Oxytocin Yeasts
Exhaustion P Yolk Sac
Exogenous Palliative Z
External-beam radiation Palsy Zygote
Extracellular Pancreas









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