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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  196
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597842663
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with cheese is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to cheese. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to cheese. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Cheese


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Cheese

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Academic Periodicals covering Cheese

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Cheese


Finding Nutrition Studies on Cheese

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Cheese


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Cheese


Patent Applications on Cheese

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Cheese


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Cheese

Chapter 6. Multimedia on Cheese


Video Recordings

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on cheese will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on cheese.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Erythrocytes Palliative
Abdominal Esophagus Pancreas
Abscess Essential Tremor Pancreatic
ACE Ethanol Pancreatic cancer
Adaptability Evacuation Panic
Adaptation Excitatory Paradoxical
Adenosine Exhaustion Parasitic
Adipose Tissue Exocrine Paratuberculosis
Adjustment Exogenous Parenteral
Adjuvant External-beam radiation Pargyline
Adolescent Nutrition Extracellular Paroxysmal
Adrenergic F Patch
Adverse Effect Family Planning Pathogen
Aetiology Fatal Outcome Pathogenesis
Affinity Fatigue Pathologic
Agar Fatty acids Patient Education
Age of Onset Feces Pelvic
Airway Femoral Peptide
Alertness Femur Peripheral Nervous System
Alfalfa Fermentation Pesticides
Algorithms Fibrin Pharmaceutical Preparations
Alimentary Fibrinogen Pharmacologic
Alkaline Fibrosis Pharynx
Alkaline Phosphatase Fish Products Phenotype
Allo Flatus Phlebotomy
Alpha-1 Focus Groups Phosphates
Alternative medicine Folate Phospholipases
Aluminum Fold Phospholipids
Alveolitis Folic Acid Phosphorus
Amenorrhea Food and Beverages Photocoagulation
Amine Food Exchange Physical Examination
Amino Acid Sequence Food Habits Physiologic
Amitriptyline Food Preferences Physiology
Amplification Food Technology Piloerection
Anaerobic Foodborne Illness Pilot study
Anaesthesia Forearm Plant Proteins
Anaesthetic Frameshift Plants
Anal Frameshift Mutation Plaque
Analog Fructose Plasma
Anaphylatoxins Fungi Plasma cells
Anatomical Fungus Platelet Activation
Anemia G Platelets
Anesthesia Gallate Pneumonia
Annealing Gallstones Pneumonitis
Anorexia Gas Poisoning
Anorexia Nervosa Gastric Policy Making
Antagonism Gastritis Pollen
Antibacterial Gastroenteritis Polycystic
Antibiotic Gastrointestinal Polymerase
Antibodies Gastrointestinal tract Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antibody Gelatin Polymorphism
Anticholinergic Gene Polyunsaturated fat
Anticoagulant Genetic testing Porphyria
Antidepressant Genotype Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Antigen Ginger Posterior
Antigen-Antibody Complex Gingivitis Postmenopausal
Antihypertensive Gland Postsynaptic
Antimetabolite Gliadin Post-translational
Antineoplastic Glomerular Potassium
Antioxidants Glucose Potentiating
Anus Glucose Intolerance Potentiation
Anxiety Glutamate Practice Guidelines
Apnea Glutamic Acid Precursor
Apolipoproteins Gluten Prevalence
Aqueous Glycine Progression
Archaea Goats Progressive
Aromatic Gout Projection
Arterial Governing Board Prophylaxis
Arteries Government Agencies Proportional
Arterioles Grade Prostate
Arthropathy Graft Protease
Aspiration Gram-negative Protein C
Assay Gram-positive Protein S
Astrocytes Granulocytes Proteolytic
Asymptomatic Graphite Protozoa
Ataxia Grasses Protozoan
Atrophy H Proximal
Autoantibodies Headache Pruritic
Autolysis Heart attack Psychiatry
Axons Heartburn Public Policy
B Heme Pulmonary
Bacteremia Hemochromatosis Pulmonary Artery
Bacteria Hemoglobin R
Bacterial Physiology Hemoglobinuria Rabies
Bactericidal Hepatitis Rabies Vaccines
Bacteriophage Hepatocytes Race
Bacterium Hereditary Radiation
Basal Ganglia Heredity Radiation therapy
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hiatal Hernia Radioactive
Base High blood cholesterol Radiolabeled
Beer Histamine Radiotherapy
Bile Histidine Randomized
Bioavailability Hormonal Receptor
Biochemical Hormone Recombinant
Biomass Horseradish Peroxidase Recombinant Proteins
Biotechnology Host Rectum
Bladder Hybrid Red Nucleus
Bloating Hydrogen Reductase
Blood Coagulation Hydrolysis Refer
Blood Glucose Hydrophobic Regimen
Blood Platelets Hydroxyproline Regulon
Blood pressure Hypersensitivity Regurgitation
Blood vessel Hypertension Restoration
Body Composition Hyperuricemia Retina
Body Fluids Hypoglycaemia Retinal
Body Mass Index Hypothermia Retinal Ganglion Cells
Bolus Hypoxanthine Retinoblastoma
Bolus infusion I Retinoids
Bowel Ice Cream Retinol
Brachytherapy Id Retrospective
Branch Immune response Retrospective study
Breakdown Immune system Reversion
Broad-spectrum Immunization Riboflavin
Bronchial Immunoassay Rigidity
Brucellosis Immunodeficiency Risk factor
Bullous Immunoglobulin Rod
C Immunologic Rodenticides
Cadmium Immunosuppressant Ruminants
Cadmium Poisoning Implant radiation Rye
Caffeine In situ S
Calcium In vitro Saccharin
Calcium Isotopes In vivo Saliva
Calcium Oxalate Indigestion Salivary
Calculi Indinavir Salivary glands
Caloric intake Infancy Salmonella
Candidiasis Infarction Salmonellosis
Candidosis Inflammation Sanitary
Capillary Influenza Saquinavir
Capsules Infusion Saturated fat
Carbohydrate Ingestion Sclerosis
Carcinogenic Inhalation Screening
Carcinogens Initiation Seafood
Cardiac Inosine Monophosphate Secretion
Cardiovascular Insecticides Secretory
Cardiovascular disease Insulin Sedative
Case report Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Seizures
Catabolism Internal radiation Semen
Catecholamines Interstitial Senile
Celiac Disease Intestinal Septal
Cell Count Intestinal Mucosa Sequencing
Cell Death Intestine Serologic
Cell Differentiation Intoxication Serotonin
Cell Division Intracellular Serum
Cell proliferation Intracranial Hypertension Sex Determination
Cellulose Intramuscular Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Central Nervous System Intravenous Side effect
Cerebellar Inulin Signal Transduction
Cerebral Involuntary Sil
Cerebral Cortex Ions Silage
Cerebrovascular Irradiation Sleep apnea
Cerebrum Ischemia Small intestine
Character Isoniazid Smooth muscle
Chemotactic Factors J Sodium
Chlorophyll Joint Sodium Bicarbonate
Cholesterol K Solvent
Cholesterol Esters Kb Soma
Cholinergic Keratolytic Somatic
Choroid Kidney Disease Soybean Oil
Chromosomal Kidney stone Specialist
Chronic L Species
Chronic Disease Labile Spectrometer
Chronic renal Lactation Spectrum
Chylomicrons Lactococcus Spices
Chymosin Lactococcus lactis Spinal cord
Cirrhosis Lactose Intolerance Spleen
CIS Large Intestine Sporadic
Citric Acid Leukemia Spores
Citrinin Library Services Steroid
Citrus Ligament Stimulant
Claviceps Lipid Stomach
Clear cell carcinoma Lipolysis Stool
Clinical trial Lipoprotein Strand
Cloning Listeria Stress
Coagulation Liver Striatum
Cochlear Localized Stroke
Cochlear Diseases Lolium Subacute
Coenzymes Low-density lipoprotein Subclinical
Cofactor Lymphatic Subcutaneous
Coliphages Lymphatic system Subspecies
Collagen Lymphocytes Substance P
Collapse Lymphoid Substrate
Colloidal Lymphoma Sulfur
Colon Lysine Supplementation
Complement M Suppositories
Complementary and alternative medicine Malabsorption Suppression
Complementary medicine Malaise Sweat
Computational Biology Malaria Sympathomimetic
Condiments Malaria, Falciparum Symphysis
Conjugated Malaria, Vivax Synaptic
Conjunctiva Malignant Synergistic
Connective Tissue Malignant Hyperthermia Systemic
Constipation Malnutrition Systolic
Contamination Manifest T
Contraindications, ii Mannans Tartar
Convulsions Meat Telangiectasia
Cookery Meat Products Tendon
Coronary Medical Records Thalamic
Coronary heart disease MEDLINE Thalamic Diseases
Coronary Thrombosis Megaloblastic Therapeutics
Cranial Melanocytes Thermal
Craniocerebral Trauma Melanoma Thiamine
Curative Membrane Thigh
Cutaneous Memory Threshold
Cyclic Meninges Thrombin
Cyclospora Meningitis Thrombocytes
Cytotoxic Mental, iv Thrombocytopenia
D Mental Disorders Thrombomodulin
Dairy Products Metabolic disorder Thrombosis
Data Collection Methionine Thrush
Deamination Methotrexate Tinnitus
Decarboxylation MI Tolerance
Degenerative Microglia Tone
Deletion Microorganism Tonic
Denaturation Micro-organism Tooth Preparation
Density Microscopy Topical
Dental Caries Migration Toxic, iv
Dental Plaque Milligram Toxicity
Dentures Modification Toxicology
Depolarization Molasses Toxin
Deprenyl Molecular Transduction
Dermatitis Molecule Transfection
Dermatitis Herpetiformis Monoamine Translation
DES Monoamine Oxidase Translational
Diabetes Mellitus Monoclonal Transmitter
Diagnostic procedure Monophosphate Tuberculostatic
Diaphragm Monounsaturated fat Tuberous Sclerosis
Diarrhea Morphological Type 2 diabetes
Diarrhoea Motion Sickness Typhimurium
Diastolic Mucins Tyramine
Dietary Fats Muscle Fibers U
Dietary Fiber Muscular Atrophy Unconscious
Dietary Proteins Muscular Dystrophies Urethra
Dietitian Mutagenic Uric
Digestion Mutagenicity Urine
Digestive tract Myalgia Uterus
Direct, iii Myelin V
Discrete Myocardium Vaccine
Discrimination Myotonic Dystrophy Vagina
Disinfectant N Vaginitis
Diuresis Nasal Mucosa Vascular
Diverticula Nausea Vasodilator
Diverticulitis NCI Vector
Diverticulum Need Vegetable Proteins
Dopamine Neoplasia Vegetarianism
Drug Interactions Neoplastic Vegetative
Drug Tolerance Nephropathy Vein
Duodenum Nerve Venous
Dura mater Nervous System Ventricle
Dyes Neural Ventricular
Dyspepsia Neuronal Venules
Dysplasia Neurons Vesicular
Dystrophy Neuropathy Vestibulocochlear Nerve
E Neurotransmitter Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Effector Neutrons Veterinary Medicine
Efficacy Niacin Villous
Elastic Nisin Viral
Electrocoagulation Nitrogen Virulence
Electrolyte Nitrosamines Virus
Electrophoresis Norepinephrine Vitreous
Enamel Nosocomial Vitreous Body
Encephalopathy Nuclei Vitro
Endemic Nucleic acid Vivo
Endocarditis Nutritive Value W
Endocrine Glands O War
Endotoxins Odour Weight Gain
End-stage renal Oncogene X
Enhancers Opacity X-ray
Enterotoxins Optic Chiasm X-ray therapy
Environmental Exposure Optic Nerve Y
Environmental Health Organoleptic Yeasts
Enzymatic Osteoporosis Z
Enzyme Overweight Zoonoses
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Oxalate Zymogen
Epidemiological Oxidation
Epigastric P
Ergot Pachymeningitis









Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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