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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Broncho-Grippol-DM; Cough-X; Creo-Terpin; Delsym)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  208
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  049700352X
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with dextromethorphan is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Broncho-Grippol-DM; Cough-X; Creo-Terpin; Delsym




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to dextromethorphan. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to dextromethorphan. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Dextromethorphan


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Dextromethorphan

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Dextromethorphan


Finding Nutrition Studies on Dextromethorphan

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Dextromethorphan


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Dextromethorphan


Patents on Dextromethorphan

Patent Applications on Dextromethorphan

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Dextromethorphan


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Dextromethorphan


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Dextromethorphan

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on dextromethorphan will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on dextromethorphan.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

5 Encainide Olfactory Receptor Neurons
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid Encapsulated Oncology
A Encephalitis Opiate
Abdomen Encephalitis, Viral Opium
Abdominal Endogenous Organoleptic
Ablation Endometriosis Outpatient
Acceptor Endometrium Overdose
Accommodation Endorphins Oxidation
Acetaminophen Endotoxins Oxidation-Reduction
Acetylcholine Enhancers Oxidative metabolism
Acoustic Enkephalins Oxidative Stress
Adaptability Entorhinal Cortex Oxycodone
Adaptation Environmental Health Oxygenator
Adenosine Enzymatic Oxytocic
Adjuvant Ephedrine P
Adrenal Cortex Epidural Pachymeningitis
Adrenergic Epinephrine Paediatric
Adverse Effect Epithelium Pain Threshold
Aerobic Ergot Palate
Aerobic Metabolism Erythromycin Palliative
Aerobic Respiration Escalation Pancreas
Aerosol Esophagus Panic
Affinity Ethanol Panic Disorder
Agonist Ether Papaverine
Airway Evacuation Paranasal Sinuses
Albumin Evoke Parkinsonism
Aldehydes Excipients Particle
Alertness Excitability Patch
Algorithms Excitation Pathologic
Alkaline Excitatory Pathologic Processes
Alkaloid Excitatory Amino Acid Agonists Pathologies
Alleles Excitatory Amino Acids Patient Compliance
Allergic Rhinitis Excitotoxicity Pelvic
Almitrine Exhaustion Penicillin
Alpha-1 Exogenous Peptide
Alprenolol Expectorant Perception
Alternative medicine Expiration Perennial
Ambulatory Care Extracellular Perfusion
Amine Extraction Perioperative
Amino Acids Extrapyramidal Peripheral Nervous System
Amiodarone Extravasation Peroral
Amitriptyline Exudate Phantom
Ammonia F Pharmaceutical Preparations
Amnestic Facial Pharmaceutical Solutions
Amphetamines Facial Nerve Pharmacodynamic
Anaesthesia Facial Neuralgia Pharmacogenetics
Analgesic Facial Pain Pharmacokinetic
Analog Family Planning Pharmacologic
Anaphylatoxins Fat Pharmacotherapy
Anaphylaxis Femoral Pharynx
Anatomical Femoral Artery Phencyclidine
Androgenic Fentanyl Phenobarbital
Anemia Fermentation Phenotype
Anesthesia Fertilizers Phenyl
Anesthetics Fetus Phenylephrine
Angina Fibrosis Phenylpropanolamine
Angina Pectoris Flatus Phenytoin
Anginal Fluorescence Phospholipids
Animal model Fluoxetine Phosphorus
Anions Fluvoxamine Physicochemical
Annealing Foetal Physiologic
Antagonism Folate Pigments
Antianginal Folic Acid Pilot study
Antiarrhythmic Food Preservatives Placebos
Antibiotic Forearm Plants
Antibody Free Radicals Plasma
Anticholinergic Friction Plasticity
Anticonvulsant Frontal Lobe Plasticizers
Antidepressant Fungus Pneumonia
Antiemetic G Poisoning
Antiepileptic Gallbladder Pollen
Antifungal Gallic Acid Polymerase
Antigen Gamma-hydroxybutyrate Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antigen-Antibody Complex Ganglia Polymers
Antihistamine Ganglioside Polymorphic
Anti-inflammatory Gap Junctions Polymorphism
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gas Pontine
Antimetabolite Gastric Posterior
Antimicrobial Gastric Emptying Postherpetic Neuralgia
Antineoplastic Gastrointestinal Postnatal
Antioxidant Gastrointestinal tract Postoperative
Antipsychotic Gene Postsynaptic
Antipyretic Gene Expression Post-traumatic
Antiseptic Gene Therapy Potassium
Antispasmodic Genetic testing Potentiates
Antitussive Agents Genetics Potentiating
Anxiety Genital Practice Guidelines
Anxiolytic Genitourinary Precursor
Aorta Genotype Predisposition
Apnea Ginseng Prednisolone
Apoptosis Gland Prednisone
Aqueous Glare Prenatal
Arterial Glomerular Preoperative
Arteries Glossopharyngeal Nerve Presynaptic
Arterioles Glucocorticoid Probe
Artery Glucose Procaine
Aspirin Glucose Intolerance Prodrug
Assay Glutamate Progesterone
Astrocytes Glutamic Acid Progression
Asymptomatic Glycerol Progressive
Ataxia Glycine Promethazine
Atrial Glycoprotein Promoter
Atrial Fibrillation Goats Prone
Atrium Gonadal Propafenone
Atrophy Governing Board Prophase
Attenuated Grade Prophylaxis
Attenuation Grasses Propoxyphene
Atypical Growth factors Prospective study
Autoimmune disease Guanethidine Prostate
Autoimmune Hepatitis Gynaecological Prostate gland
Autoradiography H Prostatectomy
Axons Half-Life Prostatic Hyperplasia
B Hallucinogen Protease
Bacteria Haloperidol Protein S
Bactericidal Haploid Proteolytic
Bacteriostatic Haptens Protocol
Barbiturate Hay Fever Pruritus
Basal cells Headache Psychiatric
Basal Ganglia Headache Disorders Psychiatry
Basal Ganglia Diseases Heart attack Psychic
Base Heart failure Psychoactive
Benign Hematoma Psychology
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Hemodialysis Psychosis
Benzocaine Hemoglobinopathies Psychotomimetic
Benzodiazepines Hemorrhage Psychotropic
Benzoic Acid Hemorrhoidectomy Public Health
Benzydamine Hemorrhoids Public Policy
Bilateral Hemostasis Pulmonary
Bile Hepatic Pulmonary Artery
Binding Sites Hepatocellular Pulse
Bioavailability Heredity Purines
Biochemical Heroin Dependence Pyramidal Tracts
Biological therapy Heterogeneity Pyridoxal
Biological Transport Hexylresorcinol Pyrilamine
Biotechnology Hippocampus Q
Biotransformation Histamine Quercetin
Bladder Histidine Quinidine
Blood Coagulation Homologous Quinine
Blood Platelets Hormone R
Blood pressure Hydrobromic Acid Race
Blood vessel Hydrocodone Racemic
Blood Volume Hydrofluoric Acid Radiation
Blood-Brain Barrier Hydrogen Radiation therapy
Body Fluids Hydrogen Peroxide Radical mastectomy
Bone Marrow Hydrolysis Radioactive
Bowel Hydromorphone Radioimmunoassay
Bowel Movement Hydroxylation Randomized
Brain Hypoxia Hyperalgesia Raphe Nuclei
Brain Infarction Hypersensitivity Reagent
Brain Ischemia Hypertension Reality Testing
Broad-spectrum Hypertrophy Receptors, Adrenergic
Bronchi Hypnotic Receptors, Odorant
Bronchial Hypoglycemia Receptors, Serotonin
Bronchitis Hypokinesia Recombinant
Buccal Hypotension Recombination
Bulking Agents Hypotensive Rectum
Bupivacaine Hypoxanthine Recurrence
Buprenorphine Hypoxia Red Nucleus
Buspirone Hysterectomy Reductase
Butorphanol I Refer
C Ibuprofen Reflex
Caffeine Idiopathic Refraction
Calcium Immune response Refractive Power
Calcium Channels Immune system Refractory
Cannabidiol Immunogenic Regimen
Cannabinoids Immunology Relapse
Cannabinol Immunosuppressant Relaxant
Capillary Impairment Remission
Capsaicin Impotence Renal failure
Capsules In vitro Resection
Carbohydrate In vivo Respiration
Carbon Dioxide Incision Retina
Carcinogenic Incisional Retropubic
Carcinoid Incontinence Retroviral vector
Cardiac Indinavir Rhinitis
Cardiac Output Indocyanine Green Ribonuclease
Cardiopulmonary Induction Rigidity
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Infancy Risk factor
Cardiotonic Infantile Risperidone
Cardiovascular Infection Rutin
Cardiovascular disease Inflammation Rye
Carotene Ingestion S
Carrier Proteins Inhalation Salicylic
Case report Inorganic Saliva
Catalyse Inpatients Salivary
Catecholamine Insight Salivary glands
Catheter Insulator Saponins
Catheterization Intermittent Scatter
Cation Exchange Resins Interstitial Schizoid
Cations Intestinal Schizophrenia
Caudal Intestine Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cause of Death Intoxication Sclerosis
Cell Death Intracellular Screening
Cell Division Intracranial Hypertension Secondary tumor
Cell membrane Intraindividual Secretion
Cell Respiration Intramuscular Secretory
Cell Survival Intrathecal Sedative
Central Nervous System Infections Intravenous Segregation
Centrifugation Intrinsic Seizures
Cerebellar Intubation Semen
Cerebral Inulin Sensibility
Cerebral Cortex Involuntary Sequencing
Cerebrovascular Ion Channels Serotonin
Cerebrum Ion Exchange Serum
Character Ion Exchange Resins Serum Albumin
Chemoprevention Ions Shock
Chemoreceptors Ischemia Side effect
Chemotactic Factors Isozymes Signs and Symptoms
Chemotherapy Isradipine Silicon
Chest wall K Silicon Dioxide
Chin Kainic Acid Sinusitis
Chlorpheniramine Kb Skeletal
Chlorpromazine Ketamine Skin test
Cholecystectomy Keto Skull
Cholesterol Ketotifen Small intestine
Choline Kinetics Smooth muscle
Cholinergic Kynurenic Acid Sodium
Cholinesterase Inhibitors L Sodium Benzoate
Chorda Tympani Nerve Labile Solvent
Chromatin Laparotomy Sparteine
Chromosome Large Intestine Spasm
Chronic Laryngeal Spasmodic
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Larynx Spasticity
Clinical study Latent Specialist
Clinical trial Lesion Species
Clonic Leukemia Specificity
Cloning Levo Sphincter
Coca Levodopa Spinal cord
Cocaine Levorphanol Sporadic
Cochlear Lidocaine Stabilization
Cochlear Diseases Ligament Steroid
Codeine Ligands Stimulant
Coenzymes Lipid Stimulus
Cofactor Lipid Peroxidation Stomach
Cognition Liposome Stool
Collapse Lithium Strand
Colloidal Localized Stress
Complement Locomotion Stroke
Complementary and alternative medicine Locomotor Stupor
Complementary medicine Lubricants Subacute
Compress Lymph Subarachnoid
Computational Biology Lymph node Subclinical
Computer Simulation Lymphatic Subiculum
Conception Lymphocytes Substance P
Conduction Lymphoid Substrate
Congestion M Sulfuric acid
Conjugated Malaise Supplementation
Conjugation Malignancy Suppression
Conjunctivitis Malignant Suspensions
Consciousness Mania Sympathetic Nervous System
Constriction Manic Sympathomimetic
Constriction, Pathologic Manic-depressive psychosis Symphysis
Consultation Manifest Symptomatic
Contraceptive Mediate Synapse
Contraindications, ii Mediator Synapsis
Control group Medical Staff Synaptic
Controlled clinical trial Medicament Synaptic Transmission
Controlled study MEDLINE Synergistic
Convulsions Medullary Systemic
Coordination Megaloblastic T
Coronary Meiosis Tardive
Coronary heart disease Memantine Taste Buds
Cortex Membrane Temporal
Cortical Meninges Tendon
Cortisol Meningitis Teratogenicity
Cortisone Menstrual Cycle Terfenadine
Coryza Menstruation Testosterone
Coumarin Mental, iv Tetrahydrocannabinol
Cranial Mental Disorders Thalamic
Craniocerebral Trauma Mental Health, iv Thalamic Diseases
Curare Mental Processes Thermal
Curative Mental Retardation Threshold
Cutaneous Menthol Thrombosis
Cyclic Meperidine Tinnitus
Cyclosporine Mephenytoin Tolerance
Cysteine Metabolite Tone
Cystine Metastasis Tonic
Cytoplasm Methotrexate Tonicity
D Methylprednisolone Tonus
Dairy Products Metoprolol Topical
Danazol Mexiletine Tourniquet
Debrisoquin Microbe Toxic, iv
Decarboxylation Microglia Toxicity
Decongestant Microorganism Toxicology
Degenerative Microsomal Toxin
Deletion Microsome Trace element
Delusions Milligram Trachea
Demethylation Mitosis Tractus
Denaturation Moclobemide Tramadol
Dendrites Modeling Transaminase
Dendritic Modification Transdermal
Dentate Gyrus Modified radical mastectomy Transfection
Depressive Disorder Molecular Translation
Deprivation Molecular Structure Translocation
Dermatitis Molecule Transmitter
Dermis Monitor Transurethral
Dermographia Monoamine Transurethral resection
Detoxification Morphine Transurethral Resection of Prostate
Dexmedetomidine Morphine Dependence Trauma
Dextrorotatory Morphology Tremor
Dextrorphan Motility Tricyclic
Diabetes Mellitus Motion Sickness Trifluoperazine
Diagnostic procedure Motor Activity Trigeminal
Dialyzer Motor Cortex Tryptophan
Diffusion Motor nerve Tuberculosis
Digestion Mucins U
Digestive tract Mucociliary Uremia
Dihydrotestosterone Mucus Ureters
Dilantin Multiple sclerosis Urethra
Dimethyl Muscle relaxant Urinary
Dipeptides Muscle Spindles Urinary tract
Diphenhydramine Muscle tension Urinary tract infection
Diploid Mydriatic Urinate
Direct, iii Myelin Urine
Discrimination Myocardium Urogenital
Disinfectant Myopia Urticaria
Disposition N Uterus
Dissociation Naloxone V
Dissociative Disorders Naltrexone Vaccine
Distal Narcolepsy Vagina
Diuresis Narcosis Vascular
Donepezil Narcotic Vascular Resistance
Dopa Narcotic Antagonists Vasoconstriction
Dopamine Nausea Vasodilation
Dorsal Nearsightedness Vasodilator
Dorsum Necrosis Vein
Dosage Forms Neocortex Venlafaxine
Double-blind Neonatal Venter
Double-Blind Method Nerve Endings Ventral
Double-blinded Nerve Fibers Ventricle
Doxylamine Nervous System Ventricular
Drug Delivery Systems Neural Venules
Drug Interactions Neuralgia Verapamil
Drug Tolerance Neurodegenerative Diseases Vertebrae
Duct Neurologic Vesicular
Duodenum Neuromuscular Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Dura mater Neuromuscular Junction Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Dyes Neuronal Veterinary Medicine
Dyskinesia Neuronal Plasticity Virulence
Dysphagia Neurons Virus
Dysphoria Neuropathy Visceral
Dystonia Neuropharmacology Vitro
Dysuria Neurosurgery Vivo
E Neurotoxicity Void
Echinacea Neurotransmitter Voltage-gated
Edema Niacin W
Effector Nifedipine White blood cell
Efficacy Nitrogen Withdrawal
Elastic Norepinephrine X
Electrode Noscapine Xanthine
Electrolyte Nuclei Xanthine Oxidase
Electrons Nucleic acid Xenograft
Electrophoresis Nucleus Y
Electroplating Nutritional Status Yeasts
Embryo O Yohimbine
Emollient Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Emphysema Ointments
Emulsion Olfactory Bulb









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