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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  192
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597837031
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with enemas is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to enemas. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to enemas. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Enemas


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Enemas

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Enemas


Finding Nutrition Studies on Enemas

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Enemas


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Clinical Trials and Enemas


Recent Trials on Enemas

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 5. Patents on Enemas


Patents on Enemas

Patent Applications on Enemas

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Enemas


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Enemas

Chapter 7. Multimedia on Enemas


Video Recordings

Bibliography: Multimedia on Enemas

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Enemas


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Enemas

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on enemas will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on enemas.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Enhancers Pathologic
Abdomen Enteritis Pathophysiology
Abdominal Enterocolitis Patient Care Management
Abdominal Pain Environmental Health Patient Education
Acceptor Enzymatic Pelvic
Acetylcholine Enzyme Pelvis
Acidity Epidemiological Penicillin
Acne Epigastric Peptic
Acremonium Erythrocytes Perforation
Acrylonitrile Esophageal Perianal
Adjustment Esophagitis Perineum
Adrenal Cortex Esophagus Peripheral blood
Adverse Effect Ethanol Peripheral stem cells
Aerosol Evacuation Peritoneum
Aetiology Evoke Peritonitis
Affinity Exocrine Petrolatum
Agonist Exogenous Phallic
Algorithms Expander Pharmaceutical Preparations
Alimentary Extracellular Pharmaceutical Solutions
Alkaline F Pharmacokinetic
Alkaloid Faecal Pharmacologic
Alkalosis Familial polyposis Phenolphthalein
Allergen Family Planning Physical Examination
Allergic Rhinitis Fat Physiologic
Alpha Particles Fatigue Physiology
Alpha-1 Fatty acids Pilot study
Alternative medicine Fecal Incontinence Pituitary Gland
Alum Feces Plague
Aluminum Fermentation Plants
Amine Fibrin Plasma
Amino acid Fibrinogen Plasmin
Ammonia Fibrosis Plasminogen
Amoxicillin Fissure Plasminogen Activators
Ampicillin Fistula Pneumonia
Ampulla Fixation Poisoning
Anaemia Flatulence Polyethylene
Anal Flatus Polyethylene Glycols
Anal Fissure Fluoroscopy Polyposis
Anaphylaxis Flush Port
Anaplasia Flushing Port-a-cath
Anastomosis Fold Portal System
Androgens Fovea Portal Vein
Anemia Frail Elderly Posterior
Angiography Free Radicals Postoperative
Anorectal Fungus Povidone
Antibacterial G Povidone-Iodine
Antibiotic Gallbladder Practice Guidelines
Antibody Gas Precancerous
Antidiarrheals Gastric Precipitating Factors
Antiemetics Gastritis Precursor
Antigen Gastrointestinal Prednisolone
Anti-infective Gastrointestinal tract Preoperative
Anti-inflammatory Gelatin Prevalence
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gene Proctalgia Fugax
Antimycotic General practitioner Proctitis
Antineoplastic Generator Proctocolitis
Antioxidant Genetic Code Proctosigmoiditis
Antiseptic Gland Prodrug
Antispasmodic Glucans Progesterone
Antiviral Glucocorticoid Progressive
Anus Glucose Prolapse
Anxiety Glutamic Acid Prone
Aperture Glutamine Prophylaxis
Appendectomy Glycoside Propylene Glycol
Aqueous Gonadal Prospective study
Arachidonic Acid Governing Board Prostaglandins
Arterial Graft Prostate
Arteries Graft-versus-host disease Protein S
Artery Gravis Proteins
Asbestos Growth Protons
Ascending Colon H Proximal
Aseptic Half-Life Psychiatry
Aspiration Headache Psychic
Assay Headache Disorders Psychotherapy
Atypical Hematologic malignancies Psyllium
Autonomic Hemoglobin Public Policy
Autonomic Dysreflexia Hemoglobin A Pulse
B Hemorrhage Purgative
Bacteria Hemorrhoid Q
Bacterial Infections Hemorrhoidectomy Quality of Life
Bactericidal Hepatic Quiescent
Barium Sulfate Hepatic Encephalopathy R
Base Hepatitis Radiation
Baths Hepatocytes Radioactive
Beclomethasone Hepatotoxicity Radiographer
Benign Heredity Radiography
Bezoars Hernia Radiolabeled
Bifida Histamine Radiological
Bilateral Histidine Radiologist
Bile Homologous Radiopharmaceutical
Bile Acids Hormonal Radiotherapy
Bile Acids and Salts Hormone Randomized
Bile duct Hospital Charges Randomized clinical trial
Biological response modifier Hospital Costs Reassurance
Biopsy Host Receptor
Biotechnology Hydrocortisone Rectal Prolapse
Biotransformation Hydrogen Rectovaginal Fistula
Biphasic Hydrogen Peroxide Recurrence
Bismuth Hygienic Refer
Bladder Hyperreflexia Reflux
Blood pressure Hypersensitivity Refraction
Blood vessel Hypertension Refractory
Blood Volume Hypothalamic Regimen
Body Fluids Hypothalamus Regional enteritis
Bone Marrow I Relapse
Bowel Movement Id Relaxant
Bowel Prep Idiopathic Remission
Branch Ileal Resection
Breakdown Ileostomy Respiration
Broad-spectrum Ileum Restoration
Bronchi Ileus Retina
Bronchial Imidazole Retrograde
Buccal Immersion Rickets
Budesonide Immune adjuvant Risk factor
Bulking Agents Immune response Rod
Bypass Immune system Rotator
C Immunoglobulin Rubber
Caecum Immunologic S
Calcium Immunosuppressive Salicylate
Camping Impaction Salicylic
Cannula Impairment Salivary
Capillary Incision Salivary glands
Capsules Incontinence Sanitary
Carbohydrate Indicative Saponins
Carbon Dioxide Infancy Screening
Carcinogenesis Infarction Secretion
Carcinogenic Infection Secretory
Carcinoma Infertility Semen
Cardiac Inflammatory bowel disease Semisynthetic
Carotid Sinus Ingestion Septicemia
Case report Inhalation Serum
Castor Oil Inner ear Shock
Catheter Insufflation Side effect
Caudal Interferon Sigmoid
Cecum Interferon-alpha Sigmoid Colon
Ceftriaxone Internal Medicine Sigmoidoscopy
Cell Intestinal Signs and Symptoms
Cell Division Intestinal Mucosa Sitz Bath
Cell membrane Intestinal Obstruction Skeletal
Central Nervous System Intestine Skeleton
Central Nervous System Infections Intracellular Small Bowel Enema
Cephalosporins Intramuscular Small intestine
Cerebral Intravenous Smooth muscle
Cerebral Cortex Intussusception Social Environment
Cerebral Palsy Invasive Sodium
Cervix Involuntary Solitary Rectal Ulcer
Chelating Agents Iodine Solvent
Chemoprevention Ions Sorbitol
Chemopreventive Irradiation Sound wave
Chemotherapy Irrigation Spasm
Chin Ischemic Colitis Spastic
Chlorophyll J Spasticity
Cholesterol Joint Specialist
Cholinergic K Species
Chronic Kb Specificity
Chronic renal Kinetic Spectrum
Clamp L Sperm
Clinical Medicine Lactulose Sphincter
Clinical trial Large Intestine Spina bifida
Cloning Lavage Splenic Vein
Clotrimazole Laxative Stabilizer
Cod Liver Oil Lens Steel
Cofactor Lethal Stenosis
Colectomy Leukemia Stent
Collagen Leukocytes Sterile
Collagen disease Leukopenia Sterility
Collapse Library Services Steroid
Colloidal Life cycle Stimulant
Colonoscopy Ligament Stimulus
Colorectal Liver Stoma
Colorectal Cancer Localization Stomach
Colorectal Neoplasms Localized Stool
Colostomy Loop Stress
Communis Lubricants Stricture
Complement Lumen Stridor
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphatic Stroke
Complementary medicine Lymphoma Styrene
Complete remission Lytic Subacute
Computational Biology M Subarachnoid
Computed tomographic colonography Maintenance therapy Subclinical
Computed tomography Malignant Subcutaneous
Conception Malignant tumor Sucralfate
Concomitant Manometry Sulfapyridine
Cone Medical Staff Supine
Connective Tissue Medicament Suppositories
Consciousness MEDLINE Suppository
Constipation Medullary Suppression
Constitutional Megacolon Suppuration
Contamination Meglumine Suspensions
Continence Membrane Symphysis
Contraindications, ii Meninges Symptomatic
Contrast medium Mental, iv Symptomatic treatment
Controlled study Mental Disorders Synaptic
Conventional therapy Mercaptopurine Synaptic Transmission
Conventional treatment Mesenteric T
Coordination Meta-Analysis Tetany
Coronary Metabolite Therapeutics
Coronary Thrombosis Metastasis Thoracic
Corpus Methylprednisolone Thorax
Corticosteroid MI Thrombolytic
Cranial Microbe Thrombosis
Craniocerebral Trauma Microbiology Tissue
Curare Mineralocorticoids Tomography
Curative Modeling Topical
Cyanide Modification Toxic, iv
Cyclic Molecular Toxicity
Cyclodextrins Molecule Toxicokinetics
Cyclosporine Motility Toxicology
D Motor nerve Toxins
Decarboxylation Mucosa Traction
Decubitus Mucus Transdermal
Defecation Muscle relaxant Transfection
Degenerative Muscle tension Translating
Dehydration Myasthenia Translation
Density Myocardium Transplantation
Dermal N Transverse Colon
Dermis Nasogastric Trauma
Descending Colon Nausea Trees
Deuterium NCI Trichomonas
Diagnostic procedure Necrotizing Enterocolitis Trichomonas Infections
Diaphragm Need Trigger zone
Diarrhea Neomycin Tunica
Diarrhoea Neonatal U
Diatrizoate Neoplasia Ulcer
Dietary Fiber Neoplasms Unconscious
Digestion Neoplastic Urethra
Digestive system Nerve Urinary
Digestive tract Nervous System Urinary tract
Dihydroxy Neurogenic Urine
Dilution Neurologic Urography
Direct, iii Neurons Urticaria
Disaccharides Neurotransmitter Uterus
Disinfectant Neutrons V
Dispenser Nicotine Vaccine
Diverticula Nitrogen Vagina
Diverticulitis Nucleic acid Vaginal
Diverticulum Nursing Care Vascular
Dorsal O Vasodilatation
Dosage Forms Obstipation Vasodilator
Dosage schedule Odour VE
Dose-limiting Ointments Vein
Double-blind Ophthalmology Venous
Double-blinded Ornidazole Ventricle
Douche Ossification Vertebral
Drug Interactions Ostomy Veterinary Medicine
Duct Outpatient Virulence
Duodenum Overcorrection Virus
E Oxidation Visceral
Efficacy P Vitreous
Elective Palliative Vitreous Body
Electrolyte Pancreas Vitreous Humor
Empirical Paralysis Volition
Emulsion Parathyroid Volvulus
Encephalopathy Parathyroid Glands W
Encopresis Parenteral White blood cell
Endoscope Partial remission X
Endoscopic Patch X-ray
End-stage renal Pathogenesis









Paperback Book

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