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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  268
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497004054
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with enterococcus is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to enterococcus. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to enterococcus. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Enterococcus


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Enterococcus

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Enterococcus


Finding Nutrition Studies on Enterococcus

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Enterococcus


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Enterococcus


Dissertations on Enterococcus

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Enterococcus


Patents on Enterococcus

Patent Applications on Enterococcus

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Enterococcus


Chapters on Enterococcus

Chapter 7. Periodicals and News on Enterococcus


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Enterococcus

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on enterococcus will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on enterococcus.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

1 Exhaustion Oxidation
1-phosphate Exogenous Oxidative metabolism
A Exotoxin Oxidative Stress
Abdomen Expiration Oxides
Abdominal Extracellular Oxygen Consumption
Abdominal Pain Extracellular Matrix P
Abortion Extracellular Matrix Proteins Pachymeningitis
Abscess Extracellular Space Paediatric
Acatalasia F Palliative
Acceptor Faecal Pancreas
Acclimation Family Planning Papillomavirus
ACE Fat Parasite
Acetylcholine Fatal Outcome Parasitic
Acetylgalactosamine Fatigue Parenteral
Acetylglucosamine Feces Particle
Acidemia Fermentation Pathogen
Acidity Fertilization in Vitro Pathogenesis
Acute renal Fertilizers Pathologic
Adaptation Fetal Membranes Pathologic Processes
Adenosine Fetus Pelvic
Adjustment Fibroblasts Pelvis
Adjuvant Fibronectin Penicillin
Adverse Effect Fistula Penicillin Resistance
Aerobic Flatus Penicillinase
Aerobic Metabolism Fold Peptide
Aerobic Respiration Foot Ulcer Peptide Fragments
Affinity Fosfomycin Perinatal
Aflatoxins Frameshift Perineum
Agar Frameshift Mutation Periodontitis
Alanine Fungi Peripheral Nervous System
Alertness Fungicide Peritoneal
Algorithms Fungus Peritoneum
Alimentary G Peritonitis
Alkaline Gallbladder Peroxidase
Alkaloid Gamma Rays Peroxide
Alkylating Agents Gangrenous Pesticides
Allantois Gas PH
Alleles Gastritis Phagocytosis
Aloe Gastroenteritis Pharmacodynamic
Alpha-1 Gastrointestinal Pharmacokinetic
Alternative medicine Gastrointestinal tract Pharmacologic
Amebiasis Gelatin Pharynx
Ameliorating Gelatinase A Phenotype
Amikacin Gels Phenylalanine
Amino Acid Sequence Gene Dosage Pheromone
Ammonia Gene Expression Phosphorus
Amnion Gene Expression Profiling Phosphorylase
Ampicillin Resistance Gene Library Phosphorylase a
Amplification Genetic Code Phosphorylase Phosphatase
Ampulla Genetic Engineering Phosphorylated
Anaerobic Genetic testing Phosphorylation
Anaesthesia Genetics Phylogeny
Anal Genital Physiologic
Analog Genomic Library Physiology
Analogous Genomics Pigment
Anaphylatoxins Genotype Pilot study
Anemia Germ-free Plague
Animal model Gestation Plants
Annealing Giardiasis Plaque
Anorexia Ginger Plasma
Antagonism Gingivitis Plasma cells
Antibiosis Ginseng Plasticity
Antibiotic Gland Platelet Aggregation
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Glucose Platelet Factor 4
Antibodies Glucuronic Acid Platelets
Antibody Glutamic Acid Platinum
Anticoagulant Glutamine Pleural
Anticodon Glutathione Peroxidase Pneumonia
Antifungal Glycerol Point Mutation
Antigen Glycine Poisoning
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glycogen Polymerase
Anti-infective Glycolysis Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antimetabolite Glycoprotein Polymers
Antineoplastic Glycosaminoglycans Polymorphism
Antioxidant Glycoside Polypeptide
Antiviral Glycosidic Polysaccharide
Anus Goblet Cells Portosystemic Shunt
Apoptosis Gonorrhea Post-translational
Aqueous Governing Board Potassium
Archaea Grade Potentiation
Arginine Graft Practice Guidelines
Arterial Graft Rejection Precipitation
Arteries Gram-negative Preclinical
Arterioles Gram-Negative Bacteria Precursor
Arteriolosclerosis Gram-Positive Bacteria Pregnancy Outcome
Arteriosclerosis Gram-Positive Cocci Prenatal
Artery Grasses Presumptive
Aseptic Guanine Prevalence
Aspartic Guanylate Cyclase Probe
Aspartic Acid Gyrase Prodrug
Assay H Progeny
Asymptomatic Habitat Progression
Attenuated Haematology Progressive
Atypical Hair follicles Prokaryotic Cells
Autolysis Halitosis Proline
Autosuggestion Handwashing Promoter
Aztreonam Haploid Prophylaxis
B Haptens Prostate
Bacillus Headache Prostatitis
Bacteraemia Hematology Prosthesis
Bacteremia Heme Protease
Bacterial Infections Hemodialysis Protein C
Bacterial Physiology Hemoglobin Protein Conformation
Bacterial toxin Hemolysis Protein Footprinting
Bactericidal Hemolytic Protein Kinases
Bactericide Hemorrhage Protein S
Bacteriocins Hemostasis Proteoglycan
Bacteriophage Heparin Proteolytic
Bacteriostatic Hepatic Proteome
Bacteriuria Hepatic Encephalopathy Protocol
Base Sequence Hepatitis Protons
Basement Membrane Hepatocytes Protozoa
Benign Herbicides Protozoal
Beta-Lactamases Hereditary Protozoan
Beta-sheet Heredity Psychic
Beta-Thromboglobulin Heterodimers Public Health
Bile Heterogeneity Public Policy
Bile Pigments Heterotrophic Publishing
Bilirubin Histamine Pulmonary
Binding Sites Histidine Pulmonary Edema
Bioavailability Homeostasis Pulse
Biochemical Homogeneous Purifying
Biofilms Homologous Purines
Biological Transport Hormone Pyogenic
Bioluminescence Hybrid Pyrimidines
Biophysics Hydrogen Pyrogenic
Biosynthesis Hydrogen Bonding Q
Biotechnology Hydrogen Peroxide Quality of Health Care
Bioterrorism Hydrogenation Quaternary
Bladder Hydrolysis Quinolones
Bloating Hydrophobic Quinones
Blood Coagulation Hydroxylysine R
Blood Preservation Hydroxyproline Rabies
Blood pressure Hyperbilirubinemia Race
Blood vessel Hypertension Racemic
Blot Hypoxic Radiation
Body Fluids I Radioactive
Bone Marrow Iatrogenic Radioimmunotherapy
Bowel Ice Cream Radiotherapy
Bowel Movement Iguanas Randomized
Bradykinin Ileum Reagent
Breeding Imipenem Receptor
Broad-spectrum Immune response Recombinant
Bromine Immune system Recombination
Burns Immunization Rectum
Burns, Electric Immunocompromised Recurrence
Bypass Immunodiffusion Red blood cells
C Immunoelectrophoresis Reductase
Caecum Immunogenic Refer
Caffeine Immunoglobulin Refraction
Calcification Immunologic Refractory
Calcium Immunologic Factors Regeneration
Calcium Hydroxide Immunology Regimen
Canonical Immunosuppressant Regulon
Capsular Immunosuppressive Remission
Carbohydrate Immunosuppressive therapy Renal pelvis
Carbon Dioxide Immunotherapy Replicon
Carcinogen In situ Repressor
Carcinogenic In Situ Hybridization Reproduction Techniques
Carcinoma In vitro Resection
Cardiac In vivo Respiration
Cardiovascular Incision Resuscitation
Carrier State Incubated Reversion
Case report Incubation Rhinitis
Case series Induction Ribonuclease
Catalase Infarction Ribosome
Catheter Inflammatory bowel disease Ribotyping
Catheterization Influenza Rickettsiae
Cause of Death Ingestion Risk factor
Cefotaxime Inhalation Ristocetin
Cell Adhesion Initiation Rod
Cell Communication Inner ear Rotavirus
Cell Cycle Inoculum S
Cell Death Inorganic Saliva
Cell Division Inpatients Salivary
Cell membrane Insecticides Salmonella
Cell proliferation Insertional Sanitation
Cell Respiration Insight Sclerosis
Cellulose Integrins Screening
Central Nervous System Intensive Care Secretion
Cephalexin Intensive Care Units Secretory
Cephaloridine Interleukin-8 Segregation
Cephalothin Interstitial Selenium
Cerebrospinal Interstitial Collagenase Semisynthetic
Cerebrospinal fluid Intestinal Sepsis
Cervical Intestinal Flora Septic
Cervix Intestine Septicaemia
Chemokines Intracellular Sequencing
Chemotactic Factors Intrahepatic Serine
Chemotaxis Intramuscular Serotypes
Chin Intravenous Serum
Chlorhexidine Intrinsic Shock
Chlorine Introns Short Bowel Syndrome
Chlorophyll Intubation Shunt
Cholera Invasive Side effect
Cholesterol Iodine Sigma Factor
Chorion Ion Channels Sil
Chromatin Ion Exchange Silage
Chromosomal Ionizing Skeleton
Chromosome Ions Skull
Chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sludge
Cilastatin Irritants Small intestine
Ciprofloxacin J Smooth muscle
Cirrhosis Jaundice Sodium
Clear cell carcinoma K Soft tissue
Clinical Medicine Kanamycin Solvent
Clinical resistance Kb Spastic
Clinical study Keratinocytes Specialist
Clinical trial Kidney stone Specificity
Clone Kilobase Spectinomycin
Cloning Kinetic Spectrum
Coculture L Sperm
Codon Labile Spina bifida
Coenzyme Lactulose Spinal cord
Cofactor Laminin Spinous
Colitis Large Intestine Spleen
Collagen Laxative Spontaneous Abortion
Colloidal Left ventricular assist device Spores
Colon Lens Sputum
Combinatorial Lesion Stabilizer
Commensal Lethal Staphylococcal Infections
Communicable disease Leucine Stent
Compassionate Leukemia Sterility
Complement Leukocytes Sterilization
Complementary and alternative medicine Life cycle Stillbirth
Complementary medicine Ligands Stimulant
Computational Biology Ligase Stimulus
Conception Linkage Stomach
Conjugated Lipase Stool
Conjugation Lipid Strand
Conjunctiva Lipid Peroxidation Streptococcal
Connective Tissue Lipopolysaccharide Streptococci
Consciousness Lipoprotein Streptomycin
Constipation Liver Transplantation Stress
Contamination Localization Stroke
Contraindications, ii Localized Structure-Activity Relationship
Corneum Locomotion Subacute
Coronary Loop Subclinical
Coronary Thrombosis Lymph Subcutaneous
Cortex Lymph node Subspecies
Cues Lymphatic Substance P
Culture Media Lymphatic system Substrate
Curative Lymphocyte Sulfur
Cutaneous Lymphoid Superinfection
Cyanide Lysine Superoxide
Cyclic Lytic Supplementation
Cyclin M Suppression
Cysteine Macrophage Suppressive
Cysteinyl Magnetic Resonance Imaging Suppurative
Cystitis Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Symptomatic
Cytokine Malabsorption Synergistic
Cytoplasm Malaria Systemic
Cytosine Malaria, Falciparum Systolic
Cytoskeleton Malaria, Vivax T
Cytotoxic Malignancy Tachycardia
Cytotoxicity Malignant Tachypnea
D Mammary Teichoic Acids
Daptomycin Mannans Teicoplanin
De novo Mastitis Temporal
Degenerative Matrilysin Tenesmus
Deletion Matrix metalloproteinase Testosterone
Denaturation Meat Tetracycline
Density Medial Therapeutics
Dental Caries Mediastinitis Thermal
Dental Plaque Mediastinum Thorax
Deprivation Mediate Threonine
DES Mediator Threshold
Detergents MEDLINE Thrombin
Deuterium Melanin Thrombomodulin
Diabetic Foot Meninges Thrombophlebitis
Diagnostic procedure Meningitis Thrombosis
Dialysate Mental, iv Thrombus
Dialyzer Mental Health, iv Thyroid
Diarrhea Mesenteric Tinnitus
Diarrhoea Mesentery Tissue Culture
Diastolic Methionine Tolerance
Dietary Fats Methotrexate Tooth Preparation
Diffusion Methylene Blue Topical
Digestion Metronidazole Toxic, iv
Digestive tract MI Toxicity
Dihydrotestosterone Microbe Toxicology
Dihydroxyacetone Microorganism Toxin
Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate Micro-organism Transcription Factors
Dilution Mineralization Transduction
Diploid Mitochondria Transfection
Direct, iii Mitosis Translation
Disaccharides Mobility Translational
Discrete Modeling Translocation
Disinfection Modification Transmitter
Dissection Monitor Transposase
Dissociation Monoclonal Transposons
Diuresis Monoclonal antibodies Trauma
Domesticated Monocytes Treatment Failure
Doxycycline Monotherapy Trichomoniasis
Drug Design Morphological Triglyceride
Drug Interactions Morphology Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Drug Resistance Mucins Trypsin
Drug Tolerance Mucosa Tryptophan
Duct Mucus Tuberculosis
Duodenum Multidrug resistance Tylosin
Dura mater Multienzyme Complexes Typhimurium
Dyes Multivariate Analysis Tyrosine
Dysentery Mutagenesis U
E Mutagens Ubiquinone
Ecosystem Myalgia Universal Precautions
Effector Mycobacterium Uracil
Efficacy Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ureters
Elasticity Mycoplasma Urethra
Elastin Mycotoxins Urine
Electrolyte Myeloma Urothelium
Electrons Myocardium Uterus
Electrophoresis N V
Elementary Particles Naphthoquinones Vaccination
Embryo Nasal Mucosa Vaccines
Embryo Transfer Nausea Vacuoles
Emodin Necrosis Vagina
Emollient Neonatal Vaginal
Empiric Neoplasms Vaginosis
Empyema Nerve Vancomycin Resistance
Emulsions Nervous System Vascular
Endemic Networks Vasodilators
Endocarditis Neurotransmitter Vector
Endocardium Neutrophil Vein
Endocytosis Neutrophil Activation Venous
Endogenous Niche Ventricular
Endoscope Nitric Oxide Vertebrae
Endoscopic Nitrofurantoin Vertebral
Endothelial cell Nitrogen Vertigo
Endothelium Nitrogen Compounds Veterinary Medicine
Endothelium-derived Norfloxacin Viral
Endotoxins Nuclear Virulent
Enterocytes Nuclei Virus
Enteropeptidase Nucleic acid Viscosity
Environmental Health Nucleic Acid Hybridization Vitro
Enzymatic Nucleic Acid Probes Vivo
Epidemic Nucleus W
Epidemiological O White blood cell
Epidermis Oligosaccharides Wound Healing
Epinephrine Oncogenic X
Epithelial Oncology Xenograft
Epithelial Cells Opacity X-ray
Epithelium Open Reading Frames Y
Epitopes Operon Yeasts
Erythrocytes Oral Hygiene Yolk Sac
Erythromycin Organ Culture Z
Escherichia Osteomyelitis Zoonosis
Escherichia coli Otitis Zygote
Esophagus Otitis Media Zymogen
Ethanol Ototoxic
Eukaryotic Cells Outpatient
Evacuation Ovum









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