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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(general anesthetic)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  252
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497004526
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with general anesthesia is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

general anesthetic




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to general anesthesia. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to general anesthesia. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on General Anesthesia


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on General Anesthesia

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and General Anesthesia


Finding Nutrition Studies on General Anesthesia

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and General Anesthesia


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on General Anesthesia


Dissertations on General Anesthesia

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on General Anesthesia


Patents on General Anesthesia

Patent Applications on General Anesthesia

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on General Anesthesia


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on General Anesthesia

Chapter 7. Multimedia on General Anesthesia


Video Recordings

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on General Anesthesia


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering General Anesthesia

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on general anesthesia will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on general anesthesia.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Excitability Overdose
Abdominal Excitation Ovum
Abscess Excitatory Oximetry
Acetylcholine Excrete Oxygen Consumption
Acoustic Exhaustion Oxygenation
Acremonium Exogenous Oxygenator
Action Potentials Exotropia P
Activities of Daily Living Expert Systems Palate
Acuity Expiration Palliative
Acupuncture Points Expiratory Palsy
Acute renal Expiratory Reserve Volume Pancreas
Adaptation Extracellular Pancreatic
Adenine Extracorporeal Pancreatic Ducts
Adenocarcinoma Extraction Papilla
Adenosine Extrapyramidal Paralysis
Adrenal Cortex Extravasation Parenteral
Adrenal Medulla Extremity Paresthesia
Adrenergic F Parietal
Adverse Effect Facial Parietal Lobe
Aerosol Facial Nerve Parotid
Afferent Fallopian tube Paroxysmal
Affinity Family Planning Particle
Agonist Famotidine Parturition
Agoraphobia Fat Patch
Airway Fatigue Pathologic
Albumin Femoral Pathologic Processes
Alertness Femoral Artery Pathophysiology
Alfentanil Fentanyl Patient Education
Algorithms Fetal Distress Patient Satisfaction
Alimentary Fetus Patient Selection
Alkaline Fibrillation Pediatric Dentistry
Alkaloid Fibronectin Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Allergen Fibrosis Pelvic
Allogeneic Fissure Pelvis
Alpha-1 Fistula Penicillin
Alternative medicine Fixation Penile Erection
Alveoli Flatus Penis
Amine Flexor Pepsin
Amino Acid Sequence Flumazenil Peptic
Amnesia Fluorescence Peptic Ulcer
Amnestic Fluorescent Dyes Peptide
Amnion Fold Perception
Amniotic Fluid Foramen Percutaneous
Amplification Forearm Perforation
Ampulla Fossa Perfusion
Amygdala Fovea Perinatal
Anaesthetic Fractionation Perineal
Anal Friction Periodontal disease
Analeptic Fulguration Periodontitis
Analgesic Functional magnetic resonance imaging Perioperative
Analog Functional Residual Capacity Peripheral Nervous System
Analogous Fungus Peritoneal
Anaphylaxis Fuzzy Logic Peritoneum
Anaplasia G Phallic
Anatomical Gallbladder Phantom
Anesthesia, Local Gamma Rays Pharmacodynamic
Angina Ganglia Pharmacokinetic
Animal model Gap Junctions Pharmacologic
Anions Gas exchange Pharynx
Anomalies Gastric Phenylalanine
Antagonism Gastric Juices Phenytoin
Anti-Anxiety Agents Gastroenterology Phobia
Antibiotic Gastrointestinal Phobic Disorders
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Phorbol
Antibodies Gastrointestinal tract Phospholipids
Antibody Gastrostomy Phosphorus
Anticoagulant Gelatin Phosphorylation
Anticonvulsant Gene Phrenic Nerve
Antidote General practitioner Physical Examination
Antigen Genetic Engineering Physicochemical
Anti-infective Genetics Physiologic
Anti-inflammatory Genital Physiology
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Geriatric Picrotoxin
Antimetabolite Gestation Pigmentation
Antioxidant Gestational Pilot study
Antitussive Gestational Age Pit and Fissure Sealants
Antiviral Giant Cells Placenta
Anus Gingivitis Plants
Anxiety Gland Plasma
Anxiolytic Glomerular Plasma protein
Aorta Glomerular Filtration Rate Plasticity
Aortic Aneurysm Glottis Platinum
Apnea Glucose Pleural
Apoptosis Glucose Intolerance Pleural cavity
Applicability Glutamate Plexus
Aqueous Glutamic Acid Pneumonia
Arrhythmia Glycerol Pneumothorax
Arterial Glycine Podophyllotoxin
Arteries Glycoprotein Point Mutation
Arterioles Gonadal Poisoning
Arteriovenous Governing Board Polypeptide
Artery Graft Port
Arthroplasty Grafting Port-a-cath
Arthroscopy Gramicidin Positive pressure ventilation
Ascorbic Acid Gram-positive Posterior
Aspartate Gravis Postnatal
Asphyxia Groin Postoperative Complications
Aspiration H Postsynaptic
Assay Haptens Post-synaptic
Asymptomatic Headache Potassium
Atelectasis Health Behavior Potentiate
Atherectomy Health Care Costs Potentiating
Atracurium Health Expenditures Potentiation
Atrial Health Resources, iv Practice Guidelines
Atrial Fibrillation Health Services Practice Management
Atrium Health Status Precursor
Attenuated Heart Arrest Pregnancy Tests
Auditory Heart attack Premedication
Auditory Cortex Heart failure Preoperative
Aural Heart-Lung Machine Pressoreceptors
Auscultation Hematoma Presynaptic
Autonomic Hemoglobin Presynaptic Terminals
Autonomic Nervous System Hemoglobinuria Prevalence
Autosuggestion Hemorrhage Probe
Avoidance Learning Hemostasis Procaine
Axillary Hepatic Proctosigmoidoscopy
Axillary Artery Hepatic Duct, Common Progesterone
Axonal Hepatitis Progression
Axons Hepatocellular Progressive
B Hepatocellular carcinoma Projection
Baclofen Hepatocytes Prolactin
Bacteremia Heredity Proline
Bacteria Hernia Prophase
Bactericidal Heroin Dependence Prophylaxis
Bacteriophage Heterogeneity Propofol
Barbiturate Heterotropia Prostate
Baroreflex Heterozygotes Prostatectomy
Basal Ganglia Hippocampus Protein Binding
Basalis Histamine Protein C
Basement Membrane Histamine Release Protein Conformation
Basophil Histidine Protein S
Baths Histology Proteinuria
Benign Hoarseness Proteoglycans
Benzene Homologous Proteolytic
Benzodiazepines Homozygotes Protocol
Beta-Endorphin Hormonal Protons
Bewilderment Hormone Psychiatry
Bicuculline Hydrogen Psychic
Bilateral Hydrogen Bonding Psychoactive
Bile Hydrogen Peroxide Psychology
Bile duct Hydrogenation Psychometric testing
Bilirubin Hydrolysis Psychomotor
Binding Sites Hydrophobic Psychotherapy
Biochemical Hydroxylysine Public Health
Biopsy Hydroxyproline Public Policy
Biopsy specimen Hypersensitivity Publishing
Biotechnology Hypertension Pulmonary
Biotransformation Hyperthermia Pulmonary Artery
Bladder Hypnotic Pulmonary Edema
Blood Coagulation Hypoglossal Nerve Pulmonary Veins
Blood Gas Analysis Hypoglycaemia Pulmonary Ventilation
Blood Platelets Hypotension Pulse
Blood pressure Hypothalamic Pupil
Blood-Brain Barrier Hypothalamus Pyramidal Cells
Body Fluids Hypothermia Q
Bolus Hypothyroidism Quiescent
Bolus infusion Hypoxemia R
Bottle Feeding Hypoxia Radial Artery
Bowel Hypoxic Radiation
Brachial Hysterectomy Radical prostatectomy
Brachial Artery Hysterotomy Radioactive
Brachial Plexus I Radiography
Bradycardia Iatrogenic Radioimmunotherapy
Brain Stem Ibotenic Acid Radioisotope
Broad-spectrum Idiopathic Radiolabeled
Bronchi Ileum Radiological
Bronchial Illusion Radiotherapy
Bronchiectasis Imaging procedures Randomized
Bronchoconstriction Immersion Randomized clinical trial
Bronchoscopy Immune response Reaction Time
Bronchospasm Immune system Reagent
Bronchus Immunologic Receptors, Serotonin
Buffers Immunology Recombinant
Bupivacaine Immunotherapy Recombinant Proteins
Buprenorphine Impairment Recovery Room
Butyric Acid Implantation Rectal
Bypass In situ Rectum
C In Situ Hybridization Refer
Caesarean section In vitro Reflex
Caffeine In vivo Refractory
Calcium Incision Regeneration
Cannula Indomethacin Regimen
Capital Financing Induction Regurgitation
Carbon Dioxide Infarction Relapse
Carcinogenic Infection Relaxant
Carcinoma Infertility Reliability
Cardiac Infiltration Renal failure
Cardiac Output Inflammation Renal tubular
Cardiogenic Informed Consent Resection
Cardiology Infusion Residual Volume
Cardiopulmonary Ingestion Respiration
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Inguinal Respirator
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Inguinal Hernia Respiratory distress syndrome
Cardiorespiratory Inhalation Respiratory Mechanics
Cardiovascular Initiation Respiratory Physiology
Cardiovascular disease Inner ear Respiratory System
Cardiovascular System Innervation Resuscitation
Cardioversion Inorganic Retina
Carmine Inositol Retinal
Case report Inotropic Retinopathy
Case series Insight Retreatment
Catecholamine Instillation Retrograde
Catheter Intensive Care Retropubic
Catheterization Intensive Care Units Retropubic prostatectomy
Caudal Interleukin-2 Retrospective
Cell Cycle Interneurons Retrospective study
Cell Death Interstitial Reversion
Cell Division Intestinal Ribose
Cell membrane Intestinal Obstruction Ribosome
Cell Respiration Intestine Risk factor
Cellular Structures Intoxication Rod
Central Nervous System Intracellular S
Centrifugation Intracellular Membranes Saline
Cephalosporins Intramuscular Saliva
Cerebellum Intraoperative Complications Salivary
Cerebral Intrathecal Saponins
Cerebral Cortex Intravascular Sarcoidosis
Cerebral Palsy Intravenous Anesthetics Scatter
Cerebrovascular Intravesical Schizoid
Cerebrum Intrinsic Schizophrenia
Cervical Intubation Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cervical Plexus Intussusception Scoliosis
Cervix Invasive Screening
Cesarean Section Involuntary Secretion
Chemotherapeutic agent Ion Channels Secretory
Chemotherapy Ion Transport Sedative
Chest wall Ionizing Sedatives, Barbiturate
Chimeras Ions Seizures
Chin Isoflurane Self Care
Chloride Channels J Semen
Cholecystectomy Jejunostomy Semicircular canal
Cholesterol Jejunum Semisynthetic
Cholinergic K Sensibility
Chromatin Kb Sensor
Chromosomal Keratolytic Sepsis
Chronic Ketamine Septal
Chronic renal Ketorolac Septic
Cirrhosis Ketorolac Tromethamine Septum
CIS Kidney Failure Septum Pellucidum
Clamp Kinetic Sequencing
Cleft Lip L Sequential treatment
Clinical study Labyrinth Serotonin
Clinical trial Lactation Serous
Clonic Laminin Serum
Cloning Laparotomy Shivering
Cochlea Large Intestine Shock
Codeine Laryngeal Side effect
Coenzyme Laryngitis Sigmoidoscope
Cofactor Laryngoscope Signs and Symptoms
Cognition Laryngoscopy Sinusitis
Collagen Larynx Skeletal
Collapse Latency Skeleton
Colloidal Legionellosis Skin graft
Colon Length of Stay Skull
Colorectal Lesion Sleep apnea
Colorectal Surgery Lethargy Small intestine
Colostomy Leucine Smooth muscle
Complement Leucocyte Sodium
Complementary and alternative medicine Leukocytes Soft tissue
Complementary medicine Levorphanol Solitary Nucleus
Compliance Lidocaine Solvent
Comprehensive Dental Care Ligament Soma
Compress Ligation Sorbitol
Computational Biology Light microscope Sound wave
Computed tomography Limbic Spastic
Computerized axial tomography Limbic System Spatial disorientation
Computerized tomography Lip Specialist
Conduction Lipid Species
Confounding Lithotripsy Specificity
Confusion Liver Sphincter
Congestive heart failure Lobe Spike
Connective Tissue Lobectomy Spinal cord
Conscious Sedation Localization Spleen
Consciousness Localized Stabilization
Constitutional Loop Stabilizer
Constriction Lubricants Staging
Constriction, Pathologic Lubrication Stapedius
Contamination Luciferase Stapes
Contraindications, ii Lumbar Status Epilepticus
Control group Lutein Cells Steel
Convulsants Lymph Stem Cells
Convulsions Lymph node Stents
Convulsive Lymphatic Sterile
Coordination Lymphatic system Sterilization
Cornea Lymphocyte Steroid
Coronary Lymphoid Stimulant
Coronary Arteriosclerosis M Stimulus
Coronary Disease Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stomach
Coronary heart disease Malformation Stool
Coronary Thrombosis Malignancy Strabismus
Coronary Vessels Malignant Stress
Cortex Malignant Hyperthermia Stria
Cortical Malnutrition Stroke
Cortices Mandible Stroma
Cortisol Manifest Strychnine
Cranial Mannitol Stupor
Craniofacial Abnormalities Mastectomy Subacute
Crowns Maxillary Subclinical
Cryotherapy Maxillary Sinus Subcutaneous
Curare Meatus Subiculum
Curative Mechanical ventilation Substance P
Curettage Mechanoreceptors Substrate
Curette Meconium Suction
Cutaneous Medial Supplementation
Cyclic Median Nerve Suppression
Cyst Mediastinoscopy Suppressive
Cystectomy Mediastinum Supraspinal
Cystitis Mediate Sympathetic Nervous System
Cystoscopy Mediator Sympathomimetic
Cytokines Medical Errors Symphysis
Cytoplasm Medical Records Synapse
Cytotoxic Medication Errors Synaptic
D MEDLINE Synaptic Transmission
Data Collection Medullary Synaptosomes
Decarboxylation Meiosis Synchrony
Decision Making Melanin Synergistic
Defibrillation Membrane Lipids Systemic
Degenerative Memory Systolic
Deletion Meninges T
Delirium Mental Health, iv Tachycardia
Delivery of Health Care Mental Processes Tachypnea
Delusions Mental Retardation Telencephalon
Dendrites Mesentery Temporal
Dendritic Mesoderm Temporal Lobe
Density Metastasis Tendon
Dental Care Metastatic Terminalis
Dental Caries Methionine Tetrodotoxin
Dental Health Services MI Therapeutics
Dental Materials Microbe Thermoregulation
Dental Records Microcirculation Thoracic
Dentate Gyrus Microorganism Thoracoscopy
Dentists Micro-organism Thoracotomy
Dentition Microsurgery Thorax
Deoxyglucose Midazolam Threshold
Depolarization Midodrine Thrombin
Desensitization Migration Thrombocytopenia
Detoxification Mitochondrial Swelling Thrombomodulin
Deuterium Mitosis Thrombosis
Dextromethorphan Mitotic Thrombus
Diabetes Mellitus Mobility Thyroid
Diagnostic Errors Modeling Thyrotropin
Diagnostic Imaging Modification Thyroxine
Diagnostic procedure Molecular Probes Tinnitus
Diaphragm Molecule Tissue Distribution
Diastole Monitor Tolerance
Diastolic Monocular Tomography
Diencephalon Monocyte Tone
Diffusion Morphine Tonic
Digestion Morphology Tonsils
Digestive system Motility Tonus
Dilate Motion Sickness Topical
Dilation Motor nerve Torsion
Dilation and curettage Mucociliary Tourniquet
Dilator Mucosa Toxic, iv
Dilution Mucus Toxicity
Direct, iii Muscimol Toxicokinetics
Discrete Muscle Contraction Toxicology
Discrimination Muscle relaxant Toxin
Disinfectant Muscle Relaxation Tracer
Disorientation Muscle Spindles Trachea
Disposition Muscle tension Traction
Dissociation Mutagenesis Tractus
Distal Mutagens Transduction
Diuresis Myasthenia Transfection
Diuretic Mydriatic Translation
Dizziness Myocardial infarction Transmitter
Dominance Myocardial Ischemia Transplantation
Dopamine Myocardium Transurethral
Dose-dependent N Transurethral resection
Drive, ii, vi Naltrexone Trauma
Drug Interactions Narcosis Trimethaphan
Duct Narcotic Trophic
Duodenum Narcotic Antagonists Tryptophan
Dyes Nasal Cavity Tubal ligation
Dystrophic Nasal Septum Tuberculosis
E Nasogastric Tunica
Echocardiography Nasopharynx Tunica Intima
Edema Nausea Tyrosine
Effector NCI Tyrothricin
Efferent Necrosis U
Efficacy Neonatal Ulceration
Effusion Neoplasms Ultrasonography
Elastic Nephrosis Umbilical Arteries
Elastin Nephrotic Umbilical Cord
Elective Nephrotic Syndrome Unconscious
Electric shock Nerve Endings Uremia
Electrocardiogram Nerve Growth Factor Ureter
Electrocardiograph Networks Urethra
Electroconvulsive Therapy Neural Urinary
Electrode Neuroendocrine Urinary tract
Electrolyte Neurologic Urine
Electromyography Neuromuscular Urodynamic
Electrons Neuromuscular Blockade Urology
Electrophoresis Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Urticaria
Electrophysiological Neuromuscular Depolarizing Agents Uterus
Electroshock Neuromuscular Junction V
Embolism Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents Vacuoles
Embolus Neuronal Vagal
Embryo Neurons Vagina
Emulsion Neuropathy Vaginal
Enamel Neurophysiology Vagus Nerve
Endarterectomy Neuropsychological Tests Vascular Resistance
Endocrine System Neurosis Vasoconstriction
Endocytosis Neurotensin Vasodilator
Endogenous Neurotoxic Vasomotor
Endorphins Neurotoxicity Vector
Endoscope Neurotransmitter Vein
Endoscopic Nitrogen Venae Cavae
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Nitroglycerin Venous
Endoscopy Nitrous Oxide Ventilation
Endothelial cell Nonverbal Communication Ventricle
Endothelium Norepinephrine Ventricular
Endothelium, Lymphatic Nuclear Ventricular Function
Endothelium, Vascular Nuclei Venules
Endothelium-derived Nucleic acid Vertigo
Endotracheal intubation Nucleus Vestibule
End-stage renal Nutritional Support Veterinary Medicine
Enflurane Nystagmus Viral
Enkephalin O Virulence
Entorhinal Cortex Occipital Lobe Virus
Environmental Health Occupational Health Visceral
Enzymatic Ocular Visceral Afferents
Enzyme Oliguria Visual Cortex
Epidermal Oncology Vitamin A
Epidermis Oncotic Vitreoretinal
Epidermolysis Bullosa Opacity Vitreous
Epidural Ophthalmologic Vitro
Epiglottis Ophthalmology Vivo
Epilepticus Opiate Vocal cord
Epinephrine Opium Volition
Epithelial Optic Chiasm Voltage-gated
Epithelial Cells Oral Health Vomica
Epithelium Oral Hygiene W
Erectile Oropharynx Wakefulness
Esophageal Orthodontics White blood cell
Esophagus Osmolality Windpipe
Esotropia Osmolarity Withdrawal
Estrogen Osmoles Womb
Ethanol Osmosis Wound Healing
Ethanolamine Osmotic X
Ether Otitis Xenograft
Etomidate Otitis Media Xerostomia
Etoposide Otitis Media with Effusion X-ray
Eukaryotic Cells Otolaryngology Z
Evoke Outpatient Zymogen
Evoked Potentials Ovaries









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