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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  276
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  059783959X
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with ginseng is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to ginseng. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to ginseng. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Ginseng


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Ginseng

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Ginseng


Finding Nutrition Studies on Ginseng

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Ginseng


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Ginseng


Dissertations on Ginseng

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Ginseng


Recent Trials on Ginseng

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Ginseng


Patents on Ginseng

Patent Applications on Ginseng

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Ginseng


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Ginseng

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Ginseng


Bibliography: Multimedia on Ginseng

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Ginseng


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Ginseng

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on ginseng will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on ginseng.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

5 Embryo Norepinephrine
5-Hydroxytryptophan Embryogenesis Nuclear
A Emodin Nuclei
Abdomen Emollient Nucleic acid
Abdominal Emulsion Nucleus
Acacia Enamel O
Acatalasia Endometrium Ointments
Acceptor Endorphin Oligosaccharides
Acetone Endothelial cell Oliguria
Acetylcholine Endothelium Oocytes
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Endothelium-derived Opacity
Acyclovir Enhancer Opioid Peptides
Adaptability Entorhinal Cortex Opportunistic Infections
Adenocarcinoma Environmental Health Organ Culture
Adenosine Enzymatic Orgasm
Adjuvant Eosinophils Osteoporosis
Adrenal Cortex Ephedrine Ovary
Adrenal Glands Epidemiological Overactive bladder
Adrenal Medulla Epidermal Overweight
Adrenergic Epidermis Ovum
Adrenergic Agents Epinephrine Oxidants
Adsorption Epithelial Oxidation
Adsorptive Epithelial Cells Oxidation-Reduction
Adverse Effect Erectile Oxidative Stress
Aerobic Erection Oxygen Consumption
Aerobic Exercise Ergot P
Affinity Erysipeloid Palliative
Agar Erythrocyte Deformability Panacea
Age of Onset Erythrocytes Pancreas
Ageing Escalation Pancreatic
Agmatine Esophagus Paraganglia, Chromaffin
Agonist Estrogen Parasite
Alertness Estrogen receptor Parasitic
Alginates Ethanol Parenchyma
Algorithms Ether Paroxysmal
Alimentary Ethical drug Particle
Alkaline Eukaryotic Cells Parvovirus
Alkaline Phosphatase Evacuation Pathogen
Alkaloid Excipient Pathologic
Allergen Excitation Pathologic Processes
Allergic Rhinitis Excitatory Pathologies
Allium Excitatory Amino Acid Agonists Patient Education
Aloe Excrete Pelvic
Alpha Particles Exogenous Pemoline
Alpha-helix Expressed Sequence Tags Penis
Alternative medicine External-beam radiation Pentylenetetrazole
Ameliorated Extracellular Pepsin
Amine Extracellular Matrix Pepsin A
Amino Acid Sequence Extraction Peptic
Amino Acids Extravasation Peptic Ulcer
Ammonia Exudate Peptide
Amnion F Perception
Amniotic Fluid Family Planning Perennial
Amphetamine Fatigue Perfusion
Amplification Fatty acids Perineal
Amygdalin Fatty Liver Perineum
Amyloid Fetus Peripheral blood
Anaemia Fibrin Peripheral Nervous System
Anaerobic Fibrinogen Peripheral Vascular Disease
Anaesthesia Fibrinolytic Peritoneal
Analgesic Fibroblast Growth Factor Peritoneal Cavity
Analog Fibroblasts Pernicious
Analogous Fibrosarcoma Pesticides
Anaphylaxis Fissure Petrolatum
Anatomical Flaccid Petroleum
Anemia Flushing Phagocyte
Aneurysm Folate Phagocytosis
Angelica root Fold Pharmaceutical Preparations
Angina Folic Acid Pharmacokinetic
Angina Pectoris Follicles Pharmacologic
Angiopathy Forearm Pharynx
Anions Fossa Phenolphthalein
Anomalies Fractionation Phenotypes
Anorexia Freeze-dried Phenylalanine
Antagonism Friction Phosphodiesterase
Anterior Cerebral Artery Frontal Lobe Phospholipids
Anti-Anxiety Agents Fructose Phosphorus
Antibacterial Fungi Phosphorylated
Antibiotic G Physiologic
Antibodies Gallbladder Physiology
Antibody Gallic Acid Phytohemagglutinins
Antibody-Dependent Cell Cytotoxicity Gamma Rays Pigment
Anticoagulant Gamma-Endorphin Pigmentation
Anticonvulsant Ganglia Piracetam
Antidepressant Gap Junctions Pituitary Gland
Antidepressive Agents Gas Placebos
Antidiabetic Gastric Placenta
Antiemetic Gastric Emptying Plana
Antiepileptic Gastric Juices Plasma
Antifungal Gastric Mucosa Plasma cells
Antigen Gastrin Plasmin
Antihistamine Gastroenterology Plasminogen
Antihypertensive Gastrointestinal Plasminogen Activators
Anti-infective Gastrointestinal tract Platelet Aggregation
Anti-inflammatory Gastroparesis Platelet Factor 4
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gelatin Platelets
Antimetabolite Gene Platinum
Antimetastatic Gene Expression Pleated
Antineoplastic Genetic Code Policy Making
Anti-Obesity Agents Genetic Engineering Pollen
Antioxidant Genistein Polydipsia
Antiproliferative Genital Polymorphic
Antipruritic Genotype Polymorphism
Antipyretic Geriatric Polypeptide
Antiseptic Germ Cells Polyphagia
Antitussive Germanium Polyporaceae
Antiviral Gestation Polyposis
Anuria Gestation period Polysaccharide
Anxiety Ginger Polyuria
Anxiolytic Ginkgo biloba Posterior
Aorta Gland Postmenopausal
Aortic Valve Glucocorticoid Postoperative
Apoptosis Glucose Postprandial
Aqueous Glucose Intolerance Potassium
Arachidonic Acid Glucose tolerance Potentiate
Arginase Glucose Tolerance Test Potentiating
Arginine Glucuronic Acid Practice Guidelines
Arterial Glucuronides Precancerous
Arteries Glutamate Preclinical
Arterioles Glutamic Acid Precursor
Arteriovenous Glutamine Premalignant
Arteritis Glutathione Peroxidase Premenstrual
Aspartate Glycerol Premenstrual Syndrome
Aspirin Glycine Prenatal
Assay Glycoprotein Prepuce
Asymptomatic Glycoside Prevalence
Atopic Glycosidic Prickle
Atopic Eczema Gout Probe
ATP Governing Board Progesterone
Atrial Government Agencies Progression
Atrial Fibrillation Graft Progressive
Atrium Graft Rejection Prokinetic Drugs
Atrophy Gram-negative Proline
Attenuation Gram-Negative Bacteria Pro-Opiomelanocortin
Autonomic Granule Prophase
Autonomic Nervous System Granulocytes Prophylaxis
Autopsy Grasses Propylene Glycol
Axons Guanylate Cyclase Prospective study
B Gum Arabic Prostaglandin
Bacteria H Prostaglandins A
Bacterial Infections Habitual Prostate
Bactericidal Hair follicles Prostatic Hyperplasia
Bacteriostatic Half-Life Protease
Bacterium Hallucinogens Protein C
Basal Ganglia Haploid Protein S
Base Harmony Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Basophil Hawthorn fruit Proteolytic
Benign Headache Protocol
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Health Promotion Protons
Benzene Heart attack Protozoa
Benzodiazepines Heart failure Proximal
Beta-Glucosidase Heartbeat Pruritic
Beta-pleated Heme Psychic
Beta-Thromboglobulin Hemodialysis Psychomotor
Bewilderment Hemoglobin Psychomotor Performance
Bile Hemolysis Psychosomatic
Bile Acids Hemorrhage Psychotropic
Bile Acids and Salts Hemostasis Psychotropic Drugs
Bile Ducts Hepatic Psyllium
Biliary Hepatitis Public Policy
Bioavailability Hepatitis A Publishing
Biochemical Hepatitis C Pulmonary
Biological response modifier Hepatocellular Pulmonary Artery
Biomass Hepatocellular carcinoma Pulmonary Edema
Bioreactors Hepatocytes Pulmonary Embolism
Biosynthesis Hepatoma Pulse
Biotechnology Hepatotoxic Pupil
Biotin Hepatotoxicity Purgative
Biotransformation Hepatovirus Purifying
Biphasic Herbicide Purines
Bladder Heredity Pyramidal Cells
Blastocyst Herpes Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
Blebs Herpes virus Q
Bloating Herpes Zoster Quality of Life
Blood Coagulation Heterogeneity Quercetin
Blood Coagulation Factors Heterotrophic R
Blood Flow Velocity Hippocampus Radiation
Blood Glucose Histamine Radiation therapy
Blood Platelets Histidine Radioactive
Blood pressure Homeostasis Radioimmunotherapy
Blood transfusion Homogeneous Radiolabeled
Blood Viscosity Homologous Radiotherapy
Body Fluids Hormonal Randomized
Body Mass Index Host Randomized clinical trial
Bolus Humoral Reagent
Bolus infusion Humour Receptor
Bone Marrow Hydrocortisone Receptors, Serotonin
Boron Hydrogen Recombinant
Bowel Hydrogen Peroxide Rectum
Bowel Movement Hydrolysis Recurrence
Brachytherapy Hydrophilic Reductase
Bradykinin Hydrophobic Refer
Brain Diseases Hydroxylation Refraction
Brain Stem Hydroxylysine Regeneration
Branch Hydroxyproline Regimen
Breakdown Hygienic Reperfusion
Bronchi Hyperaemia Reperfusion Injury
Bronchial Hyperglycemia Retina
Buspirone Hyperlipidemia Retinoids
Butylated Hydroxytoluene Hypersensitivity Retinol
Butyric Acid Hypertension Retroperitoneal
C Hypertrophy Rhamnose
Caffeine Hyperuricemia Rheology
Calcium Hypnotic Rheumatic Heart Disease
Calculi Hypoglycemic Rheumatism
Callus Hypothalamus Rheumatoid
Camphor I Rheumatoid arthritis
Capillary Ice Cream Rhinitis
Capillary Permeability Id Rhusiopathiae
Capsules Iliac Artery Ribonuclease
Carbohydrate Imidazole Ribosome
Carbon Dioxide Immune function Rickets
Carcinogenesis Immune response Rigidity
Carcinogenic Immune system Risk factor
Carcinogens Immunity Rodenticides
Carcinoma Immunodeficiency Rutin
Cardiac Immunodiffusion Ryanodine
Cardiorespiratory Immunoelectrophoresis S
Cardiotonic Immunoglobulin Salicylate
Cardiovascular Immunologic Salivary
Cardiovascular disease Immunological adjuvant Salivary glands
Cardiovascular System Immunology Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Carnitine Immunomodulator Scleroproteins
Carotene Immunosuppressive Screening
Case report Immunotherapy Second Messenger Systems
Case series Impairment Secondary tumor
Caspase Implant radiation Secretion
Catalase Impotence Secretory
Catecholamine In vitro Secretory Vesicles
Causal In vivo Sedative
Cause of Death Incineration Sedentary
Cell Communication Incision Selenium
Cell Cycle Incontinence Selenium Compounds
Cell Death Incubation Sella
Cell Differentiation Indicative Semen
Cell Division Induction Semisynthetic
Cell membrane Infarction Senile
Cell proliferation Infertility Serine
Cellobiose Influenza Serotonin
Cellular metabolism Ingestion Serrata
Cellulose Initiation Serrated
Cerebellar Inorganic Serum
Cerebellar Diseases Insecticides Sex Behavior
Cerebellum Insomnia Sex Characteristics
Cerebral hemispheres Insulin Shock
Cerebral Hemorrhage Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Silicon
Cerebral Infarction Insulin-like Silicon Dioxide
Cerebrovascular Interferon Silymarin
Cerebrum Interferon-alpha Skeletal
Cervix Interleukin-1 Skeleton
Chamomile Interleukin-2 Skin Aging
Character Interleukin-8 Skin Care
Chemoprevention Interleukins Skull
Chemopreventive Intermittent Small intestine
Chemotherapy Internal Medicine Smooth muscle
Choline Internal radiation Sneezing
Cholinergic Intestinal Soaps
Chromaffin Cells Intestine Social Environment
Chromatin Intracellular Sodium
Chromic Intracranial Aneurysm Soft tissue
Chromium Intracranial Arteriosclerosis Soft tissue sarcoma
Chromosomal Intracranial Hypertension Solid tumor
Chronic Disease Intraperitoneal Solitary Nucleus
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Intrinsic Solvent
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Inulin Soma
Ciliary Invasive Somatic
Ciliary Body Involuntary Somatic cells
Cisplatin Iodine Soybean Oil
Citric Acid Ion Channels Spatial disorientation
Citrus Ion Exchange Specialist
Claudication Ionization Spectrum
Clear cell carcinoma Ionizing Sperm
Climacteric Ions Sperm Motility
Clinical Medicine Iris Spermatozoa
Clinical study Ischemia Spermatozoon
Clinical trial Isoflavones Spinal cord
Clitoral Isothiocyanates Spinal Nerves
Clonic K Spinous
Cloning Kainic Acid Sporadic
Clot Retraction Kava Stasis
Coagulation Kb Steatosis
Cochlear Keratin Sterility
Cochlear Diseases Keratinocytes Sterilization
Cod Liver Oil Ketone Bodies Steroid
Codeine Kidney Disease Stimulant
Coenzyme Kidney Failure Stimulus
Cofactor Kidney Failure, Acute Stomach
Cognition Kidney Failure, Chronic Stomachic
Collagen Kinetic Stroke
Collagen disease L Stroma
Collapse Lactation Subacute
Colorectal Lanolin Subclinical
Colorectal Cancer Large Intestine Subcutaneous
Comfrey Latent Subiculum
Complement Laxative Subspecies
Complementary and alternative medicine Lesion Substance P
Complementary medicine Leukemia Substrate
Computational Biology Leukocytes Sulfur
Conception Leukopenia Superoxide
Confusion Levorphanol Superoxide Dismutase
Congestion Libido Supplementation
Conjugated Library Services Suppositories
Conjunctiva Life cycle Suppression
Conjunctivitis Ligament Sympathetic Nervous System
Conjunctivitis, Allergic Linkages Sympathomimetics
Connective Tissue Lipid Symphysis
Connexins Lipid Peroxidation Symptomatic
Consciousness Lipophilic Synapses
Constriction Lipopolysaccharide Synapsis
Consumption Liposome Synaptic
Contamination Liver cancer Synaptic Transmission
Contraindications, ii Liver Cirrhosis Synergistic
Control group Liver Regeneration Systemic
Conventional therapy Lobe Systolic
Conventional treatment Localized Systolic blood pressure
Convulsion Locomotion T
Coordination Lubricants Temporal
Corn Oil Lubrication Temporal Lobe
Cornea Lycopene Teratogenic
Coronary Lymph Terminator
Coronary Circulation Lymphatic Testis
Coronary heart disease Lymphocyte Testosterone
Coronary Thrombosis Lymphocyte Count Thalamus
Corpus Lymphocyte Subsets Therapeutics
Corpus Luteum Lymphocyte Transformation Thermoregulation
Cortex Lymphoid Threonine
Cortical Lymphokines Threshold
Corticosteroids M Thrombin
Cortisol Macrophage Thrombocytes
Coumarins Macrophage Activation Thrombosis
Cranial Malignant Thrombus
Craniocerebral Trauma Malignant tumor Thyroid
Creatine Mammary Thyroid Gland
Creatinine Mania Thyroxine
Culture Media Manic Tinnitus
Curative Manifest Tissue Culture
Curcumin Mastitis Tolerance
Cyclic Mediator Tonic
Cytochrome Medicament Tonicity
Cytokine MEDLINE Topical
Cytoplasm Medullary Torsion
Cytotoxic Megaloblastic Toxic, iv
Cytotoxicity Meiosis Toxicity
D Melanin Toxicokinetics
Databases, Bibliographic Melanocytes Toxicology
Daunorubicin Melanoma Toxins
Deamination Memory Trace element
Decarboxylation Meninges Tragacanth
Decidua Menopause Tranquilizing Agents
Decubitus Menstrual Cycle Transcriptase
Decubitus Ulcer Menstruation Transfection
Degenerative Mental Disorders Transfusion
Dehydroepiandrosterone Mental Fatigue Translation
Deletion Mental Retardation Transmitter
Delusion Mephenytoin Trauma
Dementia Metabolic disorder Tremor
Dendrites Metabolite Triglyceride
Dendritic Metastasis Tryptophan
Density Methanol Tryptophan Hydroxylase
Dentate Gyrus Methionine Tuberculosis
Dermal Methyl Methanesulfonate Type 2 diabetes
Dermatitis Methylphenidate Tyrosine
Dermatology MI U
DES Mice Minute Virus Ulcer
Desensitization Microbe Ultrasonography
Detergents Microcirculation Unconscious
Developed Countries Microorganism Urea
Developing Countries Migration Uremia
Dextroamphetamine Milk Thistle Ureters
Dextromethorphan Mitochondrial Swelling Urethra
Diabetes Insipidus Mitosis Uric
Diabetes Mellitus Modification Urinary
Diagnostic Equipment Modulator Urinary tract
Diagnostic procedure Molecule Urine
Diastole Monoclonal Urticaria
Diastolic Monocyte Uterus
Diastolic blood pressure Mononuclear V
Diethylnitrosamine Monophosphate Vaccine
Diffusion Morphological Vaccine adjuvant
Digestion Morphology Vagina
Digestive system Motility Vaginal
Digestive tract Motor Activity Valerian
Digitalis Mucosa Valves
Dihydrotestosterone Multidrug resistance Vasodilation
Dilatation Muscle Contraction Vasodilator
Dilatation, Pathologic Muscle Fibers Vegetative
Dilation Muscle Relaxation Vein
Dilator Mutagen Venom
Diploid Mutagenic Venous
Direct, iii Myalgia Venous blood
Disinfectant Mydriatic Venous Thrombosis
Disorientation Myeloma Ventricle
Disposition Myocardial infarction Ventricular
Distal Myocardial Ischemia Venules
Diuresis Myocardial Reperfusion Vertebrae
Diuretic Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Vesicular
Dizziness Myocarditis Vestibulocochlear Nerve
DNA Topoisomerase Myocardium Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Dormancy N Veterinary Medicine
Dorsal Narcolepsy Viral
Dorsum Nasal Mucosa Viral Hepatitis
Dose-dependent Nausea Virulence
Doxorubicin NCI Virus
Drive, ii, vi Necrosis Viscera
Drug Interactions Need Visceral
Drug Tolerance Neonatal Visceral Afferents
Duodenum Neoplasms Viscosity
Dyes Neoplastic Vitamin A
Dysmenorrhea Nephropathy Vitamin D
Dyspareunia Nerve Vitro
Dyspepsia Nervous System Vivo
E Neural W
Echinacea Neuralgia Warfarin
Eczema Neurodegenerative Diseases Wart
Edema Neuromuscular White blood cell
Effector Neuromuscular Junction Womb
Effector cell Neuronal Wound Healing
Efficacy Neurons X
Ejaculation Neurotic Xenopus
Elasticity Neurotoxicity X-ray
Elastin Neurotransmitters Y
Electrolyte Neutrons Yeasts
Electrons Neutrophils Yohimbine
Emaciation Niacin Z
Emboli Nicotine Zidovudine
Embolism Nitric Oxide
Embolization Nitrogen
Embolus Nitroglycerin









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