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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  296
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597839611
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with glucosamine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to glucosamine. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to glucosamine. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Glucosamine


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Glucosamine

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Glucosamine


Finding Nutrition Studies on Glucosamine

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Glucosamine


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Glucosamine


Dissertations on Glucosamine

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Glucosamine


Recent Trials on Glucosamine

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Glucosamine


Patents on Glucosamine

Patent Applications on Glucosamine

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Glucosamine


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Glucosamine

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Glucosamine


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletters on Glucosamine

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Glucosamine

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Glucosamine

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on glucosamine will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on glucosamine.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Environmental Health Nocodazole
Abdominal Enzymatic Norepinephrine
Abdominal fat Eosinophils Nosocomial
Abrasion Epidermal Novobiocin
Acceptor Epidermal Growth Factor Nuclear
Acetaminophen Epidermis Nuclear Pore
Acetone Epinephrine Nuclear Proteins
Acetylcholine Epithelial Nuclei
Acetylcysteine Epithelial Cells Nucleic acid
Acetylgalactosamine Epithelium Nucleolus
Acetylglucosamine Epitope Nucleoproteins
Acetylglucosaminidase Erythrocytes Nucleotidases
Acrosome Erythropoietin Nucleus
Acrosome Reaction Esophageal Nursing Care
Acrylonitrile Esophageal Varices O
Actin Esophagus Odour
Acyl Essential Tremor Ointments
Acyl Carrier Protein Estradiol Omega-3 fatty acid
Acylation Estrogen Oncogene
Adaptation Estrogen receptor On-line
Adenine Ethanol Oocytes
Adenosine Ether Opacity
Adenosine Diphosphate Ethylene Glycol Open Reading Frames
Adenosine Triphosphate Eukaryotic Cells Operon
Adenylate Cyclase Evacuation Ophthalmic
Adipocytes Excitatory Optic Chiasm
Adipose Tissue Exogenous Organ Transplantation
Adjustment Exons Organelles
Adjuvant Expectorant Osmosis
Adoptive Transfer Extensor Osmotic
Adrenal Medulla External-beam radiation Ossification
Adrenergic Extracellular Osteoblasts
Adverse Effect Extracellular Matrix Osteoclasts
Aerobic Extracellular Matrix Proteins Osteogenesis
Aerobic Exercise Extracellular Space Osteoporosis
Aetiology Extraction Osteotomy
Affinity Extravasation Outpatient
Agar Eye Infections Ovaries
Age of Onset F Ovary
Agonist Family Planning Overweight
Albumin Fatty acids Ovulation
Albuminuria Feces Ovum
Alertness Femur Oxidation
Alfalfa Fermentation Oxidation-Reduction
Algorithms Fertilizers Oxidative metabolism
Alkaline Fetus Oxides
Alkaloid Fibroblast Growth Factor Oxygenation
Alkylating Agents Fibroblasts P
Allergen Fibronectin Pacemaker
Allylamine Fibrosis Paediatric
Alpha Particles Fixatives Palliative
Alpha-1 Flatus Pancreas
Alpha-Defensins Fluconazole Pancreatic
Alpha-helix Fluorescence Pancreatic cancer
Alpha-lactalbumin Fluorouracil Parasite
Alternative medicine Folate Parasitic
Alum Fold Parietal
Aluminum Folic Acid Paroxysmal
Aluminum Hydroxide Forearm Partial remission
Alveolar Process Fractionation Patch
Amelogenesis Imperfecta Frameshift Pathogen
Amine Frameshift Mutation Pathogenesis
Amino Acid Sequence Freeze-dried Pathologic
Amino Acids Friction Pathologic Processes
Amitriptyline Fructose Pathophysiology
Ammonia Fucose Patient Compliance
Ammonium Chloride Fungi Patient Education
Ampicillin Fungicides, Industrial Pelvic
Ampicillin Resistance Fungistatic Penicillin
Amplification Fungus Pentosan polysulfate
Amylase G Pentosyltransferases
Amylose Gait Pepsin
Anabolic Galactosyltransferases Pepsin A
Anaesthesia Gallbladder Peptide
Analgesic Gallstones Peptide Hydrolases
Analog Ganglion Perennial
Analogous Gas Perfusion
Anaphylatoxins Gastric Periplasm
Anatomical Gastric Acid Peritoneal
Androgens Gastric Mucosa Peritoneal Cavity
Anecdotal report Gastrin Peritoneal Dialysis
Anemia Gastritis Peritoneum
Anergy Gastrointestinal Pertussis
Anesthesia Gastrointestinal tract Petroleum
Anesthetics Gelatin PH
Anginal Gene Expression Phagocytosis
Angiogenesis Gene Silencing Pharmaceutical Preparations
Angiotensinogen Genetic Code Pharmaceutical Solutions
Animal model Genetic Engineering Pharmacokinetic
Anions Genetics Pharmacologic
Anode Genistein Pharynx
Antagonism Genotype Phenazopyridine
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Germ Cells Phenotype
Antibacterial Gestation Phenyl
Antibiotic Giardiasis Phenylalanine
Antibodies Gland Phosphates
Anticholinergic Glioma Phospholipases
Anticoagulant Glomerular Phospholipids
Anticonvulsant Glomeruli Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases
Antidepressant Glomerulonephritis Phosphorus
Antidote Glomerulosclerosis Phosphorylated
Antiemetic Glomerulus Phosphorylation
Antifungal Glottis Photocoagulation
Antifungal Agents Glucokinase Physical Examination
Antigen Glucose Intolerance Physiologic
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glucuronic Acid Physiology
Antigen-presenting cell Glucuronides Pigment
Anti-infective Glucuronosyltransferase Pilocarpine
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glutamate Pilot study
Antimetabolite Glutamic Acid Pituitary Gland
Antimetastatic Glutamine Placenta
Antimicrobial Glutathione Peroxidase Plaque
Antineoplastic Glycerol Plasma
Antioxidant Glycine Plasma cells
Antiproliferative Glycogen Plasma protein
Antipruritic Glycogen Synthase Plasmids
Antipyretic Glycopeptides Platelet Activation
Antiseptic Glycoprotein Platelet Aggregation
Antiserum Glycosaminoglycan Platelets
Antitussive Glycoside Platinum
Antiviral Glycosidic Pleated
Anxiety Glycosylation Pleural
Aorta Glycosyltransferases Point Mutation
Apolipoproteins Glycyrrhetinic Acid Poisoning
Apoptosis Glycyrrhiza Pollen
Applicability Goats Polyarthritis
Aqueous Gonadal Polycystic
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Gout Polymerase
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Governing Board Polymers
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Gp120 Polymorphism
Arachidonic Acid Grade Polypeptide
Arginine Graft Polysaccharide
Aromatase Grafting Posterior
Aromatic Gram-negative Postmenopausal
Arterial Gram-Negative Bacteria Postoperative
Arteries Gram-positive Postsynaptic
Arterioles Granule Post-translational
Arteriolosclerosis Granulocytes Potassium
Arteriosclerosis Grasses Potentiate
Arthroplasty Group Structure Potentiating
Arthroscopy Growth factors Potentiation
Arthrosis Guanylate Cyclase Practice Guidelines
Articular Guinea Pigs Precursor
Ascorbic Acid H Predisposition
Aspergillosis Haploid Prenatal
Aspirin Haptens Prevalence
Assay Headache Prickle
Astrocytes Health Promotion Probe
Ataxia Heart attack Procaine
Atherogenic Hematoma Prodrug
ATP Heme Progeny
Atrophy Hemodialysis Progesterone
Atropine Hemoglobin Progression
Attenuated Hemoglobinuria Progressive
Attenuation Hemorrhage Proline
Avian Hemorrhaging Promoter
Axillary Hemostasis Pronase
Axillary Artery Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Prophase
B Heparin Prophylaxis
Bacterial Physiology Hepatocellular Prostaglandins
Bacteriophage Hepatocyte Prostaglandins A
Bacterium Hepatoma Prostaglandins D
Basal Ganglia Hereditary Prostate
Basal Ganglia Diseases Heredity Protease
Base Heterogeneity Protective Agents
Basement Membrane Heterotrophic Protein Binding
Basophils Hexosyltransferases Protein C
Baths Hippocampus Protein S
Behavioral Sciences Histamine Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Belladonna Histidine Proteinuria
Benign Homeostasis Proteoglycan
Benign tumor Homogeneous Proteolytic
Benzene Homologous Protocol
Benzocaine Hormonal Protons
Benzoic Acid Hormone Protozoa
Berberine Horny layer Proximal
Beta-Defensins Host Pruritic
Beta-glucans Humoral Pruritus
Bewilderment Humour Psoriasis
Bifidobacterium Hybrid Psychomotor
Bile Hybridization Psyllium
Bile Acids Hybridomas Public Policy
Bile Acids and Salts Hydrochloric Acid Publishing
Bile Ducts Hydrogel Pulmonary
Biliary Hydrogen Peroxide Pulse
Bilirubin Hydrolases Purifying
Binding Sites Hydrolysis Purines
Bioavailability Hydrophilic Pustular
Biofilms Hydrophobic Q
Biogenesis Hydroxylation Quality of Life
Biological therapy Hydroxylysine Quaternary
Biological Transport Hydroxyproline Quercetin
Biomass Hydroxyzine Quiescent
Biosynthesis Hyperbilirubinemia R
Biotechnology Hyperglycaemia Race
Biotin Hyperglycemia Radiation
Biotransformation Hyperlipoproteinemia Radiation therapy
Bivalent Hyperplasia Radioactive
Bladder Hypersensitivity Radiolabeled
Blast Crisis Hypersensitivity, Immediate Radiology
Blastocyst Hypertension Radiotherapy
Blastomycosis Hypertrophy Randomized
Blasts Hyperuricemia Randomized clinical trial
Blood Coagulation Hypnotic Rationalize
Blood Glucose Hypochlorous Acid Reactive Oxygen Species
Blood Platelets Hypoglycemia Receptor
Blood pressure Hypoglycemic Receptors, Serotonin
Body Fluids Hypoglycemic Agents Recombinant
Body Mass Index Hypoplasia Recombinant Proteins
Bolus Hypothalamus Recombination
Bolus infusion I Rectum
Bone Density Ibuprofen Red blood cells
Bone Marrow Id Red Nucleus
Bone Resorption Iduronic Acid Reductase
Boron Imidazole Refer
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Immersion Refraction
Bowel Immune adjuvant Regeneration
Bowel Movement Immune response Regimen
Brachial Immune system Relapse
Brachial Artery Immunity Relaxant
Brachytherapy Immunization Remission
Bradykinin Immunocompromised Renin
Branch Immunodeficiency Repressor
Breakdown Immunogenic Research Support
Broad-spectrum Immunoglobulin Resorption
Bronchi Immunohistochemistry Respiration
Bronchial Immunologic Respiratory distress syndrome
Bronchiseptica Immunology Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult
Buccal Immunosuppressant Respiratory Mucosa
Bupivacaine Immunotherapy Response rate
Bursitis Impairment Restoration
C Implant radiation Retina
Caffeine Implantation Retinoblastoma
Calcification In situ Retinoids
Calcium In Situ Hybridization Retinol
Calcium channel blocker In vitro Reversion
Calcium Channel Blockers In vivo Rhamnose
Calcium Chloride Incision Rheumatism
Calculi Incubation Rheumatoid
Callus Incubation period Rheumatoid arthritis
Caloric intake Indicative Rheumatology
Camphor Induction Ribonucleic acid
Cancer vaccine Infarction Ribose
Candidiasis Infiltration Ribosome
Capillary Inflammatory bowel disease Rigidity
Capillary Permeability Influenza Risk factor
Capsaicin Infusion Ristocetin
Capsular Ingestion Rod
Capsules Initiation Rubber
Carbamazepine Inlay Rutin
Carbenoxolone Inner ear S
Carbohydrate Inorganic Salicylate
Carbon Dioxide Inositol Salicylic
Carcinogenic Insulator Saline
Carcinogens Insulin Saliva
Carcinoma Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Salivary
Cardiac Insulin-like Salivary glands
Cardiology Interleukin-1 Saponins
Cardiorespiratory Interleukin-10 Sarcoma
Cardiovascular Interleukin-2 Scleroproteins
Cardiovascular disease Intermittent Sclerosis
Carotenoids Internal Medicine Screening
Case report Internal radiation Secondary tumor
Castor Oil Interstitial Secretion
Catabolism Intestinal Secretory
Catecholamines Intestine Sedative
Catheterization Intracellular Sedentary
Catheters Intracellular Membranes Segmental
Cathode Intramuscular Seizures
Cations Intraperitoneal Selenium
Caudal Intravenous Self Care
Causal Intrinsic Sella
Cell Adhesion Intubation Semen
Cell Cycle Inulin Senile
Cell Death Invasive Sensor
Cell Differentiation Invertebrates Sepsis
Cell Division Involuntary Septal
Cell membrane Iodine Septic
Cell proliferation Ions Septum
Cell Survival Irradiation Septum Pellucidum
Cellobiose Irrigation Sequence Homology
Cellular metabolism Ischemia Sequencing
Cellulase Islet Serine
Cellulose Isoflavones Serotonin
Central Nervous System Itraconazole Serum
Cerebellar J Serum Albumin
Cerebral Jaundice Sex Determination
Cerebrovascular Joint Capsule Shedding
Cerebrum K Shock
Cetirizine Kb Sialic Acids
Character Keratan Sulfate Sialyltransferases
Chemotactic Factors Keratin Sicca
Chemotherapy Keratinocytes Side effect
Chenodeoxycholic Acid Keratoconjunctivitis Signal Transduction
Chiropractic Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Signs and Symptoms
Chitin Synthase Keratolytic Skeletal
Chlorambucil Ketone Bodies Skeleton
Chlorides Kidney Disease Skull
Chlorine Kinetic Small cell lung cancer
Chlorophyll L Small intestine
Cholecalciferol Labile Smooth muscle
Cholera Lacrimal Sneezing
Cholera Toxin Lactation Social Environment
Choleretic Lactobacillus Sodium
Cholesterol Lactobacillus acidophilus Soft tissue
Cholesterol Esters Lactose Synthase Solid tumor
Cholinergic Laminin Solvent
Chromatin Large Intestine Somatic
Chromosomal Larynx Somite
Chromosome Latent Sorbitol
Chronic Laxative Soybean Oil
Chronic Disease Lectin Spasmodic
Chronic granulocytic leukemia Leishmaniasis Specialist
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Lens Specificity
Chronic renal Lesion Spectrum
Chylomicrons Lethal Sperm
Cimetidine Leucine Sperm Head
CIS Leucocyte Spermatozoa
Citric Acid Leukaemia Spermatozoon
Citrus Leukemia Spinal cord
Clamp Leukocytes Spinous
Clinical Medicine Leukotrienes Spleen
Clinical study Library Services Sporadic
Clone Lidocaine Sputa
Cloning Life cycle Stabilizer
Coagulation Ligament Staphylococcal Infections
Coal Ligands Steel
Coal Tar Linkage Stem Cells
Codons Lipase Stent
Coenzyme Lipid Sterilization
Cofactor Lipid A Steroid
Colitis Lipid Peroxidation Stimulant
Collapse Lipopolysaccharide Stimulus
Colloidal Lipoprotein Stomach
Colorectal Lipoprotein Lipase Strand
Combinatorial Liposomes Stress
Communis Lipoxygenase Stringency
Competency Lithium Stroke
Complement Localization Stupor
Complementary and alternative medicine Localized Styrene
Complementary medicine Locomotion Subacute
Complementation Low-density lipoprotein Subclinical
Complete remission Lubricants Subcutaneous
Computational Biology Lucida Subiculum
Concomitant Lumen Submaxillary
Confusion Lupus Subspecies
Conjugated Lyases Substance P
Conjugation Lymph Substrate
Conjunctiva Lymphatic Sulfates
Connective Tissue Cells Lymphatic system Sulfotransferases
Connective Tissue Diseases Lymphoblasts Sulfur
Consciousness Lymphocyte Sulfuric acid
Constipation Lymphoid Superoxide
Consultation Lymphokines Superoxide Dismutase
Consumption Lymphoma Supplementation
Contracture Lysine Suppression
Contraindications, ii M Surfactant
Control group Macrophage Swainsonine
Controlled clinical trial Macrophage Activation Symbiosis
Controlled study Malabsorption Sympathomimetic
Coordination Malignant Symphysis
Cornea Malnutrition Symptomatic
Corneum Mammary Synaptic
Coronary Mandible Synergistic
Coronary heart disease Manic Synovial
Coronary Thrombosis Mannans Synovial Fluid
Cortex Mannosyltransferases Synovial Membrane
Corticosteroids Matrix metalloproteinase Systemic
Coumarin Meat Systolic
Coumestrol Medial T
Cranial Mediate Telangiectasia
Creatine Mediator Temporal
Creatinine Medical Staff Tendinitis
Cromolyn Sodium Medicament Testicular
Crystallins MEDLINE Testis
Curare Megaloblastic Thalamic
Curative Meiosis Thalamic Diseases
Curcumin Melanin Therapeutics
Cutaneous Melanocytes Thermal
Cyanide Melanoma Third Ventricle
Cyclic Membrane Proteins Threonine
Cyclosporine Meningitis Threshold
Cyst Menopause Thrombin
Cysteine Menstruation Thrombocytopenia
Cystine Mental Disorders Thrombomodulin
Cystitis Menthol Thrombosis
Cytochrome Mesenchymal Thromboxanes
Cytokine Mesentery Thymidine
Cytomegalovirus Mesoderm Thyroid
Cytoplasm Mesothelial Tin
Cytotoxic Meta-Analysis Tissue Distribution
Cytotoxicity Metabolic disorder Tolerance
D Metabolite Tomography
Databases, Bibliographic Metaphase Tooth Preparation
Deamination Metastasis Toxicity
Decarboxylation Methicillin Resistance Toxicokinetics
Decidua Methionine Toxicology
Defensins Methylene Blue Toxins
Degenerative MI Trace element
Dehydration Microbe Trachea
Deletion Microbiology Traction
Dendrites Microorganism Transcription Factors
Dendritic Micro-organism Transdermal
Dendritic cell Microscopy Transduction
Density Microspheres Transfection
Dentate Gyrus Microtubule-Associated Proteins Transferases
Dentifrices Microtubules Translation
Deoxyglucose Microvillus Translational
Deoxyribonucleic Migration Translocation
Deoxyribonucleic acid Milligram Transmitter
Depolarization Milliliter Transplantation
Depressive Disorder Mineral Oil Trauma
Dermal Miotic Trees
Dermatitis Mitomycin Triglyceride
Desensitization Mitosis Tryptophan
Detoxification Mitotic Tuberculosis
Deuterium Mobility Tuberous Sclerosis
Diabetes Mellitus Modification Tubulin
Diagnostic procedure Molecular Evolution Tunicamycin
Dialyzer Molecular mass Type 2 diabetes
Diarrhea Molecular Probes Typhimurium
Diastolic Molecular Structure Tyramine
Diencephalon Monensin Tyrosine
Dietary Fats Monitor U
Diffusion Monoamine Ulcer
Digestion Monoamine Oxidase Unconscious
Digestive system Monoclonal Uracil
Digestive tract Monoclonal antibodies Urethra
Dihydroxy Monocyte Uric
Dilatation Morphine Uridine Diphosphate
Dilator Morphological Urinary
Dimerization Morphology Urinary tract
Dimethyl Motility Urine
Diphenhydramine Motor nerve Urokinase
Diploid Mucocutaneous Ursodeoxycholic Acid
Direct, iii Mucolytic Urticaria
Disease Progression Mucosa Uterus
Disinfection Mucosal Lining V
Disorientation Mucositis Vaccination
Dissociation Mucus Vaccine
Distal Multiple Organ Failure Vagina
Diuresis Muscle Contraction Vancomycin
Diuretic Muscle Fibers Varices
DNA Topoisomerase Muscle relaxant Vascular
Domesticated Muscle tension Vasoconstriction
Dopamine Muscular Atrophy Vasodilator
Dorsal Muscular Dystrophies Vector
Dosage Forms Musculoskeletal System Vegetative
Double-blinded Mutagenesis Vein
Drug Interactions Mutagens Venous
Drug Tolerance Myalgia Ventricle
Duct Myelogenous Ventricular
Duodenal Ulcer Myocardial infarction Venules
Duodenum Myocardium Veterinarians
Dyes Myosin Veterinary Medicine
Dysplasia Myotonic Dystrophy Vibrio
Dystrophy N Vibrio cholerae
E Narcosis Vinblastine
Echinacea Narcotic Vinca Alkaloids
Ectoderm Nasal Mucosa Viral
Eczema Natural selection Virulence
Effector Nausea Virus
Elasticity NCI Visceral
Elastin Necrosis Visceral fat
Elective Neonatal Viscosity
Electrocoagulation Neoplasia Vitamin A
Electrolysis Neoplasm Vitamin E
Electrolyte Neoplastic Vitro
Electrons Nephropathy Vivo
Electroplating Nerve W
Electroporation Nerve Endings Weight Gain
Embryo Nerve Fibers Weight-Bearing
Embryogenesis Neural White blood cell
Emollient Neural Crest Whooping Cough
Emulsions Neuraminidase Windpipe
Enamel Neuroblastoma Wound Healing
Encephalopathy Neurofilaments X
Endemic Neuronal Xenograft
Endothelial cell Neurons X-ray
Endothelium Neurotransmitters X-ray therapy
Endothelium-derived Neutrons Y
Endotoxic Neutrophil Yeasts
Endotoxin Niacin Z
End-stage renal Nickel Zygote
Enhancer Nifedipine Zymogen
Entorhinal Cortex Nitric Oxide
Environmental Exposure Nitrogen









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