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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Glucose Tolerance Test)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  236
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497004879
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with glucose tolerance test is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Glucose Tolerance Test




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to glucose tolerance test. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to glucose tolerance test. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Glucose Tolerance Test


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Glucose Tolerance Test

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Alternative Medicine and Glucose Tolerance Test


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 3. Books on Glucose Tolerance Test


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Chapters on Glucose Tolerance Test

Chapter 4. Multimedia on Glucose Tolerance Test


Video Recordings

Chapter 5. Periodicals and News on Glucose Tolerance Test


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Glucose Tolerance Test

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on glucose tolerance test will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on glucose tolerance test.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Erectile Parathyroid hormone
Abdominal Erection Parenteral
Abdominal fat Ergot Parkinsonism
Ablation Erythrocytes Partial remission
Abortion Esterification Particle
Acanthosis Nigricans Estradiol Parturition
Acceptor Estrogen Pathogenesis
Acetylcholine Estrogen receptor Pathologic
Acidosis Estrogen Replacement Therapy Pathologic Processes
Acitretin Estrone Pathophysiology
Acne Ethanol Patient Care Team
Activities of Daily Living Ethnic Groups Patient Education
Acyl Etretinate Pedigree
Adaptation Evacuation Pelvis
Adenosine Evoke Peptic
Adipocytes Excitatory Peptic Ulcer
Adipose Tissue Excrete Percutaneous
Adjustment Exhaustion Perfusion
Adrenal Cortex Exocrine Perimenopausal
Adrenal Glands Exogenous Perinatal
Adrenergic External-beam radiation Periodicity
Adverse Effect Extracellular Peripheral Nerves
Aerobic Extracellular Matrix Peripheral Nervous System
Aerobic Exercise Extraction Peripheral Vascular Disease
Aerobic Metabolism Extrapyramidal Peritoneal
Aerobic Respiration Extremity Peritoneal Cavity
Afferent F PH
Affinity Facial Pharmacists
Age Groups Family Planning Pharmacologic
Age of Onset Fasting Blood Glucose Test Phenotype
Aged Fatigue Phenylalanine
Agonist Fermentation Phlebotomy
Airway Fertilization in Vitro Phorbol
Akathisia Fetal Heart Phorbol Esters
Albumin Fetus Phospholipids
Alertness Fibroblasts Phosphorus
Algorithms Fibrosis Phosphorylate
Alimentary Fluoxetine Phosphorylation
Alkaline Fold Physical Examination
Alkaloid Follicular Fluid Physical Fitness
Alleles Foot Ulcer Physiologic
Alopecia Forearm Physiology
Alpha-1 Fractionation Pigment
Alternative medicine Fructosamine Pilot study
Amenorrhea G Pituitary Gland
Amino Acid Sequence Gallbladder Placenta
Ammonia Ganglia Plants
Amnion Gas Plaque
Amniotic Fluid Gastrectomy Plasma cells
Anaemia Gastric Plasma protein
Anaesthesia Gastric Emptying Plethysmography
Anal Gastrin Pneumonia
Analgesic Gastritis Polycystic
Analog Gastrointestinal Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Analogous Gastrointestinal tract Polymorphism
Anaphylatoxins Gene Polypeptide
Anatomical Gene Expression Polyposis
Androgenic Gene Therapy Polysaccharide
Androgens Genetic Engineering Porphyria
Androstenedione Genetics Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Anemia Genotype Posterior
Anergy Germ Cells Postmenopausal
Aneurysm Gestation Postnatal
Angina Gestational Age Postoperative
Angina Pectoris Ginseng Postprandial
Angiotensin I Gland Potassium
Angiotensinogen Glucocorticoid Potentiates
Animal model Gluconeogenesis Practice Guidelines
Anions Glucose Clamp Technique Precancerous
Anorexia Glucose Intolerance Preclinical
Anorexia Nervosa Glucuronic Acid Precursor
Anovulation Glutamate Predisposition
Antagonism Glutamic Acid Prednisolone
Antecedent Glycerol Preeclampsia
Anthropometry Glycine Pre-eclamptic
Antibacterial Glycogen Pregnancy Complications
Antibiotic Glycosuria Pregnancy Outcome
Antibodies Gonad Pregnancy Tests
Antibody Gonadal Premenopausal
Anticoagulant Gonadotropic Prenatal
Antidiabetic Gonadotropin Preoperative
Antiemetic Governing Board Pressoreceptors
Antigen Graft Prevalence
Antigen-Antibody Complex Grafting Primary endpoint
Anti-inflammatory Graft-versus-host disease Progeny
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Granulocytes Progesterone
Antioxidant Growth factors Progestogen
Antipsychotic H Progression
Antipyretic Half-Life Progressive
Anxiety Haplotypes Prolactin
Apnea Headache Promoter
Apolipoproteins Health Status Prone
Apoptosis Heart attack Prophase
Arginine Heartbeat Propranolol
Arterial Hematology Prospective Studies
Arteries Heme Prospective study
Arterioles Hemochromatosis Prostate
Arteriosclerosis Hemodialysis Protease
Artery Hemoglobin Protease Inhibitors
Ascites Hemoglobin A Protein Binding
Aspirin Hemoglobinopathies Protein C
Assay Hemorrhage Protein Kinase C
Asymptomatic Heparin Protein S
Atherogenic Hepatic Proteinuria
Atrophy Hepatocyte Proteoglycans
Atypical Hepatocyte Growth Factor Proteolytic
Autoantibodies Hepatoma Protocol
Autoantigens Heredity Protozoan
Autonomic Heterogeneity Proxy
Axillary Heterogenic Psoriasis
Axillary Artery Heterogenous Psychiatric
B Heterozygotes Psychiatry
Bacteria Hippocampus Psychic
Bacterial Physiology Hirsutism Psychosis
Bactericidal Histamine Psychotherapy
Bacteriophage Homeostasis Psychotropic
Bacteriuria Homogeneous Psyllium
Baroreflex Homologous Puberty
Basal Ganglia Homozygotes Public Health
Basement Membrane Hormonal Public Policy
Behavior Therapy Hormone Publishing
Benzoic Acid Hydrogen Pulmonary
Beta-Endorphin Hydrolysis Pulmonary Artery
Bilateral Hydrophobic Pulmonary Edema
Bile Hydroxyproline Pulse
Bilirubin Hyperandrogenism Pyloroplasty
Bioavailability Hyperbilirubinemia Q
Biochemical Hypercholesterolemia Quality of Life
Biogenesis Hyperglycemia R
Biological therapy Hyperlipidemia Race
Biomarkers Hyperlipoproteinemia Radiation
Biopsy Hyperplasia Radiation therapy
Biosynthesis Hypertension Radioactive
Biotechnology Hyperthyroidism Radioactive iodine
Bladder Hypertrichosis Radioactivity
Blastocyst Hypertriglyceridemia Radiography
Blood Coagulation Hypertrophy Radioimmunoassay
Blood urea Hypoglycemia Radioisotope
Blood vessel Hypoglycemic Radiolabeled
Blot Hypoglycemic Agents Radiological
Body Composition Hypotension Radiotherapy
Body Fluids Hypothalamic Random Allocation
Body Image Hypothalamus Randomization
Body Mass Index I Randomized
Bone Density Ileum Reactive Oxygen Species
Bone Marrow Imaging procedures Receptor
Bone Resorption Immaturity Receptor, Insulin
Bone scan Immune response Recombinant
Brachial Immune system Recombination
Brachial Artery Immunodeficiency Reconstitution
Brachytherapy Immunogenic Rectum
Breast Feeding Immunoglobulin Recur
Breeding Immunologic Recurrence
Bromocriptine Immunology Red blood cells
Buffers Immunoradiometric Assay Refer
Bulimia Immunosuppression Refraction
C Immunosuppressive Regeneration
Caesarean section Immunosuppressive Agents Regimen
Caffeine Impairment Remission
Calcium Implant radiation Renin
Capillary Implantation Reproduction Techniques
Carbohydrate Impotence Reproductive History
Carbon Dioxide In vitro Respiratory distress syndrome
Carcinogen In vivo Resting metabolic rate
Carcinogenesis Incision Retina
Carcinogenic Induction Retinal
Carcinoma Infancy Retinal Vein
Cardiac Infant, Newborn Retinal Vein Occlusion
Cardiac catheterization Infantile Retinoid
Cardiac Output Infarction Retinol
Cardiomyopathy Infection Retinopathy
Cardiorespiratory Infertility Retroperitoneal
Cardioselective Inflammation Retrospective
Cardiovascular disease Infusion Retroviral vector
Carnitine Ingestion Rhodopsin
Carotene Initiation Ribonucleic acid
Case-Control Studies Inorganic Risperidone
Catabolism Inositol Rod
Cataract Inotropic Rosiglitazone
Catecholamine Insight S
Catheterization Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Salicylate
Caudal Insulin-like Salicylic
Causal Intermittent Salicylic Acids
Cause of Death Intermittent Claudication Saline
Cavernous Sinus Internal radiation Saliva
Cecum Interstitial Salivary
Cell Death Intestinal Salivary glands
Cell Differentiation Intestine Saponins
Cell Division Intracellular Saturate
Cell motility Intramuscular Scans
Cell proliferation Intraperitoneal Schizophrenia
Cell Respiration Intravascular Screening
Cell Survival Intravenous Sebaceous
Central Nervous System Intrinsic Sebaceous gland
Cerebral Invasive Sebum
Cerebral Cortex Iodine Second Messenger Systems
Cerebrospinal Ion Channels Secretion
Cerebrospinal fluid Ions Secretory
Cerebrovascular Irradiation Sedentary
Chemoprevention Islet Sediment
Chemopreventive J Segregation
Chemoreceptor Jaundice Self Care
Chemotactic Factors K Sella Turcica
Chin Kb Semisynthetic
Cholesterol Keto Senescence
Cholesterol Esters Ketoacidosis Senile
Cholinergic Ketone Bodies Sequencing
Chorea Ketosis Serine
Chromatin Kidney Disease Serologic
Chromosomal Kidney Failure Serotonin
Chromosome Kidney Failure, Acute Serum Albumin
Chronic Disease Kidney Failure, Chronic Sex Characteristics
Chronic renal Kidney stone Shivering
Chylomicrons Kinetic Side effect
Circadian L Signs and Symptoms
Circadian Rhythm Labile Skeletal
Cirrhosis Lactation Skeleton
CIS Laminin Sleep apnea
Clamp Lamivudine Small intestine
Clinical study Large Intestine Smooth muscle
Clinical trial Latent Social Environment
Clomiphene Lens Social Support
Cloning Leprosy Sodium
Cofactor Leptin Solvent
Cognitive behavior therapy Lesion Somatic
Cognitive restructuring Leucine Somatostatin
Colitis Leukemia Specialist
Collagen Libido Species
Collapse Ligaments Specificity
Colloidal Linkage Spectrum
Colon Linkage Disequilibrium Sperm
Colonoscopy Lipid Spinal cord
Colorectal Lipid A Spontaneous Abortion
Colorectal Cancer Lipid Peroxidation Sporadic
Complement Lipodystrophy Staging
Complementary and alternative medicine Lipolysis Statistically significant
Complementary medicine Lipopolysaccharides Steatosis
Compliance Lipoprotein Steel
Computational Biology Lipoprotein Lipase Stent
Computed tomography Lithium Sterile
Computerized axial tomography Liver Sterility
Computerized tomography Liver Cirrhosis Steroid
Conception Liver scan Stillbirth
Concomitant Localization Stimulant
Cones Localized Stimulus
Confounding Locomotion Stomach
Confusion Locomotor Strand
Congestion Longitudinal Studies Stress
Conjugated Longitudinal study Stress management
Connective Tissue Low-density lipoprotein Stroke
Constipation Lutein Cells Stromal
Consultation Lymphatic Stromal Cells
Contraceptive Lymphocyte Subacute
Contraindications, ii Lymphocyte Depletion Subclinical
Contralateral Lymphoid Subcutaneous
Control group Lytic Subiculum
Controlled clinical trial M Subspecies
Convulsions Magnetic Resonance Imaging Substance P
Coronary Major Histocompatibility Complex Substrate
Coronary Disease Malaria Sulfur
Coronary heart disease Malaria, Falciparum Superantigens
Coronary Thrombosis Malaria, Vivax Support group
Coronary Vessels Malignancy Suppression
Corpus Malignant Surfactant
Corpus Luteum Malnutrition Survival Rate
Cortex Mammary Sweat
Corticosteroid Manic Sweat Glands
Cortisol Manifest Sympathomimetic
Cortisone Mean blood pressure Synapse
Cost-benefit Medial Synergistic
Cranial Mediate Systemic
Cranial Irradiation Mediator Systolic
Creatine Medical Records Systolic blood pressure
Creatinine MEDLINE Systolic pressure
Criterion Medroxyprogesterone T
Crossing-over Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tardive
Cultured cells Melanin Telomerase
Curative Melanosis Telomere
Cyclic Membrane Temporal
Cyst Memory Teratogenic
Cytokine Menarche Testis
Cytoplasm Menopause Testosterone
D Menstruation Tetany
Daclizumab Mental, iv Therapeutics
Data Collection Mental Health, iv Thermogenesis
De novo Mesolimbic Thigh
Deamination Metabolic acidosis Thorax
Decidua Metabolic disorder Threonine
Decompensation Metabolite Threshold
Degenerative Methionine Thrombin
Dehydroepiandrosterone MI Thrombomodulin
Deletion Microbiology Thrombosis
Delirium Microcirculation Thyroid
Dementia Microorganism Thyroid Gland
Density Milliliter Thyroid Hormones
Dentate Gyrus Mitosis Thyrotropin
Deoxyribonucleic Modeling Thyroxine
Depressive Disorder Modification Tissue Distribution
Dermis Modulator Tomography
Desensitization Molecule Tone
Desipramine Monitor Tooth Preparation
Dexamethasone Monoclonal Topical
Diabetic Foot Morphological Toxaemia
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Morphology Toxic, iv
Diabetic Retinopathy Morula Toxicity
Diagnostic procedure Mucosa Toxicology
Dialyzer Multivariate Analysis Toxin
Diastolic Mycophenolate mofetil Tracer
Diastolic pressure Myocardial infarction Trachea
Diencephalon Myocardial Ischemia Traction
Digestion Myocardium Transaminases
Dilatation, Pathologic N Transcriptase
Dilation Natural selection Transduction
Diltiazem Nausea Transfection
Direct, iii Necrosis Transfusion
Discrete Neonatal Translation
Disease Susceptibility Neoplasia Transmitter
Disinfectant Nephrology Transplantation
Disparity Nephropathy Tricyclic
Disposition Nerve Trigger zone
Distal Nervous System Triglyceride
Diuresis Neural Troglitazone
Dopamine Neuroendocrine Trophoblast
Dose-dependent Neuroleptic Tumor marker
Double-blind Neurologic Tyrosine
Doxazosin Neuromuscular U
Drive, ii, vi Neuromuscular Junction Ultrasonography
Drug Interactions Neuronal Urea
Drug Tolerance Neurons Uremia
Duct Neuropathy Urethra
Duodenum Neuropeptide Uric
Dyskinesia Neurotransmitter Urinalysis
Dyslipidemia Neutrons Urinary
Dyspareunia Nitrogen Urine
Dysphoric Norepinephrine Uterus
Dyspnea Normotensive V
E Nuclear Vaccines
Echocardiography Nuclei Vagotomy
Eclampsia Nucleic acid Vascular
Edema Nucleus Vascular endothelial growth factor
Effector O Vascular Resistance
Effector cell Odds Ratio Vasodilation
Efficacy Oestradiol Vasodilator
Elastic Oestrogen Vasomotor
Elasticity Oligo Vector
Electrolyte Oligomenorrhea Vein
Electrons Oliguria Venous
Embryo Oncogene Ventricle
Embryo Transfer Oocytes Venules
Embryology Opacity Very low-density lipoprotein
Emollient Ophthalmic Vesicular
Encephalopathy Opiate Veterinary Medicine
Endemic Opsin Viral
Endocrine Glands Optic Chiasm Virilism
Endocrine System Optic Nerve Virus
Endocrinologist Orthostatic Visceral
Endocrinology Osmolality Visceral fat
Endogenous Osmoles Vitamin A
Endometrial Osmosis Vitamin U
Endometrium Osmotic Vitreous
Endopeptidases Osteoporosis Vitreous Hemorrhage
Endorphin Ovarian Follicle Vitro
Endotoxic Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Vivo
Endotoxins Ovaries W
End-stage renal Ovary White blood cell
Energy balance Overweight Windpipe
Energy Intake Ovulation Womb
Enkephalin Ovulation Induction X
Entorhinal Cortex Ovum Xenograft
Environmental Health Oxidation X-ray
Enzymatic Oxidative metabolism X-ray therapy
Enzyme Oxidative Stress Y
Epidemic P Yeasts
Epidemiological Palliative Z
Epigastric Pancreas Zalcitabine
Epinephrine Pancreatic Zymogen
Epithelial Pancreatic cancer
Epithelial Cells Parathyroid
Epithelium Parathyroid Glands









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