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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(removal of the uterus)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  260
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597839883
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with hysterectomy is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

removal of the uterus




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to hysterectomy. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to hysterectomy. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Hysterectomy


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Hysterectomy

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Hysterectomy


Finding Nutrition Studies on Hysterectomy

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Hysterectomy


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Hysterectomy


Dissertations on Hysterectomy

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Patents on Hysterectomy


Patents on Hysterectomy

Patent Applications on Hysterectomy

Keeping Current

Chapter 6. Books on Hysterectomy


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Hysterectomy

Chapter 7. Multimedia on Hysterectomy


Bibliography: Multimedia on Hysterectomy

Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Hysterectomy


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Hysterectomy

Chapter 9. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Associations and Hysterectomy

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on hysterectomy will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on hysterectomy.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Estrogen Replacement Therapy Pelvic inflammatory disease
Abdomen Ethnic Groups Penile Prosthesis
Abdominal fat Eukaryotic Cells Penis
Aberrant Evacuation Peptide
Ablate Exogenous Perinatal
Ablation Expiration Perineal
Abscess Expiratory Perineum
Acetaminophen Extender Peripheral blood
Acetylcholine External-beam radiation Peripheral stem cell support
Actin Extracellular Peripheral stem cell transplantation
Acyl Extracellular Matrix Peritoneal
Adaptability Extracellular Space Peritoneal Cavity
Adenine Extraocular Peritoneum
Adenocarcinoma Extremity Perivascular
Adenosine Eye Infections Petroleum
Adenosine Triphosphate F PH
Adenovirus Fallopian Tubes Phagocytosis
Adhesions Family Planning Phallic
Adipose Tissue Fat Pharmacologic
Adjuvant Fatigue Phenotype
Adjuvant Therapy Fatty acids Phosphatidic Acids
Adnexa Febrile Phospholipases
Adolescence Fecal Incontinence Phospholipids
Adrenal Cortex Feces Phosphorus
Adrenergic Fentanyl Phosphorylation
Adrenergic Antagonists Fetus Photocoagulation
Adverse Effect Fibrin Physical Examination
Aerobic Fibrinogen Physical Fitness
Aerobic Metabolism Fibrinolytic Physical Therapy
Aerobic Respiration Fibroblasts Physiologic
Aerosol Fibroid Physiology
Affinity Fine-needle aspiration Pilot study
Age Groups Fistula Pineal Body
Age of Onset Fixation Pineal gland
Aged Flatus Placenta
Agonist Fluorescence Plague
Airway Foetoplacental Plants
Albumin Forearm Plaque
Alertness Fornix Plasma
Algorithms Fovea Plasma cells
Alimentary Friction Plasma protein
Alkaline Fundus Plasma Volume
Alkaloid G Platelet Activation
Alleles Gallbladder Platelet Aggregation
Allergen Gallstones Platelets
Alpha Particles Gamma Rays Platinum
Alternative medicine Ganciclovir Plexus
Amebiasis Gap Junctions Poisoning
Amenorrhea Gas Polymorphic
Amino Acid Sequence Gastrin Polyp
Amino Acids Gastrointestinal Polypeptide
Ampulla Gastrointestinal tract Polysaccharide
Amputation Gelatin Port
Anaerobic Gene Port-a-cath
Anaesthesia Genetic Engineering Posterior
Anaesthetic Genital Postmenopausal
Anal Genotype Postoperative
Analgesic Germ Cells Postpartum Hemorrhage
Analog Gestation Postsynaptic
Analogous Gestational Potentiates
Anatomical Gestational trophoblastic disease Potentiation
Anemia Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia Practicability
Anesthesia Gestational trophoblastic tumor Practice Guidelines
Angiogenesis Giardiasis Precancerous
Angiogram Gland Precursor
Angiokeratoma Glucocorticoid Predisposition
Angioplasty Glucose Premalignant
Animal model Glycogen Premenopausal
Anions Glycoprotein Prenatal
Anomalies Gonadal Prenatal Care
Antagonism Gonadorelin Prepuce
Antibiosis Gonadotropin Presynaptic
Antibiotic Gonads Prevalence
Antibodies Gonorrhea Priapism
Antibody Goserelin Primary endpoint
Anticoagulant Governing Board Probe
Antigen Grade Progesterone
Antigen-presenting cell Grading Progestogen
Anti-inflammatory Graft Prognostic factor
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Grafting Progression
Antimicrobial Gram-negative Progressive
Antineoplastic Granulocytes Prolapse
Antioxidant Gravidity Proline
Antipyretic Growth factors Promotor
Antiseptic Guanylate Cyclase Prone
Antiviral Gynaecological Prophase
Anus Gynecologic cancer Prophylactic oophorectomy
Anxiety H Prophylaxis
Aorta Haematemesis Prospective study
Apnea Headache Prostaglandin
Apolipoproteins Health Care Costs Prostaglandins A
Apoptosis Health Expenditures Prostaglandins D
Approximate Health Status Prostaglandins F
Aqueous Heart attack Prostate
Arachidonic Acid Hematocrit Prostatectomy
Arginine Hematoxylin Prosthesis
Arnica Hemodilution Prosthesis Design
Arterial Hemoglobin Protein C
Arteries Hemoglobin A Protein S
Arterioles Hemorrhage Proteolytic
Articular Hemorrhoidectomy Prothrombin
Ascites Hemorrhoids Protocol
Aseptic Hemostasis Protons
Assay Hepatic Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Asymptomatic Hereditary Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Attenuation Heredity Proximal
Atypical Hernia Psychiatric
Atypical hyperplasia Hetastarch Psychiatry
Autoimmune disease Heterodimers Psychic
Autosuggestion Hippocampus Psychogenic
B Histology Psychology
Bacteria Homogeneous Psychosis
Bacteriophage Homologous Psychosomatic
Base Hormonal Public Health
Basement Membrane Hormone Replacement Therapy Public Policy
Basophils Hormone therapy Publishing
Baths Human papillomavirus Puerperium
Benchmarking Hybrid Pulmonary
Benign tumor Hybridization Pulmonary Artery
Bereavement Hydrogen Pulse
Bilateral Hydrolysis Pupil
Bile Hydrophobic Puromycin
Bile Ducts Hydroxylysine Purulent
Bilirubin Hydroxyproline Q
Binding Sites Hygienic Quality of Life
Biochemical Hyperhomocysteinemia R
Biological therapy Hyperkeratosis Race
Biopsy Hyperplasia Radiation
Biosynthesis Hypersensitivity Radiation therapy
Biotechnology Hypertension Radioactive
Blastocyst Hypertrophy Radioimmunotherapy
Bleomycin Hypnotic Radioisotope
Bloating Hypothalamic Radiolabeled
Blood Cell Count Hypothalamus Radiological
Blood Coagulation Hypothermia Radiology
Blood Glucose Hysteroscopy Radiotherapy
Blood Platelets Hysterotomy Raloxifene
Blood pressure I Random Allocation
Blood transfusion Iatrogenic Randomization
Blood Viscosity Id Randomized clinical trial
Blood Volume Immersion Reactive Oxygen Species
Blot Immune function Reality Testing
Body Composition Immune response Receptor
Body Fluids Immune system Receptors, Serotonin
Bolus Immunization Recombinant
Bolus infusion Immunodeficiency Rectal
Bone Density Immunoglobulin Rectovaginal Fistula
Bone Marrow Immunohistochemistry Rectum
Bowel Immunologic Recurrence
Bowel Movement Immunology Refer
Brachytherapy Impairment Regimen
Bradykinin Implant radiation Relapse
Branch Implantation Remission
Breakdown Impotence Renal pelvis
Breast Feeding In situ Renovascular
Buccal In Situ Hybridization Resected
Bupivacaine In vitro Resection
Bypass In vivo Residual disease
C Incision Resolving
Caffeine Incontinence Respiration
Calcaneus Indicative Response Elements
Calcium Induction Restoration
Carbohydrate Infancy Retina
Carbon Dioxide Infant Mortality Retractor
Carboplatin Infant, Newborn Retrograde
Carcinogen Infarction Retroperitoneal
Carcinogenesis Infertility Retroperitoneal Space
Carcinogenic Infiltration Retropubic
Carcinoma Inflammation Retrospective
Carcinoma in Situ Informed Consent Retroviral vector
Cardiac Infusion Ribose
Cardiopulmonary Ingestion Risk factor
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Innervation Risk patient
Cardiovascular Inorganic Rod
Cardiovascular disease Inpatients Rotator
Case report Insight S
Case series Instillation Salpingo-oophorectomy
Case-Control Studies Insulator Saphenous
Castration Insulin Saphenous Vein
Catecholamines Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Saponins
Catheterization Insulin-like Sarcoma
Catheters Integrins Scalpel
Caudal Interleukin-1 Schizoid
Causal Interleukin-2 Schizophrenia
Cause of Death Intermittent Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cell Adhesion Internal radiation Sclerosis
Cell Cycle Interpersonal Relations Screening
Cell Death Interstitial Scrotum
Cell Differentiation Intestinal Secretion
Cell Division Intestine Secretory
Cell proliferation Intoxication Sedative
Cell Respiration Intracellular Segmentation
Cell Survival Intraepithelial Selection Bias
Central Nervous System Intravascular Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Centrifugation Intravenous Semen
Cerebral Intrinsic Seminal vesicles
Cerebrovascular Intubation Senile
Cerebrum Invasive Sensibility
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Invasive cervical cancer Sensitization
Cesarean Section Involuntary Serine
Character Ionizing Serotonin
Check-up Ions Serous
Chemoprevention Ischemia Serum
Chemopreventive J Sex Characteristics
Chemotaxis Joint Sexual Abstinence
Chemotherapy K Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chlamydia Kb Shock
Cholecystectomy Ketamine Side effect
Cholesterol Ketorolac Sigmoid
Cholesterol Esters Kidney Pelvis Sigmoid Colon
Choriocarcinoma Kidney stone Sigmoidoscopy
Chromatin Kidney Transplantation Signal Transduction
Chromosomal L Signs and Symptoms
Chromosome Lacerations Skeletal
Chromosome Aberrations Lacrimal Skeleton
Chronic Lacrimal Apparatus Skin graft
Chylomicrons Lactation Skull
Circadian Laparoscopy Sleep apnea
Circadian Rhythm Laparotomy Sleep Deprivation
Circumcision Large Intestine Sleep Stages
CIS Latent Small intestine
Cisplatin Leg Ulcer Smooth muscle
Clamp Leiomyoma Smooth Muscle Tumor
Climacteric Lens Sneezing
Clinical Medicine Lesion Social Environment
Clinical study Leukocytes Social Support
Clinical trial Levonorgestrel Social Work
Clitoral Library Services Sodium
Cloning Ligament Solid tumor
Coagulation Ligands Soma
Cofactor Ligation Somatic
Cohort Studies Linkage Somatic mutations
Collagen Lipid Specialist
Collapse Lipid Peroxidation Species
Collateral Circulation Lipoprotein Specificity
Colloidal Liver Sperm
Colonoscope Liver Cirrhosis Spermatozoa
Colonoscopy Lobe Sphincter
Colpotomy Localization Spinal cord
Combination Therapy Localized Spleen
Complement Longitudinal study Sporadic
Complementary and alternative medicine Long-Term Care Squamous
Complementary medicine Loop Staging
Computational Biology Low-density lipoprotein Statistically significant
Conception Lubricants Steel
Concomitant Lubrication Stem Cells
Condoms Lumen Stents
Cone Luteal Phase Sterility
Confounding Lymph Sterilization
Connective Tissue Lymph node Steroid
Connective Tissue Cells Lymphadenectomy Stimulant
Consciousness Lymphatic Stimulus
Constipation Lymphatic system Stomach
Constriction Lymphocyte Stool
Consultation Lymphography Stress
Consumption Lymphoid Stress incontinence
Contamination Lysophospholipids Stress urinary
Continence Lytic Stricture
Continuous infusion M Stroke
Continuum Macrophage Stroma
Contraception Malignancy Stromal
Contraceptive Malignant Stump
Contractility Malignant tumor Subacute
Contraindications, ii Malnutrition Subclinical
Control group Mammary Subcutaneous
Controlled clinical trial Manic Subiculum
Controlled study Manic-depressive psychosis Subspecies
Coordination Mastectomy Substance P
Cornea Mediate Suction
Coronary Mediator Sufentanil
Coronary Artery Bypass Medical Records Supplementation
Coronary Disease Medicament Suppositories
Coronary heart disease Medication Errors Suppression
Coronary Thrombosis MEDLINE Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Coronary Vessels Medroxyprogesterone Surgical Equipment
Corpus Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Surgical Instruments
Corpus Luteum Membrane Survival Rate
Cortex Memory Suspensions
Cortisol Menarche Symphysis
Cranial Meninges Symptomatic
Cross-Sectional Studies Menorrhagia Symptomatology
Cryofixation Menstrual Cycle Synapses
Cryopreservation Menstruation Synaptic
Curative Mental Disorders Synaptic Vesicles
Curettage Mental Health, iv Systemic
Curette Mental Processes Systolic
Cyclic Mesentery T
Cyst Metastatic Talc
Cystathionine beta-Synthase Metronidazole Tamoxifen
Cystectomy MI Tamponade
Cystitis Microbiology Tarsal Bones
Cystocele Microcirculation Telomerase
Cystoscopy Microorganism Temporal
Cytokine Microscopy Testicles
Cytomegalovirus Microtubules Testis
Cytomegalovirus Infections Micturition Testosterone
Cytoplasm Mifepristone Therapeutics
Cytoskeleton Migration Thermal
Cytotoxic Milliliter Thorax
Cytotoxic chemotherapy Miscarriage Threshold
Cytotoxicity Mitosis Thrombin
D Mitotic Thrombocytes
Databases, Bibliographic Mobility Thrombomodulin
Decidua Modification Thromboses
Decision Making Molar pregnancy Thrombosis
Defecation Molecular Thyroid
Defense Mechanisms Molecule Thyroid Gland
Degenerative Monitor Thyroxine
Deletion Monoclonal Time and Motion Studies
Delivery of Health Care Monocytes Tomography
Delusions Morphine Topical
Dementia Morphological Total hysterectomy
Dendrites Motility Toxic, iv
Dendritic Motion Sickness Toxicity
Dendritic cell Mucinous Toxicology
Density Mucosa Toxins
Dentate Gyrus Mucus Trachea
Depolarization Multimodality treatment Traction
Deprivation Multiple sclerosis Transcriptase
Diabetes Mellitus Muscle Contraction Transcription Factors
Diagnostic procedure Muscle Fibers Transduction
Diaphragm Mutagenic Transfection
Diastolic Mydriatic Transfer Agreement
Diclofenac Myelin Transfusion
Diclofenac Sodium Myocardial Ischemia Transgenes
Dietary Fiber Myocardium Translational
Diffusion Myometrium Transmitter
Digestion Myopathy Transplantation
Dilatation Myosin Transurethral
Dilate Myotonic Dystrophy Transurethral Resection of Prostate
Dilation N Trauma
Dilation and curettage Narcotic Treatment Outcome
Direct, iii Nausea Trichomoniasis
Disease Progression NCI Tryptophan
Disease Susceptibility Necrosis Tubal ligation
Dissection Need Tuberculosis
Dissociation Needle biopsy Tumor marker
Dissociative Disorders Neocortex Tumor suppressor gene
Distal Neonatal Tumour
Diuresis Neoplasia Tunica Media
Diverticula Neoplasm Tyrosine
Diverticulum Nephrectomy U
Dorsal Nervous System Ulcer
Dose-rate Networks Unconscious
Douche Neurogenic Ureter
Douching Neurons Urethra
Drug Interactions Neutrons Urinary Fistula
Drug Resistance Neutrophils Urinary Retention
Drug Tolerance Nidation Urinary tract
Duct Nitric Oxide Urinate
Duodenum Nitrogen Urine
Dysmenorrhea Node-negative Urodynamic
Dyspareunia Norepinephrine Urogenital
E Norgestrel Urology
Ectopic Nuclear Uterine Contraction
Efficacy Nucleic acid Uterine Prolapse
Elastin Nucleic Acid Hybridization Uterine Rupture
Elective Nucleus V
Electrocardiogram Nulliparous Vaccine
Electrocoagulation O Vaginal Discharge
Electrode Observational study Vaginitis
Electrons Oestradiol Vaginosis
Emboli Oestrogen Varicose
Embolization Ointments Vas Deferens
Embryo Oncogenic Vascular
Embryo Transfer Oocytes Vasectomy
Emesis Oophorectomy Vasoactive
Emollient Opacity Vasodilators
Emulsion Ophthalmology Vasomotor
Endarterectomy Opium Vector
Endemic Optic Chiasm Vein
Endocrinology Orchiectomy Venous
Endometriosis Orderly Ventral
Endometrium Orgasm Ventricle
Endoscope Osmotic Venules
Endoscopic Osteoarthritis Vestibular
Endoscopy Osteoporosis Vestibule
Endothelium Outpatient Veterinary Medicine
Endothelium-derived Ovarian Cysts Vinca Alkaloids
Enhancer Ovaries Vincristine
Enterocele Ovary Viral
Entorhinal Cortex Overactive bladder Viral Load
Environmental Exposure Overall survival Virulent
Environmental Health Ovum Virus
Environmental Monitoring Oxidation Viscera
Enzymatic Oxidative metabolism Visceral
Enzyme Oxidative Stress Vitro
Eosinophils Oxytocin Vivo
Epidemic P W
Epidemiologic Studies Paclitaxel Warts
Epidermal Palliative Weight Gain
Epidural Pancreas White blood cell
Epinephrine Papillomavirus Windpipe
Episiotomy Paraffin Withdrawal
Epithelial Parietal Womb
Epithelial Cells Parity Wound Healing
Epithelial ovarian cancer Particle X
Epithelium Parturition Xenograft
Erectile Pathogenesis X-ray
Erection Pathologic Y
Erythrocyte Volume Pathologic Processes Yeasts
Erythrocytes Pathophysiology Z
Erythropoietin Patient Education Zymogen
Estradiol Patient Satisfaction
Estrogen receptor Patient Selection









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