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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References













Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  344
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597840326
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with melatonin is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms





This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to melatonin. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to melatonin. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Melatonin


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Melatonin

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Melatonin


Finding Nutrition Studies on Melatonin

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Melatonin


The Combined Health Information Database

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Melatonin


Dissertations on Melatonin

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Melatonin


Recent Trials on Melatonin

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Melatonin


Patents on Melatonin

Patent Applications on Melatonin

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Melatonin


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Melatonin


Chapter 8. Multimedia on Melatonin


Bibliography: Multimedia on Melatonin

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Melatonin


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Melatonin

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Melatonin

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on melatonin will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on melatonin.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

5 Epithelial Ovulation
5-Hydroxytryptophan Epithelial Cells Ovum
A Epithelium Oxazepam
Abdomen Erectile Oxidants
Abdominal Erection Oxidation
Abdominal Pain Erythrocytes Oxidation-Reduction
Ablation Erythropoietin Oxidative Stress
Acatalasia Esophagectomy Oxygenation
Acceptor Esophagus Oxytocin
Accommodation Esotropia P
Acetylcholine Essential Tremor Pacemaker
Acne Estradiol Palliative
Acoustic Estrogen Palpitation
Actin Estrogen receptor Palsy
Action Potentials Ethanol Pancreas
Activities of Daily Living Ethinyl Estradiol Pancreatic
Acyl Ethmoid Pancreatic cancer
Adaptability Etoposide Panic
Adaptation Eukaryotic Cells Panic Disorder
Adenine Evacuation Paralysis
Adenocarcinoma Evoke Parenchyma
Adenosine Excipient Paresthesias
Adipocytes Excitability Parkinsonism
Adjunctive Therapy Excitation Paroxysmal
Adjustment Excitotoxicity Partial remission
Adjuvant Exhaustion Particle
Adolescence Exogenous Parturition
Adrenal Cortex Exotropia Patch
Adrenal Glands Extensor Pathogenesis
Adrenal Medulla External-beam radiation Pathologic
Adrenalin Extracellular Pathologic Processes
Adrenergic Extracellular Space Pathologies
Adrenergic Antagonists Extraction Pathophysiology
Adverse Effect Extraocular Patient Education
Aerobic Extrapyramidal Pelvic
Aetiology Eye Movements Penicillin
Afferent Eyecup Penis
Affinity F Peptide
Agonist Fallopian Tubes Perception
Airway Family Planning Perfusion
Airway Obstruction Fat Periodicity
Akathisia Fatigue Peripheral blood
Albumin Fatty acids Peripheral Nervous System
Alertness Feeding Behavior Peripheral vision
Algorithms Fetus Peritoneal
Alimentary Fibrinogen Peritoneal Cavity
Alkaline Fibroblast Growth Factor Perivascular
Alkaloid Fibrosis Pernicious
Alkylating Agents Fibula Pernicious anemia
Allergen Fistula Peroral
Aloe Flatus Peroxidase
Alopecia Flow Cytometry Peroxide
Alpha Particles Fluorescence PH
Alpha-1 Fluorescent Dyes Phagocyte
Alternative medicine Fluorouracil Phagocytosis
Alveolar Process Fluoxetine Pharmaceutical Preparations
Amblyopia Foam Cells Pharmaceutical Solutions
Amenorrhea Folate Pharmacodynamics
Amino Acid Sequence Fold Pharmacokinetic
Amino Acids Folic Acid Pharmacologic
Ammonia Follicles Pharynx
Amnestic Forearm Phenotype
Amnion Fourth Ventricle Phenyl
Amniotic Fluid Fraud Phenylalanine
Amyloid Frontal Lobe Phosphodiesterase
Amyloidosis Fructose Phospholipases
Anaesthesia Fungi Phospholipids
Anal G Phosphorus
Analgesic Gallate Phosphorylated
Analog Gallbladder Phosphorylates
Analogous Gamma Rays Phosphorylation
Anaphylatoxins Ganglia Photobiology
Anaplasia Ganglion Photodynamic therapy
Anatomical Gap Junctions Photoperiod
Anemia Gas Photoreceptor
Anesthesia Gastric Photosensitivity
Anesthetics Gastric Emptying Photosensitization
Anestrus Gastrin Photosensitizer
Aneurysm Gastrointestinal Phototherapy
Anginal Gastrointestinal tract Phototransduction
Animal model Gastroparesis Physical Examination
Annealing Gelatin Physiologic
Anorexia Gene Expression Phytic Acid
Anovulation Genetic Code Picrotoxin
Antagonism Genetic Engineering Pigment
Anterior Cerebral Artery Genetic Markers Pigmentation
Anterior chamber Genetic testing Pilot Projects
Antiandrogens Genetics Pilot study
Antiarrhythmic Genitourinary Pineal Body
Antibacterial Genomics Pituitary Gland
Antibiotic Genotype Placenta
Antibodies Gestation Plaque
Antibody Gestational Plasma cells
Antibody-Dependent Cell Cytotoxicity Gestational Age Plasma protein
Anticarcinogenic Ginseng Plasmid
Anticonvulsant Gland Plasticity
Antidepressant Glioma Platelet Activation
Antidote Gliosis Platelet Aggregation
Antiemetic Glomeruli Platelets
Antiepileptic Glucocorticoid Platinum
Antigen Glucose Podophyllotoxin
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glucose Intolerance Point Mutation
Anti-inflammatory Glucose tolerance Poisoning
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glucose Tolerance Test Polychromatic
Antimetabolite Glutamate Polycystic
Antineoplastic Glutamic Acid Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Antiproliferative Glutamine Polymerase
Antipsychotic Glutathione Peroxidase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Antitussive Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Polymers
Antiviral Glycerol Polypeptide
Anus Glycerophospholipids Polyposis
Anxiety Glycine Polysaccharide
Anxiety Disorders Glycols Polyunsaturated fat
Anxiolytic Glycoprotein Popliteal
Aorta Gonad Posterior
Apathy Gonadal Postmenopausal
Aperture Gonadotropin Postnatal
Apomorphine Gout Postsynaptic
Aponeurosis Governing Board Post-traumatic
Apoptosis Graft Postural
Aqueous Graft Rejection Potassium
Aqueous humor Graft Survival Potentiate
Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase Grafting Potentiating
Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Potentiation
Arachidonate Lipoxygenases Granulocytes Practice Guidelines
Arachidonic Acid Granulosa Cells Precancerous
Arcuate Nucleus Grasses Preclinical
Arginine Growth factors Precursor
Aromatic Guanylate Cyclase Pregnancy Tests
Arrestin H Pregnenolone
Arrhythmia Habitual Premenopausal
Arterial Haloperidol Premenstrual
Arteries Haploid Presynaptic
Arterioles Haptens Prevalence
Arteriolosclerosis Headache Prickle
Arteriosclerosis Headache Disorders Probe
Articular Heart Arrest Prodrug
Aspartate Heart attack Progesterone
Aspartic Heart failure Progression
Aspartic Acid Heartbeat Progressive
Assay Hematologic malignancies Projection
Astigmatism Heme Prolactin
Astrocytes Hemiparesis Promoter
Asymptomatic Hemodialysis Prone
Ataxia Hemodynamics Pro-Opiomelanocortin
Atherogenic Hemoglobin Prophase
Atmospheric Pressure Hemoglobinuria Prophylaxis
Atrial Hemorrhage Propofol
Atrial Fibrillation Hemostasis Proportional
Atrioventricular Hepatic Propylene Glycol
Atrium Hepatobiliary Prosencephalon
Atrophy Hereditary Prostaglandins
Attenuation Heredity Prostate
Atypical Heterogeneity Prostate gland
Auditory Heterotropia Prostatic Hyperplasia
Auricular Heterozygotes Protein C
Autoimmune disease Hippocampus Protein Conformation
Autoimmunity Histamine Protein Kinases
Autonomic Histiocytosis Protein S
Autonomic Nervous System Homeostasis Protein-Tyrosine Kinase
Autoradiography Homologous Proteolytic
Avian Homotypic Protocol
Avulsion Homozygotes Protons
Axonal Hormonal Proximal
Axons Hormone Replacement Therapy Pruritic
Axotomy Hormone therapy Pruritus
B Horny layer Pseudarthrosis
Bacteria Host Psoriasis
Bacterial Physiology Human growth hormone Psychiatric
Bactericidal Humoral Psychic
Bacteriophage Humour Psychology
Barbiturates Hybrid Psychomotor
Basal Ganglia Hydrogen Psychosis
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hydrogen Peroxide Puberty
Base Hydrolysis Public Health
Basophils Hydrophilic Public Policy
Benign Hydrophobic Publishing
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Hydroxides Pulmonary
Benzene Hydroxyl Radical Pulmonary Artery
Benzodiazepines Hydroxylation Pulmonary hypertension
Beta-Endorphin Hygienic Pulse
Beta-pleated Hyperbaric Pupa
Bilateral Hyperbaric oxygen Pupil
Bile Hypercholesterolemia Purgative
Bile Acids Hyperlipidemia Purines
Bile Acids and Salts Hyperopia Purpura
Biliary Hyperphagia Pyridoxal
Bilirubin Hypersensitivity Pyridoxal Phosphate
Binding Sites Hypertension Q
Bioassay Hypertriglyceridemia Quality of Life
Bioavailability Hypertrophy R
Biogenesis Hypnotic Race
Biological Clocks Hypoglossal Nerve Radiation therapy
Biological Factors Hypoglycaemia Radioactive
Biological response modifier Hypoglycemia Radiography
Biological therapy Hypoglycemic Radioimmunoassay
Biomarkers Hypophyseal Radiolabeled
Biosynthesis Hypotensive Radiological
Biotechnology Hypothalamic Radiology
Biotinylation Hypoxemia Radiotherapy
Biotransformation Hypoxia Randomized
Bladder I Reaction Time
Blastocyst Id Reactive Oxygen Species
Bloating Idiopathic Reagent
Blood Coagulation Immaturity Reality Testing
Blood Glucose Immune function Receptors, Serotonin
Blood Platelets Immune response Recombinant
Blood pressure Immunity Recombination
Blood Volume Immunization Rectal
Blot Immunoassay Rectum
Body Composition Immunodeficiency Recur
Body Fluids Immunogenic Recurrence
Body Mass Index Immunoglobulin Red blood cells
Bone Marrow Immunohistochemistry Red Nucleus
Bone Marrow Cells Immunologic Reductase
Bowel Immunology Refer
Bowel Movement Immunosuppressant Reflex
Brachytherapy Immunosuppressive Refraction
Bradykinin Immunosuppressive therapy Refractive Errors
Brain Injuries Immunotherapy Refractive Power
Brain metastases Impairment Refractory
Brain Stem Implant radiation Regeneration
Branch Implantation Regimen
Breakdown Impotence Relapse
Breeding In situ Reliability
Bronchi In Situ Hybridization Remission
Bronchial Incision Renal failure
Buccal Incontinence Reperfusion
Bulimia Indicative Reperfusion Injury
Butyric Acid Induction Reproductive system
C Infarction Resection
Caffeine Infection Resorption
Calcification Infertility Respiration
Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Inflammation Restoration
Calcium Infusion Resuscitation
Calcium Channels Ingestion Retinal
Calmodulin Initiation Retinal Ganglion Cells
Camptothecin Inlay Retinal pigment epithelium
Capillary Innervation Retinaldehyde
Capsular Inorganic Retinoblastoma
Capsules Inositol Retinoid
Carbohydrate Inositol Phosphates Retinol
Carbon Dioxide Inotropic Retreatment
Carboplatin Insight Retrospective
Carcinogen Insulator Retrospective study
Carcinogenesis Insulin Retrovirus
Carcinogenic Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rheumatic Heart Disease
Carcinoma Insulin-like Rheumatoid
Cardiac arrest Intensive Care Rhinitis
Cardiopulmonary Interferon Rhythmicity
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Interferon-alpha Ribose
Cardiorespiratory Interleukin-2 Ribosome
Cardiovascular Intermittent Rigidity
Cardiovascular disease Internal Medicine Risk factor
Cardiovascular System Internal radiation Risperidone
Carnitine Interstitial Rod
Carotene Intestinal Rod cells
Carrier Proteins Intestine S
Case report Intoxication Saliva
Case series Intracellular Salivary
Caspases Intracranial Hypertension Salivary glands
Catabolism Intracranial Pressure Saphenous
Catalase Intraocular Saphenous Vein
Catecholamine Intraocular pressure Saponins
Catheters Intraperitoneal Schizoid
Caudal Intravenous Schizophrenia
Causal Intrinsic Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cell Adhesion Intrinsic Factor Sclerosis
Cell Count Invasive Scoliosis
Cell Cycle Invertebrates Screening
Cell Death Involuntary Seasonal Affective Disorder
Cell Differentiation Ion Channels Second Messenger Systems
Cell Division Ionization Secretion
Cell membrane Ionizing Secretory
Cell Physiology Ions Sedative
Cell proliferation Irinotecan Seizures
Cell Size Iris Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Cell Survival Irradiance Selenium
Cellobiose Irradiation Sella
Cellulose Ischemia Semen
Central Nervous System Infections Ischemic stroke Semisynthetic
Centrifugation Isozymes Senescence
Cerebellar J Senile
Cerebellum Jet lag Senile Plaques
Cerebral Joint Sensibility
Cerebral Aqueduct K Sepsis
Cerebral Arteries Kainate Sequencing
Cerebral hemispheres Kava Serine
Cerebral Infarction Kb Serologic
Cerebrospinal Keratin Serous
Cerebrospinal fluid Keratinocytes Serum Albumin
Cerebrovascular Kidney Disease Sex Characteristics
Cerebrum Kidney Failure Sex Determination
Ceroid Kidney stone Shedding
Cervical Killer Cells Shock
Cervix Kinetic Signal Transduction
Character L Signs and Symptoms
Chemopreventive Labile Skeletal
Chemotactic Factors Laceration Skeleton
Chemotherapy Lactation Skin Aging
Chlorpyrifos Lag Skin Care
Cholesterol Large Intestine Skull
Choline Larva Sleep Deprivation
Cholinergic Larynx Sleep Paralysis
Chorea Latency Small cell lung cancer
Choreatic Disorders Lateral Ventricles Small intestine
Choroid Laxative Smooth muscle
Chromaffin System Lens Sneezing
Chromatin Leptin Soaps
Chromium Lesion Social Environment
Chromosomal Lethal Sodium
Chronic Leucine Sodium Channels
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Leucocyte Soft tissue
Chronic renal Leukemia Solid tumor
Chronobiology Leukocytes Solitary Nucleus
Ciliary Leukotrienes Solvent
Ciliary Body Levo Somatic
Ciliary processes Levodopa Somatostatin
Circulatory system Libido Soporific
CIS Library Services Soybean Oil
Cisplatin Ligament Specialist
Citalopram Ligands Specificity
Clamp Ligation Spectrum
Clear cell carcinoma Limbic Spinal cord
Clinical Medicine Linkage Spinal Cord Injuries
Clinical study Lipectomy Spinous
Clinical trial Lipid Peroxidation Spleen
Clone Lipofuscin Spontaneous Abortion
Cloning Lipophilic Sporadic
Coagulation Lipoprotein Squamous
Cochlear Lipoxygenase Squamous cell carcinoma
Cochlear Diseases Lithium Steel
Coenzyme Litter Stellate
Cofactor Litter Size Stellate Ganglion
Cognition Loading dose Stem Cells
Cohort Studies Lobe Sterility
Colchicine Localization Steroid
Colitis Localized Stimulant
Collagen Locomotion Stimulus
Collapse Locomotor Stomach
Colloidal Low-density lipoprotein Stool
Color Therapy Luciferase Strabismus
Colorectal Lumen Strand
Colorectal Cancer Luteal Phase Stress
Complement Lutein Cells Striatum
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymph Stroke
Complementary medicine Lymph node Stroma
Complete remission Lymphatic Stupor
Computational Biology Lymphatic system Subacute
Conception Lymphocyte Subarachnoid
Concomitant Lymphoid Subclinical
Cone Lymphoma Subcutaneous
Cone cells Lysine Subiculum
Confusion M Sublingual
Conjugated Macrophage Submaxillary
Connective Tissue Malabsorption Subspecies
Consciousness Malaise Substance P
Consolidation Malignant Substrate
Constrict Malignant tumor Suction
Constriction Malnutrition Sudden death
Constriction, Pathologic Malondialdehyde Sulfur
Consumption Mammary Sumatriptan
Contamination Mammogram Superoxide
Contraceptive Mandible Supplementation
Contraindications, ii Mania Supportive care
Control group Manic Suppression
Controlled study Manic-depressive psychosis Suppressive
Conventional therapy Manifest Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Conventional treatment Maximum Tolerated Dose Survival Rate
Convulsions Meatus Sympathetic Nervous System
Coordination Medial Sympathomimetic
Cor Mediate Symphysis
Cornea Mediator Symptomatic
Corneum Medical Records Synapses
Coronary MEDLINE Synapsis
Coronary Artery Bypass Megaloblastic Synaptic
Coronary heart disease Meiosis Synaptic Vesicles
Coronary Thrombosis Melanin Synchrony
Corpus Melanocytes Synergistic
Corpus Callosum Melanoma Systemic
Corpus Luteum Melanophores Systolic
Cortex Melanosomes T
Cortical Membrane Tachykinins
Corticosteroids Memory Tamoxifen
Cortisol Meningeal Tardive
Coturnix Meninges Telangiectasia
Cranial Menopause Telencephalon
Craniocerebral Trauma Menstrual Cycle Temporal
Creatinine Menstruation Teratogenic
Cribriform Mental Disorders Terminalis
Cross-Sectional Studies Mental Fatigue Testicular
Cues Mental Health, iv Testis
Cultured cell line Mental Processes Testosterone
Cultured cells Mental Retardation Tetani
Curative Mercury Tetanic
Curettage Mesenchymal Tetanus
Cutaneous Metabolite Thalamic
Cyclic Metamorphosis Thalamic Diseases
Cyclophosphamide Metastasis Therapeutics
Cysteine Metastatic Thermal
Cysteine Endopeptidases Methionine Thermoregulation
Cytochrome Methyltransferase Third Ventricle
Cytokine MI Thoracic
Cytoplasm Microbe Thorax
Cytotoxic Microbiology Threonine
Cytotoxicity Microcalcifications Threshold
D Microdialysis Thrombin
Dacarbazine Micronutrients Thrombocytes
Dark Adaptation Microorganism Thrombosis
Databases, Bibliographic Microscopy Thromboxanes
De novo Microsomal Thrombus
Decidua Midazolam Thymus
Decubitus Middle Cerebral Artery Thymus Gland
Decubitus Ulcer Migration Thymus Hormones
Defense Mechanisms Mineralization Thyroid
Degenerative Mitosis Thyroid Gland
Dehydroepiandrosterone Mitotic Thyroid Hormones
Deletion Modification Thyrotropin
Delirium Molecular Thyroxine
Delusions Molecular Structure Tin
Dementia Monitor Tinnitus
Denaturation Monoclonal Tissue
Dendrites Monocytes Tissue Culture
Dendritic Mononuclear Tolerance
Density Mood Disorders Tonicity
Dentate Gyrus Morphine Tooth Preparation
Depersonalization Morphogenesis Topical
Depolarization Morphological Topoisomerase inhibitors
Depressive Disorder Morphology Torsion
Deprivation Motility Toxic, iv
Derealization Motion Sickness Toxicity
Dermal Motor Neurons Toxicokinetics
Dermatitis Mucinous Toxicology
DES Mucins Toxins
Desensitization Mucosa Toxoid
Detergents Mucosal Ulceration Trace element
Deuterium Mucus Trachea
Deuterium Oxide Multiple sclerosis Traction
Diabetes Mellitus Muscle Contraction Transcriptase
Diagnostic procedure Muscle Fibers Transcription Factors
Dialyzer Muscular Atrophy Transdermal
Diarrhea Muscular Dystrophies Transducin
Diastolic Mutagenesis Transduction
Diencephalon Mutagens Transfection
Dietetics Mycotoxins Translation
Diffuse Axonal Injury Mydriatic Translocation
Digestion Myelin Transmitter
Digestive system Myeloid Cells Transplantation
Digestive tract Myocardial infarction Trauma
Dihydrotestosterone Myocardial Reperfusion Treatment Failure
Dilatation Myocardial Reperfusion Injury Triazolam
Dilatation, Pathologic Myocardium Trichotillomania
Dilation Myoclonus Tricuspid Atresia
Dilator Myometrium Tricyclic
Diltiazem Myopia Tryptophan
Diphenhydramine Myosin Tryptophan Hydroxylase
Diploid Myotonic Dystrophy Tryptophan Synthase
Direct, iii N Tuberculosis
Disabled Children Naloxone Tuberous Sclerosis
Disinfectant Naltrexone Tumor marker
Disorientation Narcolepsy Tumour
Dissociation Narcosis Tyrosine
Dissociative Disorders Narcotic U
Distal Natural selection Ubiquinone
Diuresis Nausea Ulcer
Diurnal NCI Ulceration
Dizziness Nearsightedness Ulcerative colitis
Dominance Necrosis Ultrasonography
Dopa Need Unconscious
Dorsum Neoplasia Univalent
Dosage Forms Neoplasms Urethra
Dose-dependent Neoplastic Uric
Dosimetry Nephropathy Urinary
Drive, ii, vi Nerve Fibers Urinate
Drug Interactions Nervous System Urine
Drug Resistance Nervousness Uterine Contraction
Drug Tolerance Networks Uterus
Duct Neurobehavioral Manifestations Uveitis
Duodenum Neuroblastoma V
Dyes Neurodegenerative Diseases Vaccine
Dyskinesia Neuroendocrine Vagina
Dyslipidemia Neuroglia Vagus Nerve
Dysphoria Neuroleptic Valerian
Dysphoric Neurologic Valves
Dysplasia Neurology Vascular
Dyspnea Neuromuscular Vascular endothelial growth factor
Dystonia Neuromuscular Junction Vasoactive
Dystrophy Neuronal Vasoconstriction
E Neurons Vasodilatation
Eating Disorders Neuropathy Vasodilation
Eczema Neuropeptide Vasodilator
Edema Neurosecretory Systems Vasogenic
Effector Neurotic Vector
Effector cell Neurotoxic Vein
Efficacy Neurotransmitters Venous
Eicosanoids Neutrons Venous blood
Elasticity Neutrophils Ventilation
Electric shock Niacin Ventral
Electroacupuncture Nifedipine Ventricle
Electrocardiogram Nimodipine Ventricular
Electrolyte Nitric Oxide Venules
Electromagnetic Fields Nitrogen Vertebrae
Electron microscope Non-small cell lung cancer Vesicular
Electrons Norepinephrine Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Electrophoresis NSAIDs Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Electrophysiological Nuclear Veterinary Medicine
Embolism Nuclei Viral
Embolus Nucleic acid Viral vector
Embryo Nymph Virulence
Emetic O Virus
Emodin Octreotide Visceral
Emollient Ocular Visceral Afferents
Empirical Ocular Hypertension Viscosity
Emulsion Odour Visual Cortex
Encapsulated Ointments Visual field
Endocrine Glands Olfactory Bulb Visual Pathways
Endocrine System Oligodendroglial Vitamin A
Endometrium Oligomenorrhea Vitreous Body
Endorphins Oncogene Vitro
Endoscopic Oncology Vivo
Endothelial cell On-line Void
Endothelium Opacity Volition
Endothelium, Lymphatic Ophthalmic Vomeronasal Organ
Endothelium, Vascular Ophthalmologic W
Endothelium-derived Ophthalmology Wakefulness
Endotoxins Opium Weight Gain
End-stage renal Opsin Weight-Bearing
Energy balance Optic Chiasm White blood cell
Enhancer Optic disc Windpipe
Enkephalin Optic Nerve Withdrawal
Entorhinal Cortex Orbital Womb
Environmental Exposure Orderly Wound Healing
Environmental Health Organ Culture Wounds, Gunshot
Enzymatic Organelles X
Enzyme Inhibitors Orthostatic Xenograft
Eosinophil Osmosis X-ray
Ependyma Osmotic X-ray therapy
Ephedrine Osteoarthritis Y
Epidemiologic Studies Osteomalacia Yeasts
Epidemiological Outpatient Z
Epidermal Ovalbumin Zygote
Epidermal Growth Factor Ovarian Follicle
Epidermis Ovaries
Epinephrine Ovary









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