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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Apo-Metoclop; Maxeran; Octamide; PMS-Metoclopramide; Reglan)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  196
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597844984
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with metoclopramide is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Apo-Metoclop; Maxeran; Octamide; PMS-Metoclopramide; Reglan




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to metoclopramide. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to metoclopramide. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Metoclopramide


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Metoclopramide

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Metoclopramide


Finding Nutrition Studies on Metoclopramide

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Dissertations on Metoclopramide


Dissertations on Metoclopramide

Keeping Current

Chapter 4. Patents on Metoclopramide


Patents on Metoclopramide

Patent Applications on Metoclopramide

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Metoclopramide


The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Metoclopramide

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Metoclopramide


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Metoclopramide

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on metoclopramide will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on metoclopramide.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Epoprostenol Ovary
Abdominal Erectile Overdose
Abdominal fat Erection Ovulation
Acceptor Ergot Ovum
Acetaminophen Ergotamine Oxidation
Acetylcholine Ergotism Oxidative Stress
Acetylcysteine Erythrocyte Volume P
Acidity Erythrocytes Paediatric
Acrylonitrile Erythromycin Palliative
Actin Erythropoiesis Pancreas
Adaptability Esophageal Pancreatic
Adaptation Esophagitis Pancreatic cancer
Adenine Esophagus Pancreatic Juice
Adenocarcinoma Esotropia Panic
Adenoma Estradiol Panic Disorder
Adenosine Estrogen Paraoxon
Adenosine Diphosphate Estrogen receptor Parasympathomimetic
Adhesives Ethanol Parathyroid
Adipose Tissue Etoposide Parathyroid Glands
Adjustment Evacuation Parenteral
Adjuvant Excipient Paresthesia
Adrenal Cortex Excitability Parietal
Adrenal Glands Excitation Parity
Adrenal Medulla Exhaustion Parkinsonism
Adrenergic Exocrine Parturition
Adverse Effect Exogenous Patch
Aerosol Exotropia Pathologic
Affinity Expiration Pathophysiology
Agalactia External-beam radiation Patient Education
Age of Onset Extracellular Pelvis
Agonist Extracellular Space Penicillin
Agoraphobia Extrapyramidal Pepsin
Akathisia Exudate Pepsin A
Aldehydes F Peptic
Aldosterone Fallopian tube Peptic Ulcer
Alertness Family Planning Peptide
Algorithms Famotidine Percutaneous
Alimentary Fat Peripheral blood
Alkaline Fat Necrosis Peripheral Nervous System
Alkaloid Fatigue Peripheral Neuropathy
Allopurinol Fatty acids Peristalsis
Alopecia Feces Peritoneum
Alpha Particles Fermentation Pernicious
Alpha-1 Fetal Blood Perphenazine
Alprostadil Fetus Pharmaceutical Preparations
Alternative medicine Fistula Pharmaceutical Solutions
Aluminum Fluorouracil Pharmacodynamics
Alveoli Flushing Pharmacokinetic
Ambulatory Care Flutamide Pharmacologic
Ameliorating Fluvoxamine Pharmacology, Clinical
Amenorrhea Forearm Pharmacotherapy
Amine Fungus Pharynx
Amino Acid Sequence G Phonophoresis
Amnestic Galenical Phospholipids
Ampoule Gallbladder Phosphorus
Amyloidosis Gamma Rays Phosphorylation
Anaesthesia Ganglia Physiologic
Anal Gangrenous Physiology
Analgesic Gas Physostigmine
Analog Gas exchange Pigments
Anatomical Gastric Emptying Piloerection
Androgens Gastric Outlet Obstruction Pilot study
Anemia Gastrin Pituitary Gland
Anesthesia Gastritis Placenta
Anesthetics Gastroduodenal Placental tissue
Angina Gastroenterology Plants
Anorexia Gastroesophageal Reflux Plasma
Anorexia Nervosa Gastrointestinal tract Platelet Aggregation
Antagonism Gastroparesis Platelets
Anthracycline Gastrostomy Platinum
Anti-Anxiety Agents Gelatin Pneumonia
Antibacterial Gene Podophyllotoxin
Antibiotic Gene Expression Poisoning
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Germ Cells Polyethylene
Antibody Gestation Polyethylene Glycols
Anticholinergic Gland Polymers
Anticoagulant Glucocorticoid Polysaccharide
Anticonvulsant Glucose Porphyria
Antidepressant Glucose Intolerance Porphyrins
Antidopaminergic Glycerol Posterior
Antigen Glycopyrrolate Postoperative
Antihistamine Goiter Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Antihypertensive Gonadal Potassium
Anti-inflammatory Gonadotropin Potentiates
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gout Practice Guidelines
Antimetabolite Governing Board Precursor
Antineoplastic Granisetron Prednisolone
Antioxidant Gravidity Premedication
Antipsychotic Gravis Preoperative
Antipsychotic Agents Growth Probe
Antipyretic Guanylate Cyclase Procaine
Antispasmodic Gum Arabic Progesterone
Antitussive Gynaecological Progressive
Antiviral H Projection
Anxiety Haematemesis Prokinetic Drugs
Anxiolytic Half-Life Prolactin
Apathy Haptens Promethazine
Apnea Headache Propantheline
Aqueous Headache Disorders Prophylaxis
Arachidonic Acid Heartburn Propofol
Arginine Heme Prospective study
Aromatic Hemoglobin Prostaglandins
Arterial Hemorrhage Prostaglandins A
Arteries Hemostasis Protease
Arterioles Hepatic Protective Agents
Artery Hepatocellular Protein C
Asphyxia Hepatocytes Protein S
Aspiration Hepatotoxicity Proton Pump
Aspirin Heredity Protons
Asthenia Hernia Pruritus
Astrocytes Heterogeneity Psychiatry
Astrocytoma Heterotropia Psychic
Atony Hiccup Psychoactive
Atrophy Histamine Psychomotor
Atropine Histamine Agonists Psychosis
Atypical Histamine Antagonists Public Policy
Auditory Histidine Pulmonary
Autacoids Hormonal Pulmonary Artery
Autologous Hydrocortisone Purines
Autologous bone marrow transplantation Hydrogen Purpura
Autonomic Hydrogenation Pylorus
Autonomic Nervous System Hydrolysis Q
Axonal Hydrophilic Quality of Life
Axons Hyperemesis Quaternary
B Hypersensitivity R
Bacteria Hypertension Race
Bacterial Physiology Hypnotic Radiation
Bacteriostatic Hypoglycaemia Radiation therapy
Barium Hypoglycemia Radical cystectomy
Basal Ganglia Hypokinesia Radioactive
Base Hypotension Radioimmunotherapy
Behavioral Symptoms Hypotensive Radioisotope
Belching Hypothalamic Radiolabeled
Belladonna Hypothalamus Radiological
Benign Hypothermia Radiosensitization
Benzamides Hypothyroidism Radiotherapy
Beta-Endorphin Hypoxanthine Randomized
Bethanechol Hysterectomy Ranitidine
Bezoars Hysterotomy Reality Testing
Bile I Receptors, Histamine
Bile Acids Id Receptors, Muscarinic
Bioavailability Idiopathic Receptors, Opioid
Biochemical Ileum Receptors, Serotonin
Biopsy Ileus Rectal
Biotechnology Illusion Rectum
Bladder Iloprost Reductase
Bleomycin Imidazole Refer
Bloating Immune response Reflux
Blood Coagulation Immunodeficiency Refraction
Blood Glucose Immunologic Refractory
Blood Platelets Immunology Regimen
Blood pressure Immunosuppressant Regurgitation
Blood vessel Immunosuppressive Remission
Blood Volume Impairment Resection
Blood-Brain Barrier Implant radiation Residual Volume
Body Fluids Impotence Respiration
Body Regions In vitro Respiratory Physiology
Bone Marrow In vivo Restoration
Bone Marrow Transplantation Incision Resuscitation
Bowel Incompetence Retching
Brachytherapy Incontinence Retina
Bradykinin Indicative Retinal
Branch Indinavir Retinal Artery
Breakdown Indomethacin Retinal Ganglion Cells
Breeding Induction Retinol
Broad-spectrum Infancy Retroperitoneal
Bromocriptine Infarction Retrospective
Bronchial Infection Rheumatoid
Bronchial Spasm Infertility Rheumatoid arthritis
Buccal Inflammation Rhinitis
Bupivacaine Infusion Rhodopsin
Bupropion Ingestion Ribose
Bypass Inhalation Rigidity
C Initiation Risk factor
Caesarean section Inorganic Risk patient
Caffeine Inotropic Risperidone
Calcium Insufflation Ritonavir
Calcium channel blocker Insulin Rubber
Calcium Channel Blockers Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rye
Calmodulin Intermittent S
Cannabidiol Internal Medicine Saliva
Cannabinoids Internal radiation Salivary
Cannabinol Intestinal Salivation
Capsaicin Intestinal Mucosa Saponins
Capsules Intestine Sarcoma
Carbohydrate Intoxication Schizoid
Carboplatin Intracellular Schizophrenia
Carcinogenic Intracranial Pressure Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Carcinoma Intramuscular Sclera
Cardiac Intraocular Scleroderma
Cardiac arrest Intraocular pressure Scopolamine
Cardiac Output Intravenous Screening
Cardiorespiratory Intrinsic Secretory
Cardiotoxicity Intubation Sedative
Cardiovascular Invasive Seizures
Carotene Involuntary Semisynthetic
Catecholamine Ion Exchange Sensibility
Catheter Ionization Sepsis
Catheterization Ionizing Serotonin
Caudal Ions Serotonin Agonists
Cell Death Iontophoresis Sertraline
Cell Division Iris Serum
Cell membrane Ischemia Sex Characteristics
Cellobiose J Shock
Cellulose Jejunostomy Side effect
Central Nervous System Infections Jejunum Simvastatin
Central retinal artery K Skeletal
Cerebellar Kb Skull
Cerebellar Diseases Ketorolac Small intestine
Cerebrovascular Kidney Disease Smoking Cessation
Cesarean Section Kinetic Smooth muscle
Chemoreceptor L Social Environment
Chemotherapeutic agent Labetalol Sodium
Chest Pain Lactation Solid tumor
Chin Laparoscopy Solvent
Chlorpromazine Laparotomy Somatic
Cholecystectomy Large Intestine Somatostatin
Cholecystokinin Larynx Spasm
Cholesterol Lassitude Spasticity
Cholinergic Lethal Spatial disorientation
Chorea Lethargy Specialist
Choroid Leucine Species
Chromatin Leukemia Specificity
Chromosomal Leukocytes Spectrum
Chronic Leukopenia Sperm
Chyme Levodopa Spinal cord
Ciliary Libido Spleen
Cimetidine Library Services Squamous
Circulatory system Lidocaine Squamous cell carcinoma
Cirrhosis Ligands Squamous cells
CIS Ligation Stasis
Clinical study Linkages Status Epilepticus
Clinical trial Lipid Stavudine
Clomiphene Lipid Peroxidation Sterile
Cloning Liposomal Sterility
Clozapine Lithium Sterilization
Coenzyme Liver Steroid
Cofactor Localization Stimulant
Cognition Localized Strabismus
Colic Loop Strand
Collagen Lorazepam Stress
Collagen disease Lovastatin Stroke
Colon Lower Esophageal Sphincter Stupor
Colorectal Lupus Styrene
Colorectal Surgery Lutein Cells Subacute
Combination chemotherapy Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist Subarachnoid
Computational Biology Lymph Subclinical
Conception Lymph node Subcutaneous
Cones Lymphatic Substance P
Congestion Lymphatic system Substrate
Conjugated Lymphocytes Sucralfate
Connective Tissue Lymphoid Sumatriptan
Conscious Sedation Lymphoma Supplementation
Consciousness Lysine Suppository
Constipation M Suppression
Constriction Maintenance therapy Sweat
Constriction, Pathologic Malignant Sympathomimetic
Contraception Malnutrition Symptomatic
Contraindications, ii Manic Synapse
Controlled clinical trial Manic-depressive psychosis Synergistic
Controlled study Manifest Systemic
Convulsions Manometry Systolic
Convulsive Meatus T
Coronary Meclizine Talc
Coronary Thrombosis Medial Tardive
Corpus Mediate Terminator
Corpus Luteum Mediator Testicular
Cortex Medical Staff Testis
Cortical Medicament Testosterone
Corticosteroid MEDLINE Tetany
Cortisol Membrane Tetrahydrocannabinol
Cortisone Membrane Proteins Theophylline
Cranial Memory Therapeutics
Cranial Nerves Meninges Thoracic
Craniocerebral Trauma Menstrual Cycle Thorax
Curative Menstruation Threshold
Cutaneous Mental, iv Thrombin
Cyanide Mental Disorders Thrombomodulin
Cyclic Mesolimbic Thrombosis
Cyclophosphamide Metabolic disorder Thyroid
Cyproterone Metabolite Thyroid Gland
Cystectomy Metastasis Thyroid Hormones
Cytochrome Metastatic Thyrotropin
Cytochrome b Methacrylates Thyroxine
Cytochrome b5 Methionine Tiapride
Cytokines Methotrexate Tin
Cytostatic Methylene Blue Tolerance
Cytotoxic Methylmalonic Acid Tone
Cytotoxic chemotherapy Methylprednisolone Tonicity
Cytotoxicity MI Tonus
D Microbe Tooth Preparation
Dantrolene Microbiology Topical
Daunorubicin Microdialysis Toxic, iv
Decarboxylation Microorganism Toxicity
Dehydration Microspheres Toxicology
Delirium Midazolam Toxin
Delusions Migration Trace element
Dementia Mineralocorticoids Trachea
Depressive Disorder Mitotic Tramadol
Dermis Mixed Function Oxidases Transcriptase
Deuterium Modeling Transcription Factors
Dexamethasone Modification Transdermal
Diabetes Mellitus Molecular Transfection
Diagnostic procedure Molecular Structure Translation
Diaphragm Molecule Translocation
Diarrhea Monoclonal Transmitter
Diastolic Morphine Trauma
Didanosine Motilin Tremor
Dideoxyadenosine Motility Tricyclic
Digestion Motion Sickness Triflupromazine
Digestive system Motor Activity Trigger zone
Digestive tract Movement Disorders Tryptophan
Dihydroergotamine Mucolytic Tubal ligation
Dihydrotestosterone Mucosa Tubocurarine
Dilatation Muscarinic Antagonists Type 2 diabetes
Dilator Muscle Fibers Tyrosine
Dimenhydrinate Muscle relaxant U
Diphenhydramine Musculature Ulcer
Direct, iii Mutate Unconscious
Dissection Myasthenia Urea
Dissociation Mydriatic Uremia
Distal Myocardium Urethra
Diuresis Myosin Uric
Dizziness N Urinary
Domperidone Naloxone Urinary Retention
Dopa Naproxen Urine
Dopamine Antagonists Narcosis Uterus
Dorsal Narcotic V
Dosage Forms Nasogastric Vaccine
Dose-dependent NCI Vagina
Double-blind Need Vaginal
Double-blinded Neonatal Vagus Nerve
Doxorubicin Neoplasm Vascular
Dronabinol Neoplastic Vasoconstriction
Drug Interactions Neostigmine Vasodilation
Drug Tolerance Nephropathy Vasodilator
Dumping Syndrome Nerve Vegetative
Duodenal Ulcer Nervous System Vein
Duodenum Nervous System Diseases Venous
Dynorphins Nervousness Ventilation
Dyskinesia Neuroleptic Ventricle
Dysmenorrhea Neurologic Ventricular
Dyspepsia Neuromuscular Venules
Dysphagia Neuromuscular Junction Vertigo
Dysphoric Neurons Veterinary Medicine
Dystocia Neuropathy Vinblastine
Dystonia Neurosurgical Procedures Vinca Alkaloids
E Neurotransmitter Vincristine
Effector Neutrons Viral
Efficacy Nitric Oxide Virulence
Elective Nitrogen Virus
Electrolyte Nitroglycerin Visceral
Embryo Nitrous Oxide Visceral Afferents
Emetic Nizatidine Viscosity
Encapsulated Norepinephrine Vitreous
Endogenous Normotensive Vitreous Body
Endometrium Nuclei Vitro
Endorphins Nucleic acid Vivo
Endoscopic Nucleus W
Endoscopy Nulliparous Weight Gain
Endothelium O Windpipe
Endothelium-derived Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Withdrawal
Enhancers Ocular X
Enkephalin Oesophagitis Xanthine
Enteral Nutrition Ointments Xanthine Oxidase
Environmental Health Omeprazole X-ray
Enzymatic Ophthalmic Y
Epidermis Opiate Yawning
Epidermoid carcinoma Opium Z
Epidural Opsin Zalcitabine
Epigastric Optic Chiasm Zidovudine
Epinephrine Optic Nerve Zymogen
Epirubicin Orthostatic
Epithelial Outpatient
Epithelial Cells Ovaries









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