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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Gelineau's syndrome; narcoleptic; narcoleptic syndrome; paroxysmal sleep; sleep epilepsy)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  244
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  059784125X
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with narcolepsy is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Gelineau's syndrome; narcoleptic; narcoleptic syndrome; paroxysmal sleep; sleep epilepsy




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to narcolepsy. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to narcolepsy. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Narcolepsy


Federally Funded Research on Narcolepsy

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Narcolepsy


Finding Nutrition Studies on Narcolepsy

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Narcolepsy


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Narcolepsy


Dissertations on Narcolepsy

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Narcolepsy


Recent Trials on Narcolepsy

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Narcolepsy


Patents on Narcolepsy

Patent Applications on Narcolepsy

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Narcolepsy


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Narcolepsy

Chapter 8. Multimedia on Narcolepsy


Bibliography: Multimedia on Narcolepsy

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Narcolepsy


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Narcolepsy

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Researching Orphan Drugs

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Narcolepsy

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Associations and Narcolepsy

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on narcolepsy will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on narcolepsy.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Excitatory Pathogenesis
Abdominal Exhaustion Pathologic
Abdominal Pain Exocytosis Pathologies
Ablate Exogenous Pathophysiology
Ablation Exon Patient Compliance
Acceptor Expiration Patient Education
Acetylcholine Extensor PDQ
Action Potentials Extracellular Pediatrics
Adaptation Extracellular Space Pedigree
Adenylate Cyclase Extrapyramidal Pelvic
Adipocytes Eye Movements Pemoline
Adjuvant F Penicillin
Adolescence Faecal Pepsin
Adrenal Cortex Family Planning Pepsin A
Adrenal Medulla Fat Peptide
Adrenergic Fatigue Peptide T
Adverse Effect Feces Perception
Afferent Fibrosis Perfusion
Affinity Flexion Pericardium
Age of Onset Fluoxetine Peripheral Nervous System
Agonist Fold PH
Airway Forearm Pharmaceutical Solutions
Alertness Fourth Ventricle Pharmacokinetic
Algorithms Fundus Pharmacologic
Alkaline G Pharmacotherapy
Alkaloid Galanin Phenotype
Alleles Gallbladder Phenyl
Allo Gamma-hydroxybutyrate Phenylalanine
Allografts Ganglia Phenylpropanolamine
Allylamine Ganglioside Phosphodiesterase
Alpha Particles Gap Junctions Phospholipases
Alpha-1 Gas Phospholipids
Alternative medicine Gas exchange Phosphorus
Amenorrhea Gastric Photoreceptors
Amine Gastric Acid Phototherapy
Amino Acid Sequence Gastrin Phototransduction
Amino Acids Gastritis Physiologic
Amino Alcohols Gastrointestinal Physiology
Ammonia Gastrointestinal tract Pigment
Amphetamine Gels Pilot study
Amplification Gene Expression Pineal Body
Amygdala Gene Library Pineal gland
Anaesthesia Genetic Code Plants
Anal Genetic Engineering Plasma
Analgesic Genetics Plasma cells
Analog Genomic Library Platelet Activation
Anaphylatoxins Genotype Platelet Aggregation
Anatomical Germ Cells Platelets
Anemia Gland Pleomorphic
Anesthesia Gliosis Poisoning
Anesthetics Glucose Polycystic
Angina Glutamate Polymers
Angina Pectoris Gluten Polymorphic
Animal model Glycoprotein Polymorphism
Anions Governing Board Polypeptide
Anorexia Gp120 Polysaccharide
Anoxia Graft Pons
Antagonism Graft vs Host Reaction Pontine
Anthelmintics Granulocytes Posterior
Anthropometry Growth Postsynaptic
Antibacterial Guanylate Cyclase Post-synaptic
Antibiotic Gyrus Cinguli Postural
Antibodies H Potassium
Antibody Hallucination Potassium Channels
Antibody Specificity Haplotypes Potentiate
Anticoagulant Haptens Potentiation
Anticonvulsants Headache Practice Guidelines
Antidepressant Headache Disorders Prazosin
Antigen Heart attack Precursor
Antigen-Antibody Complex Heart failure Predisposition
Antipsychotic Helminthiasis Premenstrual
Antiseptic Hemodialysis Premenstrual Syndrome
Antiviral Hemoglobin Preoptic Area
Anxiety Hemoglobinuria Presynaptic
Anxiety Disorders Hemorrhage Presynaptic Terminals
Apathy Hemostasis Prevalence
Aqueous Hepatic Probe
Arecoline Hereditary Prognostic factor
Arginine Heredity Progression
Aromatic Heterogeneity Progressive
Arrhythmia Heterogenic Projection
Arterial Heterogenous Prolactin
Arteries Hippocampus Promoter
Arteriovenous Histamine Prophase
Articular Histocompatibility Prophylaxis
Assay Holidays Propranolol
Astringent Homeostasis Prosencephalon
Astrocytes Homologous Prospective study
Asymptomatic Hormonal Prostate
Ataxia Hormone Protein C
Atrophy Host Protein S
Atypical Human Development Proteins
Auditory Humoral Proteolytic
Autoimmune disease Hybrid Protocol
Autonomic Hydrogen Protons
Autopsy Hydrolysis Protriptyline
Autoradiography Hydroxylation Proximal
Avian Hypersensitivity Proxy
Axons Hypertension Pseudotumor Cerebri
B Hyperthyroidism Psoriasis
Bacteria Hypertrophy Psychiatric
Barbiturates Hypnotic Psychic
Basal Ganglia Hypotension Psychosis
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hypothalamic Psychotomimetic
Base Hypoxia Public Policy
Benign I Publishing
Benzene Ibotenic Acid Pulmonary
Benzodiazepines Id Pulmonary Artery
Beta-Endorphin Idiopathic Pulse
Bile Imipramine Pyridoxal
Biochemical Immune function Q
Biosynthesis Immune response Quality of Life
Biotechnology Immune system R
Biotransformation Immunity Race
Bipolar Disorder Immunochemistry Raclopride
Bladder Immunodeficiency Radiation
Blastocyst Immunofluorescence Radioactive
Bloating Immunoglobulin Randomized
Blood Coagulation Immunohistochemistry Reality Testing
Blood Platelets Immunology Receptor
Blood pressure Immunosuppressive Receptors, Serotonin
Blood vessel Immunosuppressive Agents Recombinant
Blood-Brain Barrier Impairment Rectum
Body Composition Implantation Recur
Body Fluids Impotence Recurrence
Body Mass Index In situ Red Nucleus
Bone Density In Situ Hybridization Refer
Bowel In vitro Reflex
Bowel Movement In vivo Refraction
Bradycardia Incision Refractory
Bradykinin Incontinence Regimen
Brain Stem Indicative Relative risk
Branch Induction Relaxant
Bromocriptine Inertia Reliability
Bronchitis Infarction Remission
Bulimia Infection Research Design
Bupropion Infertility Research Support
C Inflammation Respiration
Calcium Infusion Respirator
Calmodulin Inorganic Respiratory failure
Capsules Inositol Restless legs
Carbohydrate Inotropic Reticular
Carbon Dioxide Insight Reticular Formation
Carcinogenic Institutionalization Retina
Carcinogens Insulator Retinal
Cardiac Interleukins Retinoblastoma
Cardioselective Intermittent Rheumatism
Cardiovascular Interpersonal Relations Rheumatoid
Cardiovascular disease Intestinal Rheumatoid arthritis
Case report Intestine Rhinorrhea
Case series Intoxication Rigidity
Catalyse Intracellular Risk factor
Catechol Intracranial Hypertension Rods
Catecholamine Intracranial Pressure S
Cations Intravenous Salivary
Caudal Intrinsic Salivary glands
Caudate Nucleus Introns Schizoid
Causal Invasive Schizophrenia
Celiac Disease Involuntary Schizophrenia, Catatonic
Cell Differentiation Ion Channels Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cell Division Ionizing Sclerosis
Cell membrane Ions Screening
Cell proliferation Irritable Bowel Syndrome Seasonal Affective Disorder
Cell Respiration Ischemia Second Messenger Systems
Central Nervous System Infections J Secretion
Central Nervous System Stimulants Jealousy Secretory
Cerebellar Joint Sedative
Cerebellopontine K Sedatives, Barbiturate
Cerebellopontine Angle Kb Sedentary
Cerebellum Keto Segregation
Cerebral Kidney Disease Seizures
Cerebral Arteries Kinetics Selegiline
Cerebral hemispheres L Semen
Cerebrospinal Labile Semisynthetic
Cerebrospinal fluid Large Intestine Sensor
Cerebrovascular Latency Septal
Cerebrum Latent Septal Nuclei
Cervix Leptin Sequence Analysis
Character Lesion Sequence Homology
Chemotactic Factors Lethal Serology
Cholera Leucine Serotonin
Cholera Toxin Leucocyte Serum
Cholinergic Leukemia Sex Characteristics
Chorea Leukocytes Sex Determination
Choreatic Disorders Levo Shock
Chromosomal Levodopa Shunt
Chromosome Libido Sibutramine
Chronic Disease Library Services Side effect
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Ligament Signal Transduction
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Ligands Signs and Symptoms
Chronic renal Limbic Skeletal
Cimetidine Limbic System Skeleton
Circadian Linkage Skull
Circadian Rhythm Linkage Disequilibrium Sleep apnea
Circulatory system Lipase Sleep Deprivation
Claudication Lipid Sleep Paralysis
Clear cell carcinoma Liver Small intestine
Clinical Medicine Localization Smooth muscle
Clinical study Localized Snoring
Clinical trial Locomotion Social Class
Cloning Locomotor Social Environment
Coca Locus Coeruleus Sodium
Cocaine Lupus Sodium Channels
Cochlear Lymphocyte Sodium Oxybate
Cochlear Diseases Lymphoid Soma
Codeine Lymphoma Somatic
Cofactor M Somatostatin
Cognition Magnetic Resonance Imaging Somnolence
Cohort Studies Major Histocompatibility Complex Spasm
Colitis Malabsorption Spastic
Collapse Malformation Spasticity
Colloidal Malignant Spatial disorientation
Complement Malnutrition Specialist
Complementary and alternative medicine Manic Species
Complementary medicine Manic-depressive psychosis Specificity
Complete remission Manifest Spectrum
Computational Biology Man-made Sperm
Computed tomography Mannich Bases Spinal cord
Computerized axial tomography Mastication Spondylitis
Computerized tomography Mazindol Sporadic
Conception Mediate Stasis
Concomitant Mediator Steroid
Cones MEDLINE Stimulant
Conjugated Meiosis Stimulus
Conjugation Melanin Stomach
Conjunctiva Melanocytes Stool
Connective Tissue Melanoma Strand
Consciousness Membrane Glycoproteins Stress
Constipation Memory Striatum
Constriction Meninges Stroke
Consumption Menopause Stupor
Contraindications, ii Menstrual Cycle Subarachnoid
Controlled clinical trial Menstruation Subclinical
Controlled study Mental Disorders Subcutaneous
Convulsions Mental Retardation Subspecies
Convulsive Mesencephalic Substance P
Coordination Meta-Analysis Subthalamus
Coronary Metabolite Support group
Coronary Circulation Methamphetamine Supportive care
Coronary heart disease Methionine Suppression
Coronary Thrombosis Methylphenidate Survival Analysis
Cortex Methyltransferase Sympathomimetic
Cortical MI Symphysis
Cortisol Microbe Symptomatic
Cranial Microbiology Symptomatology
Craniocerebral Trauma Microdialysis Synapses
Cross-Sectional Studies Microorganism Synapsis
Curare Middle Cerebral Artery Synaptic
Curative Milliliter Synaptic Transmission
Cyclic Mitochondrial Swelling Systemic
Cyst Modeling Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cytochrome Modification Systolic
Cytokine Modulator T
Cytoplasm Molecular Structure Telangiectasia
Cytotoxic Monitor Telencephalon
D Monoamine Temporal
Databases, Bibliographic Monoamine Oxidase Temporal Lobe
Deamination Monoclonal Testicular
Decarboxylation Monoclonal antibodies Testis
Degenerative Mononuclear Thalamic
Dehydration Morphine Thalamic Diseases
Deletion Motility Thalamus
Delusion Motion Sickness Therapeutics
Dementia Motor Activity Third Ventricle
Dendrites Motor nerve Threonine
Dendritic Mucosa Threshold
Density Mucus Thrombin
Depolarization Multicenter study Thrombomodulin
DES Multiple sclerosis Thrombosis
Desipramine Muscimol Thymus
Dextroamphetamine Muscle Fibers Thyroid
Dextrorotatory Muscle relaxant Thyroid Gland
Diagnostic procedure Muscle tension Thyroid Hormones
Dialyzer Muscular Atrophy Thyroiditis
Diarrhea Muscular Dystrophies Thyrotropin
Diarrhoea Mydriatic Thyroxine
Diastolic Myelin Tidal Volume
Diencephalon Myocardial infarction Tinnitus
Dietary Fats Myocardial Ischemia Tolerance
Diethylproprion Myocarditis Tomography
Digestion Myocardium Tonic
Digestive system Myotonic Dystrophy Toxic, iv
Dimethyl N Toxicity
Diphtheria Naloxone Toxicology
Diphtheria Toxin Narcosis Toxins
Direct, iii Narcotic Trachea
Dissection Nausea Transaminase
Dissociation NCI Transduction
Distal Necrosis Transfection
Diurnal Need Translational
Dizziness Neoplasia Transmitter
Dopa Neoplasm Transplantation
Dorsal Neoplastic Transplantation Immunology
Dorsum Nephropathy Trauma
Dosage Forms Nerve Tricyclic
Dose-dependent Nerve Endings Trigeminal
Down syndrome Neural Tryptophan
Drive, ii, vi Neuralgia Tubercle
Drug Interactions Neuroblastoma Tuberculosis
Drug Tolerance Neuroeffector Junction Tuberous Sclerosis
Duodenum Neuroendocrine Tumor Necrosis Factor
Dyskinesias Neuroglia Tumour
Dysmenorrhea Neurologic Tyramine
Dysplasia Neuromuscular Tyrosine
Dystrophy Neuromuscular Junction U
E Neuronal Unconscious
Eating Disorders Neuropathy Urethra
Effector Neuropeptide Urinary
Effector cell Neuropharmacology Urinary Retention
Efficacy Neurophysiology Urine
Elective Neurosis Uterus
Electrolyte Neurotic Uvula
Electrons Neurotoxin V
Electrophoresis Neurotransmitters Vaccine
Electroplating Neutrons Vacuoles
Embryo Nicotine Vagina
Emphysema Nitric Oxide Valerian
Emulsion Nitrogen Vascular
Encephalitis Norepinephrine Vasodilator
Encephalitis, Viral Nuclear Vein
Endemic Nuclei Venous
Endocrine System Nucleic acid Ventilator
Endocytosis Nucleus Accumbens Ventral
Endothelial cell Nursing Care Ventricle
Endothelium O Vertebrae
Endothelium-derived Ocular Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Endotoxin Odds Ratio Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
End-stage renal Ointments Veterinary Medicine
Energy balance Oncogene Vibrio
Enkephalin Opacity Vibrio cholerae
Environmental Exposure Opium Villous
Environmental Health Optic Chiasm Virulence
Enzymatic Optic Nerve Viruses
Enzyme Optic Nerve Diseases Visceral
Epidemic Osteoarthritis Visual field
Epidemiologic Studies Overweight Vitamin A
Epidemiological Oxidation Vitro
Epinephrine Oxidation-Reduction Vivo
Epithalamus Oxygen Consumption W
Epithelial P Wakefulness
Epithelial Cells Palate Weight Gain
Epitope Palliative White blood cell
Epitope Mapping Palsy Windpipe
Ergot Pancreas Withdrawal
Erythrocytes Pancreatic X
Esophagus Pancreatic cancer Xenograft
Essential Tremor Panic X-ray
Ethnic Groups Papilledema Y
Eukaryotic Cells Paralysis Yeasts
Euphoria Parasitic Yohimbine
Evacuation Parasympathomimetic Z
Evoke Paroxetine Zygote
Excitability Paroxysmal Zymogen
Excitation Partial remission









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