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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(brain surgery; craniotomy)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  252
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497007835
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with neurosurgery is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

brain surgery; craniotomy




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to neurosurgery. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to neurosurgery. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Neurosurgery


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Neurosurgery

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Neurosurgery


Finding Nutrition Studies on Neurosurgery

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Neurosurgery


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Neurosurgery


Patents on Neurosurgery

Patent Applications on Neurosurgery

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Neurosurgery


Chapters on Neurosurgery

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Neurosurgery


News Services and Press Releases

Academic Periodicals covering Neurosurgery

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on neurosurgery will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on neurosurgery.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Escalation Pathogen
3-dimensional Etoposide Pathogenesis
A Eukaryotic Cells Pathologic
Abdomen Evacuation Pathologies
Ablate Evoke Pathologist
Abrasion Evoked Potentials Pathophysiology
Abscess Excitation Patient Selection
Academic Medical Centers Excitatory Pediatrics
Accommodation Excitotoxicity Peer Review
Acetylcholine Exogenous Pelvic
Acoustic Extensor Pelvis
Action Potentials External radiation Penicillamine
Acuity External-beam radiation Penicillin
Acute Disease Extracellular Peptide
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Extracellular Matrix Perception
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Extracorporeal Percutaneous
Adaptability Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Perforation
Adaptation Extraction Perfusion
Adenosine Extrapyramidal Perioperative
Adjustment Extravasation Peripheral Nerves
Adolescence Extremity Peripheral Nervous System
Adoptive Transfer F Peripheral vision
Adrenal Cortex Facial Peritoneum
Adrenal Medulla Family Planning Perivascular
Adrenergic Farnesyl Phallic
Adverse Effect Fat Pharmacokinetic
Aerobic Fatigue Pharmacologic
Afferent Femoral Pharmacotherapy
Affinity Femoral Artery Phenytoin
Agnosia Ferrets Phonophoresis
Agonist Fibrinogen Physical Examination
Algorithms Fibrosis Physiologic
Alimentary Finite Element Analysis Physiology
Allergen Fissure Pigments
Allogeneic Fixation Pilot study
Alpha Particles Flatus Pipette
Alternative medicine Flexor Plants
Alveolar Process Fluoridation Plasma
Amino acid Fluorine Plasma cells
Amino Acid Sequence Fold Plasma Volume
Amnesia Foramen Plasmids
Amphetamine Fossa Plasmin
Ampicillin Fovea Plasminogen
Ampulla Frontal Lobe Plasminogen Activators
Amputation Fulguration Plasticity
Anaerobic Functional Disorders Platinum
Anaesthesia Functional magnetic resonance imaging Platinum Compounds
Anal Fundus Pleomorphic
Analgesic Fungemia Pneumonia
Analog Fungi Podophyllotoxin
Analogous G Poisoning
Anaphylatoxins Gallbladder Polyethylene
Anaplasia Gamma Rays Polymerase
Anaplastic Ganglia Polymerase Chain Reaction
Anatomical Gas Polymers
Anesthesia Gastrointestinal Pons
Anesthetics Gastrointestinal tract Porosity
Aneurysm Gels Port
Angiogenesis Gene Port-a-cath
Angiogenesis inhibitor Gene Expression Posterior
Angiography Gene Therapy Postnatal
Angioma Generator Postoperative
Animal model Genetic testing Practice Guidelines
Ankle Genetics Preclinical
Annealing Genotype Precursor
Anomalies Geriatric Predictive factor
Ansa Gestation Prefrontal Cortex
Antagonism Gland Preoperative
Antibacterial Glioblastoma Presynaptic
Antibiotic Glioblastoma multiforme Prevalence
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Glioma Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Antibodies Gliosis Prion
Antibody Globus Pallidus Probe
Anticonvulsant Glucose Problem Solving
Antigen Glucuronic Acid Procaine
Antigen-Antibody Complex Glutamate Progesterone
Anti-inflammatory Glutamic Acid Prognostic factor
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Glycine Progression
Antimetabolite Gonadal Progressive
Antioxidant Governing Board Progressive disease
Antithrombotic Grade Projection
Antitussive Graft Prone
Antiviral Graft Rejection Prophase
Anus Grafting Prophylaxis
Anxiety Gram-negative Propofol
Aorta Gram-positive Prospective study
Aortic Aneurysm Growth factors Prostate
Aphasia H Protein S
Apomorphine Half-Life Proteins
Aqueous Head Movements Proteolytic
Aqueous fluid Headache Protocol
Arginine Health Services Protons
Arterial Heart attack Protozoa
Arteries Hematogenous Pseudotumor Cerebri
Arterioles Hematology Psychiatric
Arteriovenous Hematoma Psychiatry
Artery Hemodynamics Psychic
Artificial Organs Hemoglobin Psychoactive
Asepsis Hemoglobin C Psychology
Aseptic Hemoglobinopathies Psychophysics
Aspartate Hemorrhage Psychophysiology
Aspiration Hemostasis Psychotomimetic
Aspirin Heparin Public Health
Assay Hereditary Public Policy
Astrocytes Heredity Publishing
Astrocytoma Herpes Pulmonary
Asymptomatic Herpes Zoster Pulmonary Artery
Ataxia Hippocampus Pulse
Atrium Histology Pupil
Atrophy Homologous Q
Attenuated Hormonal Quality of Health Care
Audiology Hormonal therapy Quality of Life
Auditory Hormone R
Auditory Cortex Hybrid Radial Keratotomy
Auditory nerve Hydrocephalus Radiation Oncology
Autoimmune disease Hydrogen Radiation therapy
Autonomic Hydrolysis Radioactive
Autonomic Nervous System Hypersensitivity Radioimmunotherapy
Axonal Hypertension Radioisotope
Axons Hyperthermia Radiolabeled
B Hypnotic Radiological
Baclofen Hypothalamus Radiology
Bacteria Hypothermia Radiopharmaceutical
Bacteriophage Hypoxia Radiotherapy
Bacterium Hypoxic Random Allocation
Barbiturate I Randomization
Basal Ganglia Ibotenic Acid Randomized
Basilar Artery Ifosfamide Randomized clinical trial
Basophils Illusion Receptor
Benign Imaging procedures Receptors, Serotonin
Beta-Lactamases Imipenem Recombinant
Bilateral Immune response Recombination
Bile Immune system Rectum
Biochemical Immunization Refer
Biological therapy Immunodeficiency Reflective
Biological Transport Immunohistochemistry Reflex
Biomarkers Immunologic Refraction
Biophysics Immunology Refractive Power
Biopsy Immunosuppressive Refractory
Biotechnology Immunosuppressive therapy Regeneration
Bladder Immunotherapy Regimen
Blood Glucose Impairment Relapse
Blood Platelets Implant radiation Reliability
Blood pressure Implantation Remission
Blood Volume In situ Renin
Body Fluids In Situ Hybridization Renin-Angiotensin System
Bone Cements In vitro Resected
Bone Marrow In vivo Resection
Bone Regeneration Incidental Resorption
Bone scan Incision Respiration
Bony Callus Incontinence Respirator
Bowel Infarction Respiratory failure
Brace Inferior vena cava Retina
Brachial Inflammation Retinal
Brachial Plexus Infusion Retinal Ganglion Cells
Brachytherapy Initiation Retinol
Brain metastases In-line Retraction
Brain Neoplasms Inner ear Retrospective
Brain Stem Inorganic Retrospective Studies
Brain stem glioma Inositol Retroviral vector
Broad-spectrum Inotropic Rewarming
Bronchi Insight Rhabdomyosarcoma
Bronchial Insulator Rheumatology
Bupivacaine Insulin Rhodopsin
Bypass Intensive Care Ribosome
C Intensive Care Units Rickettsiae
Calcium Intermittent Risk factor
Capillary Internal radiation Robotics
Captopril Interstitial Rod
Carbon Dioxide Intervertebral Role-play
Carboxymethylcellulose Intestine S
Carcinogenic Intoxication Saponins
Cardiac Intracellular Sarcoma
Cardiology Intracranial Aneurysm Scalpel
Cardiopulmonary Intracranial Hemorrhages Scans
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Intracranial Hypertension Schizoid
Cardiovascular Intracranial Pressure Schizophrenia
Cardiovascular disease Intracranial tumors Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Carotene Intramuscular Schwannoma
Carotid Body Intraocular Sclerosis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Intrathecal Screening
Case report Intravenous Secondary tumor
Case series Intrinsic Sedative
Cataract Involuntary Segmentation
Catecholamine Ion Exchange Seizures
Catheter Ionization Semen
Caudal Ionizing Semisynthetic
Caudate Nucleus Ions Sensibility
Causal Iontophoresis Sensor
Caustic Ipsilateral Sepsis
Cauterization Iris Sequencing
Ceftriaxone Irradiation Serotonin
Cell Irrigation Serous
Cell Cycle Irritable Bowel Syndrome Serum
Cell Death Ischemia Sharpness
Cell Division Ischemic stroke Shock
Cell membrane K Shunt
Cell Survival Kb Side effect
Central Nervous System Infections Keratolytic Signs and Symptoms
Cerebellar Keyhole Silicon
Cerebellar Diseases L Silicon Dioxide
Cerebellum Labile Skeletal
Cerebral Angiography Language Development Skeleton
Cerebral Cortex Language Development Disorders Skin graft
Cerebral hemispheres Language Disorders Skull
Cerebrospinal Language Therapy Smoke Inhalation Injury
Cerebrospinal fluid Laryngeal Social Environment
Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Larynx Sodium
Cerebrovascular Laser Surgery Soft tissue
Cerebrum Latency Soft tissue sarcoma
Cervical Latent Solid tumor
Cervix Laxative Soma
Chemoreceptor Length of Stay Somatic
Chemosensitizer Lens Somatosensory Cortex
Chemotactic Factors Lesion Sound wave
Chemotherapy Lethargy Specialist
Chin Leukemia Species
Cholesterol Leukocytes Specificity
Choline Levorphanol Spectroscopic
Cholinergic Lidocaine Spectrum
Chromosome Ligament Sperm
Chronic Light microscope Sphenoid
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Limbic Sphenoidal
Cilastatin Limbic System Spina bifida
Ciliary Linkages Spinal cord
Ciliary processes Lip Spinal Nerves
Circulatory system Lipid Splint
CIS Lipid Peroxidation Sporadic
Cisplatin Liver Squamous
Clamp Liver scan Stabilization
Cleft Lip Lobe Stabilizer
Clinical Medicine Lobectomy Staging
Clinical Protocols Local therapy Steel
Clinical study Localization Stellate
Cloning Localized Stem Cells
Cochlear Locomotion Stenosis
Cochlear Diseases Long-Term Care Stents
Codeine Loop Stereoscopic
Cognition Lumbar Stereotactic radiosurgery
Cohort Studies Lymph Stereotaxis
Colloidal Lymph node Sterile
Competency Lymphatic Sterility
Complement Lymphatic system Steroid
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphoblasts Stimulant
Complementary medicine Lymphocytes Stimulus
Compulsions Lymphoid Stomach
Computational Biology Lymphoma Strand
Computed tomography Lysine Stress
Computer Simulation M Striatum
Computer-Aided Design Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stricture
Computerized axial tomography Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Stroke
Computerized tomography Magnetoencephalography Subacute
Conception Malformation Subarachnoid
Concomitant Malignant Subclavian
Cones Malignant tumor Subclavian Artery
Confounding Malnutrition Subclavian Vein
Conjunctiva Mandible Subclinical
Connective Tissue Manifest Subcutaneous
Connective Tissue Cells Mastication Subiculum
Consciousness Maxillary Substance P
Constipation Meatus Substrate
Consultation Mechanical ventilation Subthalamus
Continuous infusion Medial Suction
Contraindications, ii Median Nerve Sufentanil
Contrast medium Mediate Sulbactam
Convulsions Mediator Supraspinal
Cooperative group Medical oncologist Supratentorial
Coordination Medical Oncology Surgery, Plastic
Cornea MEDLINE Surgical Equipment
Coronary Medullary Surgical Instruments
Coronary heart disease Medulloblastoma Sympathetic Nervous System
Coronary Thrombosis Meiosis Sympathomimetic
Corpus Memory Symphysis
Corpus Striatum Meninges Symptomatic
Cortex Mental Disorders Synapse
Cortical Mental Health, iv Synaptic
Cortices Mental Processes Systemic
Cortisol Mentors Systemic disease
Cranial Mesoderm Systems Analysis
Cranial Nerves Meta-Analysis Systolic
Craniocerebral Trauma Metabolite T
Creatine Metabotropic Technetium
Creatinine Metastasis Telecommunications
Cultured cell line Metastatic Telemedicine
Curative Methamphetamine Telencephalon
Cyclic Methylphenidate Temporal
Cyclophosphamide MI Temporal Lobe
Cytokine Microbe Tendon
Cytostatic Microglia Tendon Transfer
Cytotoxic Microorganism Thalamus
Cytotoxicity Micro-organism Theophylline
D Micro-organism Therapeutics
Data Collection Micro-organism Thermal
De novo Microspheres Thoracic
Decarboxylation Microsurgery Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Decompression Micturition Thorax
Decompression Sickness Migration Threshold
Degenerative Mitochondrial Swelling Thrombolytic
Dementia Mitotic Thrombophlebitis
Denaturation Modeling Thrombosis
Dendrites Modification Thrombus
Density Molecule Tinnitus
Dental Care Monitor Tolerance
Dental Caries Monoamine Tomography
Dentate Gyrus Monoclonal Tone
Deoxyglucose Monocytes Tonus
Depolarization Morphine Topoisomerase inhibitors
Depth Perception Morphology Torsion
Dermatology Motility Toxic, iv
Desensitization Motivations Toxicity
Deuterium Motor nerve Toxicology
Dextroamphetamine Motor Neurons Toxin
Dextromethorphan Multidrug resistance Trace element
Diabetes Mellitus Multiple sclerosis Tracer
Diagnostic procedure Multivariate Analysis Traction
Diagnostic Services Muscimol Training Support
Diarrhea Muscle relaxant Tramadol
Diastolic Muscle Spindles Transcriptase
Diencephalon Myelin Transduction
Diffusion Myocardium Transfection
Digestion Myopia Translating
Dilate N Translation
Dilation Narcolepsy Translational
Direct, iii Narcotic Transmitter
Discrete Nearsightedness Trauma
Diskectomy Necrosis Treatment Failure
Disparity Neocortex Tremor
Dissection Neoplasm Trigeminal
Distal Neoplastic Tropism
Diuresis Nephrology Tryptophan
Dizziness Nerve Regeneration Tubercle
Dopamine Nervous System Diseases Tumor marker
Dorsal Networks Tumour
Dorsum Neural Tyrosine
Double-blind Neurodegenerative Diseases U
Drug Interactions Neuroglia Ulcer
Drug Resistance Neurologic Unconscious
Drug Tolerance Neurologic Manifestations Uranium
Duct Neuroma Urethra
Duodenum Neuromuscular Urinary
Dura mater Neuromuscular Junction Urinary tract
Dysphonia Neuronal Urinate
E Neurons Urine
Eating Disorders Neuropathy Urodynamics
Edema Neurophysiology Urokinase
Effector Neuropsychological Tests Uterus
Efferent Neuropsychology V
Efficacy Neurosciences Vaccines
Elasticity Neurosurgeon Vagina
Electrode Neurosurgical Procedures Valine
Electroencephalography Neurotoxic Valves
Electrolyte Neurotoxicity Vascular
Electromagnetic Fields Neurotransmitter Vasodilator
Electromyography Neutrons VE
Electrons Neutropenia Vector
Electrophoresis Neutrophils Vein
Electrophysiological Niacin Vena
Elementary Particles Nitrogen Venous
Embolism Norepinephrine Venous Thrombosis
Embolus Nuclear Venter
Embryology Nuclei Ventilation
Emetic Nucleic acid Ventral
Emulsion Nucleus Accumbens Ventricle
Enamel O Ventricular
Encephalitis Observational study Venules
Encephalitis, Viral Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Vertebrae
Endemic Ocular Vertebral
Endocrine Glands Omentum Vertigo
Endocrine System Oncologist Vestibular
Endocrinology Oncology Vestibule
Endogenous On-line Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Endorphins Opacity Vestibulocochlear Nerve Diseases
Endoscope Ophthalmic Veterinary Medicine
Endoscopic Ophthalmology Vibrissae
Endoscopy Opsin Villi
Endostatin Optic Chiasm Viral
Endothelial cell Optic Nerve Viral vector
Endothelium Ossification Virulence
Endothelium, Lymphatic Outpatient Virus
Endothelium, Vascular Ovum Viscera
Endotoxins Oxaliplatin Visual Acuity
Enkephalins Oxidation Visual field
Entopeduncular Nucleus Oxidative Stress Visual Perception
Entorhinal Cortex Oxygenation Vitreous
Environmental Health Oxygenator Vitro
Enzymatic P Vivo
Enzyme Paediatric Vocal cord
Eosinophils Palate Void
Ependymal Palliative W
Ependymal tumors Pancreas White blood cell
Ependymomas Paralysis Withdrawal
Epidemic Parenteral Wound Infection
Epidemiological Paresis X
Epidural Paresthesia Xenograft
Epinephrine Parietal X-ray
Epithelial Parietal Lobe X-ray therapy
Epithelium Parkinsonism
Erythrocyte Volume Partial remission
Erythrocytes Particle









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