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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(radiation treatments)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  232
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497009242
Published  :  2004

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with radiation treatment is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

radiation treatments




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to radiation treatment. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to radiation treatment. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Radiation Treatment


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Radiation Treatment

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Alternative Medicine and Radiation Treatment


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 3. Dissertations on Radiation Treatment


Dissertations on Radiation Treatment

Keeping Current

Chapter 4. Patents on Radiation Treatment


Patents on Radiation Treatment

Patent Applications on Radiation Treatment

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Radiation Treatment


Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Radiation Treatment

Chapter 6. Periodicals and News on Radiation Treatment


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Radiation Treatment

Chapter 7. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on radiation treatment will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on radiation treatment.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

3 Fovea Pigment
3-dimensional Fractionation Pilot study
A Free Radicals Pituitary Gland
Abdomen Fungi Planning Techniques
Abdominal Fungus Plant Growth Regulators
Abdominal Cramps G Plants
Abdominal Pain Gadolinium Plaque
Aberrant Gallbladder Plasma
Ablate Gamma irradiation Plasma cells
Ablation Gamma Rays Plasma Volume
Abscess Ganglia Plasmid
Acceptor Gas Plasmin
Acidity Gastric Plasminogen
Acne Gastrin Plasminogen Activators
Acrylonitrile Gastrointestinal Platelets
Actinium Gastrointestinal tract Platinum
Adaptability Gene Pneumonia
Adenocarcinoma Genetic testing Pneumonitis
Adenosine Genital Podophyllotoxin
Adjustment Germ cell tumors Poisoning
Adjuvant Germ Cells Polymerase
Adjuvant Therapy Giardiasis Polymerase Chain Reaction
Adrenal Medulla Gland Polymers
Adverse Effect Glioblastoma Polypeptide
Affinity Glioblastoma multiforme Polysaccharide
Agar Glioma Polytetrafluoroethylene
Age Groups Glucose Population Control
Aged Glucose Intolerance Port
Agonist Glutathione Peroxidase Port-a-cath
Algorithms Glycoprotein Posterior
Alimentary Governing Board Postoperative
Alkaline Grade Practicability
Allergen Graft Practice Guidelines
Alopecia Graft Rejection Preclinical
Alpha Particles Grafting Precursor
Alternative medicine Granulocytes Preoperative
Alveoli Growth Inhibitors Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Amebiasis Gynaecological Primary tumor
Amifostine Gynecologic cancer Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Amino acid H Probe
Amino Acid Sequence Hair follicles Prodrug
Anaesthesia Haptens Prognostic factor
Anal Health Education Program Development
Analog Health Fairs Progression
Anaplastic Health Physics Progressive
Anatomical Hematopoietic Stem Cells Projection
Anergic Hematopoietic tissue Proline
Anergy Hemoglobin Prone
Anesthesia Hemostasis Prone Position
Angiogenesis Hepatic Prophylaxis
Angiography Hepatocellular Propofol
Animal model Hereditary Prospective study
Ankle Heredity Prostate gland
Annealing Heterogeneity Prostatic Hyperplasia
Anode Hip Prosthesis Prosthesis
Antiandrogens Homogeneous Protein C
Antiangiogenic Homologous Protein S
Antibacterial Hormonal Proteins
Antibiotic Hormone Proteolytic
Antibodies Hormone therapy Protocol
Antibody Hydrogen Protons
Anticoagulant Hydrolysis Proto-Oncogene Proteins
Antigen Hydroxylysine Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mos
Antigen-presenting cell Hydroxyproline Psychiatry
Anti-inflammatory Hyperbaric Psychic
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Hyperbaric oxygen Psychology
Antimetabolite Hyperplasia Psychoneuroimmunology
Antineoplastic Hypersensitivity Public Policy
Antioxidant Hypersensitivity, Immediate Publishing
Anus Hypertension Pulmonary
Apoptosis Hyperthermia Pulmonary Artery
Aqueous Hypertrophy Pulse
Arginine Hypothalamic Purulent
Arterial Hypothalamus Pustular
Arteries Hypoxia Q
Arterioles Hypoxic Quality of Health Care
Artery I Quality of Life
Articular Immune function R
Assay Immune response Race
Asthenia Immune system Radiation oncologist
Astrocytoma Immunization Radioactivity
Ataxia Immunoglobulins Radiobiology
Atherectomy Immunologic Radioimmunotherapy
Atmospheric Pressure Immunology Radioisotope
Autonomic Immunosuppressant Radiolabeled
B Immunosuppressive Radiological
Bacteria Immunosuppressive therapy Radiopharmaceuticals
Bacterial toxin Immunotherapy Randomized
Bacteriophage Impairment Reactive Oxygen Species
Bacterium Implant radiation Receptor
Basal Ganglia Implantation Receptors, Serotonin
Basal Ganglia Diseases Impotence Rectal
Basement Membrane In situ Rectum
Behavioral Medicine In vitro Recur
Benign In vivo Recurrence
Beta Rays Incision Red Nucleus
Bile Incontinence Reductase
Biochemical Induction Refer
Biological Transport Infancy Refraction
Biomechanics Infant, Newborn Regeneration
Biopsy Infarction Regimen
Biopsy specimen Infection Registries
Biotechnology Infertility Rehabilitative
Biotransformation Inflammation Relative risk
Bladder Inflammatory bowel disease Relative survival rate
Bleomycin Infusion Reliability
Blood Coagulation Initiation Remission
Blood Glucose Inoperable Reperfusion
Blood Platelets Inorganic Reperfusion Injury
Blood pressure Intermittent Reproductive system
Blot Internal radiation Resection
Body Fluids Interstitial Respiration
Bone Marrow Interstitial Collagenase Retina
Bone metastases Intestinal Retinal
Bone scan Intestinal Mucosa Retinoblastoma
Bowel Intestine Retroperitoneal
Brachytherapy Intracellular Retrospective
Brain metastases Intracranial tumors Rheumatism
Breast reconstruction Intrahepatic Rheumatoid
Bronchi Intramuscular Ribosome
Bronchial Intrathecal Risk factor
Bronchus Intravascular Rods
Bypass Intravenous Roentgenography
C Intrinsic Rubber
Calcium Invasive S
Calibration Involuntary Saliva
Candidiasis Ionization Salivary
Candidosis Ionizing Salivary glands
Carbon Dioxide Ipsilateral Samarium
Carboplatin Iridium Sanitary
Carcinogen Irradiation Sarcoma
Carcinogenic Ischemia Scans
Carcinoma in Situ K Scatter
Cardiovascular Kb Sclera
Case report Keratin Sclerotic
Catheter Kinesin Screening
Cathode Kinetic Sebaceous
Caudal L Sebaceous gland
Cause of Death Large Intestine Sebum
Cecum Laryngeal Secondary tumor
Celecoxib Larynx Secretion
Cell Communication Laser Surgery Segmentation
Cell Cycle Leiomyosarcoma Seizures
Cell Death Lens Selenium
Cell Division Lesion Sella Turcica
Cell proliferation Lethal Semen
Cell Respiration Leukemia Seminoma
Cell Size Leukocytes Semisynthetic
Cell Survival Ligament Sensitization
Cellulose Ligands Sensory loss
Central Nervous System Ligase Sepsis
Cerebellar Linear accelerator Sequencing
Cerebral Linear Energy Transfer Serotonin
Cerebral Cortex Linkages Serum
Cerebral hemispheres Lipid Shock
Cerebrum Lipid Peroxidation Side effect
Cervical Liver Silicon
Cervix Liver scan Silicon Dioxide
Chemotherapeutic agent Localization Skeletal
Chimeras Localized Skeleton
Chin Locomotion Skin Abnormalities
Chlorophyll Locomotor Skull
Cholecystectomy Long-Term Care Skull Base
Chromatin Loop Small cell lung cancer
Chromosomal Lymph Small intestine
Chromosome Lymph node Smooth muscle
Chronic Lymphatic Soaps
Circulatory system Lymphatic system Social Environment
CIS Lymphocyte Social Support
Cisplatin Lymphoid Sodium
Clinical trial Lymphoma Soft tissue
Cloning Lymphoscintigraphy Soft tissue sarcoma
Cluster Analysis M Solid tumor
Colitis Macula Spasmodic
Collagen Macula Lutea Specialist
Colon Macular Degeneration Species
Comorbidity Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specificity
Competency Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Spectroscopic
Complement Malignancy Spectrum
Complementary and alternative medicine Malignant tumor Sperm
Complementary medicine Malnutrition Sphincter
Complete response Mammary Spinal cord
Computational Biology Mandible Spinal Cord Compression
Computed tomography Mannans Spinal Fractures
Computerized axial tomography Mastectomy Spinous
Computerized tomography Matrix metalloproteinase Sporadic
Concomitant Mediastinum Squamous
Cone Mediate Squamous cell carcinoma
Conjugation Mediator Squamous cells
Connective Tissue Medical Oncology Staging
Connective Tissue Cells Medicament Steel
Constriction MEDLINE Stenosis
Consultation Medulloblastoma Stent
Contraindications, ii Meiosis Stereoscopic
Contrast medium Melanin Stereotactic
Coordination Melanocytes Sterility
Cornea Melanoma Sterilization
Corneum Membrane Steroids
Coronary Memory Stimulus
Coronary Thrombosis Meninges Stomach
Corpus Meningioma Stool
Cranial Mental, iv Strand
Curative Mental Disorders Stress
Cutaneous Mental Processes Stricture
Cyclic Mercury Stroma
Cyclophosphamide Mesenchymal Strontium
Cyproterone Mesenteric Strontium-89
Cyst Mesentery Styrene
Cytokine Metabolite Subacute
Cytoplasm Metastasis Subclinical
Cytotoxic Metastatic Subcutaneous
Cytotoxic chemotherapy Metastatic cancer Submaxillary
Cytotoxicity Methotrexate Substance P
D Metronidazole Subtraction Technique
Data Collection MI Supine
Daunorubicin Microbe Survival Rate
De novo Micronuclei Sweat
Decidua Microorganism Sweat Glands
Decision Making Micro-organism Sympathetic Nervous System
Deletion Micro-organism Sympathomimetic
Denaturation Microspheres Symphysis
Density Microtubules Synovial
Dental Care Mitosis Synovial Membrane
Dental implant Mitotic Synovitis
Dentists Mobilization Systemic
Dentition Modeling Systolic
Deprivation Modification T
Dermal Molecule Telangiectasia
Dermatology Monitor Telomere
Dermis Monoclonal Telophase
Detergents Monocytes Temporal
Dextrans Mononuclear Tenesmus
Diabetes Mellitus Morphological Testicles
Diagnostic Imaging Motility Testicular
Diagnostic procedure Motion Sickness Testis
Dialysate Mucins Thalamic
Diarrhea Mucositis Thalamic Diseases
Diarrhoea Mucus Therapeutics
Diastolic Musculature Thermal
Diffusion Mycosis Thoracic
Digestion Mycosis Fungoides Thorax
Digestive tract Myocardial infarction Thorium
Dilation Myocardium Thorium Compounds
Direct, iii N Threshold
Disposable Equipment Nasopharynx Thrombin
Disposition Nausea Thrombocytes
Dissociation NCI Thrombolytic
Distal Necrosis Thrombomodulin
Dorsal Needs Assessment Thrombosis
Dose-limiting Neoplasia Thrush
Dose-rate Neoplasm Thymidine
Dosimetry Neoplastic Thymidine Kinase
Doxorubicin Nerve Thymoma
Drug Interactions Nervous System Thymus
Drug Resistance Neural Thyroid
Drug Tolerance Neuroblastoma Tolerance
Duct Neurologic Tomography
Dwell time Neuropathy Tone
Dysprosium Neurosurgery Tonsil
E Neurotransmitter Topical
Edema Neutrons Toxic, iv
Effector Nilutamide Toxicity
Efficacy Nitrogen Toxicokinetics
Effusion Nocturia Toxicology
Elastic Non-small cell lung cancer Toxin
Elastin Norepinephrine Trace element
Elastomers Nuclear Trachea
Elective Nuclear Matrix Transcription Factors
Electrode Nuclear Medicine Transfection
Electrolyte Nuclear Pore Transforming Growth Factor alpha
Electrons Nuclei Translation
Elementary Particles Nucleic acid Translational
Embryo Nucleolus Translocation
Empirical Nucleus Transmitter
Emulsion Nutrition Assessment Trauma
Endarterectomy Nutritional Status Treatment Failure
Endocarditis O Treatment Outcome
Endometrial Odds Ratio Trees
Endometrium Oncologist Trichomoniasis
Endothelial cell Opacity Trichophyton
Energetic Ophthalmology Trivalent
Enteritis Oral Health Tryptophan
Enterocolitis Oral Hygiene Tumor Necrosis Factor
Environmental Exposure Organ Preservation Tumour
Environmental Health Organelles Tungsten
Enzymatic Ornithine Tunica
Enzyme Osseointegration Tunica Intima
Eosinophilic Osteoradionecrosis Tyrosine
Epidemic Ovaries U
Epidermal Overall survival Ulcerative colitis
Epidermal Growth Factor Oxidation Ultraviolet radiation
Epidermis Oxidative Stress Unsaturated Fats
Epidermoid carcinoma Oxygen Consumption Uranium
Epidural P Urban Population
Epinephrine Paclitaxel Urea
Epithelial Palate Ureters
Epithelial Cells Palliative Urethra
Epithelium Pancreas Urinary
Erectile Pancreatic Urinary tract
Erythrocytes Pancreatic cancer Urine
Escalation Papule Urography
Esophageal Parasite Urokinase
Esophagus Parasitic Urology
Etoposide Parenteral Uterus
Evacuation Particle Uvula
Excitation Patch V
Exercise Test Pathologic Vagina
Exercise Tolerance Pathologic Processes Vaginitis
Exogenous Patient Satisfaction Vascular
Expiration Peer Review Vasodilation
External radiation Pelvic Vein
External-beam radiation Pelvic inflammatory disease Ventricle
Extracellular Pelvis Venules
Extracellular Matrix Penis Vertebrae
Extracellular Matrix Proteins Peptide Vertebral
Extraction Perception Veterinary Medicine
F Percutaneous Virulence
F Factor Performance status Virus
Faecal Perfusion Viscera
Fallopian tube Periodicity Viscosity
Family Planning Peripheral blood Vitreous
Fat Peritoneal Vitro
Fatigue Peritoneal Dialysis Vivo
Fibrinogen Peritoneum Vocal cord
Fibroblasts PH W
Fibrosis Phallic White blood cell
Fish Oils Phantom Windpipe
Fistula Pharmacokinetic Wound Healing
Fixation Pharmacologic X
Flatus Pharynx Xenograft
Flow Cytometry Phenylalanine Xerostomia
Fluorescence Phosphorus X-ray therapy
Fluorescent Dyes Phosphorylated Y
Fluorouracil Photochemotherapy Yawning
Flutamide Photogrammetry Yeasts
Fold Photoreceptors Z
Follicles Photosensitizing Agents Zymogen
Folliculitis Phototherapy
Forearm Physiologic
Fossa Physiology









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