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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(dementia praecox; schizophrenic disorders; split personality)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  600
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0597836388
Published  :  2003

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with schizophrenia is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

dementia praecox; schizophrenic disorders; split personality




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to schizophrenia. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to schizophrenia. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Schizophrenia


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Schizophrenia

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Schizophrenia


Finding Nutrition Studies on Schizophrenia

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Schizophrenia


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Dissertations on Schizophrenia


Dissertations on Schizophrenia

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Clinical Trials and Schizophrenia


Recent Trials on Schizophrenia

Keeping Current on Clinical Trials

Chapter 6. Patents on Schizophrenia


Patents on Schizophrenia

Patent Applications on Schizophrenia

Keeping Current

Chapter 7. Books on Schizophrenia


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

The National Library of Medicine Book Index

Chapters on Schizophrenia


Chapter 8. Multimedia on Schizophrenia


Bibliography: Multimedia on Schizophrenia

Chapter 9. Periodicals and News on Schizophrenia


News Services and Press Releases

Newsletter Articles

Academic Periodicals covering Schizophrenia

Chapter 10. Researching Medications


U.S. Pharmacopeia

Commercial Databases

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

The Genome Project and Schizophrenia

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Associations and Schizophrenia

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on schizophrenia will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on schizophrenia.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

1 Exon Oxygenation
1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine Expiration P
A Extracellular Palliative
Abdominal Extracellular Space Palsy
Aberrant Extracorporeal Pancreas
Abortion Extrapyramidal Pancreatic
Abscess Extremity Pancreatic cancer
ACE Eye Movements Panic
ACE Inhibitor F Panic Disorder
Acetylcholine Facial Paradoxical
Acidity Facial Expression Paralysis
Acne Factor V Paranasal Sinuses
Acoustic Family Planning Paranoia
Actin Family Relations Paranoid Personality Disorder
Activities of Daily Living Family Therapy Paresthesias
Adaptation Famotidine Parietal
Adenine Fat Parietal Lobe
Adenosine Fathers Parkinsonism
Adipocytes Fatty acids Paroxysmal
Adjunctive Therapy Fertilization in Vitro Partial remission
Adjustment Fetal Development Partnership Practice
Adolescence Fetus Parturition
Adrenal Cortex Fibrinogen Patch
Adrenal Medulla Fibroblasts Paternal Age
Adrenergic Fibrosis Pathogenesis
Adverse Effect Financial Management Pathologic
Aetiology Fissure Pathologies
Affective Symptoms Fixation Patient Advocacy
Afferent Flatus Patient Compliance
Affinity Fluoxetine Patient Education
Agarose Fluphenazine Patient Satisfaction
Age Groups Folate Pedigree
Age of Onset Fold Peduncle
Aged Folic Acid Pelvic
Agonist Foramen Pelvis
Agoraphobia Forearm Penicillin
Akathisia Fornix Peptide
Albumin Fosinopril Perazine
Algorithms Fossa Perennial
Alkaline Free Association Perfusion
Alkaloid Free Radicals Perinatal
Alleles Frontal Lobe Peripheral blood
Allergic Rhinitis Functional magnetic resonance imaging Peripheral Nervous System
Allylamine Fungus Peritoneal
Alpha Cell Furosemide Peritoneal Cavity
Alpha-Linolenic Acid G Perivascular
Alternative medicine Galactosemia Peroxide
Alternative Splicing Galanthamine Perphenazine
Ameliorated Gallbladder Personality Development
Ameliorating Ganglia Personality Disorders
Amenorrhea Gap Junctions PH
Amine Gas Pharmacogenetics
Amino Acid Sequence Gastric Pharmacokinetic
Ammonia Gastrin Pharmacologic
Amnesia Gastrointestinal Pharmacotherapy
Amnestic Gastrointestinal tract Pharynx
Amphetamine Gelatin Phencyclidine
Amputation Gene Expression Phenotype
Amygdala Gene Targeting Phenyl
Amyloid Gene Therapy Phenylalanine
Anaesthesia Generator Phenytoin
Anal Genes, pol Phorbol
Analeptic Genetic Code Phospholipases
Analogous Genetic Engineering Phospholipids
Analysis of Variance Genetic Markers Phosphorus
Anaphylatoxins Geniculate Bodies Phosphorylation
Anatomical Genotype Physiologic
Anemia Geriatric Psychiatry Physiology
Anesthesia Gestation Pigments
Anesthetics Ginkgo biloba Pilot study
Angiogenesis Gland Pitch
Angiography Glomeruli Plants
Anions Glomerulus Plasma cells
Anisotropy Glucocorticoid Plasma protein
Annual Reports Glucose Plasticity
Anode Glucose tolerance Platelet Activation
Anomalies Glucose Tolerance Test Platelet Aggregation
Anorexia Glutamate Platelets
Anorexia Nervosa Glutamate Dehydrogenase Pleomorphic
Anosmia Glutamic Acid Pleural
Anoxia Glutamine Pleural cavity
Antagonism Glycerol Pneumonia
Antecedent Glycerophospholipids Point Mutation
Anterior Cerebral Artery Glycine Poisoning
Anthropology Glycoprotein Policy Making
Anti-Anxiety Agents Governing Board Polycystic
Antibacterial Grade Polydipsia
Antibiotic Granulocyte Polymerase
Antibodies Gravis Polymorphic
Antibody Growth factors Polysaccharide
Anticholinergic Guanylate Cyclase Polyunsaturated fat
Anticoagulant Guideline Adherence Polyuria
Anticonvulsant Gyrus Cinguli Pons
Antidepressant H Posterior
Antidepressive Agents Habitual Postmenopausal
Antidopaminergic Habituation Postnatal
Antiemetic Hallucination Postoperative
Antiepileptic Hallucinogen Postsynaptic
Antigen Handedness Post-synaptic
Antigen-Antibody Complex Haplotypes Post-traumatic
Anti-inflammatory Haptens Post-traumatic stress disorder
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Hay Fever Postural
Antioxidant Headache Potassium
Antipsychotic Agents Health Behavior Potentiate
Antiseptic Health Policy Potentiating
Anus Health Services Potentiation
Anxiety Disorders Health Status Practicability
Anxiolytic Hearing Disorders Practice Guidelines
Aorta Heart attack Preclinical
Apathy Heart failure Precursor
Aphasia Heartbeat Predictive factor
Apomorphine Hemoglobin Predisposition
Applicability Hemoglobinopathies Pregnancy Outcome
Aqueous Hemoglobinuria Premenopausal
Arachidonic Acid Hemolysis Prenatal
Arginine Hemoperfusion Presynaptic
Arterial Hemorrhage Presynaptic Terminals
Arteries Hemostasis Prevalence
Arterioles Hepatic Preventive Medicine
Arteriolosclerosis Hepatitis Prion
Arteriosclerosis Hepatocytes Private Practice
Artery Hereditary Private Sector
Artifacts Heredity Probe
Aspartate Herpes Problem Solving
Aspartic Herpes Zoster Procyclidine
Aspartic Acid Heterogeneity Prodrug
Assay Heterozygotes Progesterone
Astringent Hiccup Prognostic factor
Astrocytes Histamine Progression
Ataxia Histidine Projection
Atrial Histology Prolactin
Atrium Homeostasis Proline
Atrophy Homogeneous Promoter
Atropine Homologous Prone
Attenuation Hormonal Proneness
Audition Hormone Prophase
Auditory Cortex Humoral Prophylaxis
Autoimmune disease Humour Proprioception
Autoimmunity Hybrid Prosencephalon
Autonomic Hybridization Prospective Studies
Autopsy Hybridomas Prospective study
Autoreceptors Hydrogen Prostaglandins
Axonal Hydrogen Peroxide Prostate
Axons Hydrogenation Protease
B Hydrolysis Protein C
Bacteria Hydroxyproline Protein Isoforms
Bacterial Physiology Hyperglycemia Protein S
Bacterium Hypersensitivity Proteolytic
Basal Ganglia Hypertension Prothrombin
Basal Ganglia Diseases Hypnotic Protocol
Base Hypoglycaemia Protons
Base Sequence Hypokinesia Proximal
Basophils Hypomania Pruritus
Belladonna Hypotension Psoriasis
Benign Hypothalamic Psychic
Benzene Hypothalamus Psychoacoustics
Benzodiazepines Hypoxia Psychoactive
Bereavement I Psychoanalysis
Bilateral Ibotenic Acid Psychoanalytic Theory
Bile Id Psychogenic
Bile Acids Idiopathic Psycholinguistics
Bile Acids and Salts Ileum Psychology, Clinical
Binaural Ileus Psychometrics
Binding agent Illusion Psychomotor
Binding Sites Imipramine Psychotomimetic
Bioavailability Immune function Psychotropic
Bioavailable Immune response Psychotropic Drugs
Biochemical Immune system Puberty
Biochemical Phenomena Immunity Public Health
Biogenic Monoamines Immunodeficiency Public Policy
Biological Markers Immunogenic Public Sector
Biological Phenomena Immunoglobulins Pulmonary
Biological response modifier Immunohistochemistry Pulmonary Artery
Biological therapy Immunologic Pulse
Biotechnology Immunology Pulvinar
Biotransformation Immunophilin Purines
Birth Rate Immunosuppressive Pyramidal Cells
Bladder Implantable pump Pyramidal Tracts
Blinking In situ Pyrimidines
Blood Coagulation In Situ Hybridization R
Blood Platelets In vitro Race
Blood pressure In vivo Raclopride
Blood-Brain Barrier Incision Radiation
Body Fluids Incontinence Radiation therapy
Bone Marrow Indicative Radio Waves
Bone scan Induction Radioactive
Bowel Infancy Radioimmunoassay
Bowel Movement Infant, Newborn Radioisotope
Bradykinesia Infarction Radiological
Bradykinin Infection Radiology
Brain Stem Inflammation Radiopharmaceutical
Branch Influenza Rape
Breakdown Informed Consent Reaction Time
Broadband Infuse Reality Testing
Bronchi Infusion Receptors, Serotonin
Bronchial Ingestion Recombinant
Bulimia Initiation Recombination
Bupropion Inositol Rectum
Butyric Acid Inotropic Recurrence
C Inpatients Red blood cells
Calcification Insight Red Nucleus
Calcineurin Institutionalization Refer
Calcium Insulator Reflex
Calcium-Binding Proteins Insulin Refraction
Calibration Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Refractory
Callus Integrase Regimen
Calmodulin Interferon Regression Analysis
Candidiasis Interferon-alpha Rehabilitative
Candidosis Interleukin-1 Relapse
Cannabidiol Interleukin-2 Relative risk
Cannabinoids Interleukin-4 Relaxant
Cannabinol Interleukin-6 Reliability
Cannabis Intermediate Filaments Remission
Capillary Intermittent Renal failure
Captopril Internal Capsule Renin
Carbamazepine Interneurons Renin-Angiotensin System
Carbohydrate Interpersonal Relations Reproduction Techniques
Carbon Dioxide Interstitial Research Design
Carboxy Intervention Studies Research Personnel
Carcinogenic Intestinal Respiration
Carcinogens Intestinal Mucosa Reticular
Cardiac Intestine Retina
Cardiovascular Intoxication Retinal
Cardiovascular disease Intracellular Retinoblastoma
Carotene Intravenous Retinoids
Carrier Proteins Intrinsic Retinol
Case report Invasive Retrograde
Case series Involuntary Retrospective
Catabolism Ion Channels Retroviral vector
Catechol Ions Reversion
Catecholamine Ischemia Rhodopsin
Catheter Isopropyl Ribose
Cations J Ribosome
Caudal Jealousy Rigidity
Caudate Nucleus Joint Risk factor
Causal K Risk patient
Celecoxib Kb Rod
Cell Count Ketamine Rubella
Cell Differentiation Kidney Disease Rural Population
Cell Division Kinetics S
Cell membrane L Saccades
Cell proliferation Labile Salivary
Cell Respiration Labyrinth Salivary glands
Cell Survival Lactation Satellite
Cerebellar Language Disorders Scans
Cerebellar Diseases Large Intestine Schizoid
Cerebellum Latency Schizoid Personality Disorder
Cerebral Cortex Latent Schizophrenic Language
Cerebral hemispheres Lateral Ventricles Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cerebral Palsy Laterality Sclerosis
Cerebrospinal Least-Squares Analysis Screening
Cerebrospinal fluid Length of Stay Secretion
Cerebrovascular Lens Secretory
Cerebrum Lenticular Sedative
Cervical Leptin Segmentation
Character Lethal Segregation
Chemoreceptor Leukemia Seizures
Chemotactic Factors Leukocytes Selegiline
Chin Leukotrienes Self Care
Chlorpromazine Levodopa Self-Injurious Behavior
Cholecystokinin Library Services Semantics
Cholesterol Ligament Semen
Cholinergic Ligands Senile
Cholinesterase Inhibitors Likelihood Functions Senile Plaques
Chorea Limbic System Septal
Choroid Linear Models Septal Nuclei
Choroid Plexus Linkage Disequilibrium Septum
Chromosomal Lipid Septum Pellucidum
Chronic Disease Lipid Peroxides Sequencing
Chronic renal Lithium Serine
CIS Liver Sertraline
Citalopram Liver scan Serum
Clamp Lobe Serum Albumin
Clinical study Localization Sex Characteristics
Cloning Localized Sex Determination
Coagulation Locomotion Shock
Coca Locomotor Shunt
Cocaine Lod Signal Transduction
Codon Logistic Models Signs and Symptoms
Coenzymes Longitudinal Studies Skeletal
Cofactor Longitudinal study Skeleton
Cognitive restructuring Long-Term Care Skull
Collagen Long-Term Potentiation Sleep apnea
Collapse Loxapine Small intestine
Colloidal Lumbar Smoking Cessation
Colon Lumbar puncture Smooth muscle
Combination Therapy Lutein Cells Social Behavior
Communication Disorders Lymph Social Class
Comorbidity Lymph node Social Environment
Competency Lymphatic Social Isolation
Complement Lymphatic system Social Support
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymphocyte Sodium
Complementary medicine Lymphoid Sodium Channels
Complementation Lymphokines Solid tumor
Complete remission Lymphoma Solvent
Compliance M Soma
Compulsion Macrophage Somatic
Computational Biology Macrophage Activation Soybean Oil
Computed tomography Macula Spasm
Computer Simulation Macula Lutea Spasmodic
Computerized tomography Macular Degeneration Specialist
Conception Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Specificity
Concomitant Magnetoencephalography Spectroscopic
Conduction Maintenance therapy Sperm
Cones Major Histocompatibility Complex Sphenoid
Confounding Malabsorption Spinal cord
Congestion Malignant Spinal tap
Conjugated Malnutrition Spleen
Conjunctiva Mandible Spontaneous Abortion
Connective Tissue Mania Sporadic
Consciousness Manic-depressive psychosis Stabilization
Constipation Manifest Staging
Constitutional Man-made Stasis
Consultation Maternal Deprivation Steady state
Continuum Maxillary Steel
Contraindications, ii Mediate Stereotactic
Contralateral Mediator Stereotyped Behavior
Contrast medium Medical Records Steroid
Contrast Sensitivity Medicament Stillbirth
Control group Mediodorsal Thalamic Nucleus Stimulant
Controlled clinical trial MEDLINE Stomach
Controlled study Meiosis Stool
Convulsions Melanin Strained
Convulsive Melanocytes Strand
Coordination Melanoma Stress management
Coronary Membrane Lipids Striate
Coronary heart disease Memory Striatum
Coronary Thrombosis Meninges Stroke
Corpus Menopause Structure-Activity Relationship
Corpuscle Menstrual Cycle Strychnine
Cortices Menstruation Subacute
Corticosteroids Mental deficiency Subclinical
Cortisol Mental Health Services, iv Subcutaneous
Cranial Mental Processes Subiculum
Cribriform Mental Retardation Submaxillary
Criterion Mentors Subspecies
Crossing-over Mesencephalic Substance P
Cues Mesenchymal Substrate
Curare Mesolimbic Subthalamus
Curative Meta-Analysis Sudden death
Custom-made Metabolite Sulfur
Cutaneous Metabotropic Superoxide
Cyclic Metastasis Superoxide Dismutase
Cycloserine Metastatic Supplementation
Cytokines Methamphetamine Support group
Cytomegalovirus Methionine Suppression
Cytoplasm Methyltransferase Sympathomimetic
Cytoskeleton MI Symphysis
Cytotoxic Microbe Symptomatic
D Microbiology Symptomatology
Data Collection Microdialysis Synapse
Deamination Microglia Synapsis
Decarboxylation Microorganism Synaptic Transmission
Degenerative Microscopy Synchrony
Deletion Microtubule-Associated Proteins Synergistic
Delirium Microtubules Systolic
Delusion Microwaves T
Demyelinating Diseases Migration Tacrine
Dendrites Mobility Tardive
Dendritic Mobilization Telangiectasia
Density Mode of Transmission Telencephalon
Dental Care Modeling Temperament
Dentate Gyrus Modification Temporal Lobe
Dentists Modulator Terminator
Depersonalization Molecular Structure Tetrahydrocannabinol
Depolarization Monitor Thalamic
Depressive Disorder Monoamine Thalamic Diseases
Derealization Monoamine Oxidase Thalamic Nuclei
Dermis Monocytes Therapeutics
Dextroamphetamine Monogenic Thermal
Diabetes Insipidus Mononuclear Third Ventricle
Diabetes Mellitus Monotherapy Thorax
Diagnostic procedure Mood Disorders Threonine
Diastolic Morphine Threshold
Diathesis Morphological Thrombin
Diencephalon Morphology Thrombocytes
Digestion Motility Thrombomodulin
Digestive system Motion Perception Thrombosis
Digestive tract Motivations Thromboxanes
Dihydroxy Motor Cortex Thrush
Dilatation Motor nerve Thyroid
Diploid Movement Disorders Thyroid Gland
Direct, iii Mucosa Thyroid Hormones
Discrete Multicenter study Ticks
Discrimination Multiple sclerosis Time Management
Disorientation Multivariate Analysis Tolerance
Disparity Muscimol Tomography
Disposition Muscle Fibers Tonal
Dissection Muscle relaxant Tone
Dissociation Muscle tension Tonic
Dissociative Disorders Muscular Atrophy Tonus
Distal Muscular Dystrophies Tooth Preparation
Dizziness Myalgia Toxic, iv
Dominance Myasthenia Toxicity
Donepezil Myelin Toxicology
Dopamine Antagonists Myelin Sheath Toxin
Dorsal Myocardium Tracer
Dosage schedule Myosin Trachea
Dosimetry Myotonic Dystrophy Traction
Dreams N Tranquilizing Agents
Drive, ii, vi Naive Transcriptase
Drug Approval Naloxone Transdermal
Drug Interactions Naltrexone Transduction
Drug Tolerance Narcolepsy Transfection
Duodenum Narcotic Translation
Dyskinesia Nasal Cavity Translational
Dysphagia Nasal Mucosa Translocation
Dysphonia Nasal Septum Transmitter
Dysphoric Natural Language Processing Transplantation
Dysplasia Nausea Trauma
Dyspnea NCI Treatment Failure
Dystonia Needs Assessment Treatment Outcome
Dystrophy Neocortex Trees
E Neonatal Tremor
Edema Neonatal period Triad
Effector Neoplasia Tricyclic
Efferent Neoplasm Trigger zone
Elasticity Neoplastic Triglyceride
Elective Neostriatum Trophic
Electric Conductivity Nephropathy Tryptophan
Electric shock Nerve Tubercle
Electrocardiogram Nerve Fibers Tuberous Sclerosis
Electroconvulsive Therapy Networks Tubocurarine
Electrode Neuregulin-1 Tumor Necrosis Factor
Electroencephalography Neuroanatomy Tyramine
Electrolysis Neurodegenerative Diseases Tyrosine
Electrolyte Neuroendocrine U
Electrophoresis Neuroendocrinology Ubiquitin
Electrophysiological Neurofibrillary Tangles Unconscious
Electroplating Neurofilaments Urethra
Electroshock Neurogenic Urinary
Elementary Particles Neurologic Urinary tract
Embryo Neuromuscular Urinary tract infection
Embryo Transfer Neuromuscular Junction Urine
Embryogenesis Neurons Uterus
Embryology Neuropeptide V
Emesis Neuropharmacology Vaccine
Emetic Neurophysiology Vagina
Empirical Neuropil Vaginal
Endemic Neuropsychological Tests Vaginitis
Endocarditis Neurosis Valproic Acid
Endocrine System Neurotensin Vascular
Endogenous Neurotic Vasoconstriction
Endometrium Neurotoxic Vasodilator
Endorphins Neurotoxicity VE
Endothelial cell Neurotoxin Vein
Endothelium Neutrophils Venous
Endothelium-derived Niacin Venter
Endotoxin Nicotine Ventral
End-stage renal Nitric Oxide Ventral Tegmental Area
Energy balance Nitrogen Ventricle
Enhancer Nonverbal Communication Ventricular
Enkephalins Norepinephrine Venules
Entorhinal Cortex Nuclear Vertebrae
Environmental Exposure Nuclear Family Vertigo
Environmental Health Nuclear Medicine Veterinary Medicine
Enzymatic Nuclei Viral
Enzyme Inhibitors Nucleic Acid Hybridization Virulence
Eosinophils Nucleus Accumbens Virus
Epidemic O Visceral
Epidemiologic Studies Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Visual Acuity
Epidemiological Occipital Lobe Visual Cortex
Epidermal Ocular Visual field
Epidermal Growth Factor Oculomotor Visual Pathways
Epidermis Odds Ratio Visual Perception
Epidural Oedema Vitreous
Epigastric Olfaction Vitreous Body
Epinephrine Olfactory Bulb Vitro
Epithalamus Olfactory Nerve Vivo
Epithelial Oligodendroglia Voice Disorders
Epithelial Cells Oligodendroglial Volition
Epithelium Omega-3 fatty acid Vomeronasal Organ
Epitope Oncogene Vomica
Erythrocyte Membrane Opacity W
Erythrocytes Opsin Wakefulness
Esophagus Optic Nerve War
Essential Tremor Oral Health Weight Gain
Estrogen Oral Hygiene White blood cell
Ethanol Orbit Windpipe
Ethmoid Orbital Withdrawal
Ethnic Groups Orofacial X
Eukaryotic Cells Orthostatic Xenograft
Evoke Osmosis Xerostomia
Excipients Osmotic X-ray
Excitability Osteoporosis Y
Excitation Outpatient Yeasts
Excitatory Overexpress Z
Exhaustion Ovum Zymogen
Exocrine Oxidation
Exogenous Oxygen Consumption









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