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A Bibliography, Medical Dictionary,
Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

(Apo-Sucralfate; Carafate; Sulcrate)












Paperback Book

Paperback Book

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Pages  :  188
Price  :  $28.95(USD)
ISBN  :  0497111330
Published  :  2005

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with sucralfate is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so.

   Related Conditions/Synonyms

Apo-Sucralfate; Carafate; Sulcrate




This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to sucralfate. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to sucralfate. If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.



 Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Studies on Sucralfate


The Combined Health Information Database

Federally Funded Research on Sucralfate

E-Journals: PubMed Central

The National Library of Medicine: PubMed

Chapter 2. Nutrition and Sucralfate


Finding Nutrition Studies on Sucralfate

Federal Resources on Nutrition

Additional Web Resources

Chapter 3. Alternative Medicine and Sucralfate


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Additional Web Resources

General References

Chapter 4. Patents on Sucralfate


Patents on Sucralfate

Patent Applications on Sucralfate

Keeping Current

Chapter 5. Books on Sucralfate


Book Summaries: Federal Agencies

Book Summaries: Online Booksellers

Chapters on Sucralfate

Chapter 6. Multimedia on Sucralfate


Video Recordings

Appendix A. Physician Resources


NIH Guidelines

NIH Databases

Other Commercial Databases

Appendix B. Patient Resources


Patient Guideline Sources

Finding Associations

Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries



Finding a Local Medical Library

Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada


Online Dictionary Directories




 Excerpt (Introduction)


In addition to offering a structured and comprehensive bibliography, this medical reference on sucralfate will quickly direct you to resources and reliable information on the Internet, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. Public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research studies are emphasized. Various abstracts are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date. Abundant guidance is given on how to obtain free-of-charge primary research results via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this book are fully interactive with the Internet. For readers unfamiliar with the Internet, detailed instructions are offered on how to access electronic resources. For readers unfamiliar with medical terminology, a comprehensive glossary is provided. For readers without access to Internet resources, a directory of medical libraries, that have or can locate references cited here, is given. We hope these resources will prove useful to the widest possible audience seeking information on sucralfate.


 Words Defined in the Vocabulary Builders

A Epigastric Parietal Lobe
Abdomen Epithelial Particle
Abdominal Epithelial Cells Pathologic
Abdominal Pain Epithelium Pathophysiology
Abrasion Erythrocytes Patient Compliance
Acetylcholine Erythromycin Patient Selection
Acne Esophageal Pelvic
Adenine Esophageal Ulcer Pelvis
Adenocarcinoma Esophageal Varices Pepsin
Adenosine Esophagitis Pepsin A
Adenosine Deaminase Esophagus Peptic Ulcer
Adjuvant Ethanol Peptic Ulcer Hemorrhage
Adrenal Cortex Etoposide Peptide
Adrenergic Evacuation Peptide Chain Elongation
Adsorption Excipient Perforation
Adsorptive Excitability Periodontitis
Adverse Effect Exocrine Peritoneal
Aerobic Exogenous Peritoneal Cavity
Aerosol Extemporaneous Peritoneum
Affinity Extensor Pesticides
Agar External-beam radiation Petrolatum
Agonist Extracellular Petroleum
Albumin Exudate Pharmaceutical Preparations
Alendronate F Pharmaceutical Solutions
Algorithms Faecal Pharmacist
Alimentary Family Planning Pharmacodynamic
Alkaline Famotidine Pharmacokinetic
Alkaline Phosphatase Fat Pharmacologic
Alkaloid Fatty acids Pharynx
Alopecia Feces Phenolphthalein
Alpha Particles Fenoprofen Phenylalanine
Alpha-1 Fermentation Phenytoin
Alprenolol Fertilizers Phosphorus
Alternative medicine Fibrinogen Physicochemical
Aluminum Hydroxide Fibroblast Growth Factor Physiologic
Alveoli Fibroblasts Physiology
Ambulatory Care Fibrosis Pilot study
Amebiasis Fissure Pirenzepine
Amine Fistula Piroxicam
Amino Acids Fleroxacin Pituitary Gland
Ammonia Fluorouracil Plant Oils
Ampulla Fold Plants
Anaesthesia Friction Plaque
Anal G Plasma
Anal Fissure Gallbladder Plasma protein
Analgesic Gamma Rays Platelet Aggregation
Analog Gas Platelet Factor 4
Anesthesia Gas exchange Platelets
Anesthetics Gastric Acid Pleural
Angina Gastric Emptying Pleural cavity
Anginal Gastric Juices Pneumonia
Anions Gastric Mucosa Podophyllotoxin
Anorexia Gastrin Poisoning
Antagonism Gastritis Polyethylene
Antiacid Gastroduodenal Polypeptide
Antibacterial Gastroenteritis Polyposis
Antibiotic Gastroesophageal Reflux Polysaccharide
Antibody Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Polyvalent
Anticholinergics Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Posterior
Anticoagulant Gastrointestinal tract Postmenopausal
Anticonvulsant Gastrointestinal Transit Postoperative
Antidiarrheals Gene Postprandial
Antiemetic Genetics Potassium
Antifungal Genital Potassium Chloride
Antigen Giardiasis Potentiates
Antihypertensive Gingival Pocket Practice Guidelines
Anti-inflammatory Gingivitis Precursor
Anti-Inflammatory Agents Gland Prednisolone
Antimetabolite Glomerular Prednisone
Antimicrobial Glucans Prevalence
Antineoplastic Glucocorticoid Procaine
Antioxidants Glucose Proctitis
Antipruritic Glycoprotein Proctosigmoiditis
Antipyretic Glycoside Progesterone
Anti-Ulcer Agents Gout Progressive
Antiviral Governing Board Prokinetic Drugs
Anus Grafting Proline
Aphthous Stomatitis Gram-negative Prophylaxis
Applicability Gram-positive Prospective study
Aqueous Granule Prostaglandin
Arachidonic Acid Granulocyte Prostaglandins A
Arginine Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Prostate
Arterial Guanylate Cyclase Prostatitis
Arterioles Gyrase Protease
Arteriovenous H Protective Agents
Artery Haematemesis Protein Binding
Ascites Haemostasis Protein C
Aspiration Half-Life Protein S
Aspirin Haptens Proteins
Atrial Heart failure Proton Pump
Atrial Fibrillation Heartburn Proton Pump Inhibitors
Atypical Hemodialysis Protons
Autacoids Hemofiltration Protozoa
Azotemia Hemorrhage Proximal
B Hemorrhoid Pruritic
Bacterial Infections Hepatic Pruritus
Bacterial Translocation Hepatology Psoriasis
Bactericidal Heredity Psychiatry
Bacterium Herpes Public Policy
Barium Herpes Zoster Publishing
Barium Sulfate Heterogeneity Pulmonary
Base Hiatal Hernia Pulmonary Embolism
Base Composition Histamine Purines
Basophils Histamine Agonists Purulent
Belching Histamine Antagonists Pyrimidines
Benign Histidine Q
Bentonite Homeostasis Quality of Life
Beta-Thromboglobulin Homologous Quinidine
Bezoar Hormone Quinine
Bile Hydration R
Bile Acids Hydrochloric Acid Race
Bile Acids and Salts Hydrocortisone Radiata
Bile duct Hydrogen Radiation
Biliary Hydrolysis Radiation therapy
Bilirubin Hydroxylysine Radio Waves
Binding Sites Hydroxyproline Radioactive
Bioavailability Hypersecretion Radiography
Biodegradation Hypertension Radioimmunotherapy
Biosynthesis Hypertrophy Radiolabeled
Biotechnology Hypoxic Radiological
Bismuth I Radiology
Bladder Ibuprofen Radionuclide Imaging
Blister Imidazole Radiopharmaceutical
Bloating Immune adjuvant Radiotherapy
Blood Coagulation Immune system Randomized clinical trial
Blood pressure Immunoglobulins Ranitidine Hydrochloride
Blood vessel Immunologic Reagent
Body Fluids Immunology Rebound effect
Bone Marrow Immunosuppressant Receptor
Bone Marrow Cells Immunosuppression Rectal
Bone Marrow Transplantation Immunosuppressive Rectum
Bowel Immunosuppressive Agents Recurrence
Bowel Movement Implant radiation Reductase
Brachytherapy Implantation Refer
Bradykinin In situ Reflux
Broad-spectrum In vitro Refractory
Bronchi In vivo Regeneration
Bronchial Incision Regimen
Buccal Incompetence Regurgitation
Buffers Indigestion Relapse
Bulking Agents Indomethacin Remission
Bupivacaine Induction Renal failure
C Infarction Reperfusion
Cacao Infection Control Reperfusion Injury
Calcinosis Infestation Resection
Calcium Inflammatory bowel disease Respirator
Calcium Carbonate Infusion Respiratory Physiology
Calcium Channel Blockers Ingestion Rheumatoid
Capsules Inorganic Rheumatoid arthritis
Carbohydrate Insulin Ribose
Carcinogen Intensive Care Risk factor
Carcinoma Intensive Care Units Rod
Cardiac Interleukin-8 Rosiglitazone
Cardiovascular Interleukins S
Cardiovascular disease Internal Medicine Salicylate
Carrier Proteins Internal radiation Saliva
Case report Interstitial Salivary
Caustic Intestinal Salivary glands
Cecum Intestinal Mucosa Sclerotherapy
Cell Cycle Intestine Screening
Cell Division Intracellular Sebaceous
Cell membrane Intraocular Sebaceous gland
Central Nervous System Intraocular pressure Secretion
Cerebral Intravenous Secretory
Cerebral Cortex Intrinsic Seizures
Cerebral Palsy Invasive Semen
Cerebrovascular Involuntary Semisynthetic
Cervical Ionizing Sepsis
Cervix Ions Serum
Character Ipecac Serum Albumin
Chemical Warfare Irradiation Sharpness
Chemical Warfare Agents Irritants Shock
Chemistry, Clinical Ischemia Side effect
Chemoreceptor Isosorbide Dinitrate Sigmoid
Chemotherapy K Sigmoid Colon
Chloroquine Kb Signs and Symptoms
Cholecystectomy Keratinocytes Skeletal
Cholesterol Keratolytic Skeleton
Cholestyramine Ketoconazole Small intestine
Cholinergic L Smooth muscle
Chondrocytes Lacerations Social Environment
Chronic renal Large Intestine Sodium
Cimetidine Laxative Soft tissue
Ciprofloxacin Lesion Solitary Rectal Ulcer
Cisplatin Lethal Solvent
Clarithromycin Leucine Soma
Clinical Medicine Leukotrienes Somatic
Clinical study Levofloxacin Spasm
Clinical trial Levothyroxine Spastic
Cloning Lidocaine Spasticity
Coagulation Ligament Specialist
Colitis Ligation Species
Collagen Linkages Specificity
Collagen disease Lipopolysaccharide Spectroscopic
Colloidal Lipoprotein Spectrum
Colon Lipoxygenase Inhibitors Sphincter
Colorectal Liver Spleen
Colorectal Cancer Localization Stabilization
Combination Therapy Localized Stenosis
Complement Lower Esophageal Sphincter Steroids
Complementary and alternative medicine Lymph Stimulant
Complementary medicine Lymph node Stimulus
Computational Biology Lymphatic Stomatitis
Concomitant Lymphocytes Stool
Concretion M Streptococci
Confusion Macrophage Stress
Conjunctiva Maintenance therapy Stress Ulcer
Conjunctivitis Malignant Stricture
Connective Tissue Malnutrition Stromal
Consciousness Mange Subacute
Constriction Manometry Subclinical
Contraindications, ii Mechanical ventilation Subcutaneous
Contrast medium Mediate Submaxillary
Controlled clinical trial Medical Staff Substance P
Controlled study Medicament Substrate
Coronary MEDLINE Sulfur
Corpus Mefenamic Acid Supportive care
Cortisol Megestrol Suppression
Cortisone Membrane Proteins Suspensions
Creatinine Mental, iv Symphysis
Crowns Mesenchymal Symptomatic
Curative Mesenteric Symptomatic treatment
Cutaneous Meta-Analysis Synaptic
Cyclic Methotrexate Synaptic Transmission
Cyclodextrins Methylcellulose Systemic
Cysteine Methylprednisolone Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cytochrome Metoclopramide Systemic therapy
Cytokine Metronidazole T
Cytotoxic Microbe Tear Gases
Cytotoxicity Microbiological Technetium
D Microbiology Tetracycline
Decarboxylation Microcirculation Theophylline
Decontamination Microorganism Thrombin
Defecation Micro-organism Thrombomodulin
Degenerative Microscopy Thrombosed
Dental Abutments Microwaves Thrombosis
Dental Caries Migration Thyroid
Dentifrices Milliliter Thyroxine
Dentures Mineralization Titre
Dermatitis Misoprostol Tone
Detoxification Mitotic Tonometry
Deuterium Modification Topical
Developed Countries Molecular Toxic, iv
Diagnostic procedure Molecule Toxicity
Diaphragm Monoclonal Toxicology
Diarrhea Monocytes Toxin
Diarrhoea Monotherapy Trachea
Diathermy Motility Tragacanth
Dicyclomine Mucins Transfection
Diflunisal Mucosa Translocating
Digestion Mucosal Lining Translocation
Digestive system Mucositis Transplantation
Digestive tract Mucus Trauma
Dilator Multicenter study Tremor
Direct, iii Muscle relaxant Trichomoniasis
Disaccharides Muscle Spindles Trigger zone
Disinfectant Mustard Gas Tryptophan
Dissociation Myocardial infarction Tunica
Distal N U
Diuresis Nadolol Ulceration
Dopamine Naproxen Ulcerative colitis
Dosage Forms Nasogastric Ulcerogenic
Double-blind Nausea Ultrafiltration
Double-blinded Necrosis Unconscious
Drug Interactions Neoplasms Unresectable
Duct Neuromuscular Uraemia
Duodenitis Neurons Uranium
Duodenum Neurotransmitter Urea
Dysmenorrhea Neutralization Uremia
Dyspepsia Neutrons Urethra
Dysphagia Neutrophils Urinary
Dystrophic Nicotine Urine
E Nitric Oxide Uterus
Ectopic Nitroglycerin V
Eczema Nizatidine Vaccines
Edema Nonulcer Dyspepsia Vagina
Efficacy Norfloxacin Vaginal
Elastin Nosocomial Vaginitis
Elective Nucleic acid Varicose
Electrolyte O Varicose vein
Electrons Occult Vascular
Emboli Occult Blood Vasoconstriction
Embolism Ocular Vasodilator
Embolization Odour Vein
Embryo Oedema Venous
Emesis Oesophagitis Venous Thrombosis
Emetic Office Management Ventilation
Emetine Ofloxacin Venules
Emollient Ointments Veterinary Medicine
Emulsion Omeprazole Villi
Enamel Oral Health Villous
Endogenous Oral Hygiene Virulence
Endoscope Osmotic Virus
Endoscopic Osteoarthritis Viscera
Endoscopy Osteomalacia Viscosity
Endothelial cell Osteoporosis Vitro
Endothelium Outpatient Vivo
Endothelium-derived Ovulation W
End-stage renal Ovum Warfarin
Enema Oxidation White blood cell
Enprostil Oxytocic Windpipe
Environmental Health P Wound Healing
Enzymatic Palate X
Enzyme Palliative Xanthines
Enzyme Inhibitors Pamidronate X-ray
Eosinophil Pancreas X-ray therapy
Epidermal Pancreatic Z
Epidermal Growth Factor Pancreatic Juice Zymogen
Epidermis Paralysis
Epidermolysis Bullosa Parietal









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